Supreme Demon

Chapter 1454: The ancient characters are shocked!

tragic! This

It is the blood that is engraved on the faces of the gods, and it is the pain that is engraved in their hearts. magic

The domain really let them appreciate the violent violent forces, just in their home, in the case of an imbalanced number of people, the magic domain kills 30,000 people against the gods, death and injury makes people heartache.

Although they won this hard-won battle, they were also badly hurt.

To know.

This is because the chaos has changed into a living, to live in the emperor, and Ling Qing and the candle dragon have also played a vital role, otherwise the fall is the anti-God. and


The real domain that the magic domain can really come is just a million magic. can

To say.

If the battle is placed inside the Mozu, the anti-God can't do this, and the gap is still too big.

"We are not strong enough!"

The arrogant bird sighs and sighs, and the heartache is so painful. Every dark **** here is the elite they have tried their best to create. The fate is so heavy, the cost is too heavy.

They don't know how long it will take to recover.

"Stop the magical demons, don't let them leave alive!"

Ling Qing kills her eyes. She knows that it is not easy for Ling Feng to build these dark gods. Now she is killed by Ling Feng, and her conscience is uneasy.


What she has to do now is to let these dark gods die.


As the moon moves forward, he leads the butterfly to inquire about the news, thoroughly investigates the whereabouts of the demon in the demon domain, and sends the message to the dark god.

"We still have a few battles!"

The dragon spoke, and said heavyly. "The roster of death, the power of the magic, these are all elite forces, not as good as the demon domain. It is not easy to suppress them!"

"But we must suppress!"

Senran said: "As long as the person can ask for success, it is worth paying!"

"That will immediately kill the front, the Eastern clan can't stand up!"

It was the news from the leaf witch, the situation is very tricky.

Although the oriental poetry is not weak, it is indeed inferior to the death roster and the magical power in the dark power, and the number of people they come to is limited, it is impossible to come all over, and it is unrealistic to want to confront the two dark forces. more

What's more. he

At the same time, they faced all aspects of the starry sky and were stretched.


Ling Qing has only one word, but it shows that there is no sky. "

Ye Lord, has ordered the dark **** to come out in full, the starry dark **** is flying back, the power of Hengtianxing has already come, we are not completely without the ability to fight! "Say


They are very tired and very tired. They just survived from this matchup. The power consumption is very big, especially the Lingqing, the rain, etc., all of them are seriously injured. Ling Qing also damaged one arm, despite the use of regeneration. Cast, but his face is pale, like just getting out of the water.


They don't have any rest time, just because those dark forces are about to reach the volcano of God. Of course

and. very

Fast, the situation becomes more difficult.

"The real elite of the demon domain did not appear in the Wanli domain. They appeared in the other direction. They even avoided the thorough investigation of the butterfly and were about to hit the volcano!"

If the news came from afar in the moon, the face of the gods was completely embarrassed, and the heart was weak.

The Wanli domain is not the true elite of the demon domain, and the top character is playing against the volcano, which can blind the butterfly and show how terrible it is. Want

know. This

Over the past 100 years of development, the butterfly has been well aware of every mountain and river in Shenwu, and it is like a grass on the mainland. It is pervasive, but it is such a "grass" that has not found the whereabouts of the magic domain elite. This is not enough. Scary? "

Let the mixed yuan pass! Ling

Clearly open the mouth, let the chaos become a sinister past, the Mozu is so poisonous, want to come to understand the terrible of the old man, to the power of the devil, let the magic domain bring a few treasures, it is not impossible to suppress the old man. One

Once the old man was trapped, the entire volcano collapsed.

Ling Feng will be the worst in this collapse.

"If I leave, can you keep the situation?" Chaos has changed his body and frowns. He doesn't mind where to fight, but he cares if he can survive stubbornly. "

He is alive, there is hope! "candle

The dragon said dullly. "As long as he asks for success, this situation will be solved!"


Yuan Brow wrinkles deeper, are these characters crazy?

The Mozu, the Death List, the Star Forces, and the Magic Power have come in, even if Ling Feng asks for success, I am afraid I will be killed.

What should be done now is to persist, and to hold on to those forces, they have hope. will

All hopes are placed on Ling Feng’s success, which is too risky. "

You do not understand! ”

Ling Qing said with a smile. "As long as he asks for success, these forces will have to pay the price. If they are smart enough, they will lose time and lose a little bit. If they want to kill the wind, the price will be heavier than they think." too much."

"What do you mean?"

Picking up the eyebrows of the mixed element and asking. "Is it only a heavenly character?"

At that moment, you will understand! Ling

Qing does not want to explain too much, and some things are only qualified for the anti-God elite. No

With such strength, there is no such qualification.

