Supreme Demon

Chapter 2497: A guy who will do everything!

Nether Palace! sit

It falls in the center of the Nether's Magic Road, within the days of the Nether Cave.

There is a vast magical spurt there, and the clouds are steaming, and even the magic is very beautiful.

The secluded cave sky is a bottomless cave, shrouded by endless magic light, releasing a massive atmosphere, flooding the 10,000 roads, surrounded by the heads of the heavenly characters, the head of the heavenly spirit.

More portrayed the terrible strange door, able to ban the temperament. and

That Nether Cave Day is more like a source of water. It is because of its spurting out of endless magic that there is a magical moment of today.

The Nether Palace is suspended in the sky, like a rootless grass, full of mystery.

This palace is quite grand, but the giant gate has a height of 30,000 feet. The ordinary demon gods are unwilling to push away, and there is also a magical ban on it. The top characters of the non-secret meditation cannot be opened.

now. that

The Daomen Gate is open, and several characters are located in the palace, and three of them are the magical deities familiar with Ling Feng. quiet

Moon Star Jun, Blood Monster and the Devil! and

Underneath them are sitting on a few characters, not obvious, wearing gray clothes, surrounded by a faint yin, revealing a fierce and dull atmosphere, only the middle figure is different . she was

Is a female emperor!

Her eyes are warm, like spring water.

Her eyebrows flashed, and it was very bright. she was

If the face is aura, it is full of agility.

Although it is not dust-free and dirt-free, it is also very beautiful, like the scenery in the sky. This

The female emperor in a starry sky is actually sitting in the same palace as the three magical devils. There is no shopping, no death, and sometimes a smile overflows. It is really a puzzling thing. "

The power of the magic road is really enough for the blood. "that

The beautiful female emperor smiled and said: "The three devils have come out, only to let him enter the magic, but also because he does not hesitate to use the door of the heavens, the loss should be heavy?"


You Yue Xingjun said with a smile. "There are ancient emperors who can get one person and get the world."

It is a very high praise!

They attach great importance to Ling Feng. If Ling Feng asks, and even asks the heavens, then the whole magical power will be in full swing. Who dares to bully?

"Is that true?"

The beautiful female emperor smiled and said, "Do you really believe him?"

What is not credible? "three

The devil is laughing, but the heart is really dull, Ling Feng’s performance is perfect, it is completely crazy, and people can’t pick it up.


The beautiful female emperor got up and said with a smile. "If I am, I am afraid I have to believe."

"He is the hand of the witch, Ling Qing!"

He stabbed and burned Tianzun! ""

He is more personally annihilating the anti-God elite! ""

He is even more **** and has a lot of power in the stars and stars. He even ate the demon sorcerer, and even the empty roads and the eastern clan have been hurt a lot, but they have not said it. ""

He is facing the entire starry sky! ”

"He betrayed the stars!"

He is like a madman, pulling a star out of the sky! ”

"This is completely a performance of crazy!"

"Is there any problem?"

The devil respected the face with solemnity. Although they were very talented in the magical way, they were not the opponent of the female emperor at the IQ level. "

no problem! "that

The female emperor said with a smile. "

call! "three

The demon can't help but spit out a sigh of gas. To be honest, every sentence of the female emperor is in the middle of their minds. Ling Feng's performance is too perfect to pick up any problems.

"It can be just because of this, it makes people feel terrible!"

The next sentence of the female emperor makes the three devils heart beat wildly.

"What do you mean?"

The face of the demon face was heavy. "

Don't you think that a guy who has done everything is not terrible? Said the female emperor with a look of praise.


The three devils couldn’t speak, and the people around the emperor couldn’t speak. of


This is a rather terrible fact. magic

The problems that the esteemers can think of, the Lingfeng have already been done, that is, the problems that the demon lords did not think of, and Ling Feng has already finished.

He loves it by hand!

He personally kissed his dear! more

Killing his "master".

How can such a madman who betrayed relatives and loves not believe?

The problem can be found here, his madness is perfect. and


Ling Feng itself is a rather terrible layout master. If he really wants to target the power of the magic, even the roster of death, this layout is very deadly. "

Do you think there is a problem? ”

The three devils asked in an unprecedented and serious tone. "

do not know! "that

The female emperor said with a look of pain. "At least I can't see it at the moment. If I can see it through, I won't lose it so badly in that vast battlefield!"

Of course. she was

Once the "old man" of Ling Feng, met on the battlefield, because of the terrible IQ and combat power of Ling Feng, she was beaten very fiercely. and

In this battlefield, there are not many "old people" in Ling Feng. Have

This kind of beauty and IQ, there is only one female emperor in the world.

