Supreme Demon

Chapter 1357: Dragon Palace!

The bottom of the sea is dull!

It’s not that the sea is too heavy, but the hippocampus’s mentality is heavy.

To know.

Ling Feng’s intentions are not obvious, so they can’t figure it out. If these dangerous people appear in the hippocampus, God knows what will happen. At that time, the life and death of the hippocampus is completely in the hands of Ling Feng.

If Lingfeng’s intention is to build a hippocampus?

The Haima people had only played the idea of ​​the space before, and it is not surprising that Ling Feng wants to suppress the hippocampus.

however. Now the situation is not as good as Lingfeng, especially the old man, the pressure of the world to let the golden hippocampus suffocate, obviously this dragon is not a living being, not knowing how many years in Tianzun, that Wei Li is not only for three thousand years. Can be juxtaposed


It can be said.

Really want to turn their faces, they will be the side of the crushed, so less than a last resort, the golden hippocampus does not want to tear the face with Ling Feng.


In this way, he has no reason to refuse Ling Feng, but he has to smile and invite Ling Feng and other characters to go to the hippocampus to be a guest, but he is about to cry out and regret it.

Why is there nothing to get into such a perverted person?

Why is there nothing wrong with getting such a perverted force?

To know.

With the overall power of the anti-God, it is also in the forefront of the Tianhai. One of the top Tianzun is the top heavens, and the more extraordinary top gods, although not as good as the top forces in the sky, they can be ranked in the top 20.


Even if the golden hippocampus is unwilling in his heart, he has to invite Ling Feng at this moment, and personally lead Ling Feng to the hippocampus, while other hippocampus and the gods have to tremble.


It is not them who are the masters here, but the **** of the world. They did not think that they would lead Ling Feng and so on to dangerous areas, and they would annihilate the eternal shackles by terrible terrain, but they were even more afraid that the old man would be ahead of time and directly kill them. They did not understand the wind in the sea. Before the intention, they are not

I want to take risks.


The golden hippocampus thinks that if Lingfeng wants to annihilate them, it is not a waste of time. If you want to ask the hippocampus' nest, it is even more unnecessary to call him a brother.

In the twitching state of mind, the golden hippocampus and the Lingfeng Wannian Laos walk side by side, not very fast, this is the seahorse **** behind the care.

For a moment.

Ling Feng sacrificed the Tianzhou and invited the Haima people to board the ship and fly to the Haima.


It is a bit far from the hippocampus, but the Tianzhou is fast, riding the wind and breaking the waves, reaching the sky, and crossing the sea in a short time, to the hundreds of thousands of miles of water.

Here is an extinct volcano.

There is no red flame tongue, only gray gas flies out from the top of the mountain, carrying an unpleasant breath, but there is nothing special, but this extinct volcano is very broad, covering a radius of five thousand miles.

And this is only on the sea, the sea floor should be more magnificent.

right here? Ling Feng asked.

Yes! The golden seahorse looks at the extinct volcano in front of it. There is a heavy smell in the Tao. It is indeed the site of the hippocampus, but it is not the dead volcano.

There are strange doors here!

The old man opened his mouth and looked around. His imposing manner was like a storm, but he was not at the end of the volcano, but below. The golden hippocampus was a little surprised. He couldn’t feel the breath of the Geishi Gate here, but the old man could actually sense it. The gap was clear at a glance. This made him jealous. If the Wannian-level character finds it here, the hippocampus

This singularity of the family is in vain.

That Dodge Gate covers the true breath here!

Wannian Laojiao added, and flew forward, came to the extinct volcano, penetrated the black smoke, and looked toward the crater.

Just below.

The golden hippocampus didn't even know what to say. They thought it was very hidden, but they were easily found by Wannian. Although the Qimenmen defense is strong, it is really a problem to win the big hits of these characters. .

It is indeed here!

The golden seahorse did not hide, said: We had wanted to cover up with the strange door, I did not expect it to be so easy.

That's because you are not strong enough, and Qimen has some problems in casting.

Wannian Laos said bluntly, saying: You are far from us on the casting of Qimen!

This is true! The golden hippocampus agrees with the amount of Qimen, which comes from the human race. Although other races get some, the real caster is still in the human race, and the hippocampus learns nothing but the fur, which is completely due to the release. Tian Zunli

the amount.

With your strength, should you not hide like this?

Ling Feng smiled and asked. Normally, the hippocampus should not be weak in the sea of ​​heaven. It is far from other strong races. It is by a Tianzun, even those top races are not willing to die.


