Supreme Demon

Chapter 2558: Thousands of miles to beheaded!

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Because of the small flame of Ling Feng. each

The big forces carried out a life-and-death death, and the death and injury were heavy. They were able to survive and hang on each other, and there was no arrogance at the peak. this

engraved. people

They reacted. The previous ones did sense the breath of other characters. It was just that the battlefield was too fierce. They only had to die if they were distracted, so they didn’t have time to think. Now

After they are separated, naturally know the problem. "

come out! ”

"Daddy Buddha wants to make your head into a urinal!"

Buddhism characters should not be so angry, have a loss of style, and I am compassionate! ""

Compassionate your sister! ”

"Get out of the way, I want to make you smashed!" The Mohist characters can't sit still and open directly.

"Isn't the Mohist love and attack?"

We are divided! "The Mohist characters are quite straightforward. Five

Everyone in the graduate school is cold-eyed in the distance, and the magic is just from that direction. They thought it was the foreshadowing of the Mozu, and now I am afraid that there is another person. "

Oh, my devil, we are so many dead and wounded, you will die! ”

The Mozu character opened his mouth and bluntly killed the murderer behind the scenes.

"Is this not so good?"

come out! ""

Ok! ”

Thus, a large white goose appeared in front of people with empty space. This

The two are quite different.

"It is!" Dead

The characters on the roster of the gods immediately changed their faces, and they did not fight in one place. When they had met this big white goose, they thought it was the power of the power, but they did not expect to be taken a sip, and a spiritual emperor was killed on the spot. because


This big white goose was listed as the number one wanted criminal. "

This **** big white goose! ”

The Yaozu characters are also quite angry. They also met this big white goose. I thought it was a folk figure. I didn't think that this seemingly stupid goose actually suppressed the Yaozu figure. Do not

Only lost the treasure, but also lost life. and

After that, this goose was listed as an evil beast. "

Goose? ”

The big white goose looked at them stupidly and didn't seem to know what they were talking about.

"You don't wear garlic!"

The two forces can't wait to bake the big white goose, and this little thing that looks stupid, once it is fierce, it is quite terrible. "

Empty, it turns out to be you! ”

The face of the Buddha’s character suddenly sank, looking at the space, and bursting into the endless killing.

All that can come here is the elite. alone

An elite of the future Buddha!

These characters were naturally hostile to the air, and some of them had also traced the whereabouts of the empty space, but unfortunately let them escape. "

It is me! ”

The empty channel can be without the compassion of a monk, but becomes blood red. He almost died in the hands of these characters several times, and his heart is naturally full of killing.

and. he

It is suspected that the death of the master is the handwriting of the future Buddha, and therefore more hateful.

"Buddha traitors, you should be damned!"

At this moment, I will wait for you, I will wait for you to leave a whole body! ”

Different positions, these Buddhist figures have no fear of the empty, the character who is very likely to become the Buddha of the future, but want to get rid of it. "

It is you who should die! "air

The empty channel is even more blushing, and I can’t wait to eat all these Buddhist figures in front of me.

"Emotions are both wanted!"

Someone said awkwardly.

The big white goose and the empty space are all included in the black list of death, and they are evil and are regarded as enemy by various forces. "

No, a Buddhist figure, a big white goose, should not be able to fight magic! ”

The Mozu character opened his mouth and his face was cold. Because the two bodies had no magic, the real murderer was still in the void. "

Empty, you are self-investing! "Buddha

A few old men came to the air, and they were full of killings. They didn't want to leave empty. "

Oh, self-investment? ”

Empty and sneer, said: "This is not your territory!"

Killing you enough! ”

"First find out the behind the scenes!"

The five college figures spoke. They didn't feel threatened in the air and the big white goose, but there were people staring in the sky, which made them quite a headache. Want

Is the big white goose and empty space just the cannon fodder thrown by that person? "

Think about me like this? "One

As soon as the sound was heard, Ling Feng shrugged down from the void and looked at the Mozu characters with a smile, looking more at the Buddha and Mohist.


The five college students wanted to scream out loud, and suppressed the arrogance of this person in the momentum, but when they saw the face of Ling Feng, they could not help changing color. Time

Every other year. Let

They are almost forgotten about everything. can

. when

When the person appeared in front of them again, many things in the past were like tidal waves, making them breathless and even suffocating. "

Ling Feng! ”

Many of the subconscious people are flying backwards. It is not the pressure on the gas field, but the record of this person. you

Said that he is the first day of the stars?

Do not!

He killed a demon!

How many geniuses are covered under his feet? many

Less blood and tears can cast his unparalleled emperor? but

No one knows that Ling Feng’s record has been arrogant, but only those who dare to go crazy have entered the endless sea of ​​smoke.

