Supreme Demon

Chapter 2706: Darkness Chen Cang!

The cold wind is faint.

This is a rather dangerous plan. Once it fails, the anti-God will no longer have the ability to turn the river.

Yes, once successful.

Rebellion will be a powerful force that cannot be shaken in the universe!

They are completely comparable to the ancient heavens, they will be traced back to the immortal period.

Asking Xian, Zhuxian, and Yixian three forces tossed for three years in Xiantingbai, almost suffocating Xianting, and let Xianting pay a terrible price. The financial resources and resources invested too much, and the loss made Xianting a big man. They are all fried.

At present, both the forces of Xianxian and Zhuxian have already withdrawn from the scope of the Xianting Baiguo. Under the attack of Xianting under the immortality of Xianxian, the air is going to collapse.


Their intentions are only to damage the financial resources and resources of Xianting?

As Ye Xinran said, the benefits seen by the eye are not terrible, and the most invisible to the eye can not be seen.


This is a big layout. Before the truth is revealed, Ye Kong is not qualified to know.

Only in this way can we ensure that Burning Heaven can successfully ask the sky and succeed, and in this process, the anti-God will not let any character influence the Burning Heaven.

of course.

The most dangerous thing is not to burn Tianzun, but to Tianfu.

Falsely asking the sky, it is easy to be seen, not burning Tianzun here, how can you reverse the gods to cast the sky scene?

This is the first question.

Even if the universe forces believe that he is in Tianfu, what power can there be against the squally shower?

This is the second question.

Every problem is extremely tricky, and any detail is wrong, and it is a tragedy against God. "The current strength of the anti-God is not weak. The lord, the old man, the predecessor, the old four gods, the singer beast, the Tianqi and other top emperors, once they add the odd door, enough to let Tian Zun drink a pot. "The leaf witch said quietly."

God can face more than 20 heavenly lords, and not fall into the wind. Among them, there are such characters as the ancestors of the wild, the ancient gods, and so on. ”


Burning Tianzun’s forehead, although it is not clear about the strength of Lingfeng, the strength of destroying the sky is still not weak.

"When the immortals are in front, they will not let us be too disappointed?"

The leaf witch said coldly. "The oriental clan is firmly standing on our side. A half-residual person who asks the heavens can only let him recover from the rebellion. Let him cast a question about the sky. Isn't it a big problem? ”

"The Four Orientals, and one who asks the heavens!"

"Those forces on the Shenwu continent should show their attitude?"

"Hangtian Star has no reason to evade."

"Reversing the development of God for so many years, there are also several Tianzun in the sky."

Ye Wong solemnly said: "We are not without strength to face the stars, but we are willing or not!"



But this is the anti-god!

Burning Tianzun was shocked. The anti-God is really stronger than he imagined. He is pursuing the ancient heavens. When the anti-God step into the Tianzun period, it is that the kingdom of heaven will become gray.


The anti-God knows to hide in the original heaven, and the resilience is more tenacious. They can live in any environment, and they can cast one miracle after another.

"When did I go?"

Burning Tian Zun asked, asking the sky soon, he did not want to delay time.

"It will take some time!"

Yeh Witch said with a smile. "It’s always more interesting to have some time in the storm."

"Then I am here waiting for your news!"


The wind and rain are coming to the wind!

The entire universe is in a dull atmosphere, and in just a few months, the Anti-God Corps is quietly flying back to Shenwuxing.

Shenwuxing is fully boiled, and all major forces are sharpening their swords. The Zero family, the banquets, and the districts are more important. This is an opportunity for them to regain their trust in God.


The royal family, the Void Gate and other Tianzun are also born. In a hundred years, they have been firmly tied to the chariot of the gods. At this time, they do not try their best, and other forces are afraid that they will not let them go.

after all.

They are a big fat.

When all the major powers flew to Tianfu, the squally showers were even more terrible.

Everything in the world knows that burning heaven must ask the sky.

The same moment.

The rebellious gods on the supreme stars of the Void Road, Xianting, and Guanghan Palace also flew back, and led and walked in person to lead, and hundreds of millions of butterflies appeared in the sky above Tianfu.

From now on, any wind and grass around Tianfu can't escape the eyes of the gods.

From this moment, they are the gods who control hundreds of millions of miles!

"This storm, are we going to pass?"

The rain in the east was a bit heavy, and his injuries recovered a lot, but he was far from healed and could only be maintained by that kind of Tao Dan.

What really worried him was the one who asked the sky.

There are indications that the character is not seriously injured and dying, and may have retained a rather powerful combat power. Once confronted with a frontal collision, he will die.

not to mention.

How does the reverse **** face the entire universe?

Is the arm in the car?

