Supreme Demon

Chapter 2694: Overhead!

next moment.

Wannian Laoyu directly looked at the other Tianzun of the Zero family. This Tianzun is more inclined to Zero Tong, and the starry forces are the ones they hit.


Now he is facing a zero sword and is inviolable.

"The things inside the Zero family will be solved by yourself. We solve the problem of the stars!"

The old man said indifferently.

Some things and the truth are not rebellious and unwilling to find out, but do not need it. Even if the Zero family casts on Xianting and the ruins of the heavens, the impact on them is limited, but the Zero will lose more.

not to mention.

Zero Tong is really stupid. Everything is full of loopholes, and you don’t have to go against it. They put the loopholes in front of the gods.

Xianting, Hongtian Tiandao!

They have long known that they only have no time to fight against the gods, and that they need a perfect answer. Now the grandfather proves to them with practical actions that the zero-minded intentions are more inclined to reverse the gods and have no meaning of betrayal.

"Excuse me!"

Zero sword forehead, heavy said: "The door is strong, there are always some people who are interested in profit, but this is not the whole family!"

"I know!"

The zero sword flew to the Zero Hall, and the end of the Zero Tong finally came.

Under the strong participation of the gods, the zero-family movements and chaos were calmed down, and the zero-tung was captured alive. Under the strong Tianwei of the zero-sword, the zero-tung could not be resisted and could only be suppressed.

The reverse **** disappeared.

They didn't seem to have appeared in the past, or they didn't come over.

"They are angry!"

The old lady sighed and her face was full of sorrow. "They have reason to be angry!"


"Reversing God is not easy in these years. How many people become martyrs, how many people are degraded, how can they accommodate the Zeros?"

"I know!"

"The zero family is not the whole family, we always have to live!"

The old man was dull for a moment, only to say faintly. "They are too stupid, and some of my characters are blind, we missed the best period."

"What will we pay?" asked Zero Sword.

If you are guilty of resentment, the situation will be very dangerous.

"Nothing will pay!"

The old man said with a wry smile. "I have done a stupid thing!"

"What do you mean?"

The old man did not explain, but the laughter was even worse. This step took him, although he saved the Zero family, but the situation will only be more unfavorable.


"Clean and neat."

In Tianfu, the beautiful female emperor smiled lightly, but the smile became very cold.

"Proactively solving problems is always easier than passive!"

"He is a smart person!"

The cold smiles like a moon.. "What reward should we give this smart person?"

“How about asking for a limited sale?”

The beautiful female emperor said with a smile: "He is smart, sometimes he is clever!"


Her eyes became sharp. "A battle beast, it could have ended earlier, but it has been delayed to this time, how much has it been spent against God?"


The cold sighs like a month. "When people are in front of their interests, they always have to compromise easily. If you don't want to be reconciled, why is he willing?"

"He put the situation ahead of us, will we host it?"

"If we really move the knife, what do other forces think of us?"

Zero Tong is in the palace.

Isn’t the old man forced to die?

It’s just that the objects are different.

As far as the Zero family is concerned, the old man is right, the zero family does not have to die, but for the anti-God, this is unforgivable.

"A hundred years of layout, I don't allow it to have any problems!"

The beautiful girl said with a sneer. "Nobody, no power can do anything!"

"Not bad!"

The smile on the face of the cold moon became cold. Because of the zero family, the gods lost a lot of characters. Now the old man will set up the stage and play a trick of hand and foot.

There is blood.

have feelings.

When you hear the emotions, you have to borrow a knife from the reverse.

In this way, there is no reason to reverse the gods to move the knife to the zero family, but also to praise the actions of the old grandfather's great deeds. Otherwise, the forces of the gods, the gods, and the yin gods are only shaken.

This is the forced palace!


Is it really easy to be bullied?

They can't move the Zero family, then let the sage be banned. If you don't ask the immortal medicine, the situation of the Zero family is not so optimistic.

Some things are going to cost!


Road star.

Ling Feng's eyes were heavy and the family was chaotic. He got the news in the first time.

The old master set up the bureau, the intention is the whole zero family, and the zero Tong, zero Yu is just the fish on the knife, although there is a character on the side of Xianting, but this is not enough to affect the whole situation.

He is acting!

Let the reverse **** wave the knife!

Let the angry flames in the heart of the gods disappear!

More persecution against God can not ask the entire Zero family.

to be frank.

Standing on the position of the old man, Ling Feng is afraid that he will do the same. Only in this way can he maintain the zero family, but he can stand in the position of rebellion, and Ling Feng will not agree.

Some people make mistakes and they should bear the cost of making mistakes!

