Supreme Demon

Chapter 2504: Xiangu material!

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Three months!

Ling Feng hides in the space, like a lone wolf in hunting, **** and violent. In a short time, he will suppress the top geniuses of the fifteen centuries, and all of them will enter the spirit beads.

This is quite a terrible thing.

It is necessary to know that the entire genius of the Xianyu is less than forty. Now, the number of geniuses who have been detained by Lingfeng has reached fifteen. If you let the famous people of Xiantian know, they are estimated to be alive and mad.


Let Ling Feng feel regret that time has come, most of the genius is flying back, if he is late, it is estimated that it will be discovered by the great people of Xianyu, when they want to escape is a luxury.


He quickly integrated into the space and flew into the distance little by little. This process was very careful. The "hunting" was completed and he only wanted to leave safely.


After three full hours, Ling Feng flew out of the fairyland and the sea, appeared in Qimen, and fell on the wasteland, and then he directly flashed.

In fact.

Shortly after Ling Feng left, the immortal adults frowned, only because the time agreed with the previous genius had arrived, but he did not return.

“What special circumstances have you encountered?”

A big man's face is ugly, but this situation is very tricky. A carelessness is a terrible event.

There are strict rules in the fairy field. As long as this time is exceeded, it will be expelled from Xianyu.

"Is it easy to get the material of Xiangu?" Another big man said coldly: "Direct delisting!"

"This..." Another big man opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. After all, it was the genius in their power, and he was placed high hopes. But the real masters here are the big men of Xianting, the famous people of Xianting. If they are serious, they are not

Is there any way?

It’s too hard to sigh that genius.


The situation is far more serious than they think.

In the past, a genius figure in Xianting did not return and missed the time.


Several big people in Xianting frowned straight. After the advent of Xianyu, they had severely warned that they should not miss the time. In the past year, Xianting geniuses have understood how to comply with this rule. This has never happened.

But what is going on today?

Did they become inflated after getting the resources of Xiangu?

What makes him depressed is that he has expelled a genius from other forces. How can he now recover?


A big man in Xianting is a face, cold and open, they need not only genius, but also an obedient genius, otherwise it will be a very dangerous thing to be out of control.


Things got complicated, only because the third genius did not come back in time.

"It's a bit too bad!"

At this time, the big men finally reacted. If one or two geniuses missed the time, they could understand it, but the three people appeared at the same time. This is a big problem.

"Immediately seal the fairyland and the sea, and thoroughly check the number of geniuses!"

A big man in Xianting took the initiative and was afraid of night dreams.


Several top heavenly figures immediately acted and flew in all directions to conduct a thorough investigation.


The whole fairyland has been fried. Because of the fact that there are six geniuses in Xianyu who did not return in time, and this number is increasing rapidly, and there are still many geniuses who have lost contact, directly reaching 15 or so, and more of them are highly hoped by Xianting. Neither in Wu

Come back.

"who is it?"

At this time, if the big men can't react, then there is no need for the fairyland to be born.

"I don't know, I'm doing a thorough investigation!"

A few top heavenly figures have cold sweats on their faces, and a total of fifteen geniuses, almost half of the thirty-six geniuses of Xianyu.

Don't say that Xiantian is such a loss, that is, other forces can't bear it.


Several big men were angry and shouted on the spot. "Without you, let's check it out!"


They flew into the distance and traveled in the sea of ​​the fairyland. Two of the big men flew out of the sea in the fairyland and appeared in the distance.


Even if they wanted to find the atmosphere of Ling Feng, it was not easy. After spending three days, they only “smelled” a little energy fluctuation on Qimen.

"It's magic!"

The face of a big man in Xianting was directly black. He had hopes before, and this moment of hope was shattered.

It can be said that the emergence of magic, he can already foresee the end of the fifteen geniuses.

"No, magic can't do this step!"

Another big man retorted that this strange door is very special, restraining a lot of power, magic is naturally the focus of it. If the magic appears in this place, I am afraid to alert them.

"It is not!"

The former big man’s forehead, solemnly said: “The magic is not weak, but I want to move quietly under our eyes, even the demon can’t do it.”

"what is that?"

"Xian Li!"

In an instant, everyone changed their face and was even more incredibly shocked.

"Ling Feng?"

"Ling Feng!"

"How can this be?"

No one responded, just because this is exactly what they want to ask. Can only Xianli be able to integrate it?

Can only Xianli be hidden under their eyes?

