Supreme Demon

Chapter 1472: Magic fairy refers!

The whole day seems to be dull at this moment.

People can't make a sound, especially the Heavenly Corps, the Dark God, etc., destroying the ancient martial arts tower at the top of the sky, flying in front of the forehead to smash the scorpion knives, bursting out a heavy Tianwei, people know that it is the power of shocking the world.

Although the destruction of the sky at this time is not as good as burning Tianzun, it also belongs to the top Tianzun category. he

It is a powerful proof that it is easy to annihilate a demon.


It is this Tianzun that was actually a middle finger, and it was unimaginable. "

What is that finger? ”

People's faces are mad, and they are particularly jealous of that finger. This level of characters is at least a person of the heavenly level. Mo

Isn't this world already born with these characters? "

wrong! ”

The old man looked at Tonggudongtian, his face was ugly, and the finger was too crystal clear, revealing a magnificent color, very beautiful, like a female emperor's finger.

The breath above is completely different. Mixed

The chaotic air currents are turbulent, and the gray power is flashing in the chaotic atmosphere, and there is a special power. "

Magic fairy! ”

The killing of the sky is a little more direct, and it can survive in the ages of the ancients. Its vision is extraordinary, and the destruction of the heavens comes from the kingdom of heaven, and it is a strong knowledge of Buddhism. In this respect, this wild path is comparable to the wilderness.

Before the ages, he had been exposed to the breath and power of the magic fairy, so he could see it at a glance.

In the history of the Mozu, there is indeed a monster that asks the level of the heavens. Half a step into the magic fairy, some fleshy and succulent, clear and crystal clear, extraordinary to a level of panic.

Although the finger is crystal clear, but there is a magical brand on it, there is a gray airflow, it is the appearance of the magic gas is purified.

There is such a beautiful jade finger in this world, I am afraid that there is only the magic fairy.

Tonggu Cave is extraordinary and unique.

Once the hole is opened, the direction is not allowed to them, and it is hard to say what characters can be awakened. only


People still didn't think that the Mozu would go crazy to this point. They even let a finger of the magic fairy come out. It was called by the Tonggu Cave, and the gods destroyed the Buddha, so that the heavens could not be stopped and they were directly collapsed.


The Mozu does not want to live against the gods and Lingfeng. It threatens the whole Mozu too much. Therefore, it does not hesitate to use one finger of the Magic Immortal. It must also destroy the characters such as Tiantian, Burning Tianzun and Lingfeng. Want

know. that

The magic fairy is not a real fairy, only part of the flesh and blood "question fairy" is successful, and this finger should be.

"There is no fairy power!"

It’s cold and cool. “It’s just that flesh and blood asks for success. It’s not a real fairy without Xianli!”

This is also the pain of the Mozu. If the magic fairy asks the success of Xian, and there is Xianli, what level will it reach? hope

Sighed ancient. world

Where is the fairy power?

"He is the future fairy!"

Destroying the sky to Ling Feng, the Tao is full of expectations, unlike this magic fairy, Ling Feng is the first to produce Xianli, as long as his level is reached, that distance should be the nearest person. This

It is the later generations of ancient Wu! Let

People are full of anticipation of ancient Wu!

More worthy of their efforts to guard. "

But he is going to die! "magic

Respect said in the distance, the magic is deep, they are afraid of the wind, it is because of the wind force on the body. Want

It was Ling Feng’s success, and the whole Mozu had to bow down to his feet.

How sad is that? "

Are you afraid of death? "It’s cold and mocking."

If you stand on our side, it should be understandable. "The demon statue does not feel embarrassed. Any force is afraid to be jealous."


The forehead of the sky, said with a smile. "That's no nonsense, today I try my best to smash this finger!"

"Unfortunately, you are not qualified!"

The demon contempt for the sky, the magic fairy is the character of the open universe, the chaotic ancient gas is a direct proof, the non-celestial characters can rival, that is, the person who asks the heavenly level has to bow down and bow down.


What is happening at the moment is only one finger of the magic fairy, but killing a **** is not a problem. "

Then try me enough to qualify! ”

Destroy the sky and smother, solemnly and seriously turn to look at Ling Feng and the Tiantian Legion, and say, "Remember to promise me!"

Tianzun! Ling

The wind was shocked. I always felt that the destruction of the sky was after the confession. When I met the finger of the magic fairy, could the sky be able to keep the situation?

What if the town can't live? One

Time was confusing, and for the first time he felt that things were out of control. The entire starry sky and the demon were much more terrible than he had imagined. At least there are still many details that he did not know.

"You... can you remember it?"

One word a day, full of questions.


Ling Feng has a wet eyes. He knows that innocent is to explain the aftermath. If he kills the heavens, he will shoulder the heavy responsibility of the later generations, let him release the light of the ancient kingdom of heaven, and even further, let the ancient Wu Shengsheng is endless. "

I know you will remember. "extinguished

The sky smiled and said, like an elder who spoiled a younger generation. "Although the time we have been in contact is very short, I know something. You really look forward to it. Why have you let me wait for it?"