Burning Tianzun, Wannian Laojiao, Wenlinghui will be so desperate, will death be confronted with the stars here? Want

It is they who find a hidden place, cast a terrible door, suppress the situation in a short time, let Ling Feng ask smoothly, and then break through is not more appropriate?

They didn't do that, they just waited for that moment.

In fact, they are also looking forward to the moment.

"I hope you are not crazy!"

Yuan Yuanshou, no more questions, anti-God is much more mysterious than he imagined.


He felt that the whole starry sky, this small force is estimated to be cool, but did not expect to play these forces, hit this level on a star, against God is proud. and


Anyone knows that if the gods can overcome this matchup, then the entire starry sky will look at their faces. ...


God volcano.

Fire red magma has not been seen here, only because the heavens and the earth are too horrible, and the fires are forced to the center of the earth, and it is difficult to exert the light and heat, that is, the indestructible Qimen of the anti-God is cracked at this moment, and can not hold the Tianwei. Million

The old man, Ye Xinran, and Qin Lao are heavily guarding the mountain gate. he

They are the last natural danger against God.

Although the storm has not yet come, they have already felt the danger. more

The danger is Ling Feng. this


Ling Feng is being strangled by the top tyrannical, violent mess, a fenghuang carrying Nirvana Road fire, the light claws can tear the mountains and rivers, Zhangkou Qingxiao, you can tear the space, as if long time They are all in turmoil, and the horror is to the extent that the scalp is numb. This

The power that belongs to the top heavens can only be played.

however. This

Still not enough. nine

In the Daofei Waterfall, a shackle was rushed out, and the power of the road was shining, and it blew into the wind. It trembled in nine days and collapsed in a moment. God

The altar of the volcano was blessed by Qimen and power, and it was crumbling at the moment. In front of the top Tianwei, it looked very small.

of course. true

What is causing Ling Feng’s headache is the third day of robbery. In the magic light, there is really a magic fairy who is killing a miracle and does not want Ling Feng to ask for success. and


The magic light also penetrated into the body of Ling Feng, tearing the seal on the bones of Ling Feng, confronting the prohibition in the body.嗡


The banned radiance, the horror of the vicissitudes of the people, the tremors of the heavens and the earth, the magic light was dispelled, and the wonderful words on the magic light were shining, not clear, and the light rain. but

. positive

Because of the appearance of the text, the whole world seems to have become dull, the wind and the rain, the magic light rewinds. "

what is that? ”

The old man was horrified and asked, the magic light was too dazzling, and there was a feeling that he was all fried. "

can not see clearly! "leaf

Happy to frown and shake his head.

"Ask the ancient words?"

The old man whispered, can make his level of life feel the tremor, I am afraid that only the level of writing. but

Do you have such magic power in the word level? versus

At the same time, Lingfeng Dantian moved, and the snow trees on the forbidden soil melted, forming a ban on Xianlifei and integrating it into it. boom

Long! Are

In the meantime, the whole world was surrendered to the capital, and the ancient writings were really coming out. Pick

, day, question, chaos...

A few words flashed in front of people, but there are very few people who can really see it, and there is still a light and rain that can’t be seen. It’s just that the old man can only see four words. The word can't be seen clearly.

however. on

It’s from a few words. It’s too watery, and the sea is over the sea. It’s rushing out of the sky, and it’s surging out. It’s drowning in the wind, and the magic light is contained, like the fire is extinguished in the water, and it is curbed by the ban. Forced to withdraw from the flesh and blood, and the seal on the bones of Lingfeng was not shredded, but was smothered by those words.

and. because

The words appeared, so that Ling Feng whole people have calmed down, the power is like the tide from the top of his head to Dan Tian, ​​into the flesh and blood.

The first is the rule of the reverse. White

The night and the night are eternal, and the universe is at the center.

Then there is the power of heaven. most

After that is the power of the magic. image

It is lightning, like a storm. brake

Then it flew down in Lingfeng, disappeared, and then the soil changed qualitatively, the smoke was raging, and the flooding was a thousand miles. There was a glimmer of light in the faint, and Lingfeng was also in the light.

Because of the appearance of those few handwritings, the storm in the sky also has an instant stop. and

Rear. three

The big day robbers became more violent, the colors became deeper, and they showed a triangular state, which was heavily pressed against the wind, and the momentum was stronger and more suffocating.

"what happened?"

Wannian old frowning.. "I feel that there is a fourth heavy robbery to appear."


They are shocked, only three days of robbing are life-threatening. If there is a fourth-day robbery, does Lingfeng still have hope? "

Not quite right! Wan

The old man was moved and said: "Return immediately, don't come close, I feel the atmosphere here is awkward!" (www.

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