Supreme Demon

Chapter 2600: Tianmen!

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This is the strange door from the ancient characters!

This strange door arches the goose's nest, letting the wind chill, the momentum is falling, and it is difficult to shake the goose nest inside.


Ling Feng stood in the goose nest, cold to the hurricane, despising Tian Zun.

This is a goose nest belonging to a swan like a fairy. When it leaves, it naturally reveals some truth for Lingfeng, so that Ling Feng can know the goose nest and can get in.

It was because he broke into the gate that he was able to survive from the dead.

"Which big white goose should be from Xiangu?" The top Tianzun, headed by Xianyu, said with a sneer. "So, the resources on your body should be no less than the ancestors!"

Ling Feng should not.

"Do you really think this strange door can hold you?" Several Tianzun sneered.

Ling Feng should not.

He is taking all kinds of resources and letting him recover as soon as possible. He knows that this strange door can't be prevented. The major forces are not weak. There is no way for one or two gods, but many Tianzun are here. They have to attack together, that is to ask. People of the day level are injured.

What's more, is it a strange door?


The Mozu and the Devil Lord are coming from this strange door. If there is no way, Ling Feng is not convinced.

"Overtake it!"

There are not many words in Xianyu. He does not want Lingfeng to recover. Otherwise, this character is really going to be in heaven.


Tianzun and the demon statues hit the strange door, Tianwei became turbulent at this time, and thousands of stars flew down from the void and bombarded on the strange door.


It was like a very earthquake, and the entire mountain and river were crushed by this power.


When the light rain and the sputum dissipated, the strange door was only grayed out, not damaged, and Ling Feng looked at everyone with a smirk.

"Ling Feng, can you use this strange door?"

The ancestors were surprised at the distance, and the anger and his research did not break the door for a long time, and Ling Feng entered it like this.

He wants to vomit blood.

"Let us go in, as long as I recover a little strength, I can kill them!"

The ancestors hurriedly urged the Tao, and used the Heavenly Palace to force the retreat of the characters such as the Oriental Rhyme, and the lightning flew in the direction of Lingfeng.

"Hugh think!"

The oriental rhyme and the demon statue holding the open axe, the demon statue of the hand-held ruler, etc. immediately change color, and really want to let the ancestors enter the goose nest, then they really have to kill the blood.

They did their best and they all went to the ancestors and wanted to keep this character.


The ancestors were stronger than they thought. In the face of life and death, the ancestors broke out with endless fighting power. The Tiangong and the sword were launched together, and the thunder and tsunami sounded, and the hard hits blocked the major forces. Not far from the Lingfeng.

"Let us go in!" said the ancestors seriously.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, but still decided to let the ancestors come in.

"You want to be beautiful!"

In the fairyland, the sky is full of anger. Lingfeng is raising the tiger. Once the ancestors are out of trouble, they are afraid that Lingfeng will also end up with a commandment.

But who has the time to provoke dissension at this time?

next moment.

They used Wei Li to attack Ling Feng and did not want to let the ancestors enter Qimen.

"The door is not impossible to disintegrate!"

At this time, the demon Lord flew down from the void and landed in front of the crowd, standing side by side with the demon who held the axe.

"I use the magic scorpion to suppress the jade flute, my family demon can use the open axe to open it!"


In the hands of the devil, a jade flute flew directly to the strange door, letting it linger on the road, and stunned the glory of light, and at this time the open axe fell from the sky, the devil Wei covers the sky.


People are worried that the open axe is not enough to see, so the measuring scale is also down at this time, the three forces blessing, let the strange door to make a dull bang, actually to disintegrate.


The ancestors were shocked and the hope of just rising was extinguished at this time.

At the beginning, he used the Heavenly Palace to open the door, but what is the limit of the sky and the open axe? Obviously the problem lies in the jade flute, and the magic squad bans such strange doors.


The strange door cracked open, although only one foot, but the power of the axe and the heavenly ruler surged, and the gap was opened to make it wider, enough to accommodate the gods. It is.

"I finally got this step!"

Ling Feng sighed, his injury has not fully recovered, this time facing many Tianzun, I am afraid that he will be wiped out in an instant.


In this strange door, he has no ability to escape.

This is a dead end!

"open it!"

Ling Feng became solemn and solemn, his hands slowly opened, and the eight sacred princes flew into the sky together, while the other two sacred gongs were also trembled, and the endless rays of light spurted from below, covering the sky.


Like echoing, the Goose Nest even sent out a million ray of light, rising from the sky, and emitting the same light rain with the ten Immortals.


A more vast strange door appeared, opening a million roads, destroying the sky, a light directly pushed open space to appear on the sky, and broke the Xiangu Xinghai.