What's more important is that even if Xianli will make Qimen appear turbulent, it does not cause them to be alert. How is this done?

"If you add that ban?" said a big man in Xianting.

The prohibition they have seen, unpredictable, no one knows the power of it, to say that he can let Ling Feng successfully sneak in with the alarmed big men, they believe.

"Even if it is Ling Feng, he wants to live fifteen top geniuses, it is impossible!"

This is confident that they still have it.

Let's not talk about the strength of the top 15 characters, but the battle fluctuations will alert them.

People can't answer, this situation is too extraordinary, it must be really Ling Feng, the fifteen geniuses are only afraid of more than a few.

"Check it out and find out where the wind is!"


Several big men flew out, and at least three of them flew into the distance, along the atmosphere of Ling Feng.


The next day.

A big man stopped on a Tianshan Mountain, his face was ugly and angry, only because he could not feel the breath of Ling Feng here, as if it was directly annihilated, and only Xianli could do this step.


He felt that this was the deliberate exposure of Ling Feng and let them catch up here.

He is provoking!

He is telling the great people of Xiantian. He is detaining fifteen geniuses in Xianyu. How can you treat me?

Crazy and bold.

Careful and cautious!

Powerful and mysterious!

Such a person really makes the major forces feel tricky, and as long as Ling Feng gets the secret of Xian Tian, ​​and even the ancient material, its growth is even more terrible.


Ling Feng was only directed at Xianyu College. If he stared at Xiangu material and dealt with several other colleges and got more Xiangu material, what is the significance of their establishment of Star Academy?

Are they still being trampled under the feet?

"Notify other colleges immediately, don't let Ling Feng get it again!"

"Then we will be the joke of the whole star!"

"So how do you think we can bully for the character of Ling Feng?"


The gods are silent, with the urinary nature of Lingfeng, I am afraid that they will soon become the laughter of the entire starry sky, and they do not need to do it.



Ling Feng will not let such a good opportunity.

But now he has more important things, that is, immortal matter.

Devouring the beads space.

Ling Feng appeared here.

Although he threw all the fifteen geniuses in, he was independent. Otherwise, the fifteen geniuses joined forces. It was not so easy for him to suppress the situation.


A genius opposite him is attacking all around, trying to break it down and fight it out.

When Ling Feng came in, he keenly stopped his hand and looked at Ling Feng.

"It's you!"

Although Ling Feng did not know this genius, it is obvious that this genius is to know him.

"it's me!"

Ling Feng smiled slightly.

"What are you doing?" asked the genius character vigilantly.

"Xiangu material!" Ling Feng bluntly.

"Hugh think!"

"Then I will come and pick it up!" Ling Feng smiled faintly, and did not put it in his eyes.

The figure retreated, but anyone who knows the character of Ling Feng is not vigilant. "Sangu material is not allowed to be brought out, it has already been integrated into my body, you can't get it."

"Is it?"

Ling Feng sneered, it is true that there are very few ancient materials, most of them have been integrated into the body, but there is no reason not allowed to bring out.


The character was quite decisive, directly killing Ling Feng, and the spirit of the emperor suddenly broke out. The second space was almost born, quite embarrassing.


In front of Ling Feng, he still didn't look enough.


The magic road was forbidden, and the sound of the fairy voice was heavy. The eruption of the world was overwhelming. On the spot, the space rule of the Emperor was disintegrated and then suppressed.

"Do not!"

The face of the Emperor was disastrous, and he felt that the sound of the fairy was infiltrating into him, disintegrating his space rules little by little, and shredding his power.


Ling Feng stepped on the chest of the Emperor, and forced him to ask. "I want to be immortal!"


"Then I will come and find it myself!"


His eyebrows flew out of the lightning, directly into the soul of the soul of the soul, to search the soul.

"No, you can't think about it!"

The spirit of the emperor directly collapsed the soul of the Tao, the soul of the soul has the secret of the fairyland and the origin of the immortal material, etc., if Ling Feng found that the entire fairyland, and even the entire starry sky will be unlucky.

Although there is a ban on his soul, it is still a problem to prevent Xianli.

He does not dare to gamble.

Only by breaking the soul can you keep these secrets.

"It’s a pity. I was going to use you to sell a good price."

Ling Feng regrets that he did not get the secret of his soul, but it is not important.

After the death of the Emperor, he searched the whole body, did not let go of any corner, and finally found a substance in the corner of a spiritual space. "Is this a fairy material?"

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