Supreme Demon

Chapter 1353: Lost love hippocampus!

The imaginary air is dull!

People can't help but go backwards, including the hurricane, only the sea otter still doesn't know the situation, and there is a cold-eyed look, to smash the beast.



These two words are like barbed, tied in the heart of the beast, making his suffocation heavier, the eyes are full of blood, like a wounded beast, when it is lifted At the time, the light of the Sen Han was like two swords, and stabbed to the sea.


The singer beasts and screams, and the gas is straight. "I will know that you are just a reptile in the sea!"


The beast of the beast is moving forward, and the chest is sturdy, killing it with enthusiasm. "Ye is the beast!"


He flew to the front of the sea otter, the **** eyes are facing the eyes of the sea otter, the momentum of the body can not cover up, spewing out, the sea water will be swayed for five thousand miles, and the world will suppress the world. Until now, the smile on the face of Haishu disappeared, and the cold hair was upside down. I didn’t think that the beast of the beast was so attached. The previous strength was not obvious, so that he didn’t see through it, so he dared to despise it, and wait until his power really appeared. That crazy and the world

He is trembled.

To know.

The Mingtian beast is a half-step into the life of Tianzun. He wants to hide the power. Even Tianqi, the heavenly spirit, wants to see it is not easy, let alone the sea otter?

"You are a cock?"

The sea otter said subconsciously, it was entirely instinctive, only because of the sound of the beast, not the female, but the male.


This is more stimulating to the beast of the beast, and it feels insulted by multiple times. Just because the sea otter has a question mark behind the cock, does he grow very female?

"I am sorry, I admit it wrong!"

Haishu said with some horror: "I don't know you are a cock!"


Ling Feng, Tian Qi, etc. think that this sea otter is too dead, to the extent of the pride of the beast of the beast, is called the **** dare to fight with him, not to mention the insults?

He is a beast!

However, the sea otter still does not know the apology of life and death, using the words "accept the wrong", is he showing off his vocabulary?

"You do your best!"

Mingtian animal hair is blasting, he said seriously. "Don't say that I bully you!"

"Nature is to do everything!"

The sea otter said coldly, although he was very vigilant against the Mingtian beast, he still had not shaken his confidence. Because he was the first day of the hippocampus, at this level for three thousand years, he did not believe that the beast of the beast can be tempered. terrible.


The space on his body flew out, the momentum was turbulent, and the sea was five thousand miles away. It was no less than the beast of the beast, and his space rule came from the sea of ​​heaven, so it was mixed with heavy pressure and released silver light. Then they directly hit the Mingtian beast.


When the silver light space flew out, it immediately evolved into a sharp sword, and the silvery light slammed into the beast of the beast. The space rule was stirring, stirring the wind and rain.

"Do your best!"

The beast of the beast is awesome, and said coldly. "I am afraid that it will be too easy for me to kill you!"

The voice has not yet fallen, he has rushed to the sea.

The next moment, he punched out with a punch, carrying the worldly frenzy, hitting the sea otter, no eye-catching light rain, only the winter punch, the space rules are all integrated into it, there seems to be a golden **** in Crow.

This is the way the Mingtian beast tempered the ages!

The loud noise. The sea level bursts directly, the waves rise across the sky, and many souls are directly escaped. The fear is spread by this force. However, although the sea is not so big, it is still not to be underestimated. The strong seabed is overwhelmed by this force. Flip

The river fell to the sea.

The fist of the Mingtian beast is on the silver sword, and there is a metal vibrato. There is a moment of stalemate. Then the fist of the beast is pushed forward strongly, and the silver sword is collapsed. In front of the sea.

A bang.

The sea otter is like a kite that has been cut off. The lightning flies backwards and falls heavily in the sea. The chest skin is fleshy, and the red blood is overflowing from the chest, making him look ugly and more shocked.

Just a punch, but directly disintegrate his space rules.


The Mingtian beast did not let him think more, his body flashed, he pushed forward, and he came by a fist, carrying the sound of the collapse of the waves, and the vastness of the world, in which the rooster crows in the golden rule, directly tearing Tianyu .

"Sea hits the sky!"

The sea otter became solemn, knowing that he met a terrible opponent, and used the top-level tactics of the hippocampus, flying a trident in his hand, piercing the sea, and even breaking through the sky, from which he sputtered a bright sun, with silver light Melt, the thorn will come out.


That is, the sea hitting the sky is just a chicken and a dog in front of the beast.

When the fist of the Mingtian beast advanced, the trigeminal screamed a screaming scream, and was smashed by the students, and the bright sun and the silver light on it collapsed on the spot, so the punch of the singer was shot down in the sea. Chest.


