Supreme Demon

Chapter 2585: Scavengers!

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Not mountain. This

This is the pure land of peace, because the major forces have come, the whole mountain has been abolished. mountain

The river collapsed and the endless smoke was scattered. each

A piece of land is covered with blood, some are bright red, some are like black ink, and a bone is like a display. It will not be covered with mountains, and there will be many deaths and injuries.

There are many characters from the power of the magic, but there are too few people who can fly out of the mountains.

The black bear is dead. black

The phoenix was hurt. quiet

Gorefiend is dead and dead...

This day is more like a sad song of the Magic Road. Don't say that the characters of the Emperor level are rarely able to survive, that is, the Devils are dying, and they can be imagined. Of course


The ancestor is still too deep, and the Temple of Heaven is even more unpredictable. It can break through the strange door and pass it through. Although it is not far away, as long as it breaks out, it is not so easy for Tianzun and the demon to want to get rid of them. It is. people

We have not let go of the ancestors.

Even if you know that the ancestors once flew out of the mountains, it is not so easy to deal with, but the situation has already been cast, they do not remove the ancestors, then wait until the ancestors recover, cool is them. because


The major powers are also ironic to kill the ancestors. Million

Life and death. magic

The ancestral movement used the Tiangong to fly, and indeed the attack of the major forces. The defense of this Tiangong is still quite powerful, but his injury is too heavy, it is completely burning the essence, and at that time a vast temple, consumption is Quite scary.


In this way, he can fly far away, burning a large piece of blood, can only fly three hundred miles, and this speed and distance, the Tianzun figure is the time to chase.

no way. magic

If the ancestors do not want to die, he will only be able to reach the last moment, and his familiarity with the map of Xiangu Xinghai far exceeds the major forces. As long as he finds favorable mountain and river terrain, he may not be attacked. thing

In fact.

The demon ancestor is called a sturdy man. From time to time, he flies to some restricted areas, using the terrible defense of the celestial palace, holding on to Tianwei, and then attacking the gods.

Three million miles, a musk time.

The ancestors of the ancestors killed a demon statue, a goddess, and forced the major forces to be more crazy. This kind of record has already caused people a lot of headaches. If the ancestors return to the magical forces, they still have energy and Ability to deal with?

To know.

Xiangu Xinghai is a large number of powerful figures. Although this is not the top figure of all major forces, if they return to the starry sky, they are equally unlikely to organize this power. because


They especially cherish this opportunity to kill the ancestors in the sea of ​​Xian Gu Xing.

The next day.

You Yue Xingjun did not hold on, was beaten by the major forces in the Heavenly Palace, and fell to the ground, and this time the Devil wants to rescue is too late, the major forces Tianzun, the demon respect pressed over , trapping the glory of the moon, and then suppressing it. "

dead! Fairy

Ting Tian Zun took a sigh of relief. At this time, his eyes were red, and he went straight up, and a fairy court fell down. On the spot, he killed the moon star.

The sky is flying with blood.

That is the heavens crying. "

You are all damn, wait for me to recover, you must be buried with you! "magic

The ancestors threw a word and decisively flashed people. "

Don't run, we will work with you to give you this opportunity! "The oriental rhyme said with a cold smile.

"Despicable villain!"

"You are not humble?" East

Fang Yun despise the road.. "If you want to die in the temple in the original, will you end up with this now?"

I am the magic road! "The ancestors said quite naturally." "Do you want to be enchanted?" ”


They are all mad at the ancestors.

The character of feelings feels that he is a demon, and it is normal to succumb to them. And the righteous character should be a bright and **** battle with the blood? Even

What is the truth? magic

Is the despicableness of the ancestors not mean? he

Their despicableness must be despicable?

Do you want a face? "

Then stop, I am against you! "The oriental rhyme shouted at the back."

"Oh, I believe you!"

The ancestors are really fooled. That is the idiot. He wants to stop at this moment. The one who waits for him is not the challenge of the oriental rhyme, but the anger of the whole starry sky. more

What's more. he

I have been seriously injured, and the Jingyuan burned too much. I was afraid that I couldn’t hold it. At this time, I was on the Eastern rhyme. "

Devil, but that's it! ”

"When I recover, the first one will kill you!"

"Go to war!"

Really, people are not good. he

They did their best and could not suppress the seriously injured ancestors. What is the reason? each

The big forces cast Qimen, and even let the ancestors escape. he

How can we feel? ...


"A lot of people died."

A person appeared in a mountain, his footsteps landed, and there was no volley. He looked around and sighed.

"I have said that this old bear tastes good."


I was stunned by the air, and the character of this relationship came from the black bear.

