Supreme Demon

Chapter 2614: Road star!

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Star Fryer!

Zhou Ye’s words are too poisonous, leaving no face, and all the major powers are embarrassed. Their original intention is to use Yunao, Anke, etc. to compete for the starry sky, not only to attract more stars and genius, but also to pick up Starry resources.


No one thought that there would be such a personal thing in Zhou Ye. Eighteen top geniuses were actually suppressed by seventeen. Only the jade rabbits in the Guanghan Palace were not affected.


Zhou Ye also directly pointed out the truth, Yutu is the real genius, and Zhou Ye is to fight fake.

This is playing their face.

The vain geniuses such as the Void Road and Xianting are not born, but let some people who can't talk about genius to claim the universe, which makes people feel cheated, and the impression of these forces is greatly reduced, while the Guanghan Palace is to be honest. many.

"Zhou Ye, I will suppress you personally when I am born!"

A peerless genius yells at Zhou Ye, although he has not yet been born, but he is domineering.

"Wait for you to fight!"

There was a voice in Xianting, and I did not put Zhou Ye in my eyes. It was full of contempt. "No matter which power you come from, I will teach you to be a man!"

"Is it suppressed by many powerful people?"

"The prosperity will come, I am looking forward to fighting you!"

The characters of the ruined heavens seem to be dull, but they are more indifferent, and the strength expressed by Zhou Ye is really seen by them.

People frown.

The major power figures are too strong. Zhou Ye suppresses the 17 geniuses who have not dispelled their arrogance. This means that they do have such strength, which makes the asteroid genius worry.

As Zhou Zhou said before his disappearance, he is not an opponent of Yutu.

The jade rabbit is the top genius of the Guanghan Palace. What are the top geniuses of the Nether Road and Xianting?

Will it be weak?

How is Zhouye going strong?

Who is their dream come true?

"The heavens and the earth are desolate, and naturally someone will be born to suppress you." Zhou Ye’s voice rang in the sky, very indifferent and proud.

He asked himself not enough!


He even believes that "the gods of heaven and earth" will have people to suppress the geniuses of the world.

"The **** of heaven and earth? What is this?"

People are really anxious and want to know the true meaning of these four words. It is not like a person's name, but specifically what people can't guess.

"Okay, we are waiting!"

The major forces have opened their mouths and said that they will fight and wait for the "world and the gods".


What makes people meditate is that these characters are not born, but have been waiting, what are they waiting for?


The major forces have received too many resources from the Xiangu Xinghai. Now they are trying to digest, and some resources will be used in the genius of the world.

Needless to say.

By then, there will be terrible characters from all major forces, and the starry sky will be pushed across the sky. The most tragic thing is the genius of the world on the asteroid, completely immersed in the foil.


Hurry for a year.

The cosmic star's air rhyme is more full, almost escaped from the stars, and every life star is shrouded in glory, forming a light rain floating around, very magnificent.

The universe is like a ignited place, everywhere.

Just this day.

A beam of light broke through the sky, appeared in the universe, cut through the night sky, and endless herbs filled the world.

"A big medicine!"

People suddenly panic, there are ecstasy and madness in the eyes, because the big medicine is too extraordinary, with its own special effects, it is like a meteorite, igniting the universe.


The medicinal scent is too rich, and it can be smelled hundreds of millions of miles away. This is not the big medicine that Tianzun level can do.

"Sheng Shi Chu Zhao, big medicine is now!"

People go quickly and want to seize the big medicine, which can not only be used for refining medicine, but also can be taken directly. Although the efficacy is not as powerful as that of medicinal herbs, the bones of life and death can still be done.


The big medicine came too suddenly, and it disappeared more suddenly. People didn't seize the opportunity.


It is the place where the big medicine has appeared. The medicine is not scattered. Several people directly ask the true God in it. The momentum is shocking and quite terrible.

“Is it just the medicinal fragrance that escapes?”

People are stunned and look forward to the big medicine. The medicine can ask Wu Shen to ask the true God. If you get the big medicine, can you go straight to heaven?

Even Tian Zun?

Some Tianzun characters were born and wanted to find the big medicine, but they could not find the whereabouts of the big medicine.

It seems to have never appeared in the universe.

"Amazing medicine, picking up can ask the sky." Dongfang Yun said, full of regrets said. "The first signs of the prosperous times, but the big medicine is only waiting for the prosperous world will really appear."

People are more looking forward to the prosperity.

It is reported.

Once the emergence of the prosperous world, all kinds of top rare resources will appear. At that time, the suppression of the heavens was even weaker, which was a good time for them to ask.

In the dark period of the road.

How long does it take to ask Tiandao?

It’s been a thousand years since I heard the old man’s surprise. It can be used for thousands of years. In the prosperous world, hundreds of years, and even decades, you can ask for success. It’s not so troublesome and tricky.

