Supreme Demon

Chapter 1363: Behind the sickle!

The sky is falling. sprinkle

Full of the world. day

Yushang, the confrontation began, the six clan of the Eastern clan and the empty road showed extraordinary strength, and the light rain exploded, pushing to the seven heavenly statues, in which the law appeared, let Tianyu eclipse, everything trembled.


Xuankong punched out, and the power of the law cast a palace, the town fell, collapsed a heavy space, and a Tianshan appeared in his hand, turned into a weapon, thrown out of the void, directly to the opponent.

Boom! Imitation

The Buddha was stunned by the mountain that day, and it was a dull sound. With a scream of a goddess in the confrontation, a gun in his hand actually bent down, and his life flew out, and the blood of the red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Display

Of course.

The attack of Xuankong is quite terrible. Even if it is not touched by the Tianzun, its violent power still makes it suffer. The empty road is soaked for so many years. Which character can be simple?

What's more, Xuankong is the top figure in the void, and really wants to be shopping. There are really not many days in this world to be able to live. choke

! suddenly

The ground, the emptiness of a tremor, a sword of the sky flies out from the mysterious eyebrows, and the glory of the world will swallow the surrounding world, and then the sword will fly out, ignoring any defense, and the life will penetrate the body of the god, let it be on the spot. Hematemesis. "

Shudao sword! "that

Tian Zun said hoarsely, the voice deteriorated, he couldn’t hear who it belonged to, and he was covering up the real power, and did not show the top celestial power. Otherwise, Xuankong was not so easy to succeed, and his scruples were to let Xuankong see it. If something goes wrong, it should come from forces that are juxtaposed with the empty road, and dare not show heavenly power.

And this has become a weapon of the mysterious attack! "

Yes, it is the sword! ”

Xuankong does not conceal, this is a taboo weapon of the empty channel, sharp and shocking, once the world is bound to splash blood, because the degree is fast enough, the number of days that can be defended is not much.

This is the same as Liu Shushu's sword. "

Can you kill it? "mysterious

Empty forward, Tianshan suppression fell, and it flew out on a sky, and the empty road was in the sky, the top strength is full, he has no hidden need in this battlefield, and the other side is shackled. and


When Tianshan Town fell, Xuankong used the sword of the martyrdom to smash out from the void and plow the battlefield.


Despite the fact that the Tianzun was dodging in time, it was still hurt by the sword of the martyrdom. The eyebrows flowed out of blood. If you take a step back, you really have to die here.

"Xuankong, you are really embarrassed!" said the hoarse deity. "

I am? ”

Xuankong sneered and said: "I am really embarrassed, but you are more poisonous. Is this trying to annihilate my genius and let the perfect void annihilate the world?"

Oh, it really has this meaning! "that

Tian Tianzun did not hide, bluntly said the truth, said: "The empty road is not before, this perfect void is too bad, there is no need to come out?"

"Then ask me this mountain and the sword in my hand!"

The anger is unstoppable. These characters are really poisonous, but now the perfect void is in the hands of Ling Feng. Whoever dares to do it to him must give his life, even if it is Tianzun. "

kill! ”

The Tianzun greeted him and used the top power to confront the Xuankong, and said: "You must struggle with the mysterious space. You are empty and you don't think about it. At the moment, it's not just us."

What do you mean? "mysterious

The hollow head is heavy and has a strong sense of foreboding. "

You will know soon! "The **** is a mysterious smile."

"Then marry you first!"

Xuankong feels that things are tricky. I am afraid that Tianzun, who is secretly coming, is far more than that. If you want to suppress the situation, you must kill the Tianzun in front of you as soon as possible. under

A moment.

He broke the top power and tried his best to kill the god.

at the same time. versus

The emptiness of the empty road and the Eastern clan is in the light, exploding infinite potential, hitting the earth and breaking the ground, the sun and the moon are dull, the voice of the ghost crying is blasting in the void, but in a short time, I want to annihilate a god. not easy.

After all, they are not burning the gods, the old man.

and. east

The old man of the Fang clan faced both Tianzun at the same time. Even if he tried his best, it would be difficult to suppress the situation in a short time. This

It is a contest that is evenly matched. Of course

and. Million

The old man is a lot stronger, swooping out, dodging the previous two Tianzun, directly killing the third Tianzun, only because this day respects the injury, the strength is not as good as before, it is easier to kill.


A loud noise, bloody.

The third Tianzun still did not dodge, and was bombarded by the old man, and an arm was abolished on the spot, turning into a **** rain, making his face more ugly.

"Dear friends, do you really want to die before we want to do it?"

Three heavenly anger can not help but say, big mouth spurting blood, is about to die and die.. "I will wait for him to contain him, if you wait, then let us die!"

