Supreme Demon

Chapter 1355: One **** town hundred!


Ling Feng stood in the middle, smiles piled up, like a rainy season boy, no cold light, no more temperament, only Feng Shen as jade body and smile.

It is different from the Xeon of Wannian.

It is more different from the suffocation of the Mingtian beast.

He doesn't seem to have much terrible space, just trying to maintain the image of anti-god.


The hippocampus gods did not despise. The previous sea otters had suffered losses. Those who knew that the gods looked weak were not necessarily true weaknesses, but they were even more convinced that the hundred gods could suppress the wind.

What's more, there are three and a half imperial creatures.

"Point to the end?"

When the golden hippocampus heard this vocabulary, it was more reassuring. I was afraid that Ling Feng was worried about the miserableness of being beaten behind him.

of course.

When the real fierce battle begins, who will be merciful? Those gods can not hesitate, the sea otters are so miserable, as long as they let the opportunity seize, let Lingfeng be more desolate.

"However, I have to ask in advance!"

When the hundred gods flew, Ling Feng asked. "You should have no lovelorn or serious injury. If you can't develop top strength, then you should quit early."


Hundreds of gods said with a smile, staring at Ling Feng is like staring at prey.

"That is to say that you can show top strength?" Ling Feng laughed back.


The one hundred gods, this is the limit that the golden hippocampus can fight for. If they are still unable to keep the wind and look for reasons, then what other faces do they have?

"Then come!"

Ling Feng indicated that the hundred gods could do it. He didn't want to drag the matter too long.


His Dantian was sprayed thin, and there was no power of turmoil. There was only a peaceful forbidden soil, which appeared in front of the people. It was surrounded by a radius of five miles and was placed on the bottom of the sea, while Lingfeng flew directly into the forbidden soil.

A snow tree is not too high.

The petals of the three colors are scattered around and are distinct.

It does not show its power, does not show its strength, calm and prosperous, and outlines the beauty of the world. At this moment, it is placed between the petals, leaning against the snow trees, and the corners of the mouth rise, as if it is integrated into this peaceful little world.

"What is this pain?"

The old man looked at Lingfeng and sighed, what was it like to say that he was so hard?

But in reality, the tens of thousands of years old are sighing for the hippocampus gods, why bother to get rid of this man?

The flowers are out of the ground!

At that time, the forbidden soil cast by the overall strength of Lingfeng Dantian, to contain the top power, disintegrate the world, in the forbidden soil, Ling Feng is the real king, do not say the gods, that is, the heavenly characters must pay attention.

The gods of the gods are curious to look at the forbidden soil. They have heard the many magics of the people, but they have never seen the gorgeous show of Lingfeng.

and. They did not sense the terrible power in the forbidden soil. The forbidden soil committee was too calm and too weak, as if a force was pressed down to destroy it, but they felt that the forbidden soil should be terrible, only because Forbidden soil belongs to people

the Lord.

“Top bustling!”

The rainy road is bright, I want to immerse myself.. "It's just beautiful!"

The space power of others is either to the hegemony or the cold, that is, the space before Ling Feng is also like this, and there has never been such a beautiful space power, like to write poetry and painting on earth.

It is too tempting for a little girl like Rain.

Which girl has no sweet dream in her heart?

A character like a jade, leaning against the snow tree, surrounded by flowers, he kneel on the ground and woo her.

Beauty turned over!

"All the heavens are all down, he will cast space for poetry and painting!"

The candle dragon said faintly, although she did not sense the power of the forbidden soil, she could still see some problems. The snow tree should be cast with a fairy force, with a faint temperament and a flying fairy.

The petals of the three colors should be scattered in three large spaces, and the forbidden soil is even more unpredictable.

Simply artistic!


To really open the beautified poem, people can see the **** truth, it is definitely the art of death.

"His way is really moving forward!"

Tianqi Daoguang shines and sees the change of Lingfeng's power. The previous three major spaces are too scattered and confront each other, but now it is a whole, and the power that can be thrown out is quite terrible.


With this change, Ling Feng took a direct step to the ultimate **** and touched the realm of Wudi.

It can be said that the current realm of Ling Feng is really tremulous.

"A King of the World is really born!" The evil emperor was amazed, and now the Lingfeng is impeccable, and he is in the forbidden soil, despising all the way, unless it can disintegrate the forbidden soil, it is very difficult to hurt him.


This is nothing but a rudimentary form of the ban, and the future ban will be further changed. The forbidden soil will make these heavenly figures and Tianzun characters shudder.

of course.

Forbidden soil is really good, not to mention the heavenly characters, that is, Tianzun can't see it. The evil emperor and the candle dragon can see the problem because they know enough about the strength of Ling Feng, know the snow tree and the three colors.

