Supreme Demon

Chapter 1309: When it comes to success!

Tianyu is cool! Su

Kill the air!

Ling Feng’s sentence was too heart-wrenching. The female emperor was a arrogant woman. Why was she weaker than a man?


The second emperor did not put them in the eyes, patriarchal, let the three female emperors feel the heart, they swayed the road, asked forward, will step on the foot of this world, why have you been insulted? This

A moment.

They looked to the second emperor's eyes full of chills, the rules of space are shining, to suppress them and teach them to be human. Of course


Just when they were going to do it, Ling Feng said with a look of anger and fascination. "Who said that women are not as good as men? The three female emperors are in the air, they have already suppressed the world, how can they be worse than men?"

They are the moon in the sky! ”

"They are Wandaoxinghe!"

"They are fallen fairy!"

"In our eyes, Wu Di regardless of gender, they are the Emperor Wu should deserve more rewards and praise, we have not asked, this is not as good as them!"

Righteous words! he

Intense debate! he

It is the hero who stands in the air and is determined to win this world glory for women!

"If you dare to despise the female emperor, you despise us. When I ask for it, I am the first to kill you!"


The second emperor looked at Ling Feng with a stern look. He was just laughing at Ling Feng and so on. He could only rely on a woman to prop up this sky. He did not despise the meaning of the three female emperors, but Ling Feng wanted to mean this. When the light is big, when the three female emperors completely hate him.

"This shameless!"

The second emperor almost gasped, Ling Feng not only disintegrated himself and waited for the embarrassing situation, but also praised the three female emperors by the way, and pushed him out to become the target of the female emperor’s blood, that is, the eyes of the little fish looked to the second demonic Not so friendly.


She knows that Ling Feng is obscuring the meaning of the words of the second emperor, but the second emperor does not look down on women.

"Do not talk nonsense, come to war!"

The second emperor did not explain, this time the explanation is useless. "

I am coming to marry you! ”

Ling Qing was full of anger, and the eyes of the gods burst into a cold awn, and the piece of earth was frozen. she was

Step by step, he came to the second demo emperor, facing the two Emperors, and the rain fell to the first demo emperor, the blood in his hand released a massive blood, overwhelming, when the down, Wan Datong collapse. boom

rumble. day

The sound is soaring, tearing the void, blood in the hands of the heavenly characters bursting out to make the nine-day eclipse of the world. "

war! ”

The first emperor was full of seriousness. He had previously suffered a loss in this bloody, and now he has become very cautious. A space has flowed out, flowing through the mountains and rivers, and a creature flies in it and flies down. thorn


The skylight burst, the same shape as the stars, banned from the blood.

This is a life-and-death matchup. "

Xianting Town Wanmo! "strong

When the sound fell, when he fell, a space flew out of him, and the virtual light shone, and there was no match. But at that moment, there was a fairy court in the space, at the center, and thousands of lights fell from the fairy court. Down, inextricably, every rule is a rule. Fairy

Court rules! Boom

! that

The seat of Xianting came from the emptiness of the air. Tens of thousands of lights rushed to the female emperor, tearing up the void, and the terrible power reached a daunting level. At least the top half of the emperor was in front of such power. The collapse is not an order of magnitude. Of course

and. that

The female emperor who flew out from the Eight Doors, full of contempt, did not put the swearing in her eyes.

next moment.

She took a step forward and slammed it down. The fist was different from other Wudi. When it was shot, there was a living creature, red as blood, feathers like a knife, which could tear Tianyu. When it fell, let the mountain river collapse. day

God bird! This

It is the world's top living creature, has the extraordinary strength to suppress the real dragon, and she is different from the proud bird. The blood in her body has completely awakened, exploding endless potential, and the power of the emperor is also.

The loud noise. that

The fist light formed by the gods of the gods is fierce and fierce. It directly penetrates the rules of Xianting, splashes Wandao, and then falls on Xianting. The terrible wave will turn over the void in an instant, and the black hole will appear. .

then. strong

His face was ugly, and he couldn't help but step back backwards. There was a crack in his abdomen. The blood of Yinhong was coming out of the crack, and the female emperor was still moving, arrogant.

Just a punch! Will

Let the emperor's cast of the emperor collapse, how much is the stalwart body eclipsed? Do not

To say that the fierceness, that is, the first demons, small fish and other complexes have changed several times, the power of the female emperor is really terrible, and any one of them is afraid of blood on the female emperor.

What's more, there are two female emperors, Rain and Lingqing. Take

Reversing the current strength of God can completely slow down the time, when the candle dragon asks for success, then they have no way to live.

"Don't wait, I will wait until I can do my best!"

A demon emperor said, reminding the other two emperors, do not hide, do not do their best, today they will die here.

"That will be the **** battle, end this battle!"

The little fish became violent, and between the open hands, the polar space appeared, like a star running, and then she stepped into the polar space and disappeared directly into the people. pole


Incorporating one's own body into the space, the top Tianwei came to kill the opponent.


