Supreme Demon

Chapter 2612: Ranked eight wild!

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In the Meteor Branch, the atmosphere is dull.

Several gods stared at Zhou Ye. This character came too suddenly. It came more powerful. He did not put the Xianting branch in his eyes. He just came in and the characters in the martial arts were directly smashed. Not an opponent.


He is even on the right.

"If you beat me, I will let it go!"

What a maddening speech?

He did not put Encore in his eyes, confident and invincible, otherwise he was looking for death.

"good very good!"

Enke naturally heard the meaning of Zhou Ye’s words and laughed. After he was born, there were really few characters who dared to say this to him. Even the geniuses of the Guanghan Palace, the Void Road and the Yaochi were all against him. Extremely vigilant, not willing to fight at this time, only because once defeated, it is not only their personal injury, but also the forces behind them.

They want to cast momentum!

This momentum is not only theirs, but also their own power.

Once they are defeated, the fame and prestige will be defeated. Naturally, the whole starry sky will be weak, and it will not become a target, and its reputation will be damaged.

Even so.

The forces behind them may give up and cast another talent.


There is no fierce battle between the major forces of genius, and they are separated from each other, which is beneficial to them and to their power.


What he did not think was that today, a character directly hit the Meteor Branch, threatened to challenge him, and directly hit in. This is an insult to the Meteor Branch.

If Zhou Ye is not to be scrapped, how will Starry see them?

Is the Xianting Branch so unbearable? Was the threshold kicked?

Who will remain respectful to the Xianting branch in the future?

This is not only his personal fierce battle, but also a fierce battle on the face of the power. Only by killing this person and killing it will it be possible to shock the stars and let them know what the price of challenging the Xianting branch and challenging him.

"Of course, if I beat you, I will leave with ease." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"This is nature!"

Encore’s forehead is not demanding on this.

First, he does not feel that he will be defeated. Victory belongs to him. Although Zhou Ye first hits the door, if they lose and kill Zhou Ye, how will the starry forces look at them?

Angry and angry?

Folding arrogance?

The Xianting branch is not so unbearable, and this measure is still there.

"Okay, let's fight!"

Zhou Ye looked at Encore calmly.


Encore did not take the initiative to attack, but made a gesture, and Zhou Ye first shot, showing great demeanor.

"it is good!"

Zhou Ye’s forehead is not excused in this respect. For him, the process is not important and the result is important.

next moment.

The slight smile was extinguished, and a strong temperament and gas field appeared on him, just like the sharp knife that opened the world, like a cold wind, and the chilling Tianwei was stirring.

He rushed out of the lightning, like a male lion, and he came to Encore in an instant.

Like a cold wind, Li Quan hits Anke’s face directly.

Direct and fierce.

There are no fancy, only the momentum is fierce!

Anke’s eyes are slightly convergent, he can feel the hegemonic side of this boxing, no fancy, just because Zhou Ye does not need to be fancy, it is not a move to hide at home, but a move to comprehend in life and death. .

This character is very deadly.

But what about that?

Enke lifted his fist and pushed forward with a strong push. He broke the mountain and punched his fist and punched the sun and moon.

Endless airflow is like a tidal wave.

In the face of two people turbulent, to collapse this mountain river.

Enke stepped back one step backwards, his face was a bit ugly, only because he was born with a dark force in the boxing, which was not as simple as the surface.

Surface power is not the most terrible, but terrible is dark power.

His hand was bleeding, and the other's darkness hurt him.

"Is this your strength?"

Zhou Ye smiled and opened his mouth, looking straight at Enke’s eyes.

"Hey, this is just the beginning!"

Encore was angry and directly attacked Zhou Ye. The fist was born, and a more powerful Tianwei broke out. It could open a hole in the space, and the momentum and strength that the martial arts should have was played by him. top.

A punch, everything trembles.


Zhou Ye calmly faced, hit the past with the same punch, and confronted Encore.



In all directions, the trend is strong, the power is raging, the fists are falling, and the characters on both sides are not weak. At the level of the five-level martial arts, there are really few people who can be alongside them.

Mutual exchange.

Hundreds of rounds were played, and the surrounding space was smashed by this force.


Enke’s war is more and more brave, and the light shines in the eyes. “So many years, you are the only one who can hit me to this extent.”


Zhou Ye is full of desperation, the will is weakening, as if it is not as good as Encore, in fact, he has no interest in this war.

In the Meteor Branch, several gods and gods look at each other. They are in a position to watch, and they can see the situation better.

