Supreme Demon

Chapter 2636: Wu Zun Xi Zhu!

The first **** war ended.

When the major forces are strong, they are dying, and their hearts are extremely sad, especially the Xianting, Beast God, and the Mozu.

The top Tianjiao came out, but it was still miserable.

Shenhuang is tragic and strong, and Suzaku does not dare to fight.

When the first **** of the world was born and the space prototype came out, it would be the common goal of Yu Nei Tianjiao, and they should understand the space power as soon as possible.

The entire universe is in turmoil.

Those small forces are still seeing such a wonderful battle for the first time. Cosmic-level Tianjiao has become a symbol to measure the starry sky. The first god’s combat power is more recognized. Without any effort, the opponent’s sea can be flat. A meal.

Force other arrogance to fight.

Leaf empty! This is destined to be a sensational word.

The geniuses of the mountain village are proud and proud, and the appearance of Ye Kong proves that the mountain village genius is not inferior to the top forces. As long as they have top-level talents and top resources, they can still blast the top Tianjiao.


Because Ye Kong, Yao Shen, Yu Qing and other famous universes, many geniuses are eager to enter their forces, but unfortunately, Ye Kong, Yao Shen and so on disappear too quickly, so that people can not find their whereabouts.


The words "the **** of heaven and earth" have become synonymous with invincibility.

Just because.

They have never lost! of course.

For the top forces, this really hurts them. The top geniuses are weak and weaken their future elites. But this is just the beginning. The flourishing world appears. The phoenix and the suzaku are so extraordinary. As long as they comprehend the space, the future universe will remain. Belongs to them.

Such as the **** phoenix.

What it really lacks is time and tempering. As long as the foundation is solid, with the inheritance of the Phoenix family, I am afraid that Ye Kong will bow down.


Because the characters such as Ye Kong and Yao Shen were born, the whole universe calmed down. Although it was confined to the genius of the world, at least no one dared to be arrogant.

Although the first **** war is attracted by the whole universe, the influence is quite limited. People pay more attention to the world's top resources and people.

The old ancestors returned.

The golden grasshopper came out.

A magic knife is across the sky.

The rhythm of the universe is more prosperous, like the waves of water, and the stars are like springs, which spread the universe.

"The big medicine is coming out!"

On this day, people moved, because a large drug carried a golden mushroom cloud, very spiritual, as much as human, even driving a golden mushroom cloud.

next moment.

The major powers have done their best to take this big medicine.

"The big medicine is a wasteland!"

The ancestors of the wilderness appeared, and their terrible strength reached the peak of Tianzun. The law was like a starry sky, extremely dazzling, and the second law appeared. It despised the people and directly grasped the big medicine.

"Hugh think!"

The old demon appeared, a heavenly palace pushed across the world, and played an extremely dazzling magical law, which seemed to have a demon in the town, banned from the ancestors.

The whole world was exploding, and everything was destroyed.


A magic knife smashed into all directions, and the magic master carried the magic knife.

"Who dares to grab?"

The demon figures of the hand-held ruler appear, and the power is sprayed out. The two-fold law is surging on the sky, forming a sky-filled glow, prohibiting the radius of a hundred miles, and not allowing the big medicine to escape.

"Let's come!"

The empty roads, Xianting and other forces appeared in the sky, and they robbed the big medicine together.


At this moment, the void appeared, and the golden vortex blew open to the sky. There was a mysterious figure, and the big medicine was directly taken from the void.

The whole void became empty, only the golden mushroom cloud was raging, and the big medicine disappeared without a trace.

"who is it?"

People look ugly and didn't expect to be taken away.


The ruins of the wilderness angered and chased out the first time, looking for someone to come.

"Dare to grab my family medicine, find death!"

The celestial body is smashed and does not want to be picked up by people. It is very angry.

"get out!"

The Lord of the Lord is also very resentful. The big medicine is too extraordinary. It is only a medicinal fragrance. It allows Wu Xiu to ask God. Any leaf is afraid to ask people, if the whole plant falls in their hands?

The top Tianzun is only afraid to use the old medicine to ask the sky.

A Xeon who asks the level of heaven is too important for any power.

Before the advent of the prosperous world, there were no ones who asked the heavenly level, such as the Void Road and Xianting, not to mention other forces.


The man is like a sinking sea, disappearing in an instant.


People are screaming, and they have no image. It is an important medicine that is related to the rise and fall of the whole force. It is taken away in this way, and the anger in the heart can be imagined.


When the world comes, such a big medicine will appear.

Dao Xing, Tianquan Ancient Court.

Ling Feng still basking in the sun every day, regardless of the world, and the old Taoist priests step by step, appearing in the home on time every day, finishing books.

The rhythm of living here is very slow.

The only difference is Wen Xizhu. After watching the cosmic-level showdown, she felt a lot and started to study the wooden sword. However, she did not use the wooden sword presented by Ling Feng, but she cut a wooden sword. Fight with wooden swords.


