Supreme Demon

Chapter 1314: Evil Emperor!

A full five Wudi! This

In the ancient road, it can be pushed horizontally, and there are two characters from the ancient times, the strength is unfathomable, and the non-first demons and small fish can match.

and. candle

The way of the dragon question is even more different. The Dragon Palace came out. How many characters in the world can suppress it? This

Five Wudi emperors came out, and it was not a problem to crush them. I thought of it here, the first demons, small fish, etc. would be cold and sweaty, if it was not Lingfeng and other taboos, the chaos of the Phoenix Nest Center became alive, fearing that they are now Rushing is to die. he

They are cold and chilly. too


All along, they feel that the anti-God is weak, not as good as the Mozu and Death List, but it is not until now that they really realize how terrible the anti-God is. They have been concealing and have never shown real strength. Now

in. candle

When the dragon asks for success, the chaos becomes alive and the soul is born, and there is no need to conceal the rebellious god. It directly sacrifices the true strength and annihilates the gods.

In fact.

The chaos and nine spirits were also shocked and ugly. I didn't think that the anti-God was still concealed until now, and the old man appeared, so that he felt trembled, and the line would have a terrible power in the body of the wood.

Bang! positive

At this moment, the terrible chaotic light will come over, because the wind retreats and pushes the old man out, so the chaotic light hits the old man. wind

Candle years? when

When the chaotic light appeared in front of the old man, he suddenly opened his eyes and raised his cane to meet the chaotic light.


The time and space are fixed, the sound disappears, and the picture feels eternal.

An old man holding a cane and holding a living chaotic light, the old body is full of embarrassment, but there is no enchanting momentum. he

The corner of the mouth is slightly raised, looking directly at the chaotic light. "

Is it so powerful? ”

The old man said lightly, the crutches in his hands forced the smash of chaotic light in an instant, and the crutches actually had the power to kill the chaotic light, making people's faces more ugly, which is the old monster?

"Before you are born, you will meet an opponent like you!"

The old man’s evil charm smiles.. “This chaotic emperor is not enough. Can you know if the person in the heart can satisfy me?”


He opened his mouth to the air, like a whale swallowing the sea, swallowing the sky full of gas, swallowing, and also hit a full. full

It’s awkward.

People look to the old man with awe. How many characters in the world can swallow the air as a spring? Want


In the air, there is a lot of powerful elements. The power is quite powerful. Generally, if the Emperor Wu would dare to swallow, he would be seriously injured in the blood, and he would not be able to pay for it. But the old man did not have such jealousy. After swallowing the air, he calmed and stood without any abnormal reaction. "

Unfortunately, it is not chaotic! ”

The old man’s evil charm smiled.. “There is such power in the virtual body. Is it true that it is already casting a real chaos? It is rare, but it is precious!”


The two chaos and nine generations became more and more horrified. The old man was too horrible. At first glance, he was able to see the true spirit of the chaos, and it was still so dull, which made him jump. Display

Of course.

The old man is not aiming at them, but the real body, to win chaos. "

Chaos method! ”

The old man lifted and looked at the light rain that was being oppressed. He said lazily. "Is this going to smelt me ​​together in one furnace?"

Although his voice is light and coughing from time to time, but the questioning voice makes the chaos and nine souls feel the huge pressure, he can see through the candle dragon, can see Tianqi half-transparent, but can not see the old man. "

Who are you? "Chaotic nine changes into a spirit asked."

The years are too far, I have forgotten. "that

The old man meditated for a moment, and this was faintly said. "However, they call me evil emperor!"

Evil Emperor!

This title makes many gods shudder, how can you be honored by this kind of enchantment?

and. people

We are keenly aware that the old man is indeed a bit evil, the eyes are very evil, the means is very evil, that is, the breath that is occasionally scattered is full of evil charm, but it is not so evil.

However, the picture of the old man who swallowed the air makes people feel that he is qualified to call the evil spirit, but it is far from the evil emperor.

"Oh, they will soon realize it."

Ling Feng’s sly smile, when he persuaded the evil emperor to spend a lot of effort, with Tian Qi and **** to suppress, and promised many interests, but also sacrificed to the Taoist map to let the evil emperor study, this Only let the evil emperor tempted and gave birth to help him.

This is a character who makes Tianqi jealous. miss you

It used to be a man who was shocked for nine days. It is a pity that he was too evil. This led to the burning of Tianzun, which was suppressed in blood.

"The evil emperor? Never heard of it!"

That chaos has changed into a soul for a moment, only to shake his head and say. Million

Ancient is too long. evil

The emperor was born in the early days, and he just met the more arrogant Burning Heaven. After that, he disappeared into the world. People have already forgotten this once-stunned figure, and the chaotic nine-year-old creature was born in the end of the ancient times. In the endless years, he did not know that the evil emperor was normal.

"I know!"

