Supreme Demon

Chapter 1474: The mountains are running out of water!

Bang! through

The ancient caves trembled, and the whole world was roaring at this moment, making a vibrato, and the heart of the people was jumping wildly.

An ancient martial-tower with a head in the sky, a slashing knife in front of his forehead, and a blade on his chest, like a burning fire, red as blood, emitting a ray of light, but at the moment it appears, The scorpion knives seem to be guarding.

It is different at the moment. when

The burning tunnel is truly integrated into the body of Lingfeng.

When the shocking fairy force appeared in the burning tunnel. when

The fireworks are fully open!

Every day is going to tremble!

"With my blood, I will burn the fire!"

Killing the sky is not a leisurely figure. I knew the problem of burning the road earlier. He can indeed use this blade, but he wants to make it a top-level momentum. only

Because he is not the master of the burning lane.

It was the original big man who needed a blood sacrifice to use it, and only Ling Feng was alone in the world. Yin

The red blood rushed out of the wrist and sprinkled on the burning road. The momentum of the burning tunnel was once again high, and it became hot from redness and finally became deep.

It is like inflammation!

"Xian Li poured!" Ling

The wind did not hesitate, directly ignited Xianli, let it fly out of the forbidden soil of the Tao, and the soil was incorporated into the burning tunnel, and all its power was untied, which was completely used by the heavens.

What great power he has, he will be able to exert the power of the Burning Blade.


The hustle and bustle of Tianwei is like a spring rain, rolling in from afar, carrying the annihilation of Tianwei in Tonggudong, not to mention the heavens and the gods, that is, Tianzun feels shudder. that

It is the road to tremble! that

Even more is burning!

The power of the heavens is like the tide, and it is full of the blade of the burning road, let it be completely filled, the light and rain are all over the sky, and you can see a beam of light rising into the sky.


Tianda screamed, carrying the Burning Path Heavenly Blade, the Tiantian Sword and the Ancient Wuta Tower into the Tonggu Cave, and the ultimate confrontation with the one finger of the Magic Fairy. Want

Life, or die.

Needless to say.

At the moment when the Burning Path Blade fell, time was fixed, and people only felt that breathing was difficult and they were to be killed. on

It is the Tonggu Dongtian that cracks and opens at this moment. It is not as complete. The burning blade that is ignited by the annihilation of the sky is terrible to the extent that the soul will be annihilated.


A crackling sound, some of the hole tears, and the surrounding is more disintegrated, making people worry whether it will completely collapse.

Boom! sink

The screaming loud noise blasted in the sky. Some of the gods' knees were soft and immediately stumbled. The blood on the face was even more backwards. Some heavens felt the body tremble. that

Is the power of the fairy smashing? people

They are exclaimed. boom

Long. under

At the moment, the virtual confrontation began, and the burning of the blade of the sky broke out, despising the world, even in the world, Xianli sprayed thin among them, even better. Fairy

Lectra celestial body! more

Moreover, this is the power of Feixian! "

what! ”

In the distance, a character was screaming, and was hit by this force. His face was ugly, and his body flew back three thousand miles, almost in the air. paint

The black magic blood is pouring out of its mouth. and

The magic fairy's finger actually broke a piece of skin, although not big, but no blood, but it is still amazed.

That is the finger of the magic fairy. although

It is said that the magic fairy is not a real fairy, but only this finger is enough to shock the world. There are no people in the world who ask the heavenly level. How can it hurt the power of the "celestial body"? Do not

Only so.

The light rain on that finger also became gray, the power was dissipating, and eventually it could not be pushed forward, but disappeared into the darkness. magic

Xiannagen's fingers were forced to retreat! Light

It’s crazy to think about it!

A half-abandoned Tianzun, a sacred sword, has thus kept the finger of the magic fairy.

How terrible?


After the disappearance of the magic fairy fingers, the sky was flashed out of the ancient caves, and the power quickly disappeared. It disappeared within a few breaths and was directly planted from the void, while the ancient martial arts tower, the scorpion knife, and the burning The Daotian Blade also fell from the void, and its power became gray and dull.

Their power and will are overdraft.

And the destruction of the sky is more serious, not the power overdraft, but the whole person is abolished. he

The dantian was broken, and his heavenly space law was exhausted, that is, the power inside the flesh and blood was dissipating. Are

In the meantime, he seems to be a thousand years old, white-haired, old-fashioned, and seems to be on the wood.

A Tianzun was abolished like this.

He stopped the finger of the magic fairy, but he also disappeared into the world.

"Tian Zun!" Ling

The wind has changed greatly. Although this result has already been expected, it is still unacceptable.

"Destroy the Lord!"

The Emperor of the Heavenly Regiment is flying wildly, and now it is abolished. Those who are sure to go crazy will be beaten and killed. Want

know. dead

There are too many gods in the hands of the gods, and such blood debts are enough to make those gods crazy. "

Get rid of him! ""

Kill him! "magic

The emperor is yelling, blaming his illness for his life, Ling Feng can recast his body and survive, they are worried that such things will repeat itself in the sky. One

How many characters are the nightmare of the character of the town? "

kill! ”

Tianzun, Demon, and Demon are even more crazy, one step faster than other characters. he

They directly hit the sky.