The evolution of the petals.

At least, the golden hippocampus did not see the problem.


Hundreds of hippocampus gods are excited, although they can't see the Tianwei of the forbidden soil, but can't hundreds of gods still open the forbidden soil? Don't you go in?

next moment.

They will go to the forbidden soil, and the three top and the half emperors will cast a knives in the same way. They will come out to the ban, and the power will be amazed, and the void will be opened directly. A large hole will be plowed in the forbidden soil. .


The emptiness of the emptiness, the power bursts in the space, and the power is strong.


It is these powers that rushed to disintegrate when they came into contact with the forbidden soil. The five-mile range seems to be a restricted area, but all the forces that dare to break in are detained and annihilated.

Ling Feng was in it, lying in the sea of ​​flowers, he actually moved out of a small table, filled with fine wine, he took his own drink, completely regarded hundreds of seahorses as air.

Fine wine dress.

He is like a sky fairy.

"Use the treasure, tear this little world!"

That is the opening of the three and a half emperors. It can be seen that Lingfeng is now focusing on defense. There should be no power to deal with them. This piece of heaven and earth is very likely to be the evolution of the treasure. As long as the small wind is broken, it is the fish.


A giant hammer was suppressed from the sky, squatting over the forbidden soil, and violently screaming, smashing the road, almost knocking the bottom of the sea, but the hammer could be resisted in midair, and could not go further, and its power Fast killing.


A sharp sword flew from afar, stabbed the soil, splashed a fire, but it was difficult to break into the five-mile range.


A knives are empty and smashed, and Tianwei is shocking. It belongs to the top treasures and the top Tianli. In the day, there seems to be a real dragon, but it is that the real dragon has to bow in front of the forbidden soil.

There is no solution to the defense!

This is the Tianwei that Lingfeng shows.

"Let's go together and let the little world tear!"

Three and a half emperors were annoyed, and hundreds of gods couldn’t help this piece of land, and they were really evil, and if they were deadlocked, they would have no face.

In an instant.

Hundreds of gods directly hands, one by one to the top of the treasure, playing the top of the heavenly power, together with the smashing of the soil, let there be a popping sound, the forbidden soil appears wave, a piece of petals flying, the snow tree is shaking, really The tendency to split.


Those petals fluttered to bring out the temperament of the wind.

Be a song to wine.

Life geometry?

In the petals of the sky, Ling Feng is like a fairy.


The second wave of attacks killed, hundreds of gods joined forces, the momentum is huge, the strength of the shore, it really makes the forbidden soil magnificent, the petals fly more powerful, the snow trees shake more fierce, that is, the tables and chairs in front of the wind are shaking.

Although the soil is impregnable, but the power has limits, the passive defense is not strong enough to let hundreds of gods eat the soil.


Even so, hundreds of gods want to completely tear, it is not easy, and they use the top power to stay still, they have been shameful, that is, the golden hippocampus face has become ugly.

"There is no solution to defense?" The golden seahorse frowned.

Feelings of the wind and the wind in the arms of the treasure, to the treasure to defend hundreds of hippocampus, then hundreds of gods can not tear, does it mean that the hippocampus has lost?

"Do your best!"

Three and a half emperors face flushing, not excessive force, but boring.

They were so violently messed up that they tried their best to join forces with other gods and bombard them on the forbidden soil. The terrible light rain made the forbidden soil fluctuate more violently, and it seemed to be really tearing.

The problem is that there is no light curtain around the forbidden soil, and there is no enchantment.


Finally, in the eighteenth bombardment of hundreds of gods, there was a crack in the forbidden soil. It seemed that the light curtain was torn, and the forbidden soil was completely present in front of them.

"Why are you coming?"

At this time, Ling Feng lifted, looking at the hundreds of gods, said faintly.

"Repress you, right now!"

Three and a half emperors, hundreds of gods together to kill the land, the mighty momentum broke through nine days.

At that time, the anti-God is nervous.

At that time, Tian Qi and so on were sighing.

At that time, the golden hippocampus was excited!


Ling Feng was plain and elegant. He didn't get up. He just looked at hundreds of gods and attacked. When he was about to appear in the forbidden soil, Ling Feng put down his hand and his fingers popped slowly and forcefully.


The fingertips fell on a petal, like a slap in the face, but at that moment, the petal was like a sharp knife spurting out, so that the gods could not see clearly.


Lingfeng's finger is like flying. There are hundreds of petals in the lightning. All three colors are available, and they are all in all directions. It is so simple and direct, and people can't feel the power, but they can only feel it with flesh and blood. The pen that came from the hand of the hand, let the whole sky tremble, let the hundred gods shudder, let the golden hippocampus face cold to the end.

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