Encore’s war is like a fire, and Zhou Ye has no war.

What does it mean?

This means that Zhou Ye is very disappointed with Encore and has no intention of fighting.


The two characters slammed each other and retired from each other. Encore's body swayed violently, but the gods were quite *.

"You are very good."

Ann said with a smile. "It is worth my strength."

"Then be as soon as possible."

Zhou Ye is still smiling, ridiculously indifferent, without any excitement and expectation.

He has seen Encore, but Encore has not realized this.


Encore's eyes are bright, the vast momentum is like the Bohai Sea launch, and a narrow knife with a bright snow appears at this time, directly to the Zhou Ye.

I have a knife in my hand, I have it in the world.

Both momentum and strength have climbed to the peak. At this time, Anke is more like a humanoid butcher, and that knife falls down and bursts in nine days.

The smile on the face of Zhou Ye became a bit rich.

There is a kind of comfort.

There is a kind of calm.

That is not because Encore's momentum has reached a rather terrible level, but more like the calm and calm of the task immediately.


He wants to end this battle, confrontation with Anke, can not ignite his war.

"It is finally over!"

Zhou Ye said in his heart that at first he felt that he could be honed in the sky, but he waited until he met Encore to know that he was cheated.

What is this opponent?


When the sharp knife came, Zhou Ye gave a punch, and the fluttering light seemed to have no power.


It was this punch that allowed the wind to stop, letting the air flow stop, and let the knife in the hand of Anke no longer be able to get down.

A bang.

Anke was like a sword that was suppressed by the momentum, and collapsed in front of Zhou Ye, and then the punch was like a broken bamboo, and the ashes of the sword were again hit back.

Encore landed on the ground and could not climb for a long time.

He worked hard.

But still desperate.

Punch the peer blade!

In your most powerful moment, you will be taken to the bottom of the valley, this style is too similar to the original big devil.

"you win!"

One of the few gods opened his mouth and looked at Zhou Ye and looked at Encore lying on the ground, sighing and sighing. This is not a level figure at all.

He is too strong, he is too weak.

"Now, you can leave," said the god.

"it is good!"

Zhou Ye smiled lightly, without any complacency, just so calmly left, just like when he first came.

I went to the clothes.


"Wait... wait a minute."

Encore climbed up and looked at Zhou Ye. "Who are you?"

"Zhou Ye!"

"Why, I haven't heard it before?" Enke asked in a gray face. Until now he didn't understand why he lost.

When he did not do his best, he could still play a hundred rounds with Zhou Ye. Why was he directly crushed when he did his best?

"You will hear it later."

Zhou Ye is full of sunshine smiles and said: "Xian Ting should come up with some sincerity, I want to fight against the top genius!"


Zhou Ye is about to leave.

"Which power are you from?" Enco asked dullly. He was really curious. How did this character know the truth?

What other forces can cultivate these characters?

"The gods of heaven and earth are in a desolate situation."

Zhou Ye said with a smile. "I am eight weeks old!"

"Are you a god, or a genius against God?" asked Anke's mouth and twitched.

"God is? Reversing God?"

Zhou Ye stunned and then laughed. "We are not familiar!"

Zhou Ye left.

Encore was in the same place, full of loss and sorrow. He thought he could suppress the entire starry sky, but he was stepped on the bottom of the valley at his most brilliant moment.

That person is not a god, but not a god.

He is mysterious.

He is proud of the sky.

However, Zhou Ye’s last gaze hurt Encore. He did not regard himself as an opponent. He did not believe that the top genius of Xianting was Encore.

"The gods of heaven and earth are in a desolate situation!"

Ann can look into the distance, the eyes are very hurt, that person is eight years old, is there any other seven?

What is the **** of the day?

Just on the day.

This explosive news sensationalizes the starry sky, and the immortal genius genius can be defeated. Although people don't know the specific process, it doesn't matter.

The Xianting tragedy stopped the pace of conquest.

The "big trend" they had painstakingly cast collapsed in front of the sharp fists of Zhou Ye.


The situation did not end here, just the next day, there was an explosive news sensational starry sky.

The arrogant arrogance of the scorpio is defeated by a character called Zhou Ye.

For a time.

The entire starry sky knows. There is a wizard in the world called Zhou Ye. He was born and is pushing the geniuses of major forces.

People believe that Encore is not the first one, and even less believe that Yunao is the last one.

The heavens and the earth are desolate, and they are in the eighth place!

The whole starry sky is thinking about these eight words, and I want to know the origin of Zhou Ye and what the eight words contain. (

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