Supreme Demon

Chapter 2502: Wandao Xinghe!

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Refining! This

It is a dead domain and belongs to a forbidden soil in Xianting. dead

The field is full of decay, as if there was a **** of death, a vast expanse of Tianwei is falling from the void.

Different from magic. dead

The domain is more like a forbidden soil in hell. It is more suitable for people like Death. If Lingfeng’s death can be practiced here, its speed should be quite fast.

but. This

It does not mean that the dead zone is not suitable for the martial arts. The dead air here can be used to polish the heavenly power, and to temper the heavenly force. It is also a creation of its flesh and blood. As long as it can be cultivated in the dead zone, it is necessary to happen. The horror will change and it will become stronger. because


Most of the characters of Xianting will break into the dead zone and complete the qualitative change of the martial arts blowout.

Wu is one of them. he

It is a preliminary questionable character. It can be called excellent in Xianting. It belongs to the man of the last world. It is the first of the six people. It is valued by the big figures of Xianting and is regarded as a fairy. Court future king.

At the beginning.

Ling Feng has not yet appeared, the void road is still weak, and Wu is the first person who pushes the genius to suppress the empty road, the Guanghan Palace and Yaochi.

In the last day of the battle, he was the one who took the crown.

If Ling Feng did not appear, he was the most dazzling of the entire starry sky.

unfortunately. Rear

There has been a better person in the world, exposing a gifted world, and pressing on the genius. It is also known as the "King of the People". This is the "name" that Wu did not get.

In fact. Ling

The wind is indeed worthy of this title. On the treacherous stars and Shenwuxing, the strength of Lingfeng’s performance makes Wu feel the tremor. because


After the opening of Xianyu, Wu made every effort to break into the fairyland and get the material of Xiangu, and then suppress the wind. Ling

The wind is no longer a vain genius, but a fairy dream, but also a nightmare between him. Nai

As for the starry sky, there are rumors spread out. thousand

In the year of Wu, a thousand years of a wind. Display

Of course. This

It was the empty road, the Guanghan Palace and other forces deliberately released, the purpose is to make Wu and Xianting embarrassed, and Wu felt that this may also be the anti-God and the death list and other forces released, want to suppress them. This

A moment. Wu

I just want to let the whole starry sky know who is the year!

Over the past few decades, he has worked harder than anyone else, step by step to the point where he is today, and he has left other people behind him. Finally, he was taken care of this year and successfully entered the Xianyu area and became one of them. This

It is the affirmation of Xian Ting's strength, and it is also the fairy court. This

Not the point.

The point is that after he entered the fairyland, he showed terrible strength and talent, and he was rewarded by the immortal material. Although the amount is small, it is unparalleled. Do not

Over. Fairy

Ancient matter is not forced to take, but to temper itself to the top, to the limit, so as to "tear", can open a more powerful potential. Take

The four levels of Xiangu are divided. He is now at the top of the Yuan Emperor, and it is only a step away from Lingdi. mill


This is an eternal story, boring and boring.

can. each

There is such a torment behind a powerful one. Every horrible character is because they can withstand loneliness and can withstand the practice.

Wu is doing it.


In the second month, there was a virtual light in his body, and he flew into the sky, dispelling the light rain, and presenting the second illusory light. It seems that another kind of road is in full bloom. "

The second way! ”

The cross between the Wu and the Tao was shining. Fairy

The most powerful place in the field is not only the immortal material, but also the ancient heavens. This kind of heavenly power can melt the material of the immortality more gently, and “tear” the potential of martial arts, and even reveal the second space rule. Wait. This

There is no such thing in Xianting. "

It is said that he gave birth to the third space rule, but he did not have the ancient heaven power, at most the top of the spirit emperor, as long as I reach the emperor level, you can kill it! ”

In the eyes of Wu, the glare is shining, and Ling Feng is regarded as a life rival. As long as the opportunity is seized, Ling Feng will be eliminated immediately. This

It is not only the contest between him and Ling Feng, but also the hatred of the whole Xianting on Ling Feng. whole

The whole three months! Wu

The room has been tempered, and it has tempered its own momentum to an astounding degree. Xiangu Tiangong has erupted a powerful force, sprayed out lightning and flowed mysteriously. "

It's time to go back! "he

Self-talking, Xianyu pays great attention to these characters and goes back every few months. Otherwise, it will be regarded as suffering and will directly affect the whole fairyland.

This is quite a serious matter. One

Once the entire town of Xianyu is sealed, he will be directly removed. he

Disappear quickly and move toward the distance.

but. he

Instead of flying directly to Xianyu, it turned to Xianting, flying through Qimen to the distance. The place where it can appear is not a fairyland, but a city. Wu

He was very vigilant. He stayed in the city for eight days. Like ordinary people, he bought some items in the market, and then he applied it to the fairyland.