"It seems that there are still many people who remember me?" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"demon king!"

After a while, the characters of the virtual palace took a sigh of coldness and said, "You dare to appear here?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Ling Feng pointed at his nose and said, "Do you dare to kill me?"

you! Virtual

The character of the palace opened his mouth, but he did not dare to speak. The ghost knew that this character was too fierce. There were too many characters who died in his hands. You must dare to despise him. The one waiting for you is the blade in his hand. day

The murderous blade! with

He is as fierce!

The characters of Xianting are all shut up. They hate the wind, but they dare not speak. open


There are too many people killed by the Big Devil, among them, they are the most in Xianting. They are now very badly hurt, but they don’t want to be on the wind. "

Big Devil, you are going to be mad, the times are different, your glory belongs only to the past! ”

The demon characters are cold and open, and there is no jealousy of the characters of the virtual palace and Xianting.

Over the years, they have made great progress, stepping into the top level of the spirits, and even the kings and the emperors have come out. Why are you afraid of a lonely demon king?

This is the consensus of people.

The imaginary palace and the Xianting characters should be smarter. There are no kings and emperors here. At the level of the spirits, Ling Feng can definitely make them into dogs. "

Is it? Ling

The wind faintly raised his eyes and said, "That will come over and let me know what is different in this era!"


The demon spirit spirit blinked, and after weighing it, it was silent. of

Indeed. Time

The generation is different, but Ling Feng is still the Ling Feng. "

Who is this person? "ink

The family figure pouted, and one of the characters in the district even pressed the five colleges to dare not say anything, but it was really a big gas. "

What a cat and dog are running out and jumping! "ink

The head of the family took a look at Ling Feng and did not pay much attention to this person who did not have any momentum. They were more concerned about the life and death showdown of Buddhism.

Buddhism traitors?

It's really a bit interesting!


Ling Feng turned to look at the Mohist. "

Do you want to challenge? "The figure of a Mohist figure suddenly became cold."

No, I just think that I don't love you, I will hit you! "This

It is typical to use the Mohist "mantra" to hit the face. "

court death! ”

The Mohist character directly kills Ling Feng, and the top hand is the top road device. A feather fan is unfolded, and the power of the nine-day eclipse is shot. The top spirit is not a name. Of course

and. when

When he attacked Ling Feng, the galloping body came to an abrupt end.


He was kneeling directly on the ground, his face was gray and his body was shaking. that

It feels like a thousand miles!

"What is this?"

Ling Feng was "stunned" and immediately stepped forward and said: "Even if you know it is wrong, you can do it on your face, don't you have to borrow a thousand miles?"

Get up! ""

Can't you get up? ”

"Then you are squatting!" Ling

The wind squatted on the shoulder of the Emperor, and said with a smile. "Don't say that it is really love and attack."


Everyone in the family was angered. They didn't know why the character would be in front of Ling Feng, but Ling Feng's words were deeply stimulated by the Mohist army. Of course


At this moment, the one Buddha character attacked the air, because Ling Feng was just beside the empty air, feeling like it was to remove the Ling Feng together. thing

In fact.

Buddhism’s sorrows do have such a mind, and they are in the same air and empty, and they naturally do it, and they worry that some things have already been transmitted to the ears of Lingfeng and Dabai Geese, which is not good for Buddhism.

"It's really not self-reliant!"

Ling Feng’s face was getting stronger and stronger, and the gas field finally changed.

The tyrannical airflow passes by, the vastness of the sea, like the smoke, the power of the top kings is overwhelming, and the power of the magic soil automatically appears around his body, proud of the sky, overlooking the beings.

At the moment, he is the king. Public

Students must be beheaded.

Plop, plop... oh...

The Buddha stilt, who was swooping up, squatted in front of Ling Feng, and squatted directly on the ground. His body was difficult to move, and his mouth was full of hope. They felt the despair of the previous Mohist object. . this

Waiting for the gas field!

These Regal! this

Waiting for the world! world

Can you find a few such kings? to

Yes, they are tragedy.

Send a thousand miles. Million

Come to beheaded!

Don't say other characters, that is, the air and the big white goose are surprised. At this time, the Lingfeng has a feeling of worshipping them. The peerless king's gas field, the eyes of the Wandao, feels more like a Taoist . thing

In fact.

Big white geese know more, Ling Feng is a peerless king who can be a hard steel road emperor. "


The characters of the five colleges were all astonished, and they couldn’t speak, especially the characters of the Death Academy. They only knew that Ling Feng was terrible and could suppress the coffin, but never thought that Ling Feng could really move to the king. realm.

The nature is completely different. One

A great demon who can break the potential, what power in the world can bind him?

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