Supreme Demon

Chapter 2499: Xiangu four major levels!

Say you want to fight! real

Power is very honest! This

It is a small fish. she was

I want to smash Ling Feng, but at the moment I shouted that it was an alliance and needed a truce. when

Of course. Want

It is Ling Feng who is not as good as her, and there is no such optimism in the end. because

and. she was

Letting out more vigilant news, Star Sky is building a Starry Academy to deal with Ling Feng. Do not

To say that Ling Feng, that is, the three devils are cold and upright, this news they have not yet obtained, and the small fish has already known the news, which means that the death roster is ahead of the magical power in the news. Do not


Now they are not concerned with the source of the issue, but with the issue of the message. star

Empty college!

Just these four words make the devil very unhappy, the entire starry sky has formed an alliance, and then deal with Ling Feng? Of course


When the demon lords were thinking about this thorny problem, Ling Feng smiled coldly and said, "This is not important to me. I am not a vengeful person. I prefer to have a hatred on the same day!"


He lightning forced to the small fish, to smash the ambition and strength of the small fish, so as not to have a long night dream, he must always be on guard against this character. "

Ling Feng, first stop! "three

Devil Zun said, do not want Ling Feng and the small fish to die. can


Ling Feng did not hear the general, banned suicide to the small fish, that powerful strength makes the small fish face madness on the spot, really want to die, she will be killed. "

Stop, Ling Feng, even if you are crazy, you should know that the situation is very bad for you! ”

Several characters in the list of deaths open together and forced to move forward. If Lingfeng really moves the knife to the small fish, they will not hesitate to move the knife, and there is also a Tianzun.

"When am I afraid of things?" Ling

After the wind entered the magic, it became more vigilant, only because the entire starry sky was an opponent.

"We are not malicious!"

Several figures on the roster of the gods said: "Starry sky has to deal with you, but it has to deal with us. Now they are an alliance, and we must not hurt each other, we should be with the enemy!"

"Ling Feng, the little fish is not really going to kill you!"

The demon esteem appears when appropriate, to discourage, to prevent Lingfeng "mad magic disease" to smash the small fish.

"At least we should first figure out what the starry sky is doing."

Yue Xingjun said: "The roster of death belongs to the alliance with my magical forces. You are now a member of my magical power, and you should not kill the allies."

"I can feel her hostility!" Ling

The wind said with a sigh of relief, after the enchantment, Ling Feng scruples very little, more concerned about the heart.

"You are an opponent. Now it is an alliance. There is always a process."

The three devils act as peacemakers. They must eliminate the grievances for Lingfeng and the small fish. Otherwise, let the two characters die and die. I am afraid that the magical power and the death gods will have to be lost for many years. This

It is not good for the roster of death and is more unfavorable to them. "

If you feel that you can cope with the next situation and don't want to know Starry Academy, then we will die! "small

The fish road is cold, standing in the air, looking directly at the eyes of Ling Feng, saying, "However, if I am killed, the roster of death will become your enemy, and your message will spread throughout the stars!"

"Are you threatening me?" Ling

The wind said coldly. "

Yes! ”


The atmosphere is tense, and the cold sweat on the faces of the three demon statues will come down. Are these two ancestors really going to die?

Will the relationship between the Death List and the Magic Powers fall apart in the past few years? on

Ling Feng spoke when several characters in the three devil and death roster wanted to persuade further. "

Say, how do Stars deal with me? ”

His momentum dissipated and his hostility towards the small fish weakened a lot. At present, Starry Academy is indeed the focus of his concern. and

And. he

Now it is really necessary to have allies, the small fish and the roster of death is a powerful force. If the small fish really died here, the magic road will be unlucky. At that time, it is not only the death roster to deal with him, but the three devils are afraid of both. Be angry. he

It is necessary to try to create a situation of your own, rather than to disintegrate this situation.

Needless to say. in

When Ling Feng opened, several characters in the three demon statues and the list of death gods were relieved. Although Ling Feng was crazy, it was not an idiot.

It’s that the little fish is cold and sweaty. She is really worried that Ling Feng will kill her with desperation. "

Because you have seriously damaged the forces of the stars, those forces will want to create a force to restrain you when you disappear, and this power is the Starry Academy. The small fish flew down from the void and sat on the ground.

"What forces?" Ling Feng asked. "

Xianting, Dianxiandao, etc.! "Small fish Yuyan became serious.


Ling Feng frowned and said: "I don't want to hear this word, I want more accurate news."

You should know the current pattern of the stars. ”

The fish said with a smile. "Because of your relationship, the whole starry sky is now split and the faction is many."

Several forces like Xianting and Dianxiandao belong to a faction, and their strength is quite terrible. ""

The nine kings of the Yaozu are the second faction, and the strength cannot be underestimated! ”

"The third faction is the Oriental clan, the empty road, the Guanghan Palace, the Yaochi, etc. It is said that the anti-God is also involved, and it is the proud bird, the cold moon and so on."