A short knife appeared in the space, stabbed Lingqing with an incredible degree, and a small star appeared on the blade. When approaching Lingqing, it suddenly exploded. boom

! small

The fish's galloping body came to an abrupt end, and was held up by the power of the horrible power to swoop, and the short knife carried the raging star fragments and shot to Ling Qing. each

A piece of debris is the Emperor level! This

It is the storm of the Emperor Wu of the Stars! "

collapse! Ling

The clearing of the road was cold, and the lightning shot, a narrow sword appeared in the sleeve, suddenly squatting behind him, the space lit a narrow sword, and the tremble was trembled, and a large piece of light rain fell from the empty sky, facing the sky. Ding


The brittle sound of the loud blast exploded, and the blast exploded into a piece of scorpion, which buried the piece of earth.


At this time, the second magical demon net opened, the terrible heavenly space was unfolding among them, letting the magic net burst into an infinite number of heavenly powers and hit Lingqing.

"Open!" Ling

The face is heavy, and at the same time facing the two emperors, even she can't afford it. when

a tremor.

The sword in her hand squatted on the magic net, and the tremolo sounds, two different spatial rules were killed in the void, and the giant force on the sword was to destroy the magic net. suddenly

However, Ling Qing snorted, back injury, was hurt by the stars fragments, pierced from the shoulders and chest, and the rules of heaven burst in his body, let her spurt a blood, his face became pale. Do not

Do not say. Two

If the Tiandao characters are serious, even Lingqing is not enough to see. "

Ice fairy! ”

Ling Qing violently opened his mouth, his eyebrows shone, and a fairy was flying from it. It was like a life, like a mist cast, releasing thousands of cold awns, freezing a thousand miles, and the vast mightpower was still swaying around. . Are

Engraved. that

The fragments of the stars that came from the shooting collapsed, and the magic net was also turned over by the students and hit the distance.


The situation is not optimistic. Under the constant oppression of the two Emperors, Ling Qing is in danger and his injuries are heavier. He will bleed from time to time, but she has survived this situation.

"Battle!" Ling

Fengshen was cold and Ling Qing was injured, which made him stimulated and urged the female emperor to solve the fierce as soon as possible.

"Hey!" That

The female emperor snorted and was very dissatisfied with Ling Feng, but she knew that she could not offend the wind, and if she did not solve the fierceness as soon as possible, the gods at the scene were in danger.

thus. she was

With a light drink, the body's strength is fully blown out, and the power of the frenzy is quickly pushed forward. Then she shines with her eyes and thunder and lightning, which seems to be higher than the sky.

Double eyes are on the world!嗡

! One

The field storm appeared, it was cast by space, and the inside was shining with the shadow of the gods, sitting on its origins, and because of this terrible space, because of the two eyes, it immediately pushed its overall strength to the unpredictable.

"The sky cracks!"

The female emperor disdained the future of the past and the present, and a horrible force suddenly flew out of his eyes, with a dive gesture, rushing. that

It is a hurricane!

That is a sword!

Straight for nine days!

At that moment, the virtual sky collapsed, the sky was cracking, and the black hole was ruthlessly strangled. Only the hurricane of the sword was moving forward. On the same day, the gods were marching to the Emperor Wu, and the two gods really broke out. . day

crack! it

Be worthy of these names!

"Xianxian Town Jiuxian!"

The screaming face is heavy, knowing that there are terrible opponents, the other party has already stepped into the realm of Wudi, and it is a **** god, is it easy to claim a race that can suppress the real dragon?


When the female emperor started, he also made a full blow, Xianting space was born, and nine of them were flying on it. All of them were suppressed by Xianting, and instantly let Xianting pass through the sky and rain to cover up the world.

Boom! when

When the fairy court fell, the sky was falling. boom


The two forces are destined to be divided into life and death. The ancient courts are old, but the sky is more ancient. When the two forces collide, no sputum is spattered, only because the crickets are being annihilated. but

The terrible celestial sounds were in the presence of the gods, and the volatility of the sky was very fierce. This piece of earth was cut off three hundred feet on the spot to form a large rift. Fairy

A fairy flies out of the court, raising his hand against the female emperor, and the sky is falling apart, but it is still difficult to cover the sky and the light rain, it slowly collapses, let the fairy fall, let the fairy court stir. Card

rub. Do not

For a long time, Xianting cracked, and nine centuries were killed.


He sighed with sorrow, and he was smashed by the sky, and the red blood ignited the void, burning the heavens and the earth, and the terrible light rain was tearing the black hole.

He was hit hard! people

They were eclipsed, and they did not expect that the female emperor would be so powerful that she could reinvent the fierceness with her eyes alone. Of course

However, when people want to exclaim, they can't help but be attracted by the skylight rain on the top of the head. At that time, the candle dragon climbed to the top, and the color of the thunder was swaying. Yesterday

I was sick late, I didn't have time to inform everyone, I am very sorry, I saw a lot of people scolding me today, I am relieved.

Sorry. Js3v3

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