If you can get a big medicine, scarce resources, you can even ask in a short time.

Just asking the day is not a problem.

"Look, try to find its whereabouts!"

Some characters are crazy, and they don’t let go. If such a big medicine falls in their hands, who can be an enemy of them?

"Can't find it."

The oriental rhythm sighs, they come late, and to find the big medicine, the first thing to do is to know why the prosperous world came and how did it appear?

Find the essence and naturally find a big medicine.

Of course.

That is the essence of asking the figures of the heavens, but what about them?

In vain!

In fact.

The beginning of the dynasty is really coming. The universe has a virtual light from time to time. Sometimes a herb breaks through the void. Sometimes a creature comes out, sometimes the sky shines, and a mysterious mushroom cloud appears. The whole universe is not calm, it becomes Boil up.

Tianzun was born and wanted to pick up scarce resources, but these resources have a commonality. They are too unpredictable and will disappear in a short time. They are not really prosperous, they will not come.

What is worth pondering is the mysterious mushroom cloud in the universe.

Not a creature.

More non-airflow.

Quite awkwardly, even Tian Zun can't see the truth, and the mushroom cloud has a terrible magic power, which can curb the sense of heaven and make them invisible.

The mushroom cloud only appeared for a moment and disappeared into the universe.

of course.

It is not only these things, but also the appearance of visions in the universe, so that people can not see through, I am afraid to wait until the real emergence of the world can know.


Road star.

This is not a famous star. In the constellation of the Tao, it is inconspicuous and looks gray.

This star has no precipitous mountains and rivers, and there is no godland or restricted area. Therefore, it is not noticed by major forces.


After the emergence of the early dynasty, the star charm became full, the trees flourished, the grass was lush, like the arrival of spring, but now it is still in the late autumn, the leaves should be falling, but it is showing off-season growth.

Tianquan Mountain.

This mountain is very ordinary. In the famous mountains of the Taoist Stars, Tianquan Mountain is too inconspicuous. It is easy to be ignored. Because this mountain is quite low, it is only a thousand feet high.


In Tianquan Sheng, Tianquan Mountain is a very famous mountain. It is because Tianquan Mountain is not only a mountain, but also a force.

There is an ancient courtyard on Tianquan Mountain. It is not magnificent, but it is a place that cannot be ignored.

The Tianquan Ancient Court was established on Tianquan Mountain.

of course.

It is not the origin of this ancient courtyard that Tianquan Ancient Courtyard is really famous. It is not because of the long history of the ancient courtyard, but because there is a character in this ancient courtyard.

Stone Holly!

This character is extraordinary in nature. In the era of non-prosperous times, he directly asked the true God, and now it is the ninth-level true god. This caused great sensation in the holy country. Therefore, the ancient temple of Tianquan is quite famous in the ancient capital of Yingdu.

at this time.

A veteran is carrying a blood-filled youth and walking slowly toward Tianquan Mountain. He is squatting and panting every few steps. He can come here from Lieyanchuan. He insisted that he did not let down the youth on his body.


There is no sweat on his face, which looks rather weird.

Tianquan Mountain is high in the sky. There is snow in the mountain. There is only one mountain road leading to the peak. The cold wind is chilly. Even if the old man is breathing thick cotton coat, the feeling is still trembling.

He walked along the mountain road, his footsteps became slower, and the sweat on his face slid out, dampening his collar.

"Old gentleman, I will help you back."

At this time, a handsome young boy appeared in front of the old man and said with a smile: "Who is this? How do you want to bring him back?"

"Is it Liu Xian?"

The old man looked up and looked at the handsome boy in front of him, but the boy with a slightly strong body, the smile on his face would have increased. "Oh, I am not old enough to move my body, I will not need you, and you It’s going to be mountain climbing, I’m afraid it’s not that easy?”

"Old gentleman, can you be a bit hitting people?" Liu Xian said, quite unhappy. "I can't talk."

Tianquan Ancient Court has extremely strict requirements for disciples. It is necessary to take a test every day. This test is based on walking and climbing. It is impossible to use the power of martial arts. It depends entirely on physical strength. This is not only a test of martial arts, but also a test of martial arts. It is the temper of the will and the state of mind.

The martial arts can't take shortcuts. Every step must be solid. It must be able to withstand loneliness and coldness. The state of mind is extremely important.

And teenagers like Liu Xian, who climb the peaks every day, are actually quite strenuous. If they are carrying people, I am afraid that today I will not think of the ancient courtyard.

"Oh, you kid."

The old man smiled, but did not hand the person on his hand to Liu Xian’s hand, and he was carrying the man’s sly.” “A poor man from the flames of Sichuan is very hurt, you are slamming. I am afraid that I will wait until the top of the mountain. This person will die if he is not dead. Although I am slow, I will not take his wounds."

"Well, you can climb mountain, otherwise you will not be able to get there at night." (

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