The smile on the face of the little fish became interesting.

She looked directly at Ling Feng’s eyes and said: "You should be familiar with these forces."

Is some familiar! Ling

The sinister test of laughter said: "In the beginning, the gods burned the gods and almost killed me, I will naturally remember!"

Of course. Enter

After the demon, Ling Feng’s consciousness was affected, the feelings against the gods dissipated, and even the memory was vague. After the magic, the trend became smooth. What he could remember was only the burning of the gods and the anti-God. I want to kill him. "

The three major factions are really not to be underestimated. Ling Feng sneered.

"What about the three major factions?"

The fisherman said gloomyly. "It is said that the Mozu demons must also build a college to confront the three star school, but their intentions should not be small, I am afraid that it is not as simple as the three colleges."

"They intended the entire sky!"

Ling Feng grinned. "The Mozu is arrogant, and the three colleges in the district can't satisfy their appetite."

Not bad! "small

Fish forehead. "

What are the four colleges? "three

The devil is straight and frowns. This is different from the major forces. These forces form alliances and resources are shared, and the Starry Academy will be different. "

Just want to deal with me with just a few colleges? "Ling Feng sneered."

It’s different in the past! ”

The little fish said heavily: "They are to create a real elite Wudi, and even return to the ancient Wudi!"

Return to ancient times? "Ling Feng is amazed, the word is really new.

. three

When the demon statue heard this sentence, his face suddenly changed, and he was quite jealous of the word "returning to ancient times". "

It is back to ancient times! ”

The little fish Yuyan becomes heavier, and the gloomy ones will drip out the water. "

What do you mean? Ling Wen asked inexplicably.

"Returning to ancient times is different from that of the world, not even the ancient times, but to reach the level of immortality."

The smile on the face of the little fish disappeared, and it took a while to say. "The ancient civilization of the immortal is known as the top civilization. It was once born, how such an era ended, that is, the characters of the ancient times did not figure out, and that At that time, the characters of the Emperor, Emperor and other emperors are even more capable of rivalry."

At present, the forces of the major forces are all out, and the material of Xiangu is shocked, and it is necessary to build the heavenly characters belonging to the Xiangu period. ""

Come to deal with me? "Ling Feng magic eyes.

"To deal with you!" The small fish head.

"What kind of substance is that?"

It is still unclear! ”

“Do these forces have immortal matter?”

Yes. ”

The little fish said: "Is it possible to come from all ages, which ones are simple?"

This is like the gap between local and rich.

The foundation of the local tyrant is too shallow and has the same rootlessness, while the rich is rooted in the mountains and rivers. It is difficult for you to see through their true heritage.

"Is there a roster of death and a magical force?" Ling Feng asked.

He does not understand what is the immortal material, but he can be sacrificed by various forces and wants to be different, only to be able to deal with himself. "

Have! "small

The fish quickly replied. "However, our material is not for you, and the immortal material of the Magic Road disappears with the disappearance of the ancestors."


There is no immortal material in the magic road, and the magic ancestors do not know where to die.

"It's really a sad thing." Ling Feng sighed.

"Use these immortal materials, just deal with me, it seems a bit of a big problem?" Ling Feng laughed. "

If I don't think so. ”

The little fish said with a smile: "You are the most dangerous person in the world. If you are alive, those powers will sleep with one eyelid."

"However, the intention of the stars is not only for you, but also for us and the Mozu!"

What are you going to do now? Ling Feng asked.

"What should you do?" said the little fish. "The first thing in the sky is to deal with you, and we are second."

I am very curious about those fairy materials! Ling Feng said with a smile.

"We will fully support you!" The little fish instantly realized. "

However, the major forces are so blatantly laying the Starry Sky Institute, it should not give you any chance, and once the Tiandao characters of Xiangu period appear, you must pay attention. "The fish reminded.

"How do you know they belong to Xiangu?"

"Xiangu Tiandao characters can be listed in four major levels!"

Which four levels? ”

"Yuan, Ling, Huang, Dao!"

The sound of the small fish is extremely heavy.. "The different times of Xiangu period, the world at that time should not be like this, and the talents and potential of human beings have not been embarrassed, but more holes can be opened and more progress can be made."

"When the world is weak due to the breath of the heavens and the earth, the star power is gray, and the human body is planted with the mark of heaven. Therefore, it is difficult to reach the level of the immortal period, and those ancient materials are to open these shackles and let potential people Being able to go further, not limited to the top of the world."

"When is the top of the world?" Ling Feng frowned. "

Different from heaven and earth, the top heavenly figures in the world can only reach the spirit level of the Xiangu period, and the two levels of the emperor and the Tao are out of reach. ”(

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