"A hundred years of layout, if it is so easy to be broken, it is not a hundred-year layout."

The oriental poetry said with a smile: "Reverse God is better than we think."

"The person who had been born before, and the supreme of the Mozu may appear." The Oriental Rain said with a headache: "I am afraid that it is difficult to suppress!"

"They dare to ask the day at this time, then there is full confidence!"

The poems of the oriental poetry shone, saying: "In the fairy, the anti-God shows really tremble."

"Do you think the two characters can block the entire universe?"

"Then, what do you think is the anti-God before this, what is the intention?"

"What is it?"

"It is the martial art of the gods, the perseverance of the heart, the attachment of the East, and the emptiness of the sky and the cold..."

The oriental poetry said heavily: "Xianting is in trouble, their intentions are not limited to Zhu Xian, and they are not limited to Xianting."

"Ask the sky?" asked the Oriental Rain.

"This is exactly what I can't see."

The oriental poetry nodded and shook his head and sighed. "This game is too clever, but I always feel that this game is very dangerous. If it wins against the gods, the whole universe is the back garden of their home!"

The oriental rain fell and took a sigh of coolness.

Even the bureau where the poetry of the East is invisible, who is the character who is presiding over the overall situation?

Who is so discouraged?

Who has this pattern?

"The truth will be revealed soon!"

The oriental poetry said with a smile: "The anti-God is not so easy to be knocked down. Once the last days appear, the only thing that can help us through the storm is the anti-God. This step is not retreat, even if we are going to die a lot!"

"What are we going to do?"

"Do your best!"

The Oriental family was born on this day. The characters in the powers returned, and the Tianzhou was gathered to go to Tianfu.

The empty road, the Guanghan Palace, etc. are also actively preparing. This storm is too big, no one and no power can remain neutral, otherwise the wind and waves will swallow them.

Beast gods, floods, heavens, Xianting, broken sects, chaotic mountains and other forces are also preparing.

Both Buddhism and Mohist have also responded positively. Legions and important figures have all been born. Once the war breaks out, they will not stand idly by.

of course.

Against the gods, I don't think these two forces will help them.

The situation is turbulent.

The storm is brewing.

It was not until the rain of the East set foot on the ancient road and flew to Shenwuxing that the storm was ignited.

People know that the real war is coming, and the birth of the Eastern Rain is a precursor. Only when the East rains down, the Burning Heavens dare to ask the sky.

The world is eye-catching.

All forces are paying attention to the dynamics of the rain in the east. Some forces are obsessive, but they are powerless. For the rain on the east, no forces are sure.

not to mention.

They are not fully prepared yet.

Just under this momentum, the face of the anti-God was completely blocked, and several characters disguised themselves and flew to the distance on the anti-God road.

And Tianfu is surrounded by one heavy and one strange door, all of which are the top-level Qimen. It is impossible for the top Tianzun to want to pick it up. It needs a lot of Tianzun to shoot together.


Because of the arrival of the eastern rain, the anti-God is already anxious.


The forces are still waiting, things are not as simple as they think, and no one dares to act rashly until there is no further action.

"The Mozu Supreme is born!"

In the evening, a big event happened, and the supreme of the Mozu was going out of the devil world. As for what has not been said.

"It is reported that the person who asked the day of the news will also appear!"

There is news that the whole starry sky will be boiling. The Mozu Supreme will aim to burn the heavenly lord, but it may not be able to win the rain on the east, but the original person who wants to appear in the sky will become different.

People want to know the attitude of this person.

The wind is galloping.

A demon is moving forward, his face filled with a faint smile.

"Middle the Mozu wind and rain, a hundred years of layout, want to suppress the footsteps of my Mozu?" He whispered. "The millennium sharpening knife, this time should be a fierce blade?"

"Devil domain, against God, who are you better?"

The smile on his face gradually became cold, step by step into the distance, and the front was the entrance to the devil.


He stepped in a footstep, stopped in a cold, looked up to the front, where the clouds were haunting, and he couldn't see the inside, but he still felt a keen sense of difference.

"Do you want to stop me?" Hesen smiled coldly.

"Everyone else is very special, and I really want to teach today!"

The voice between the clouds is quite confident, and the name it tells can sensation the whole universe.

This magic turned out to be the Lord!

"Which one is against the god?" The Lord's smile is more prosperous. Only the anti-God can find his whereabouts in the universe.

"Do you want to know?" asked the voice.

"I was thinking about it, but I don't want it now." The Lord said calmly.


"Because I have no interest in the identity of a dead person!" The voice of the Lord is gentle, but full of murderous power, and does not put the characters hiding in the clouds in his eyes.

"It makes sense!" A cloak man stepped out of the clouds and looked straight at the Lord. "Tell me to know the strength of the Lord!"

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