Supreme Demon

Chapter 1456: The land is forbidden!

The wind and rain are coming. day

The ground is empty.

The volcano of the gods is already in ruins. On this ruin, the three heavens smashed out the 10,000-way light, and opened all the heavens, and all the living beings in the world bowed in these days.

It wants to destroy the whole world. Of course


Just under these days of robbing, the volcanic heart of the gods spurted out a raging fire. The burning and hot momentum almost swallowed up a thousand miles of space, and one of the characters tried to raise their heads and looked directly at the full Wind and rain. straight

The face of the world!

The wind and the rain are rushing, and the blood is red. can

The man stood upright in the wind and rain, and the wind and rain could wet his clothes, but he could not wet his burning, hot heart.

The road is in harmony.

The forbidden soil released the Tao Wei, and the light of the scorpion fell down. It was not stopped because of the success of the question. It was still qualitatively changed, because the forbidden soil was still not the ultimate form.嗡

A light wave pushed out from the forbidden soil, and on the spot, the Qianli Mountain River was annihilated, and Ye Xinran felt the breath of suffocation.

The power of the light wave is terrible, and the range of light waves is too large. Do not

However, after the light wave passed, the quality of the forbidden soil became very large. The nine-way waterfall became blurred. The nine-fold phoenix was more blurred, that is, the magic fairy was melting, and in the middle of the three roads, a white light Shining, the momentum is weak, it is actually to curb the momentum of the three ways.

"Xian Li is not enough!" Ling

The wind wrinkled, his triple strength changed qualitatively, and asked for success, but Xianli could not ask. day

How can the god-level fairy power suppress the three forces of the heavenly level? "

Then let it ask too! ”

Ling Feng opened his eyes and despised the three-day catastrophe on Tianyu, and then opened it to the Taoist map. With a powerful power and a burning road, the first door was pushed open. boom


There is almost no need to push the wind, and the first door of the Taoist figure is quickly released. From it, the massive force to the road, rushing to the forbidden soil, intertwined in the white light. call


The force is ignited, burning, bursting out of burning, hot death, and the horror is hard to imagine. and

Rear. that

The breath will rush out, let the mountain river within two thousand miles completely annihilate, forming a fly ash and falling, and shocked the people to quickly fly back, fear of being affected by this force. suddenly

Ground. Virtual

The three heavens in the air smashed and fell, like a hurricane, hitting Lingfeng, and the horror Tianwei let the whole mountain and river disappear, and the central wind was even more tragic.

The hurricane has not arrived. Ling

The hair of the wind has disappeared, and the flesh and blood, etc. are directly bursting, and I can’t hold it. although

However, Ling Feng asked for success, but did not complete the final integration, it takes time, which means that Lingfeng's flesh and blood has not yet reached the level of heaven, naturally it is easy to be torn by this level of heaven.

"Nine stones!" Ling

The wind and the gods are heavy, and they directly sacrificed the nine stones, let them fly from all directions, hit the heavens, and fight against these days.

A whistling sound.

The void blew, the heavens and the earth collapsed, and everything was annihilated.

Nine heavy stones fell, can not stand such a Tianwei, directly led to Ling Feng was suppressed by the boulder underneath, the whole body was divided and broken, terrible.

but. This

The impact on him was not great, only a moment, he relied on regenerative surgery to resurrect. versus

At the same time. ban

The ban on the soil, the raging fire is more turbulent, and it seems to be amazement. The Scorpio seems to have been burned out of this hole by this fire. nine

Heavy waterfalls, phoenixes, and magic singers screamed fiercely in them, and they couldn't hold back the fire. It seems that Nie seems to be dying in the metamorphosis.

The whole process is quite fast, but it is quite long.

For the current Ling Feng, every minute of waiting is a torment, only because of the mighty and horrible, will destroy him at all times, he is afraid that he will not last long.嗡

The forbidden soil fire suddenly rushed to Tianyu, burning the three heavens on the scorpio, it seems that the whole piece of forbidden soil was disintegrated in it, to be completely destroyed, it can be seen how terrible this kind of fire.

A heavy weight! One


The triple-day robbery appeared to be wavering, and the middle part collapsed in an instant and was incorporated into the forbidden soil.


The forbidden soil is like a wave of turmoil, horrifying the world, the mountains and the sea, the momentum roars.

At the moment.

The fire on the forbidden soil became gray and was extinguished. "

Really want to spread! ”

The old man is burning, he knows that the qualitative change on the forbidden soil has come to an end, and the path of the wind has reached the end, showing the ultimate form. This

It is the last step of asking. leaf

Xinran and Qin Lao did not say much, but looked at the front seriously and stared at Ling Feng. What they really worried about was the safety of Ling Feng.

In fact.

At this moment, they are even more nervous than Ling Feng, their fists are close together and their bodies are tight.

but. he

We can't help, we can only wait for Lingfeng to ask for success, or we will be killed in the robbery.

however. he

What we don't know is that because the sky robbery is too dazzling, the fluctuation is too big, and it also covers up some things. The magic domain elite, the starry sky elite, the death **** roster, the magic road power, and even the demon family have approached the **** volcano, if it is not too horrible I am afraid that they will kill now. "

Really want to spread! "magic

The top-level demons, headed by the family, spoke heavily and said, "But the question is still far from over. Can he survive if he is on this day?"