The evil emperor is not surprised at all. He coughs and tears his heart, and he is worried that he will be fart in the next second. "

Are you going to stop me? "Chaos has changed into a cold and open mouth."

Do not stop! Out

Unexpectedly, the evil emperor actually said such a sentence. Are

In the meantime, the whole atmosphere has become different. Lingfeng, Tianqi and other faces are heavy. They are worried that releasing a terrible creature will counter them. "

Then let it go! ”

Chaos has become a happy creature, and I did not expect the evil emperor to be sensible.

It’s ridiculous, but for three seconds, the evil emperor spoke again and said, “But I want to borrow something from you.”


The chaotic nine-changing spirit laughter came to an abrupt end, and some vigilantly asked. "What do you want to borrow?"

"Let you be full of anger, borrowing you from the blood!"

The emperor coughed fiercely. "I am too old, I am afraid that I will live for a few years. Your body and blood can make me live again, and I will borrow it."


Chaos nine changes to the face color is more ugly, this old goods is darker than Ling Feng, Ling Feng just wants him to drop the blood and clear air, and this goods must be covered.

Isn't this going to kill him?

"Old things, do you really feel that you are invincible?" Chaos nine changed into a spirit of anger and said unstoppable. "

Invincible does not dare to be, but raw food you should not have a problem! ""

court death! ”

Chaos has changed into a violent anger, and lightning has come to kill, and it is two virtual bodies. It is a pity that one of the virtual bodies was stopped by Tian Qi and carried out shopping. Now the situation is good for them, although the strength of the evil emperor is unfathomable. Who can be sure that his old body can withstand the murder of two chaotic nine-year-old spirits?

call out! Mixed

Chaotic light casts a chaotic knife, falling from the void, eight chaotic shackles appearing, and all-round hit the evil emperor. day

Wei Hao Dang, embezzled the mountains and rivers. This

It is the chaos of the nine generations of the spirit of the body and the full force of the blow, it is necessary to let the evil emperor blood, he is very confident in this attack.

In an instant. that

The chaotic knife of the handle appears in front of the evil emperor, and the eight shackles are appearing around the evil emperor. Together with the suppression of the evil emperor, the true emperor must be seriously injured and dying. he

The body really can't hold such a crit. Of course

and. on

When Ling Feng waited for fear, the evil emperor smiled and held his hand, but the mouth was Zhang Da, and he rushed to the void, zooming in, like a blush bag, covering a thousand miles. call

. that

The chaotic knife of the handle suddenly disappeared, and then the eight shackles were also dark at this moment, and all fell into the big mouth of the evil emperor. that

Like the entrance to the nine secluded, like the gate of the government.

Even the chaos knife and chaos shackles can be swallowed up, the impact of the screen is too strong, so many people directly shocked, have never heard of such things.

The evil emperor actually eats that power! "

Not enough! ”

The evil emperor licked his mouth and said, "It’s too young and tender, not enough."


Hey, is he eating meat?

Chaos nine changes in the soul almost blown up, but soon his face will be gray, only because the evil emperor opened his mouth, covering nine days, even shrouded him, let him clear and tumbling, how terrible The air wave can still be unbearable. "

Oh! ”

He screamed fiercely and fell directly into the mouth of the evil emperor, and he swallowed it. "

Eat... Eat? "people

They couldn't help but swallow. They only felt that the stomach was over the river and almost bit the tongue and head. What old monster is this?

this moment.

People finally learned the evil spirits of the evil emperor. When they dare to eat the Emperor Wu, they were alive and well. boom

Long. Of course

However, the chaos has become extraordinary, even if it falls in the stomach of the evil spirits, it can also play nine days of light, stirring on the stomach of the evil spirits, and tearing away from it. "

Come, it will help me to live again! "evil

The emperor's enchanting smile, a punch on the stomach, the power of horror when the chaos nine changes the spirit of sorrow, the power collapses, the flesh and blood into the mud, even if it is close to the chaos of the gas in front of the evil emperor is not enough to see. under

A moment. that

Endless power poured into the body of the evil spirits, letting his flesh and blood recover, like the dry old trees get moisturized by the spring water, and the dead branches are full of prosperity.


Thunder in his body, the old skin of the body is detaching, and the new skin is re-growth, and the old body is also revived for the second spring, becoming tall and strong, and the blood of the dry and decaying is also booming at this moment. This

It is a metamorphosis. evil

With the help of chaos, the Emperor took advantage of the nine-day spirit to smash the old blood, exchange new blood, remove the turbid power, change the air, release the top pressure, and relive the life in a short time. Pleat

The wrinkles disappeared, the squat body was straight, and the old dragon clock became strong and healthy.

Not much time. One

The middle-aged man with a strong temperament and a fascinating temperament stands in front of the people. The back seems to be subduing a big dragon. The horrible picture makes the demon in the field eclipsed, and the old evil emperor is so terrible. And what about the evil emperor at the peak of life? late


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