Supreme Demon

Chapter 2506: The peak of the spirits!

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To the road!

This is the top glory of the world.

Even the holy sun and the yin will lose color in front of them, just because it is the peak of the Tao, and can be side by side with the power of heaven. can

. Ling

After the wind got the sacred map, it did not go deep into it. It is not clear how the power of the sect was born, and did not pay attention to the mountain river. Want


When several Tian Clan of the Eastern clan pushed the first door, Ling Feng had seen the golden mountains and rivers. He once felt that the first door was the breath of the first, and the second door was only the fairy level. The gods, it seems to be different now.

Xianqi is awkward. world

It's hard to find, let alone a large-scale immortality, which is almost impossible, and it doesn't match the word "to the word". Otherwise, it should be called the supreme sacred figure, not the **** figure. when

Of course.

This is only the speculation of Ling Feng. If you want to be confirmed, you need to push the door open and truly understand the power of it to know the truth.


The power in the Taoist map is really the immortal material, and the Lingfeng will be made unprecedentedly. It is far from being able to juxtapose other forces. He can return to Xiangu.

"Oh, Starry Academy!"

The Lingfeng magic eyes shine, and the cold magic light is emitted. If there is a fairy material in the map of the gods, then the Starry Academy is not worth mentioning.

He sat down and his face filled with a smile. he

To develop the Starry Academy into a hunting ground, the future will not only polish itself, but also get amazing resources. hit

The genius of others, let others cry!嗡

! magic

The forbidden soil appeared, releasing the aura of the Tao, the breath was like a kind of lightning, swallowing nine days, bringing the piece of fairy finance into it, its gray metal is not affected, even if it is the magic road, the soil can be restrained, deal with this. There is no way to make a variety of metals. It is because of this kind of filial wind that we pay attention to it and feel that the future can come in handy.

then. that

The golden material of a stream of springs flows into the forbidden soil of the magic road, spilling it on top, dispersing the ancient atmosphere, and spraying out the flourishing world.

that moment.

The magical road of Lingfeng is like a lighted, golden, part of the demon being expelled, and when the gold material rushes out more, the counter-space gives off a brilliant light rain, like the universe is laughing. One

The Galaxy River appears quickly. This

Like a Taoist mantra, Daoshengyi, all things in life. in

Behind the star river, another star river appears, and that one magic star is lit into a golden star, unlike a magic star, more like a starry sky, no magic.

It is not only the reverse universe, but also the universe and the magical universe. The universe is also changing. All of them are in the Milky Way. The fog is surrounded by mist. It is a magical picture created by a small star. Million

Star Archer!

This is the essence of the Galaxy. three

The species and space are qualitatively changing, making a loud drum sound, dull and shocking, and between the three paths and the space, there is a faint force in the faint connection, which is the same as the magic road, and favors Xianli.

That is the power of Xianjin. star

Chen Wandao, magnificent and unmatched.

Ling Feng is immersed in it, feels the change of the Tao, and feels the pulse of the space rules. The rules are thrilling, that is, Ling Feng feels trembled. Festival

The refining of the fifteen pieces of immortal gold, although not complete, but the power of it is more obvious in his body, quite terrible.

The Magic Road has not expanded, but the three universes have different colors. At least the color of the Magic Road has been changed a lot, with pale gold dotted on it.


In each space of the universe, there are five star rivers, guarding the center, surrounded by a piece of mist, like a mist, quite beautiful.

That is the cosmic star map! that

It is Wandao Star Bureau!

When the three spaces are connected, each other is in harmony, and the more powerful forces carry the space, as if they are going to break out.

The space of the universe stars is in the heart.

This is the state of Ling Feng at the moment.

He is immersed in it and forgets.

Half awkward.

When he opened his eyes, the blood inside was reduced a lot, the golden light shone, and the surface was flying a faint gray smoke. It was the impurity that Xianjin forced. For Ling Feng’s current body, some flesh and blood, bones have No effect, more powerful flesh and bones are needed, so the previous part becomes an impurity.

He is full of strength and is like a mountain. blood

The gas is like a dragon, and the magic is like a phoenix. this


Ling Feng is like a giant mountain. It is in the space of the devouring pearl. The magic is open, the sky is open, the footsteps are heavy, and the earth collapses.

He is very violent, like the same dragon. Strong

The big vitality is released, letting Wandao bow down. "

The peak of the spirits! ”

Ling Feng magic eyes shot the cold light, like a beast, full of murder. although

However, there are three kinds of Tao in his body, but it has not evolved to the end, in the early stage, and therefore not strong enough, at least for his realm is not strong enough.

but. he

It is easier than other heavens. Three kinds of martial arts are born. You don't need to comprehend other roads. As long as the power is reached, you will step into the peak. three

The martial arts have not yet blended, otherwise it will be even more terrible.

Raised his hand and tore a mountain.