"It's a bit of a meaning, it's so much wind and rain, three days of looting, every weight is a catastrophe, not to mention this terrible **, how long can he persist?"

When the weather is raining, it is when you are killed! ”

This is the voice of the stars in the sky. At this time, the robbery is too horrible. The Lingfeng is also too terrible. When the robbery is dark, it is more beneficial to them when the wind is severely injured.

They can wait. Want

It’s the day when the robbery will kill the wind, it will be more beneficial to them. call

The fire gradually went out, and the forbidden soil really became different.

The mountain river is made of glazed glass. It is full of light and light, with a faint light rain. There is no snow tree in the void, but there is a crane flying in it. There are auspicious birds jumping in joy. There is a small river in the middle of the forbidden soil. The river is clear. Like a transparent treasure, it gives off a faint scent.

The river swims with fish, golden, reddish, dotted in the river, like jewels.

The entire space is filled with a touch of air. air

In the room, dotted with stars, the colors are different. And


The forbidden soil also presents two different colors of daylight and darkness. Sometimes it is gray and dark, but the eyes of the white thorns are bitter, and there are more chaotic substances shining in the alternation.

It is endless. No

There are nine heavy waterfalls, no fairy phoenix, and no magic fairy.

It is like a pure land of peace. God

Holy inviolability. boom


In the case that people have not fully seen it, the forbidden soil flies to the Lingfeng, and the lightning is integrated into the body of Lingfeng, bursting out a faint white light, which is emitted from the bones of Lingfeng.

That is penetration! that

It is a blend! under

A moment. Ling

The wind and the gods became shiny, and the wounds on the body recovered in an instant. As always, the whole person exudes unprecedented momentum.

It is like a real dragon!

Like a fairy phoenix!

"The road is forbidden!"

The rising angle of Lingfeng mouth reveals a very beautiful curvature. The former forbidden soil is only the prototype, but now it is the advanced version of the forbidden soil.

The difference between the gods and the heavens is still very large. and


The road to the forbidden soil is very embarrassing, incorporating too much power, not limited to those three, that is, Ling Feng himself feels scared, but fortunately he succeeded. although

However, he does not seem to change much, but the whole person has undergone transformation, flesh and blood, and is indestructible.

The soul sea is overwhelming and golden, and the forbidden soil of the road flashes in it, making the soul sea change qualitatively and stepping into the heavens.

This is the overall transformation!

This is what it should look like after asking! "

It seems that there has not been much change. "The demon gods look at Ling Feng, and ask other heavenly characters, Ling Feng is still that look, or that momentum. Only

Only the forbidden soil has become different.

"Is this kind of Lingfeng able to stop the triple-day robbery?" The starry sky is also questioning.

“Predecessors, how is Lingfeng now?”

Ye Xinran looks to the old man, she can't see it now, I don't know if Ling Feng can suppress the robbery now. "

It should be pretty good! Wan

The old man was also a bit of a headache, and the forbidden soil was gone, causing him not to see clearly.


The forbidden land of the Tao first appeared. Before it was launched, he did not know how many Tianwei could be played. "

Still very tricky? "Qin old frowns, his face is ugly.

"Let's see!"

The old man stared at the front, waiting for the three days of robbery, and now only the day robbery can test the power of the forbidden soil.


The triple-day robbery rains like a waterfall, flying down from the void, among which the waterfall, the fairy phoenix and the magic fairy shadow appear alternately, exploding with endless power, almost breaking the sky, not to mention the characters of the heavenly level. It’s that Wannian Laojiao feels flustered. only

The horrible horror of this day.

Was it really successful because Ling Feng asked?

"The top heavenly characters must be seriously injured?" The demon gods grinned. "

Heaven robbery..."

Breeze in the breeze, Ling Feng looked up.

The land of the Tao was released, and Xu Feifei fell at the foot of Ling Feng and integrated him into it. Connect


His eyes flashed, the momentum swallowed, and the light and power of the whole world came toward him. He was like the center of the whole world. under

A moment. he

Sitting cross-legged, I don’t know when there is a guzheng in front of me. The strings are the blade and the body is the blade. It is the blade.

When the light fell, Ling Feng rubbed his hands on the guzheng.


A light click is a sound. micro-

Micro-pressure, it is Tianwei. but


It is the sound of the piano, the sky, the fairy phoenix, the waterfall, and the fairy. Light

Rain is like a fairy.

Power is like a mountain.

Hey... bang! One

Daoguang hits Jiuzhongtian, like a real dragon roaring, like a vast storm, a power smashes the sky, and a light penetrates the hundred heavens.

That is an unstoppable force. that

It is Gai Shiwei who moved to the mountains to reclamation. true

Surrounded by dragons, Xianhuang bowed to the head, and Wan Ling came to the DPRK. Road

The forbidden soil, the prelude to the fairy! (

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