Supreme Demon

Chapter 2627: Heaven and earth gods!


The universe became dull due to the appearance of the square.

The great forces of the Tianjiao are frowning, and the name is quite strange. It is not a genius of any power. The strength is even more unknown, but he has appeared like this.

Fang Yu! People chewed these two words, and the light of the gods appeared.

They did not encounter the Zhou Ye, but they met in the Yu, and they were still the four gods in the "Heaven and Earth Gods".

What is even more puzzling is that the other few people in the eight wilderness did not appear, and they appeared directly. It is surprising to look down on Yu in the attitude of the last four gods.

The major forces of Tianjiao have different performances.

The fairy tales such as Xianting and Dianxiandao are cold, and they are not in the eyes. The other side is in front of Zhouye. Can the suppressing party suppress the arrogance of other characters in Yu?

Especially the characters who were previously screaming.

As long as the blood is in the blood, those characters will shut up.

In the past few years, the forces such as Xianting, Void Road, and Immortal Taoism have been quite aggrieved. Encore and Yunao have been beaten badly. Zhou Ye’s words are even more heart-wrenching, pushing them on the flames, The taste is quite uncomfortable, and the mountain village genius is more hostile to these forces.

How can they bear with their proud character?

just now.

Fang appeared, and the major forces of Tianjiao sharpened their swords and waited for them to hold their heads.

"I am Xianting Wanqing, you have a force with Zhou Ye, and Zhou Ye is not seen, I will marry you first!"

Wan Qing’s first statement was to kill the party.

"That will be pushed by your direction!"

Fang is quite a big tone, and he has not put Wan Qing in his eyes and bluntly fights.

"The King of the Canyon is waiting for you to fight!"

Wan Qing shouted in the distance, and the war was in the Shenwang Canyon.

"as you wish!"

For a time.

The whole universe is boiling, and everyone expects it. The major forces and arrogants want to know what kind of characters Fang is in, what kind of strength, and Wan Qing can give them the answer.

The genius of the mountain village is expected to be even better, to turn the tide and ask the face of the king.

Who said that there is no spring in the mountain village?

At this moment, Fang will tell them that in the era of anti-God, the mountain village can be destroyed.

Of course, this will have to wait until the party presses the whole game.

The next day.

The Shenwang Canyon is full of people. Not only are the geniuses of the major forces coming, but the geniuses of the mountain villages have also appeared. The geniuses of the devils, the roster of death, and other forces have also appeared. The scene is extremely hot. The canyon is full of people, the sky. It is a piece of black pressure.

There are too many people coming.

More attention.

It is a pity that Fang Yu and Wan Qing are only god-level characters, otherwise they will get more attention.


It is this fierce battle that has aroused the attention of the top gods and gods. Xianting, the Void, and other gods appear, always watching the battlefield, preventing unpredictable changes, equivalent to the genius of the younger generation in the guardianship.

Wan Qing won, and they were honored.

Everything is bloody, and their faces are damaged.

After a while.

Wan Qing and Fang appeared together. The difference is that the party is lonely, simple, and floating. There is no arch, no gas field. It is very similar to the original Zhou Ye, and Wan Qing is guarded by the Xianting gods. Entering the scene, flying behind the sacred light rain, looks extraordinary.


Wan Qing looked at the front and asked.


Fang is a plain young man, there is no particularly eye-catching place, but his physical temperament, there is a kind of fairy style.

"Can you fight?"


next moment.

Wan Qing flew out of the air, punching the square in the cold face, the insult that was received under the Zhou Ye Li boxing, and today's liquidation.


Fang sighs, with an indifferent smile between the eyebrows. "You should know Zhou Ye, you should know what is the most terrible place in Zhou Ye."

When Wan Qing flew to the front, he raised his hand and shot it.

That is a punch! Boxing punch! Zhou Ye’s fist! boom! The whole void trembled, and the surrounding space was like a wave of water. The road and the glare flew out, and the Shenwang Canyon blasted a big hole.

The virtual light flies.

Fang Yu or Fang Yu, the cloud is light and standing there, like there is no out of the boxing, and Wan Qing is not Wanqing, he flies for ten miles, face full of blood, more gray face, no sense of authority and momentum It is more like a lonely scholar. What's more important is that he pulled down one arm and was actually broken by the fist.

A fist is a second! This is the party! Zhou Ye does not come out, there is still a party! "There is not enough power, is there?"

In the direct view of Wanqing, the eyes are too flat, so that some of the characters present in the flesh and blood tremble, this is a metamorphosis.

To know.

Wan Qing is the third Tianqi of Xianting. The strength is not weak, but it is not enough to punch a fist. What strength is this?

All the major forces and arrogants are vigilant. This party is very personal, and it is quite tricky. At least the top squad is not a rival. It is not a level opponent.

"I will marry you!"

