Supreme Demon

Chapter 2568: The Lord is a pit!

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The dullness of the void is like dripping water.

At this moment, the major forces of Tianzun have no thoughts to suppress the wind, and more attention is paid to the void. The words of the Lord are really poisonous, and the truth is that the gods are cold and sweaty.


The magical figure set up an endless gate, treating the entire temple as a hunting ground, treating them as prey, and completely killing them.

How serious is this thing?

In the face of life and death, resources are not important.

"The endless odd door?"

The presence of Tianzun was not an idiot. It was not quite right before. At this moment, it was even more vigilant. Some of the characters sacrificed the ban and flew around to see the strange door here.

“It’s really endless!”

At the beginning, their minds were on the Xiangu resources, so they did not pay attention, but this does not mean that they really can't find them. In particular, some of the banters of the Void, Xianting, and Mozu can sense the weak fluctuations of Qimen. There are more characters who are good at Qimen, and can calculate the origin of Qimen.

When they knew they were in the endless gates, their faces suddenly sank.

If the non-magic Lord appears in time, only by endless singularity, they will die and die a large piece, and if this strange door is a perfect door?

They are all going to die here!

Can they not chill their hair, cold sweat DC?

In the meditation of the people, Ling Feng urged Xiangu to ban the soil, lightning flew into the distance, and left the Yuxian Palace in a short time, but he was still not at ease, banned from flying far away to prevent problems.


The characters of the Magic Road changed color one by one. Because of the appearance of the character, the immortal soil was moved away, which directly led to the incompleteness of the door, and they reacted quickly enough, but it was still a lot late.

after all.

They don't want to face up to the other forces, and once they are ignited, they are in the Jade Palace and there is no way to live.

Because they hesitated for a moment, Ling Feng was able to move the Xiangu forbidden soil away from Yuxian Palace in a short time.

"Bring it back as soon as possible!"

The **** demon statue, the secluded moon star is dull and said, the heart is bleeding, the ancestors have spent all their efforts on the endless gates, because the character has a major loophole, and the devil appears on the void, the whole situation has The meaning of disintegration.

next moment.

They rushed to Ling Feng and were forced by all directions. They did not want Ling Feng to move the immortal soil away from the "Xian Dian" range.

"Oh, I am afraid that it is too late!"

Ling Feng sneered, Xiangu forbidden soil away from Yuxian Palace, even if the Mozu can ignite the endless gates, its power should be greatly weakened, and the evil Lord appears on the void, the whole situation is balanced.

"let's hit!"

He rushed into the distance with lightning, not letting the magic figure approach, and waiting for the endless door to ignite.

"Magic Lord!"

In the black hole, a character with a sullen face and a broad face can't talk about handsome, but it is very heroic, which makes people think of a lot.

"It's him!"

An old man’s face suddenly changed. He said, “This is the character who was detained in the immortal land!”

"No, the imprisonment in Xiangu’s forbidden soil is only its virtual body!"

"He wants to use us to open the detention of Xiangu, and then to ignite the endless gates!" The people are not idiots, they will understand it in an instant.

The detention of Xiangu is true.

Even the top Tianzun, who was detained in the encounter, the ancestors did not dare to risk, so they used the virtual body to spy, and were detained inside, even if the magical characters appeared later, they would not want to open.


The ancestor is a very powerful person. He has not tried his best to let the imaginary body escape, but to find another way to use the virtual body to arrange the endless doors.

Moreover, he even counted in the minds of the people.

It can be said.

As long as dozens of Tianzun teamed up to open the detention of Xiangu, those bans were also damaged, and they were imprisoned for a few minutes. When they were born, they did not need those characters to ask, they ignited directly, casting black holes, and black holes in the void. Melt, you can drag the entire "Xian Dian" into the black hole.

This is the endless gate!

This is the devil!


He is still too small to be the devil, and even smaller.

There is a seat in Xianfu, they found the atmosphere of the ancestors, but they did not speak out, but they took advantage of the trend and did not really solve the situation until now.

"Magic ancestor!"

A big man in Hongran Tiandao suddenly saw a glimpse of his true origins.

Hundreds of years ago.

The demon ancestors are quite arrogant characters, extraordinary talents, leading the magical forces to come out, and these characters have also handed over their hands, known as the ancestors, that is the real person who asks the top Tianzun, the world is difficult to find opponents .


Since the demon ancestors have been missing for hundreds of years, people have thought that the ancestors had failed in the sky and died, but they did not expect the ancestors to appear here.

“Hundreds of years ago, Xiangu Xinghai had appeared!”

The big man of Xianting opened his mouth and sighed and said, "The world is fluctuating. I have seen it. It does have the breath of the ancient sea of ​​stars. Unfortunately, it is like a flash in the air and disappears into the air."