Unlike the heaven, the anti-God is bound to come out of a different way, I believe you will do it! "extinguished

While the sky is talking, it is moving forward step by step to Tonggudong.

He smiled back and said, "I hope I can witness the moment you levy the sky!"

Finished. he

Directly hit the fingers of the magic fairy, the ancient Wuta Sheng released the world of light rain, the nine-door door not only fully open, but also broke out of the roaring sound, one of the statues of the gods in the recovery, are the creatures of the ancient times.

God is wild, true dragon, a sickle. One

Road lightning and so on. and

A sick person is born on the sickle, and a dragonfly is flying in the lightning. painting

How dazzling it is, how dazzling it is, and the grandeur of the grandeur is to suppress the nine days. The devils and the gods feel that their hearts are sinking, and the pressure of the stocks comes from the spiritual level, so that their souls are affected. There are waves.

What is even more terrifying is that when the scorpion knife flies out, everything is silent at this moment. There seems to be a dead **** standing on the sickle in the faint, and the endless death is coming in this direction.


The day carries the ancient martial arts tower and the scorpion knives into the Tonggu Dongtian, and confronts the magic fairy. he

I don't want to destroy this mountain river, so it is best to pull the battlefield to Tonggudongtian.


Tonggudong’s light and rain in the middle of the sky has been continually smashing down. It has broken the nine days, and the momentum has reached its utmost. People have looked at them, but they can’t see the picture of Tonggudong’s heaven. only

because. top

The power of the heavenly gods is too vast, and they can see through them. However, letting the Heavenly Legion and Lingfeng rest assured that the sky is not directly collapsed. This means that the top strength is enough to qualify and the magic fairy. That finger is a battle.

"Break them!" Ling

The wind is mad, directly to the devil and the demon, to get rid of them as soon as possible. "

Hands-on! Wan

The old man was also embarrassed. When he came up, he made a virtual body of Tianzun and killed three emperors, which made them very bad.

"It looks like I have to fight together!"

Xuan opened the door, the road was cold, and at this time he had to be shopping, only because several top demons stared at him, and he was going to take him at the level of the demon emperor.

Hey! under

A moment.

A bell appeared on the top of the cover, releasing the suffocating gas, forming a barrier, releasing the cover in it, letting its power unaffected, and directly recovering back to the realm of Tianzun.

"Kill!" cover

Xuan also broke out with top power and killed opponents.

"Not weaker than you!"

There are several figures in the sky who also come to the top of the treasure, let the power regain the level of heaven, and carry out the killing.


There are a few Tianzun directly hit Lingfeng, to make up the trouble of Lingfeng. "

I don't think about it! Wan

The old man slammed directly to the top, and the stalwart body stopped all the strong enemies for the wind. "

Using the treasure to suppress, after all, is not the real god! "One

Straight swaying around Ling Feng, without any urgency, it is the last card, when Ling Feng is not in danger, it does not have to live and die. and


It also sees some problems. Although those Tianzuns can recover, it is difficult for them to reach the top level. At least they have to be distracted to control the world's treasures, so the strength is still compromised.

But it is different. it

There is no question, only to reach the level of the gods in the flesh and blood.

This is its advantage. in

When a few Tianzun flew, the cockroach finally moved, like a lightning flash in front of the lingering wind. I don’t know when a light appeared in the claws, burning a faint flame, like the color of the starry sky.

Chaos ancient fire!

This is a chaotic ancient lamp! Take

Before it could not use this ancient lamp, until Burning Tianzun restored its power, borrowing the power of Tianzun body and the top demon emperor, chaos and nine spirits can drive this ancient lamp.

Only chaos and nine creatures can drive this ancient lamp.

It is reported. when

When the chaotic nine-changing spirit completes the nine changes, this ancient lamp will be sacrificed into a life device and integrated into the soul sea.

now. Mixed

The chaotic nine-changing spirits fought fiercely with this ancient lamp, which led directly to the large-scale gods and emperors on the spot, that is, the three gods who were called were killed by this ancient lamp, only because of this ancient lamp The fire rushed out, letting the nine days tremble, and able to burn Tianzun.


However, a finger suddenly appeared, carrying the momentum and strength of the monk, directly in the void, and in front of that finger is the blood and body of the heavens.


He fell to the ground directly, his face was full of flesh and blood, his momentum was annihilated, and his pale face was soaked in water for many days.

The ancient Wuta tower was dark and the death slashed the momentum. Off

The breath of the heavenly body is dissipating, and there are blood holes in the chest, abdomen, and face. They are all pointed out by the finger. The most serious one is the ruined Tiantian, where there are several blood holes that lead to his The power is exhausted and it is a waste.

The wizards who once shined through the ages have been "fallen" in front of people. (

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