"Have you guessed it?"

Ling Feng whispered, in this world, the old man is definitely the top smart person, anti-God many measures, I am afraid to let it guess some truth.


The old man only hurt the killer, and he quickly gave up the satisfactory answer in the shortest time.

"You guessed it!"

Ling Feng laughed. "Then should you think about what you have to pay?"

"Ask the ban on sale?"

"Women, after all, it’s too small."

"The old man is older, but his ability to withstand it is far more than that." Ling Feng said with a smile. "Dan medicine, artifacts, herbs and various businesses, completely banned, paved to the stars."

"He wants to act, then we will play a big show with him!"

"People, this way other forces..." Ye Kong frowned, once the sale was banned, the impact was very serious.

I am afraid that other forces will first have to blow up!

"They will know who to hate!" Ling Feng smiled insidiously.


Ye Kong suddenly felt that the hair was fried and immediately understood.

This meter is quite poisonous.

Because of the problem of the Zero family, the anti-God is completely banned, other forces will complain, the dissatisfaction will breed, and the anti-God will not give any answer. Naturally, some people will find out the truth.


Zero chaos will be pushed to the top.

Disobedience does not trust the Zero family, and then it becomes a distrust of the entire mainland power, which directly leads to the damage of other forces in the prosperous world. How do you say that the mainland forces should hate?

Once the situation evolves, the Zero will be marginalized and the situation will be very unfavorable.

The old man in the Zero family is afraid to sit still?

You have a golden clam shelling.

I have a bottom-up salary!

Just see who will act!


The days are forbidden, the district.


A heavenly figure looked at the front, and he did not think that he was the closest person to his side.

"Because the heavens are forbidden, the district needs to live!"

An old man said faintly. "We have to live more!"

"because of her?"

"Not bad, because she!"

"But the days are forbidden, the district is not thin, she is already expensive for God, what else does she want?"

"A true God!"

The old man said seriously and seriously. "A free-controlled, banned, district!"

The heavenly character is silent.

For a long time, he sighed and said. "So, are we going to die?"

"Do not!"

The old man explained: "Just need to temporarily grieve you!"


He came to the heavenly figure, his body was shining, his momentum was immortal, and he was also a heavenly figure, and he was not weaker than the old heaven in front of him.

"You are the ban of the heavens, the backbone of the district!"

"Spine? Oh, don't you think it's ridiculous?" The heavenly figure sarcastically said.


The old man said with deep agreement: "You should have let the heavens ban, the districts go to the peak, but you have forbidden the heavens and the districts to the abyss of eternal annihilation!"

"What is an abyss?"

"Beast God!"

The old man said coldly. "This step, you have gone wrong!"

"Time will prove!"

When the voice fell, he detained the poisoned Tiandao characters in front of him, and directly added Qimen to seal the door, so that he could not escape.

"Do you think that if you detain me, can you hold the ban, the district?"

"We won't hold you!"

The old man said with some helplessness: "We have not yet threatened to use our hands and feet!"

"There is someone who can solve it naturally!"

at the same time.

The bans of the heavens and the old gods of the district were also forced to the palace. Many characters and legions were born and directly suppressed. This is what God did not think of. The power that he personally built at the time turned his face to him.

That kind of sadness, how to release it?

"You have gone too far, you can't go back. Only when you change to a new day, the heavens are forbidden and the district can be reborn!"

"This is what she meant?" asked the old master.


"She is in control of the ban, but the district is only eighty years old. Even with such ability, I am not as good as her." God did not have the heart of the heavenly character, but was very calm.

"Take the heavens to the ban, the district to give her, I am relieved!"

The old gentleman smiled softly.. "The beast gods this move, we did go wrong, I hope she can let the heavens ban, the district survive!"

He was silent for a moment, and he asked several people in front of him. "What about other people?"

"Tiandao was detained."

The figure frowned and wanted to stop, but in the end he said: "The heavens are forbidden, the district needs a new day, and there must always be some blood!"

"I know!"

Old God is a lot older, although knowing that this is an inevitable result, it can still be accepted.

But he is more aware that this step was personally presided over by her, and the loss was controllable. If the forces started, they were afraid that there would be no chance for the ban.

after all.

The bans of the heavens, the districts are not the zero races, they have made one mistake, and now they are committed again, then it is really not worthy of sympathy.

"She will make the days ban, the district more brilliant!"

Several characters are gleaming, and Qiu Shuyi’s powerful ability to control the field in a short period of time really makes them happy. This kind of ability is such a ban and the district wants.

At present, only Qiu Shuyi can save the ban, the district!

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