Mixed with the snoring of the sea otter, a large piece of blood spilled from its mouth, and the ribs on the chest collapsed at this moment, injuring the internal organs.

Just two punches


The sea otter is a bit serious, but what makes the hippocampus tremble is that the top-level techniques of the hippocampus are disintegrated. Then what other forces can they hold the beast?

Just a poultry, even to this extent, how can we not let them lose color?

in fact.

The sea otters have already lost here, but the hippocampus does not admit that they are too eager for the space and want to succeed. I hope that the sea otters can exert more strength to suppress the beasts.

The hippocampus does not speak, and Ling Feng and so on will not open.


Is the beast of the beast angry?

This big **** has no other hobbies, that is, he loves to avenge himself. Ling Feng can now hold him down, but he must definitely take a sip on Ling Feng in the future. It is better to let him vent his anger on Haitang. The Haima people have a lesson.


The sound of the beast of the beast is so fascinating that the power of the world has come out, and the roads cover the sky, and the pressure is overwhelmed. The sea otters are stunned and bloody.

"hen, I want your whole family to become a hen!" said the beast of the beast, and a paw smashed down, sealing the sea otter directly to the bottom of the sea, flashing the wings is a slamming, and this time the beast The performance of the hippocampus is suffocating. In front of the rules of the world, the rules of the hippocampus are actually

However, the direct disappearance of the smoke, completely can not stand the rules of the world.

Other hippocampus are directly black, that is, the golden seahorse Tianzun is also like this, only because the Haishu family also includes them.

of course.

What they are more worried about now is the sea otter. The sea otter that falls completely under the wind feels bleak, but until now the golden hippocampus has not yet opened.

"You are forcing me, you are forcing me!"

The sea otter was full of anger and bloody, and his face was crazy, as if he was making a decision.

"But a seahorse!"

The beast of the beast is completely inappropriate, and the face of the hippocampus is arrogant, and the hippocampus is quickly made into a pig's head.


Suddenly, the sea screamed with a sorrowful sorrow, and then rushed out hard, tearing the chest on the spot, mad at the face, looking at the beast and said: "I want to make your hen a dog!"

Finished. Intense light rain spewed out of his chest, with a **** red rain, a bottle of water appeared in front of the people, releasing the top light, pouring inward, to suppress the beast of the beast, obviously this is The strongest bottle that Haitang has always hidden



What Haishu did not think was that the Mingtian beast did not panic, but directly launched bloody, terrible blood and rain to cover the sky, so that Tianzun was moved.

next moment.

Bloody forward, directly seal the bottle, cover it completely, and then bloody, then the bottle will be suppressed and taken away.

When the blood disappeared, only the lonely sea otter was bleeding. He was stunned and squatted on the spot, but he did not know what to do next.

The top treasure has been taken away by this suppression?

He does not speak, and the beast is the default.

He stepped forward, slammed the sea otter on the bottom of the sea, screamed at the sea, and made the other hippocampus of the hippocampus scream.

When they appeared in the bottle, they seemed to be mad and ecstatic.

Only a moment, the treasure bottle became the bag of the beast of the beast, which made them completely stunned.

Haitang cried!

It was the crying of the beast of the beast, the body was seriously injured, and the treasure was taken. He felt that he was not as good as a chicken.

Hen chicken!

He thought in his heart.


At this time, the golden seahorse Tianzun had to open, and the sea otter was like a chicken and a dog in front of the singer. It was not worth mentioning at all, and the **** scorpion was terrible. It belonged to the top sacred treasure, and it was not a treasure with the bottle. level.

In this way, Haishu is only afraid of being scrapped.

He asked the sea otter. "What the **** are you doing? Didn't you say that there was no serious injury?"

He looked at the sea otter until he didn't want to give up the space at this time. As long as Haishu gave a more reasonable reason, he would like to take it back.


The sea otter screamed loudly, and the crying was even more miserable. It was really difficult for a heavenly spirit to be beaten like this.

"What the **** are you going on?"

The golden seahorse said with a wink. "I remember that when you were in the family, you were not as weak."


The sea otter is flashing, knowing the meaning of the golden seahorse, but for a time he really couldn’t think of a more appropriate reason. Suddenly he flashed his eyes and said with painful heart. "Tianzun, I am in love!"


Falling rain and laughing, Ling Feng Waner, that is, the two cold Wudi of the candle dragon and Tian Qi can not help but this reason is really amazing.

I have to say that the hippocampus have the space and the bottom line and the bottom pants.

A heavenly soul is lost!

"Stop, my family has lost love, and did not show the top strength, otherwise it may not be him!" The golden hippocampus said sadly. "He is very sad, lost love in his later years, it is a hippocampus' first love!" It is not a scruples of the image, it is estimated that the characters present will laugh a lot.

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