Supreme Demon

Chapter 2625: The prosperous world is coming!

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In the universe, a golden mushroom cloud appears, and a creature breaks free from it and flies into the distance.

"That is a grasshopper!"

People exclaimed, saw a golden grasshopper, spread their wings and flew into the distance. The wings were extremely large, three feet in length, and the horizontal expansion was six miles. Don't say the gods, that is, Tianzun has never seen such an incredible grasshopper.


Grasshoppers have always been social groups, and only one was seen in the world, which is a bit different.

The golden grasshopper is different. The star is engraved with a star map. It is magnificent and mysterious. It is full of spirituality. It is a star map carved on the head, because the star map is a void color, and it is extremely prominent on the golden skull. It is very clear to people.


This golden grasshopper can fly out of the golden mushroom cloud, which can show its extraordinary temperament, and when the golden grasshopper shows its strength, the whole sky will be conquered by the grasshopper.

Heavenly honor!

"This special thing is going to be bad!"

Some heavenly figures were stunned on the spot, and they were so shocked that they did not expect it.

To know.

When the phoenix broke free from the golden mushroom cloud, it was just an egg. Borrowing Shenyang Tianwei was able to ask the true god, but this grasshopper actually reached the level of Tianzun, and entered the starry sky with its versatile talent. Column, is this still not a grasshopper?

The world is coming.

The stars have become different, and the gods can ask for success, which is imaginable.

It is normal for the phoenix to go straight into the true God.

But what about the big white goose in Xiangu Xinghai and the grasshopper that appeared at the moment?

They are so enchanting, do their parents know?

They are so perverted, how do people live?

You said.

If a Tiandao person dies blood, he is asked who injured him. What do you say he said?

A grasshopper?

Ghosts believe!

Do they still have to face?

"Catch it, this grasshopper is extraordinary!" A big man in Xianting shouted on the spot, a Tianzun-level monster, enough to change the starry sky pattern.

"The grasshopper belongs to the Yaozu, and it should be back at the moment!"

Several big people of the Yaozu appear and want to extradite the grasshoppers and Hui people. This is an opportunity to increase their strength.


The golden grasshopper is quite strong, despising the heavenly lord who is flying to smash it, opening a mouth to spit out a bright light, directly piercing the 10,000 roads, let the heavenly ruin be damaged, and the power collapse.

"so smart?"

People were shocked, and they couldn't believe their own eyes. The light showed a void color, which could disintegrate the power of the law and banned it from coming over. On the spot, let the heavenly tragedy.

"Dare to suppress me, immediately yell at you!"

The golden grasshopper spit out people's words and despised the major forces.

"Grass brother, you and I are all demon, I am waiting to welcome you to the Hui." Several demon people of the Yao family came flying, full of faces, full of expectations.

"How many years do you count?"

The golden grasshopper didn't buy it. He looked at the few demon statues and said coldly. "I am the emperor, can you be a little demon in your district, dare to call my brother in front of me?"


Several demon statues felt very hurt. They came with goodwill, but the grasshopper regarded them as demon and looked at them with a look down.

What are the meanings?

"Starry sky rejects us. At this moment we should fight against the enemy together." Several demon statues said.

"Do not mess with me!"

The golden grasshopper completely ignored the presence of the heavenly deities and demon statues. It was forbidden to move forward and to fly to the far side. This allowed several demon lords to eat a nose gray, and then the golden grasshopper disappeared into the starry sky.

It did not enter the Yaozu, nor did it enter the Terran.

It has to be a self-styled family!


Some big people frown, they have not found such a creature in the ancient books, and such creatures as Huang Tian can step into the heavens, should be in the history books.

of course.

For people, this is the situation they are happy to see.


The emptiness of the sky, another golden mushroom cloud burst open, endless squatting to the surrounding, a glutinous wheat ear appeared, the straw is not high, there are eighteen seeds inside, the overall looks quite tasteful.


This wheat ear is quite sturdy and extraordinary. It is like a mace, and the awning is upright and shaped like a sharp knives to kill the opponent.

This is not like a wheat ear, but more like an artifact.

"Is the weapon of Emperor Heaven's father coming out?"

At this time, a rather discordant voice sounded, and the previously disappearing grasshopper flew back again. The speed was not fast, but it was carried by eight spaces, and the momentum was extraordinary.

And when it appeared, the wheat ear automatically flew to the golden grasshopper.

call out!

The golden wheat ear fell into the golden grasshopper's claws, causing its momentum to suddenly rise to a terrible level.

next moment.

The golden grasshopper did not hesitate to shoot the golden wheat ears, only to see the stars and the stars, and to the people who were flying around to pick up the golden wheat ears.

The awning shines and the momentum is immortal.