"Don't wait for more?"

The two former Tianzuns came from all sides, regardless of life and death, and stood side by side with the third Tianzun, together with the suppression of the old man.


At this moment, their power is gray and not as good as before. It seems that they have been suppressing the real heavenly power and preventing other forces from recognizing them. Otherwise, it will not be so fierce. "

Don't hesitate, this is our chance! "first

The first two Tianzuns spoke together to let those "daoyou" come out and kill the old man together. At that time, Lingfeng was the fish on the knife. "

Then kill him together! ”

In a short time, the dull voice in the void, the three heavenly gods flew down from the void, pushing Tianzun to the fifteenth place. Although there was not much wind and rain in the beginning, it was not all, and there was still a heavenly concealment hidden in the dark.


The moment was reversed, and the whole six Tianzuns went to the Wannian Laojiao together, so that the Wannian Laojiao was smashing blood and striding backwards. "

Can six heavenly people drink a pot? ”

The two former Tianzun laughed and stood side by side with the other four Tianzun, laughing at the old man.

"You really should die!"

The old man glared at the two gray robes, and said with amazement: "You should have smashed you before!"

"Unfortunately, you have no chance now!"

At the end, the two gray robe gods ecstasy to kill the old man, the law is violent, but only their power can not contain the old man, and was directly beaten out three hundred miles, spurting blood, pale face. "

Dear friends, blame for their illness! ”

The two gray robe gods yelled. "I am waiting to consume his power!"

no problem! ”

The third Tianzun smiled and sang to the old man with several other gods. They stood side by side and did not let the old man smashed each other. For a time, the old man was helpless and lost. "

Let's come too! ”

At this moment, the two gray robes were killed and appeared next to the four celestial celestial beings, and the eyes shone, looking directly at the eyes of the old man. "

Then it will kill! ”

The old man was so fierce, and he shot a stalwart man, shooting to the two gray robes. "

Really want to kill! ”

The two gray robes, Tian Zun's mouth, smirked a smile, like ridiculing the incompetence of the old man, and then they evaded the two fierce lights, flashing to the sides, and closer to the other four. This

At that time, the four Tianzuns were not affected, and they were forced to commit suicide to the old man, and they must be completely suppressed and then eliminated.

but. on

At that moment, the two sacred goddess who were dodging suddenly burst into a terrible law force, appeared next to the four celestial bodies, and the lightning fell down. One of them chose to go to the previous third celestial god. .


At the moment, the third Tianzun was on the body of the old man, and he was not wary. When the reaction came, a sharp blade had already penetrated his body, and he picked it up high, and the smoke in the air was extinguished.


The next moment, another Tianzun sorrowed, a Tianzun knife passed through his dantian and dispelled his power. He responded faster, but still not fast enough. "

you! "he

The big eyes stared at the gray robe and the goddess around him. His face was **** and sly. He didn’t think that the former Zun, who had been savvy with the old man, threatened to kill the Lingfeng.

however. Two

The gray robes Tianzun did not have time to respond, but the lightning strikes, and the other two Tianzun, plus the Wannian scorpion killed at this moment, completely banned the two lords. boom


When the top rule was smashed in it, the two Tianzun were seriously injured in the moment, and the latter two robes would go in. The top rule would scream and kill the two gods one by one.

A full four heavenly commandments!

This effect is too big, and people have not thought of it. However, the old man is not surprised. This is a game. Ling

The wind worried that these forces were scrupulous and did not dare to do it in the first place. Therefore, the two kings of the Eastern clan played the role of “cannon fodder”, opened the situation, and led the secret Tianzun one by one, and then the sickle behind them.

Although not enough glory, but what time is this glory? and


They are too fierce and directly lead to the death of four heavenly gods. Is this not enough? "

Oriental clan! "air

Some people in the room recognized the light rain that appeared on the two gray robes, belonging to the top celestial power of the eastern clan, and at this moment they are no longer hidden, so that Tianwei is only available to the eastern clan. "

mean! "Someone despised." "Dangtang Tianzun is actually doing this kind of thing." ""

Are you even more mean? ”

The two gray robes Tianzhao said with a smile: "We are bright and big, not like you are hiding your head, there is a kind of true face, my family is willing to die with you."


A full four heavenly respects, this is a game of affection, is your oriental clan allied with Lingfeng? "There was a question on the void."

My family just wants to wash their innocence and not to lead to unnecessary misunderstandings. "The oriental clan does not recognize it. As for the result, let them guess."

"You guys are blaming my family. Now my family is behind the sickle. What qualifications do you despise us?"

"And I also married four heavenly lords!"

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