"Hugh think!"

"court death!"

The squadrons rushed to the eye and rushed forward in front of those characters, only because they had already expected the results, the distance was shorter, even if the speed was slower, it would be faster.

"Block them!"

The Tianjun regiment was the first to be obsessed with the flesh and blood, and the Tianzun and the demon statues were killed. Some time flesh and blood flew, and they died one by one.

then. Off

The characters of the Tianjun regiment appeared lightning, filling out a meat mountain with flesh and blood.

They are the elites created by the destruction of the sky. this

Engraved, just want to die for their Lord. "

war! Ling

The wind, the old man, and so on, all want to push the situation, even though they are thin. "

Let's come too! "cover

Xuan, the Oriental Clan, four Tianzun, and Xuantian, who also carried the Void Characters, also appeared. They all stared at the Gestapo. Although they did not exert the top strength, they were also Tianzun. "

We are late! "smell

The old and the royal road appeared, directly killing the front, not letting those gods respect the former.

This is a big star show!

Rumble... light

If you are a cockroach, you can kill the Tiandao characters. Even if Lingfeng is not enough to see at this moment, he directly recalls the Burning Pathblade and plays the interception technique, but he is still suppressed by Tianzun and retreats.

Not to mention the characters such as Ye Witch and Han Ruyue. most

Miserable is the Dark God, the Heavenly Corps, etc. Although they won in the legionnial matchup, they are still too weak for the top figures, like wheat is being harvested, and it makes people feel distressed. "

You are damned! ”

The Emperor Wu, headed by the Tiantian Legion, directly blew himself up. Their strength is weakening. It is not as good as before, and naturally it is necessary to exert the strongest light and heat before this.

Self-explosion is not the only option.

But it is unwilling to make a choice.

In a fire, he took away the lives of several Emperors and disappeared into the long river of history.

This is the beginning. Connect

Come down. Off

The Tianjun regiment blew themselves up. They were the ones who would die, and they didn’t care about life and death. The result of their self-explosion was that the starry sky annihilated a large piece, and the top characters were injured and stayed away for a short time.


After the self-destruction tide, Ling Feng was deeply sighed, and the glory of the dynasty dynasty corps came quickly, leaving only a small number of people and dying. and

They are even more difficult on this side, losing the Heavenly Corps and destroying the sky. Even the two great forces of the Eastern clan and the Void are unable to stand up. he

We are heading for tragedy.

When Ling Qing was seriously injured and was pierced by a sharp sword, the anger in Ling Feng’s heart was completely ignited. "

court death! "he

Carrying the ancient martial arts tower, burning the road to kill the front, and for a short time forced to retreat that Tianzun, so that Ling Qing has the opportunity to recast the body in the void.


As the moon screams, it falls directly from the void, and the body is broken.


The Witch of the Leaf is even more miserable, the entire face is destroyed, and the shot is actually the character of the small fish and the roster of death.

"I am willing to sacrifice my soul!" Qin

The old wounds were heavy and could not hold on. They blew themselves up in the void, igniting the blood fire in the dark gods and igniting the **** hate of Lingfeng. because

He started. because

He is too proud and confident. This

Some people are killing one by one.

All of them!

"You shouldn't die!"

Ling Feng lowered his head and guilty of his own grief. If he could stay away from Shenwuxing, there would not be so many tragedies. Want

It is he who can be more cautious. Want

It is

Yes, now 10,000 can't change the lives of those people. he

They are destined to be engraved on the monument to the death of God. "

Sorry, I didn't do this person! Ling

The wind is sad and tears, looking at the ruined mountain river, looking at the dark **** who is madly killing blood, looking at the red face of the hands and feet, and Ye Xinran who is bent on being a "female lord."

"Some things are still done by me!"

Ling Feng is sad and heartbroken. this

engraved. he

The heart is desolate and tragic.

If there is sacrifice, I hope it is him! "

I am willing to block the devil, and I will do my best to be sad! ”

He shouted in the sky and shook his voice.

This is the moment when the mountains are running out!

This is even more on the occasion of the magic! he

I don't want to let the gods sacrifice, but I don't want to see the leaf witch, Ling Qing, etc., and the only thing that can be done is to uncover the prohibition and let the magic bone burst out of the strongest light. no

Can't help but fall! willing

The magic is born again!

"I am the right way, you can destroy the gods, and when you hit me, if I am a demon, you must hate life, you must be one of the best."

"If I am a demon, who dares to enter the devil?"

The voice fell.

He used the force of Xianli and the road to ban the land as the move to uncover the prohibition of the town's magic bones, and the strong seal to the last seal.

Hey... Bang!

In an instant, the magic light hits the sky, the ninth road is banned, and the endless magic light will swallow the wind. (

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