That is the channel!

The ancestral channel that the ancestors have been studying is not actually here. The swan can use the goose's nest, but these characters are not acceptable, so they must borrow other forces.

Such as Xianfu!

Behind the Ten Immortals is actually the ten gates of this vast gate. Only ten doors open at the same time, can tear the void and blast the passage. The different passages are different from the previous passage of the swan, not so strong. The direction is even more unclear. It can be a starry mountain or a restricted area.

However, as long as you return to the stars, the situation will not be so tragic.


The ancestral eyes of the ancestors suddenly became bright and excited, and the angry flames and black phoenixes all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

That is hope!

As soon as they enter the channel, they can return to the starry sky and return to the magical power.

The faces of the major powers have become difficult to look at. They have been too small for the character of Ling Feng, and he is the metamorphosis.

"Destroy the passage!"

The top Tianxian of Xianxian immediately spoke. At this time, the tigers will return to the mountains, and they will be tragedy later.

As a result, the major forces directly blasted to the passage, making their power unstable, turbulent, and several Tianzun hit Lingfeng. As long as the character was retained, the passage lost its function, and more Tianzun and demon statues rushed to the ancestors and prevented them from leaving.

"Get out of the way, no one at the moment wants to block the deity!"

The ancestors burned blood, regardless of life and death, and played the top Tianwei of Tiangong. The vitality is in front of him. How can he still sit still?

And if you let the major forces bombard the passage, then you really have to finish it.


Ling Feng leaped into the air and directly rushed to the passage. He also ignored life and death. As long as he entered the passage, everything was still available.

"It's useless!"

The face of the demon is dignified, and the appearance of the passage is that he is not expected, but it does not mean that he has no way.

"Attack the goose nest, there is a source of strength!"

When the voice fell, he first attacked the goose's nest and used the jade flute of the magic fairy, and the demon statue holding the open axe and the demon statue holding the sky ruler attacked the goose together. Nest, you have to break it down.


The goose's nest is turbulent, the power is stirred up and endless, and the power of the shackles prevents the attacks of the three characters. The passage in the void is still violent, and there are turbulent flows inside, tearing apart the space.

"By breaking the goose's nest, the passage will collapse!"

At this time, the top Tianwei of Xianyu couldn’t keep up with Lingfeng, but directly hit the goose nest, while Dongfang Yun wanted to keep the ancestors, and the natural attack was also the goose nest.


All the major powers are crazy and go to the goose nest together.

"You can't think about it!"

The ancestors made a fuss, attacked the characters such as Dongfang, and prevented them from destroying the passage, otherwise he could only die here.

"I suppress it with Xianting!"

The top character of Xianyu directly hit it, the power was like the sea, and it was shot down on the goose nest, so that the light rain became dark and gray, and when the jade flute fell, the light rain was actually thrown out. hole.

In an instant.

With the open axe and the same amount of feet, there is a bigger hole along the hole...


The passage was stirred up and the power became more turbulent, but at this time the hurricane still stepped into the passage, was shrouded in light rain, and swooped up along the endless power, but at that time, a jade flute entered the goose. Inside the nest, the measuring scale and the open axe are the birth of the goose nest.


The heavens and the earth are in chaos, the space collapses, the passage becomes violent, the power inside is unstable, the space debris is like a sword like a sword, and the horrible Tianwei is suppressed on Ling Feng.


Ling Feng screamed with sorrow, he was hurt by the Wei Li, and the horrible airflow reached an unpredictable level, and he was detained and forced to fall down.

"Magic Lord!"

Ling Feng is full of hate, only the devil can do this step.

That jade flute is not all, the devil also used a dagger, traversing the scorpio, and cutting off the passage. When the passage was turbulent and raging, the dagger broke out with endless power and killed him.


Ling Feng gave a cold drink, and when the **** figure flew out, it fell on the top of the head, blocking the dagger of the dagger, and the boutonite flew out of the eyebrows, suppressing it around, preventing the air from being torn into pieces.

"Unfortunately, you can't escape!"

The devil's gloomy smile, the jade flute is close to the center of the goose, forcing the goose nest out of a hole.


Thousands of lightnings fell from the void, and all fell into the channel, and this "Tianmen" was to be broken.


Ling Feng screamed and fell directly from the void. The rebellious airflow in Tianmen was terrible. It’s just that Tian Zun’s intrusion is only ten dead and no life. Ling Feng is relying on the Taoist **** and the nine stone. Down.

He wants to fly out of the sky gate immediately.

"When you enter, don't you come out?" The magician holding the open axe sneered, the Tianmen has been rebellious, no one can leave the gate, and at this moment Tianmen has become a hunting ground, and any entering characters will Become a prey. (

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