"Goose?" Big

White goose looks confused, does the black bear taste delicious? Display

Of course, these three are the three people of Ling Feng. "

It’s really sad that it’s devastating, but we’re just scavengers. ”

Ling Feng looked at the entire battlefield, shouting pain in his mouth, but his face did not have such a meaning, and even filled with a smile. Where

Cheese. pickup

It is the garbage that is filled with land and people throw away. star

The sea is scavenging. pickup

It’s the bones of the earth, and the ancient resources of the people. when

Of course, the flesh and blood of the Yaozu characters are also in the scope of scavenging, especially the demon statue, but it is a great complement to the world. day

The esteemers are eager to kill the ancestors, and the martial artists are more eager to swear, so they don't have time to clean the battlefield, and Ling Feng is alive Lei Feng. "

This Mozu character is too poor. Ling

The wind was so disgusted that a character of the Mozu was thrown into the pit and buried, and the valuable object was picked up by Ling Feng. Among them, it was a jade pendant, and there were quite a lot of fairy stars. It is a pity that it is only a fairy gold, that is, the poorness of the stars and irons. This

The kind of spirit is too poor. "

This demon is not bad. ”

Ling Feng smashed the body of a demon statue and threw it into the spiriting beads, and its resources were in the hands of the wind. "

Why do you have to deal with me? ”

A fragrant martial arts, Ling Feng cleaned the entire battlefield, and then he came to the **** demon.

now. quiet

There is only one head left in the Gorefiend, and the body is sliced ​​into pieces. That is the head is unrecognizable, but Lingfeng can still be induced from the blood.

They use each other and calculate each other.

but. magic

The Taoist character is too sinister, and what he wants is his entire person, which makes him a taboo.

"You are dead, I am alive!

Ling Feng sighed and put together the flesh and blood of the sorcerer's sorcerer and threw it into the pit. Even if he was dissatisfied with the blood-stained demon, this character did pay a lot for the magic, and it was a respectable opponent.

More importantly, Ling Feng found a key in his flesh and blood, which sealed many resources, like a hill, there are more than 20 pieces of virtual copper. This

Such as the ancient resources, can not be found in other Tianzun. take

People make money for disaster relief. to

Yes, Ling Feng will bury the blood of the demon... Do not

Do not say. This

The scavengers, the big white goose and the empty space are quite positive. There are many people who die in this **** battle. The magic road has the most power and the most abundant resources. Want


The magic ancestors have been in the hands of Xiangu Xinghai for hundreds of years. The real resources are in their hands. Only a small part of them are placed on the barbs. They are placed in the Eight Immortals and the various fairy caves and the fairy mountains. The resources have been evacuated by the ancestors.

It can be imagined how rich the resources of the ancestors are.

This is also the reason why the major forces are willing to succumb to the ancestors. Got

The ancestors can get the world.


There are also many people who have received magical powers.

Ling Feng, they still can't kill the ancestors, so they can only scavenge the wasteland, but it is the Xiangu resources that these days have received enough for them to spend the world.

In the space of a devouring bead, there are a lot of resources, that is, there are many clear springs.

"Can ask the emperor!"

The wind is shining, all he needs now is time, resources are not a problem. miss you

It is not so easy to tear the Taoist princes, let alone rely on their own strength, so Lingfeng becomes cautious and does not want to take risks in the Xiangu Xinghai, but can wait until returning to the stars.

The next day.

They fly to the distance, and scavenging is a great profession. They have to carry this profession through to the end.

The road is full of bones. This

The tragic extent of the battle can be imagined. Ling

It took them three days to clean up the entire battlefield, and the resources they obtained were not rarer than before, especially the resources of the moon.

He is more heavily weighted by the ancestors.

"I really don't want to leave like this, picking up the waste, I want to do it forever!"

Looking at the front, sighing and sighing, these days, his resources are piled up too much, and many things don't want to be shared. "

It makes sense. "Big

The white goose agrees, squinting and covering his head. Undoubtedly, it has a lot of resources.

It is possible to make this goose from Xiangu pay attention to it, and some of the things it gets are amazing.

of course. This

Great profession, they can't do it all the time, only because these gods have very few deaths, only one or two heavenly deities, demon statues, and even more forward, and some characters are flying back, with their purpose is identical. Ling

They have to retreat in the wind.

"Reassured, as long as the ancestors are big, there are opportunities in the future." Ling Feng magic eyes bright.

"What do you mean?"

The white goose came up with an empty space and asked. "

According to the news that the demon ancestors have disappeared, the major forces are thoroughly examining their whereabouts, and have suffered a loss. It is not so easy to expose the ancestors. "Sighing empty."

"He doesn't want to, doesn't mean that he doesn't want to be someone else."

Ling Feng grinned. "You said, if I leaked the whereabouts of the ancestors?"

The eyes of the empty white goose immediately lit up.

"Do you know the whereabouts of the ancestors?"

"If you want to win me, you have to pay some price."

Ling Feng sinister smile.. "Severely hurt the ancestors, this is the first step to lead the evil ancestors, this is the second step."

"What about the third step?"

Let the ancestors lament life! ”

Ling Feng laughed. "Devil, it's not easy!"

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