This is the direct feeling of Ling Feng. "

Pity! ”

Ling Feng sighed, and the fifteen pieces of Xianjin were so clean. Normally, other heavenly characters were afraid to be able to step into the emperor, but for him it was only a step in the spirit. he

The realm is too big. he

The power is too grand. he

Need more gold. "

Is this substance in the Taoist map? Ling

The wind and the magic eyes flashed, and the heart was moved. I wanted to push the door open and go in and have a look.

next moment.

He directly sacrificed to the Taoist figure, letting it unfold in the space of the devouring pearl, releasing a massive breath, especially the scent of the air, filling the whole space, and getting drunk with a bite.

This is still the case when the road map is not unfolded. "

open! ”

Ling Feng used Wei Li, not only the magic road to ban the earth, but also the Eight Stones, the Burning Road, the Ancient Blades, etc., all of which appeared on the road map and pushed forward together. to

The Taoist figure creaked and appeared, but it was not pushed away. Display

Of course. it

Abnormally strong and heavy, just want to push away with the power of heaven, then it was not as laborious as Tianzun.

"Xian Li!"

Magic fairy overture! ”

Ling Feng drank, using the top power, a melody of the blast, there is no magic power in Xianli, even the power of the magic has to bow to Xianli.

Boom! to

The Taoist figure made a dull bang, roaring out a ray of light, and it made a tremble. It was indeed pushed a little, and it was able to see the golden scent of the scent of the spurt coming out, letting Ling Feng’s flesh and blood boil, but he Just after cultivating fifteen pieces of immortal gold, power and the Tao could not take another step in a short time.


These forces will not make a big difference. "

not enough! Ling

The wind is deep, and the more terrible the gods are, the more you can see the power. Want

It is said that there are such things as Xianjin and Xianbing, and Lingfeng believes.

"Forbidden to open the door!"

Ling Feng made a fuss, directly hit the soul sea, forced out the prohibition, let it fly to the Taoist map, use this prohibition to tear the door. boom

Long. to

The stars in the Taoist figure collapsed and went straight to the front of the giant door. Then the banned slammed on the giant door and made a deafening loud noise, so that Ling Feng almost vomited. Card


The giant door was pushed away little by little, and the air was so strong that the lightning was pouring out and overwhelming. If Lingfeng could be crazy about it before, it would be difficult to notice the world in the door.


At this moment, his attention is not in the breath, but in the world of the gods.

The stars are in the sky, and the yellow sand is full of days.

The mountains are volleyed, like the rootless grass, which makes a difference. that

It is not a stone mountain, but a mountain created by a certain kind of metal. It is a gold color, extremely eye-catching, and it is even more embarrassing and obscured by the power of the road.

In the past, Ling Feng only thought that it was a golden mountain.

but now.

Ling Feng used Xianli to look at the mountains through his eyes and see the essence.

That mountain is golden. Do not

Same as "Xian Jin". but


Lingfeng found a difference on the mountain, and a stream of spring-like material rushed out, filled with the atmosphere, and the gray color was mixed with gray, only because the gray amount was quite rare, there was no golden spring. It’s so vast, it’s just covered up by the color of gold. If it’s not Xianli, I’m afraid that Lingfeng can’t see it clearly.

"Xin Jin!"

Ling Feng ecstasy, that Xianjin is much more and more pure than before.

Needless to say.

It is true that the Taoist figure is from Xiangu, and there is no treasure in it.

Ling Feng forward, the body penetrated the giant door and wanted to fly to the Golden Mountain.

The loud noise of the bang.

He only felt that the skin was flesh-and-blood, and he stared at Venus, almost blasting open. After that giant door, he actually had a stalwart force, so that Xianli became gray and the fairy sounds were wiped out. when

The strength of the road is strong to the extreme, pure to the extreme, comparable to the power of chaos.

"It hurts!"

Ling Feng flew out of the blood, not because he wanted to fly out, but was directly collapsed by that force, it is difficult to take that step. "

At least it is also the level of heaven! Ling

The wind is a headache, the first door is only the rule power, but the space rule makes the magic road forbidden. "

Do you have a Taoist Tianwei? ”

At this moment, Ling Feng reacted and was able to bring the space rules to this point. I am afraid that only the Taoist can do it. star

There are so many thousands of people, and the emperor is soaring, but there are very few who can really enter the road. spirit

The emperor is the galaxy sand, the emperor is the cosmic galaxy, and the emperor is the universe.

This is the gap!

"Well? No, that Xianjin is not in the first door!"

Ling Feng frowned, he saw the mirage, just an illusion and projection, the real Xianjin Mountain should be in the second door, and even in the third door. which is

Then he can break into the first door and want to push the second door. I am afraid that it will also need the realm of heaven. that

The road ban will not work! "

It seems that you want to step into the emperor, you also need to work hard at the Starry Academy! ”

Ling Feng sighed, and various forces flew out and withdrew into the body.

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