He entered Qimen, flew in the other direction, and then flew farther through Qimen.

I turned around eight odd doors, and this was done toward Xianyu.

call out!

Between the lightning, Wu disappeared into a wasteland, and it was as sudden and embarrassing.

can. sheet

After the engraving, Wu appeared again in the wasteland, and looked around with vigilance. Knowing that no one was following, this was a sigh of relief and turned and disappeared into the wilderness.

Time is in a hurry.

Until the third day, the wilderness appeared on the wilderness, wearing a black robe and a cloak on the head. The whole person gave off a faint breath. Occasionally he would look up and reveal a harmless smile of humans and animals, but the smiley face Magic.


Undoubtedly, the person who came is Ling Feng.

Since he discovered Wu, he quickly merged into the void and integrated his power into Wu.

after all. he

It is not just Wu, but Xiannian. whole

For the whole half of the month, Ling Feng was non-stop, and he followed the Tianzhou to trace Wu, and the dust came from the air. Although he took a step at night, he found him here.

There is nothing special about this wilderness, but the difference is different, he can sense the atmosphere of the world, especially here, he can clearly capture the atmosphere of the Galaxy. Display

Of course. This

It is not a wasteland, there is a star river here. This

There are sky stars in the world, but who has ever noticed that there are still rivers under the wasteland? dark


Unlike the Star River, the Dark Star River generally has the power of scorpion, and the forces such as Xianting and Dianxian Road have such dark stars, which is really scary.

quickly. Ling

The wind appeared in the wasteland, and Xianli directly spread it out. It was like a lightning bolt, integrating itself into the wilderness and not affecting its overall situation.

The wasteland is a vast and wonderful gate.

It is this vast and singular door that covers Tianyu, reversing the void, and turning this piece into a wasteland. The essence is not this, but a sea of ​​enclaves.

This Bohai Sea is very colorful and very beautiful. and

Under the Bohai Sea, there is a dark river in the stars, and the stars are in the dark river. "

Galaxy Wandao? ”

Ling Fengyi, he has heard that there is such a dark star river in this world, every star river is from Xiangu, quite precious, full of adventures and mysterious power, but now it seems that this dark star river is Xiangu Is it matter? "

Is this one of the nine dark stars in the world? Ling

The wind is heavy, which means that the emergence of each college may be behind a dark star river. quiet

Dark star through the fairy! "

If this is the case, it really makes people a headache! ”

Ling Feng squinted and burst into cold light. The nine dark stars must be controlled in the hands of the major forces. That is equivalent to controlling the resources of Xiangu, not just a small part of the small fish.

"The dark star river, it is really fascinating."

After the engraving, Ling Feng magic eyes shine, showing a breath of breath. of


This is quite terrible, but it is also his chance. As long as you find these dark stars, you will be annihilated one by one, and then you will get the immortal material.

"Xian Ting, you will die!"


Ling Feng will be integrated into the space and use the worldly force. At present, only Xianli is not demonized. It can avoid the Tiandaoqi door and does not cause waves. But this does not mean that Xianli will not alarm Tianzun. complete


Since Ling Feng broke into Xianting, Xianting’s big man realized the drawbacks of Qimen and improved it to detect magic, righteous power, and even Xianli. can

To say.

If the big guys find him appearing here, then he has no chance to leave alive, just because it is the Dark Star River, their territory. "

Then come to a top hunting! ”

Lingfeng step by step forward, sensing the strange changes here, the strength is heavily integrated into it, and the space here is folded. It is not easy to fly to the Dark Star River. but


This does not affect Xianli, but it is more troublesome.

quickly. he

It passes through the folding space and appears in front of the Dark Star River. straight

This dark star river can feel its spectacular. Each star is like a real dragon and a phoenix. It is not a dead object, but a living thing, and it is very spiritual.

In the dark star river, there is an ancient palace, which is a thousand miles away. The magnificent people are trembled. It is unthinkable that the characters who can create such palaces are undoubted. "

It’s really a good hunting ground. ”

Ling Feng did not move forward, but quietly flew to the distance, surrounded by the entire dark star river, he wanted to find the entrance of the Dark Star River, and know how many entrances there are.

This is more conducive to his hunting. "

Is there only one entrance? Ling

The smile on the wind is even worse. I don’t know if it’s dangerous. The big names in Xiantian only create an entrance to prevent people from getting in, but this gives Ling Feng the opportunity. "

I want to see what it is! "Say


Ling Feng disappeared in front of the Wandao Xinghe River.

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