Small fish! dead

A very important female emperor on the roster of God is the master of the next generation. she was

It is the young master of the death list!

"What does the little fish mean?" asked the three devils. "

look more! "small

The fish said with a smile: "Lingfeng is a terrible figure, even if the madness, its IQ is not affected, but the righteous breath is blinded, and even swallowed."

"If he is really crazy, it is a great event for the Nether Day."

However, if his madness is just an illusion, it is an unprecedented blood disaster for the Nether Day and even for us! "This

It is a double-edged sword!

"How to determine if he is really crazy?" asked the three devils. "We can't force the soul search. It will not only cause the resentment of Ling Feng, but also may bring blood to the entire Nether." Ling

There is a terrible prohibition in the wind, and a demon statue has been made, but it has not appeared yet. This

It is also the reason why the three devils are jealous.


What they want is the genius of Ling Feng and the future of the magical forces, especially the matter is very important. "

Soul no soul! ”

The little fish heads up and agrees with the devils. "So we have to find the truth from another side."

"What side?"

Against the gods! ""

Ok? "The three devils have raised their eyebrows and have a flash of light."

However, before they opened their mouths, Xiaoyu explained. "Lingfeng loves it personally, but if you love it, you don't die?"

What if those elites are not dead? ""

is it possible? ”

The three devils looked straight and frowned. Want


When Ling Feng loved and stabbed and burned Tianzun, they were present. The terrible power was shot and annihilated. Do not say that the Ye witch is just a god, that is, Wu Di will not. and

And. burn

Tian Zun's injury can be sensed, if it is not his flesh and blood, the strength is terrible, I am afraid that it will be seriously injured by Ling Feng, and even killed.

Ling Feng can cultivate life and death, but it does not mean that other people can also learn to live and die. complete

actually. Ling

The magic of the wind can annihilate any power, especially the emergence of Xianli, that is, wanting to be born again is a luxury.

This is why the three devils believe in Ling Feng.

It is too difficult and too difficult to deceive their magic.

"This is exactly what I want to know."

The little fish said with meditation. "The wind is in the beipo, it is not their intention, and you are against the strength of the gods. If it is not the magic fairy that the finger appears, we are afraid to really return, it means Ling It’s accidental to get into the wind."

What do you mean? "The three devils are gods."

It means that Lingfeng’s enchantment is not known to the people in advance. They don’t have time to deal with it. ”

"The most acting is the Ling Feng!"

However, that is to love it, what is worth doing? "small

If the fish eyebrows are stars, the smile is extremely splendid.

Is it more fun to kill them than to love them? Want

It is like this, then Ling Feng is not worthy of their attention. One

Those who do not know how to be grateful and affectionate, there is no feeling for any power, this is terrible, they do not want to do their best to cultivate a white-eyed wolf.

In fact. he

We have had a very deep research on Ling Feng. I know that this is a person with a strong feeling and will not do such a thing at all. Want

It is he who is not acting, and the anti-God elites and Ye Witch, Ling Qing are really dead. "

Of course, there is another situation. "small

The fish language is not surprisingly endless. "Then it is the layout of Lingfeng immediately after the magic, and Ye Witch, Ling Qing, Burning Tianzun, etc. immediately understand the intent of Ling Feng, will count, use the death to gain our trust. ""

what? ”

The three demon faces are amazed and have an incredible feeling. Want

It is true that it is really terrible to reverse the gods.

"This is just a guess of mine. If we have this power against the gods, then we will lose nothing."

"At present, our task is to thoroughly investigate the anti-god, as long as we find that any of the **** characters still have alive, then we must first do the hurricane!"

The fascinating glory of the small fish.

The character of Ling Feng is very important and dangerous. If it can be used for them, the Death List and the Magic Road will be even more powerful. can

If Ling Feng is a knives?

"it is good!"

At this point, the three magical demons are quite valued, but they have to take the great plan one step ahead of time. Do not

A lot of time. Ling

The wind appeared in the Nether Palace, with a faint smile on his face, but the eyes were full of madness. He looked at the three devils and turned to the small fish who was looking at him.

"You are my old man?"

Ling Feng smiled and asked.


The face of the little fish is filled with the same smile as Ling Feng. "

I remember you! ”

Ling Feng said seriously. "You have attacked me on Shenwuxing!"

"I also remember you, I almost lost my hand on the Star of Heaven!" The little fish sneered.

“In this way, are we really old people?”

indeed! "18(

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