The ancestors were faster than him and broke into the Xiangu Xinghai. Only because the Xiangu Xinghai was not really available at that time, the ancestors did not leave in time and were trapped in Xiangu Xinghai.

Until the ages!

Therefore, the sinister demon ancestors wanted to give a lesson to the attendees.

"It's really poisonous!"

Some characters have figured out the problems and their faces have suddenly changed. They always feel that something is not quite right.

Are the Lords saving them?

Still angry with the ancestors?

"No, let's go!"

Suddenly, the old man in Xianting’s face sank and hurried, and he saw that the Mozu character was flying out of the Yuxian Palace. A very dangerous feeling appeared in his heart.


They want to go too late.

How could the ancestors let this opportunity pass?

Although his vain body was stolen by Ling Feng, there was no problem with the black hole in the void.

"They all stay inside!"

Demon ancestors smiled.. "Cheat you with fake temples, can you let these characters leave alive?"

"Fake?" Some Tianzun almost jumped, and the feelings of the fairy temple are illusory things?

No wonder they can only get some fairy gold and star iron?

There is no fairy substance here!

But what is the use of this time?

The next moment, the ancestors burned the blood and directly hit the black hole.


The black hole collapsed, and the most mysterious power of this starry sky broke out with unparalleled Tianwei. The endless space power flocked to the Temple of Heaven, and more of it collapsed to the Jade Palace.


The endless frenzy is coming, let some Tianzun cough up blood on the spot. Let’s not say how terrible the rules and rules of the black hole collapse, and how terrible the mysterious power is. Just say that the black hole collapses, it’s a trillion. Even Tian Zun is not enough to watch.

This is a starry sky earthquake!

This is the big bang of the universe!


A Tianzun was hit by the power of the black hole, and the smoke was extinguished on the spot. It was not the black hole rule power, but the black hole.


Another Tianzun was beaten off the body and rushed forward, trying to fly out of the Jade Palace.


Along with the heavy black hole, there are three heavenly rules, one is the rule, the other is the law, and the other is the secret.


An old man spurted blood in his mouth, and his old face was disappearing. At that moment, he showed a strong year, but he did not wait until he was happy and laughed. The young man would quickly become tender and tender.

He returned to a boyhood!

Together with the strength of that body, he was beaten back to the Valkyrie.

Therefore, under the heavy black hole of the monks, he also vanished.

"The rule of time!"

People are horrified, endless and terrible, but black holes are even more terrible. People don’t know how the ancestors moved in such a black hole.


It is full of time rules, which is not something that the ancestors can create. It should belong to the starry sky, and even from the immortal period, such a black hole collapse is too dangerous.

I am afraid that it will exist above the temple.

"Use the ban!"

Tianting, such as Xianting, should be smarter, directly banned the ban, and detained himself and pushed the ban to fly into the distance.

"Yes, there is hope in the ban!"

People reacted in an instant, and they used the ban to suppress this power.


It is that the ban is also full of danger. Once the three heavens are down, the ban can not be shackled, especially those weapons that cannot be banned. On the spot, they are beaten and broken, and they are dying with the gods inside.

at the same time.

The power in the black hole is pressed against the immortal soil, like the Bohai Sea, the Tianwei is stirring, and the heavy weight is crushed together with the Tianzhang, so that Lingfeng can vomit blood. If the gods are extraordinary, they can reverse the life and death, only afraid of Lingfeng. It’s really a tragedy.

of course.

The octagonal stone, the sacred **** figure, the fairy power, and the magic road banned soil also played a role.


There was a crack in the forbidden soil of Xiangu, which was torn by the black hole power, and the virtual body of the ancestors flew out at this time.


The ancestors of the ancestors did not hesitate, ignited directly, and the endless power flowed to the stars, and because the power was too violent, a black hole appeared in the void.


In an instant, this black hole merged with the black hole on the void, and the endless Tianwei also broke out. It was so vast and the sky was endless.

Needless to say.

The pressure of the entire temple has doubled, but it is not exploding in the Yuxian Palace. Tianwei naturally weakens too much, and the loopholes appear. The major forces will have the opportunity to escape.

"It’s really a pit!"

Ling Feng looked at the void, full of cold light, the whole situation can actually be controlled, he will move the immortal soil away from the immortal, the devil can contain the black hole power, at least can greatly reduce the endless Qimen Tianwei.


The Lord did not do anything.

He allowed the ancestors to make a tribute, and let the endless singularity break out. This is to kill the heavenly lords of the entire starry sky.


What he had to wait for was the fact that the Mozu Tianzun flew out of the Yuxian Palace. What is even more frightening is that the demon Lord had already expected that he would move away the immortal soil. Otherwise, he would appear in the void and look for death. .

He expected that the Lord will do it.

The Lord of the Lord also expected that he would do it.

Two konjac broke the sky!

Two magic pits have a starry sky!

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