Wan Qing's mouth and nose bleed, full of embarrassment, he came strong, did not taste a defeat, why was he beaten by a punch?

This is an insult! "Okay, as long as you have this strength!"

Fang said in a light way.


Wan Qing flew out, the power sprayed thin, a purple gold knife appeared in the hand, crossed a shining virtual light in the void, tearing open the space, bursting out the nine-handed knife, each knives carved with phoenix, Every phoenix is ​​alive, just like a resurrection from a knife.


The shape of each phoenix is ​​different.

A knife smashed out, and fell together with the nine phoenixes.

The strength of the 9th-level Valkyrie is fully sprayed, and the entire canyon is ignited, and the style of this knife is fully presented.

The wind is a hurricane! The knife is a sharp knife! This knife is killed, and only the Wanqing is left in the entire canyon! People can't help but go backwards. The fear of being caught by the knife is even more sighing. Wanqing is really enchanting. Even if the phoenix knife is cultivated to this extent, it can be said that there are few people in the entire Xianting.

"I am going to die!"

This is the voice of Xianting.

"With a knife?"

Fang was filled with a smile on his face, facing the phoenix knife, without any tremors, the ancient well has no waves.

next moment.

In his hand, he flew a sharp knife and stabbed the sky. At that time, a bright light ignited the road, lit the space, and lit the Shenwang Canyon.

Knife falls! People are scattered! No one can see the knife, just as no one can see through this character. When the knife flies down, the picture freezes.

Snapped! Wan Qing looked at Fang, the face was unbelievable, and there was a thick sinister poison. He held the phoenix knife in his hand, and the blood poured out from his chest. He smeared him into a blood man.

He tried his best.


Still have not taken the road to this threshold.

thump! Wan Qing fell down, fell in the phoenix knife, and fell in the invisible knife rainbow, Xianting's characters were all shocked, they did not think that it would be the end.

Just two hits.

Wan Qing used the top strength, but still could not stop the cold blade.

At this moment, Fang Yu is like a **** king who is mastering the whole world.

The major forces of Tianjiao are frowning. At this time, no one dares to say that they can defeat the party, and the young people who are not obvious in this name are famous for this battle.

The empty roads, the fairy courts, the dumping fairy roads, the flooding heavens and the like are all frowning. Wan Qing does not let the party use all the power, but it is only that knife that deserves their deep thought, just because they have not understood it yet.

"Fang Yu, Fang Yu!"

The mountain village geniuses are crazy, this knife is too fierce and overbearing, who said that Tianjiao only has top power?

Who said that the top heavens can't be defeated?

Fang used a powerful blade to let the whole universe know that Tianjiao was used to step on it.


After defeating Wanqing, Fang did not leave, but looked around, full of calm, without any waves, just like his inner heart.


He did not take Wanqing seriously.

"Who else?"

Fang said calmly.

"Can you fight again?"

People are surprised, to deal with Wanqing, anyone must pay attention to it, but also consumes a very strong force, but Fang does not, he can fight again.

"I am coming to marry you!"

On the second day of Xianting, the arrogant jade dragon flew out and directly killed Fang.

... Shenwang Canyon issued a dull bang, only a moment of effort, Yulong will fly out, planted on the ground, the chest was hit by a blood hole, Xiangu 汩汩 out.

Even the second of Xianting can't suppress it! This is the square of the four gods in the world of heaven and earth, which is stronger than Zhou Ye.

Who can win?

"Xian Ting did not appear first, otherwise I was afraid that it would be a blood mold."

People frowned and said that Xianting’s first day of arrogance was the most terrible, and Yulong was not a level at all. It was the king who stepped into the real world.

"Who is here?"

Around the cold eye, look at those top arrogance.

"I come!"

After a while.

"Who is here?"

Fang Yufang Fang, although the face is covered with blood, can still make people feel scared, only because he has three wins, the second glory of the fairy tales is defeated.

"I am coming to marry you!"

The characters of the ruins of the sky are flying out. I really don’t want to let the party continue to be strong. This is playing their face.


The party is still strong, the atmosphere is not weak, and it is suppressed on the spot.

"Who else?"

Fang’s momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and the gas field is full of glory. Everyone here can’t stop his edge.

People will suffocate when they are dead.

In the face of such a powerful party, even the top forces have to bow down?

The mountain village geniuses are excited, this is exactly what they are eager to see.

"Come on!"

The fourth Tianjiao flew out, and the fourth Tianjiao was bloody.

"I come!"

The fifth Tianjiao flew out, and the fifth Tianjiao was bloody.


Fang Yu really wants to seal the king, completely arrogant to the audience, despising Yu Tian Tianjiao. Under his gas field, the four top powers of Tianjiao have lost, Xianting, Dianxiandao, Hongtiantiandao and so on. The characters are all bloody.

What is this picture?

Not only are the mountain village geniuses crazy, but the top forces are mad.

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