Supreme Demon

Chapter 2727: The universe calms down!


It was completely ruined, blood was overflowing, and the river was flowing, the blood was filled with blood, and the endless blood and rain fell, and it took two months.

Tianzun's blood is burning in the void, and it is blood and rain.

Rebellion is extraordinary.

They spent two months cleaning up the bones in front of Tianfu. The battlefield was cleaned thoroughly, but the abolished Qimen and Tianfu were not recoverable.

It is desolate here.

Every evening, you can still hear the miserable voice of ghosts and gods.

Too many characters hang here, the will and the soul wander, making people feel cold.


The anti-God did not move out of Tianfu, but built Tianfu here, to make it complete recovery, as for the soul will, etc. are not within their consideration.

Health, they can be jealous.

Die, they can town!


Only here, the anti-God can feel that it is not easy to live against the gods, and they will work harder and be more proud.

There are too many anti-death souls here, they are going to guard them here.

no doubt.

The volcano of God is the same reason, but there are dozens of monuments cast in it, which are engraved with names, and each name is not obvious, but they have created the anti-god at this moment.

Today two months later.

Burning the heavens to the world, the blood and blood completely healed, he personally flew to the volcano of God, beheading before the monument.

This is a tribute to the gods.

Without their dedication, there would be no rebellion against today.

It is a great glory for a supreme dagger to be against the gods.

Two days later.

Ling Feng was born, the same as Burning Tianzun, he flew to the volcano of God, beheaded in front of the monument, the sorrow is the soul of the devil, the sorrow is the will to reverse the gods, what is embarrassing is their unrepentant effort.

He brought two jugs of wine.

A jug of wine is full of heaven and rebellion against the gods, and a jug of wine sacrifices the old man who is sacrificing.

At last.

He came to the old anti-the Lord, and he shed tears. For a hundred years, why didn’t he know that he should come back to the column? Dagger?

However, he can't!

He needs to move forward with the will of rebellion.

He needs to make the anti-God live more glory!


he made it.

Against the gods, today, a new chapter has been opened.

"Father, have you seen it?"

Ling Feng choked and said: "Reverse God experienced a lot of wind and rain, experienced a few life and death, but we did not bow, not even fallen, we are still alive!"

"We have defeated the entire starry sky!"

"We suppressed the Mozu!"

"Today, the anti-God is different, there is no power to suppress us!"

Ling Feng’s voice was hoarse. In some cases, he had long wanted to say that he was always obedient, but it was always too vast before he did it.


When he did, he didn't want to say it, he was tired.

However, he still said it.

He is afraid that the old and the Lord will not see it. He is even more afraid of reversing the gods and the spirits. He will say it here and let them know that the anti-God has opened a new chapter.

At the beginning, the anti-god that was born in Wuguo.

No longer weak and poor.

No longer lingering.

No longer being bullied.

They are really strong, they can look down on the beings, they can ignore the stars.

They are the king of the universe!

One game calms the entire universe, and this is the terrible layout of Lingfeng's centuries.


The anti-god of the whole universe is praising this game. The people are really crazy, but the madness is so cute. Which one can do it?

Lord of the Lord?

He was at the feet of the Lord and almost bowed his head.


Ling Feng feels really tired. The future of God is still far away. If he gives him a little time, he will go further and be higher than heaven. But they start too late and are strong in the prosperous world. To face the sadness of the last days.

Ling Feng is working very hard.

He does not hesitate to smash blood, but also to complete the 100-year layout, what is the intention?

It is to face the end of the world.

The immortals of the immortals, and even the immortals, did not take this step. The ancient heavens were overthrown in the last days, what about the anti-God?

They are brilliant and sad.

"If you are tired, just rely on it!"

The leaf witch flew over, first beheaded on the monument, and then came to Ling Feng and lend him a shoulder.

Ling Feng looked up and looked at Ye Xinran with a gentle face.


He got up with lightning and took the leaf witch in his arms and used all his strength.

"You have worked hard these years!"


The leaf witch gave a full voice and angered. "I wanted to beat you up!"

At the beginning, Ling Feng arbitrarily entered the magic, did not inform them at all, and then evolved into the situation behind, do not know how many people sigh, do not know how many people cry.

And they have to enter the game, so that Ling Feng is red and love.

He is carrying a full name!

At that time, they were very angry and wanted to beat the wind.

"Why don't you fight?" asked Ling Feng.

"Because I can't bear it!"

Ye witch said tenderly.

He has been so tired. He tried his best to fight against God. He brought this situation to the whole anti-God. How did she get the hand?

She can't bear it!

"You are a woman who is so cute and unreasonable!"

Ling Feng forced the beautiful face of the leaf witch and kissed her lips violently.


Only a kiss!

No extra words are needed.

No need for extra warmth.

I miss you for a hundred years.