Her end was quite tragic, and she was beaten and bruised. The process lasted for six months. Later, she really realized the different swords with wooden swords. She gradually came out and began to enter the kendo. The strength also happened. Great change.

What is more gratifying is the progress of her realm.

a year ago.

She stepped into the realm of Wu Sheng, and this year she progressed in the kendo, which led to the rapid advancement of strength, all the way to sing, and unconsciously came to Wu Sheng to the world, only one step away from the Wu Zun.

"I want to be honored!"

Wen Xizhu looks at the sky and is full of enthusiasm.

At this moment, she really felt the horror of the wooden sword. The control was not limited to the kendo, but also penetrated into the flesh and blood, and thus became its instinctive reaction.

It can be said.

She is able to step into the Wu Sheng to the world, and is inseparable from the wooden sword.

These days she is grinding her flesh and bones to make her state more perfect until she reaches the peak.

The next day.

She sat in the bamboo house and moved the cosmic charm, pouring into the body like a spring, making her momentum stronger.

The old Taoist is back.

He did not care about the bamboo, he had to sit down in person to prevent any accidents, and Ling Feng was full of laughter. After getting along for so long, he hoped that Wen Zhu would be able to go further.

Boom! In just five days, the bamboo house heard a muffled sound, and the flesh and blood of the bamboo sizzled, and a more powerful force surged out, igniting its blood and extremely strong.

Bang! The bamboo house could not withstand such tremendous force and collapsed in a short period of time, but those bamboo trees did not fall on Wen Xizhu, but were flying by a powerful force.

call! A wooden sword flew out of the air, bursting out of extraordinary charm, and even spurred the endless sword.

this moment.

Wen Xi Zhu step into Wu Zun's realm! She has succeeded! Moreover, after entering Wuzun, her control of the wooden sword is more handy, as if the wooden sword is connected with its blood, and the sword is like a tide, so that she can get more insights.

"Chapter Five Gates!"

Wen Xiu's eyes are bright and the experience is different. With her current control, although it has not yet reached the level of the sword, it is almost the same.


She knows that there is a unity of heaven and man and a detachment.


Ye Kong belongs to the kind of detached character, otherwise the wooden sword will not have the magical Tianwei in his hands.

"One day I will do it too!"

Wen Xizhu walked out of the ruins and smiled.

"The Yingdu event is coming. I am more confident that I will enter the Wuzun situation at this time."

Wen Xi’s face was filled with a smile.

"not bad."

The old Taoist priests.

At this time, Wen Xizhu did have his momentum, but he was still far away from Ye Kong.

“It’s dazzling!”

Ling Feng praised.

"That is natural!"

Wen Xizhu proudly raised his small head and said: "Three days later, Tianquan Ancient Court will have two heavyweight matchups. If I can win, I can represent the Tianquan Ancient Court to participate in the Yingdu event!"

"Who is Tianwu Ancient Court who is the opponent of Wenwu Zun?"

Ling Feng stunned his eyes and made a surprise.

"That is!"

Wen Xizhu immediately opened his eyes and smiled. Compared with the old-fashioned grandfather, Ling Feng is an interesting person.

In fact.

It is true that after entering Wuzun, the strength and realm of Wen Xizhu have made Tianquan Ancient Court look at everyone, especially the owner of the ancient courtyard. In the past 100 years, no genius has been able to reach it. The height of the bamboo.

Of course, with the advent of the prosperous world, many changes have taken place. Wu Zun’s genius has become more rare, and Wen Xiu is not a case.


It’s not just the realm that determines the outcome, but also the strength.

"We believe that you can do it."

The old Taoist gentleman patted the shoulders of Wen Xizhu and said.

"I will do it!"

Wen Xizhu said affirmatively.

Three days later.

The old Taoist and Ling Feng were invited to appear in the Tianquan Ancient Court, appearing in the battle table, and in the center of the field is an ancient battlefield with a radius of 20 miles. There is a strange door suppression, even if the figure of the Valkyrie level wants to It is also quite difficult to cause fatal damage.

This is the battlefield of the Tianquan Ancient Court.

Today, the semi-final of the Tianquan Battle will be held here, and Wenzhu Bamboo is one of the top four.

"Big sister, you have to win!"

A young girl shouted in the distance, her eyes brightened, and a Yuzhu logo was attached to her forehead.

"Bamboo sister, you are the goddess in my heart!"

"Our Yuzhu League must let the genius of the Yingdu event bow down!"

"Yuzhu League, Yuzhu League" for a time, the entire battlefield is boiling, and some young girls who are attached to the Yuzhu logo are shouting, the voice is like Lin, like the jade flute.

Don't say Ling Feng, that is, the old Taoist priests are a little dazed. He has never noticed that Wen Xizhu is acting in the Tianquan Ancient Court, and he does not know when the Yuzhu League was born.

what is this?

My granddaughter is a big sister?

Ps.. Today is busy, I am very sorry, let's work hard tomorrow.

good night.


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