What's more important is that every maiden is a space law, and the eighteen-space law is the same. The sound is too big, and the maiden's Tianwei is too shocking. The same handle is used to penetrate the nine-day sword. , appeared in front of those characters.


Everyone tried their best to sacrifice artifacts, especially the character of the Yaozu, who even sacrificed the amount of the ruler and confronted Maimang.



The sound of the sound of the sound of the sky, the Mai Mang strong, is actually let the amount of heaven to eat, was suppressed for a moment.

"Don't waste time with you, I want to take my McMans!"

The golden grasshoppers look at the big people, without too much entanglement, turn around and disappear, disappearing into the sky.

And those personal things flew down from the void, they were suppressed by Mai Mang, and the law forces that shrouded them were cracked, making them scared.


The golden wheat has an extraordinary Tianwei, restraining all kinds of laws, but not as serious as the previous Tianzun.

"How can there be such a terrible grasshopper in the world?"

People were very surprised. They felt that they were confronted with another demon ancestor. It was too difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the golden grasshopper did not enter the demon, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.


The golden wheat ear fell into the hands of the golden grasshopper, but it was a healing artifact that could deal with the amount of the sky.

No day.

A large drug was crossed, attracting many people to follow.

The next day.

The golden mushroom cloud reappears and appears by the nine-headed phoenix. It is even more mysterious. Unfortunately, people did not find the whereabouts of the golden mushroom cloud and let it escape.


A month later, in the place not far from the Taoist star, there was a cloud of gilt mushroom, which was more ancient and more extraordinary. There was only one flower, but there was Tianwei in the sky.

It is brewing for three days.

Then, the golden mushroom cloud exploded and a character flew out of it.

Silver hair shawl, figure like a knife, holding a spear, straight thorns, the ancient heavenly atmosphere is surging on him, the power of the world is turbulent in its body.

"I am a wasteland!"

He is proud of Tianzhu, Zhangkou said.

"Old ancestors, is it really you?"

Several figures of the ruins of the heavens came flying, and their eyes were wet. In the late 1980s, the ruins of the ruins appeared. It was a pity that the ruins of the ruins disappeared until they disappeared, but they did not expect to return in this way.

"Exactly me!"

The ancestors of the ruins of the wilderness are headed for the first time.

"I will wait for my ancestors to come back!"

The three celestial celestial beings appeared together and showed a bowing head. This is the character who created the legend of the wilderness. It was Tianzun in the late 1980s, and what level has it reached now?


Suddenly, a knives rushed to the ancestors, killing them.


Three people in the wilderness were furious, and some people even wanted to get rid of their ancestors at this festival. This is the crime of countering the scales.

"No problem!"

The ruins of the wilderness did not care. They looked directly at the knives and looked through the ages. Then his hands pushed forward and the power was like a tidal wave. The ancient matter awakened.


Just one word.

Just one hand!

The flying knives came to an abrupt end, and the above-mentioned rule Tianwei was wiped out in an instant, and the ruins of the ruins of the wilderness sneaked into the world. Even the power of the heavenly level was **** in front of them.

"蝼 ants, dare to go against the sky?"

The ancestors of the wilderness are really strong, killing the sky directly, and getting rid of the secretly shot.

For a time.

The sky is bleeding, and the ruthless heavenly characters are full of wetness. Once the invincible **** of war came back, who would dare to insult them?

The ruinous heavens will surely be the top force in the world, and it will not be much more than the Xianting and the Guanghan Palace.

"The glory is coming, the genius is born!"

On the other day, there was a voice on the side of Xianting. In the prosperous world, genius should not be biased, and when he was born, he would argue.

"Be born, this world belongs to you."

There was also news on the empty road that the top genius of the Void will be born soon afterwards.


This is the voice of Yao Chi genius.. "Weekly, wash your neck and wait for me to kill you!"

"Zhou Ye, I am waiting for you to fight!"

"The Mozu genius will be born and arguing, the scum of the stars will tremble!"

The Mozu can't help it, and the genius has long been eagerly awaiting, but there are no characters worthy of their shots before.

"I want to suppress my brother, you are not qualified!"

Some people voiced, saying that they were upset, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the genius pattern. In the eyes of true genius, these very jumping characters are all dregs, and Zhou Ye is just the fish on their knives.

"The world is desperate, waiting for you to fight!"

When the crowd was over, some people spoke, belonging to the Zhou Ye side, but they were very vague and did not know what the characters belonged to.


People know that the era of geniuses is coming. This will be a contest between Tianzun and Tianzun. The major forces will compete for the general trend in the prosperous world, and genius is an extremely important step.

The next day.

Xianting flew out a streamer, the top genius was born, not one or two, but a whole six, of which there is Encore.

They still maintain the pattern of the past, and six of them are closed.

The virtual road flew out of the four gods, claiming to be able to push the inside of the universe, let the genius bow down. (

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