A century of love!

At the moment, only they are.

Two days later.

There was a banquet in front of Tianfu, burning the Supreme, Lingfeng sitting in front, the Guanghan Palace, the Void Road, Yaochi and other forces all appeared, the Zero Family, the Split God and other Shenwu mainland forces also arrived, and all the forces of Hengtian Star came over.

They pay a lot for the gods.

This is a brotherhood.

Resist the eternal life of the world.


The banquet here is more intuitive to feel the atmosphere, they belong to the alliance.

Burning the Supreme, Ling Feng, etc. are not idle, carrying a jug, one by one, especially burning the Supreme, against the gods and the contributions of the major forces to achieve him.

"The Taoist, you are young again!"

Ling Feng brought the wine to the front of Xuankong, and said with a smile.

"You, it's that virtue!"

Xuankong smiled and said, finally hammered in the chest of Lingfeng, and the old Huan was pleased.

"The palace owner, you have worked hard!"

Ling Feng went to the palace of the Guanghan Palace and said with earnestness and sincerity. "I thank you for the reverse!"

"This is what we should be."

The main head of the Guanghan Palace, did not dodge, said: "The ancient world is fallen, but I hope that you will succeed in this world."

A glimpse of Ling Feng.

I didn’t think that the people of the Grand Palace were so far-reaching. They didn’t stand on the side of the gods because of their interests, but for the entire universe.

"The palace is great!"

Ling Feng is more pious, this is true, and some people are worthy of praise.

"I can only think so much, and you can do so much, so you are more great."

The owner of the Guanghan Palace sighed. "To tell the truth, I really don't want to be born in the world, but I am more fortunate to be born in the world, when I have the opportunity to witness the future!"

"Reverse God is doing everything!"

Ling Feng said to himself.

Ling Feng came to the head of Yaochi and said, "This war, you are not easy, respect your trust."

"We are the same as the Guanghan Palace."

The owner of Yaochi is a beautiful Tianzun, she said with a smile. "No need to say more, in the future we are willing to become a force against God, I hope to open this sky!"

She is a **** with great wisdom.

When Xianting and Hongtian Tiandao are thinking about how to make a profit, they are considering the life and death of the entire universe.


They saw that the efforts of reversing God have not been made because they have to deal with the major forces and become the king of the universe, but they must become the king of the universe and calm the cosmic turmoil.

Only in this way can they have the ability to face the end of the world.

Everything is just to be alive.

In this respect, Xianting, Hongtian Tiandao, and even Xianting will not work.

Only the anti-God makes people feel power!

"Reverse God will fight for the last power!"

Ling Feng solemnly worshipped, without him, this is a tribute to the Lord of Yaochi.

to be frank.

If there is a powerful force in the universe that is against the gods, Ling Feng will try his best to help.

This is the pattern!

They are not fighting for the benefits, but the beings of the universe.


On this day, Ling Feng and the anti-God people drank too much, and against the gods pushed the major forces, the universe will enter the era of anti-God, but the days of the people did not come, they are still fighting at the Mozu.

If they didn't suppress the demon domain.

I am afraid that I will not be able to persist in the present, but the problem is not so simple. The moment when the people are in the Mozu, it is endless.

at least.

They have to wait until the spirit of the rebellion recovers, otherwise the Mozu attack will be more dangerous.

This feast.

It lasted for a whole day.

The empty roads, the Guanghan Palace and other forces have drunk too much. There is no way that their victory is too difficult, but once they win, the whole universe will be settled, and there will be no war.

More importantly, the Lord, the Lord, and the God of God are alive.

Burning Tianzun is even more successful.

The anti-God has opened a new chapter, and it is natural to drink more against the gods.

The next day.

Several forces such as the Void Road and the Guanghan Palace took the lead to leave. They were not badly damaged. They also needed time to recover. They were worried that other forces would be crazy and attack their forces.

The Eastern clan and the Da Zhou Dynasty went back.

It is reported.

The Shangguan clan has moved again and they need to solve this problem.

Finally, the forces such as Hengtian Xingchen went back.

The gods of the gods and the zero family also returned to the Shenwu continent.

However, the king, the king, the oriental poetry, etc. have stayed and drink with Ling Feng.

They were born in their generations and the future belongs to them.

After a hundred years, everyone has a different taste in the wine.

not to mention.

These characters play an extraordinary role in the power, otherwise the anti-God will not be so smooth, especially the autumn bans of the heavens and the district.

However, because Ling Feng came back alive, Qiu Shuyi’s repressed feelings could not be tolerated. Every time he looked at Ling Feng’s eyes, he seemed to drop water.

"The battle of the future, the heavens are forbidden, the district obeys your dispatch!"

Qiu Shuyi said with a smile, warm and tender.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng is also smiling, he is very grateful to this strange woman.

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