Not concealing is more conducive to the hippocampus exhibition, hidden in the psychological has been in a weak position, and when it is presented in front of people, it can usher in more rash, and then create a more powerful race and power.

Golden hippocampus should understand this truth, but they still choose to hide, what does this mean?


The golden hippocampus is a bit dull, open mouth wants to say something, and finally did not tell the truth, but he knows that these truths are hidden, so he sighs and says: my family is here before the ancient palace.

This is understandable. Ling Feng smiled, but his eyes flashed.

Go ahead! Here, the golden seahorse does not want to say much. Although he knows that Lingfeng is playing the idea of ​​the palace, he does not care. Because the palace is here for many years, the hippocampus has not been able to unravel. Although Lingfeng and others are not weak, But if you want to unlock it, it’s not so good.


The Tianzhou flew to the end of the crater, and suddenly penetrated it and walked toward the center of the earth. Here the magma is gushing, the temperature is extremely high, the ordinary gods are afraid to hold on, and there is a Dodge Gate at the end of the extinct volcano. In the early days, the Qimen Gate was banned, and then the Qimen were smothered. Door, this only appeared in the ground


The golden light is covered and the stars hang in the sky.

It is completely different from the world, like a forbidden soil, and it is a paradise.

There is no sea water, only the ancient trees stand, the grass is lush, and the tiles are flat to the far side. In the square, the sea is swaying, and there is a force separating the sea water to create this extraordinary space.

There are many palaces and temples.

A golden seahorse is practicing in the palace and the Dongfu. After seeing the golden hippocampus coming back, they all say hello, but let Lingfeng wait for the dark, although the golden seahorse is shameless, but the hippocampus is calm and calm.

In a short time, they came to the center of the hippocampus. There was a palace in the palace. The momentum was skyrocketing and the golden eyes were dazzling. It was obviously the place where the golden seahorse lived. Without his command, the hippocampus would send all kinds of mountains and seas.

And they know that Ling Feng and others have come, so they attach great importance to it and become a guest.


At this moment, the candle dragon suddenly became bright, and could not help but look up into the distance, the body became stiff, standing on the spot, let the golden seahorse Lingfeng and so on, and did not know what the candle dragon is now.

what happened? Ling Feng asked before.

Dragon interest!

The candle dragon is excited, the body is shaking, she said faintly. It seems to be calling through the ages!

it's here?

it's here!

After that, the candle dragon flew up and banned from moving in the distance. This made the golden seahorse move and his face was ugly. These characters really didn't put him in the eye. Is it really necessary for the Shanghai Horse?

She is really awesome, it should be here!

Ling Feng said to the golden hippocampus, apologizing, this made the golden hippocampus look a little better, and when he went to the candle dragon, his face suddenly changed.

She went to the palace!

The golden seahorse exclaimed, and then got up, regardless of the image toward the candle dragon.

Go and see!

Wannian got up and was afraid that the golden hippocampus would not be good for the candle dragon, and Ling Feng and so on did not have the heart to eat, flying directly in the direction of the disappearance of the candle dragon.


A loud bang blew in this extraordinary space, causing the hippocampus to tremble, and could not help but look up at the direction of the source of the sound. Then they saw a sly palace flying out and suppressing the seahorse.

It is a space opened by the cave, and it is also a palace that the Haima people have not been able to obtain for many years.

The palace was actually coming out at this moment!


The candle dragon stood in front of the palace, the road was wet, and the body was trembled, only because she was in the palace, she felt the true dragon breath, others could not see through it, and she saw the real dragon on the palace. Shadow.

Gong Yi, the momentum is prosperous.

There is a door on the palace, it is gray, but it can't be seen how gorgeous, but the candle dragon can see a real dragon carved on the gray door, the golden light shines, the breath is thin, lifelike.

But the difference is that each scale of the real dragon is different, although the colors are the same, the breath can be different, some are vicissitudes, some are tender and new, and there seems to be a real dragon on the scales.

It is a battle song written by the true dragons in the past. Each scale has a real dragon. So many scales come from different real dragons, not in an era, but in many times.


That is the scales of the dead dragon!

That is the death of the real dragon will not die!

What did they experience in that era? Why are you dying? Why is this palace to be guarded by many real dragons?

Have they been annihilated?

The candle dragon looked at the sly palace, and sadly came from the heart. She felt the sorrow of Wanlong in the palace. In the dark age, they used life to cast extraordinary achievements and fill the void. immortal!

Dragon Palace! The candlestick sings out two words, the voice is hoarse, but with the top pride, the former ancestors used their bodies to fill the ages, standing quiet and quiet, and these younger generations should feel that they should be respected and should be proud.

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