Supreme Demon

Chapter 2729: Recast the blood army!



The three heavenly gods are next to each other. The situation is very complicated. They don't have time to think about these problems. Just because Xianting is being invaded every moment, and hundreds of gods are investing in other forces. They really have no time.

I really have to wait until those forces will divide the centuries of the gods.

That Xianting is a chicken and a dog.

For any power, Xianting has no value at all.


It is necessary to bow down to the court when Xianting still has value, so that he can get the attention of the gods, and the price paid will be smaller.

"They will be willing!"

The **** said with a heavy heart. "It is true that many of the characters in the rebellion have died in the hands of Xianting, but the current situation of Xianting is caused by them."

"But we are a tragedy!"


Tragedy, want to negotiate, is it possible?

Since ancient times, all parties to the victory have negotiated in order to obtain more benefits. The tragedy party is not qualified to negotiate. They can only accept the conditions of the other party.

"Because the gods are different!"

Xianting’s Tian Zun sighed and said: “We are striving to maximize our interests, and we are not doing our own interests for the sake of our own interests. Their pattern is so great that we dare not imagine.”

"What do you mean?" asked the other two gods.

"They want the wings to be full, and the gods are not bullied!"

"They want the king of the prosperous world!"

"They are asking for how to live!"

The **** said with excitement. "In fact, we are all wrong. Why have you ever thought about inciting us after so many years of rebellion? They just have to work hard and become stronger, and only then can they cope with the next end!" ”

The three Heavenly Respects are silent again.

Are they all wrong?

"I will go and see, I hope to get the understanding of the gods, we are willing to bow down, it is equally beneficial to the gods!"

"it is good!"

The two gods have no opinions. At present, there is really no way. Although they do not want to take this step, only the anti-God can make them live.

next moment.

The fairy goddess of Xianting flew to the distance and was banned from going against the gods.

Against the gods.


Three months in a hurry, the Tianfu battlefield was cleaned up. The ground was empty and the bones were buried, including the opponents, but the locations were different.

The bones of the gods were placed in the trenches of the martyrs, while the opponents were thrown into the distance.

In the sky, there is still blood and fog. In the long years, the blood fog is not afraid to dissipate. Lingfeng and Burning Supreme have the ability to disperse the blood fog, but they have not done so, but in the blood. Let the anti-God experience the difficulty of this victory.

Let them remember forever.


Burning the heavens to sit in the town of Tianfu, let the solidity here, that is, the Mozu did not have the guts to invade, after all, the Mozu to the respect of the injury, and the invasion is a price.

"Before the end!"

Ling Feng looked at the sky, burning the sky and asking the sky, the next thing to ask the sky is to destroy the heavens.

Like the ancient genius, the same genius, Ling Feng naturally hopes that the sky can be successful, but the battle that killed Tiantian on the Shenwu continent hurt the origin, and the body injury in the body banned his progress.


When Ling Feng came back, the situation became different.

In the past few days, Ling Feng has been using Xian Li to sort out the injuries and imprisonment in Tian Zun's body. This step is not easy. If you can't do it, Ling Feng needs more time.

Just today.

Ling Feng will wipe out the injuries and bans in Tianzun, so that it will not be affected, and the physique will undergo greater changes.

"You are really a miracle!"

Destroy the old man and say with gratitude: "Reverse God has you, we can rest assured!"

“Tian Zun is praised!”

Ling Feng said with a smile. "If you don't have them, you won't have today!"

"No, without us, the anti-God may be more damaged, but in the end it will grow up!" The sky shook his head and said very seriously. "We just speeded up the process, let alone find us, this is you." Part of the strength."

"In the future, you need to do your best to fight against God!"

Ling Feng forehead.


There is no burning of the Supreme, and the destruction of the heavens. It may be more difficult to rebel against God. But he will be more vigilant and careful. He will not be able to lay such a bureau, work hard, and give more time to the gods. They can do the same.

"Wait for you to ask the day!"

This is the voice of Ling Feng.

The prosperous world is going through little by little, and the late autumn is coming. It is not enough to rely on the current strength of God.

To know.

Today's anti-God is not as good as the ancient heavens. Whether it is above the top figures or above the legions, the eruption of the ancient world at that time was the power to make the whole universe bow down, and the anti-God is not yet as good as the Mozu.


Reversing God requires faster progress. In the late autumn, to reach the level of the ancient kingdom of heaven, to reach the ancient civilization before the end of the world.

"it is good!"

There is no saying in Tiantian Zun, and he stepped directly into Tianfu. He has to retreat here and then ask questions.


At present, it is not the original anti-God, there are not a few forces that can threaten them, there is a burning heaven to sit in the town, and Tianzun can completely reconcile and ask the heavens.

next moment.

Tiantian Zun entered the Tianfu and disappeared into it.


The wind is intense.

Three beautiful butterflies appeared in front of the wind.

"What?" asked Ling Feng.

"A fairy goddess is flying toward Tianfu!" said one of the beautiful butterfly foreheads.


Ling Feng’s face was filled with a sly smile, saying, “Are they finally unable to sit still?”

The three beautiful butterflies did not respond, and some things did not require them to respond, only because the people were smarter than them, and everything could be handled well.

"You don't have to ask, just wait for him to come!"


Watching the three beautiful butterflies leave, the smile on Lingfeng's face is even more embarrassing.

Some things don't need him to do it. Other forces will naturally not let go of this opportunity, and it doesn't make sense to get Xianting.

Let it be more meaningful, just want to bow down, how easy is it?

Ling Feng flew to the battlefield.

Here are full of characters, Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. are in front, and behind them are more than 300 characters in blood coats, some people have broken their arms, some people have been decadent, but they are still coming.

They are the **** army.

At the beginning of the war of the heavens, it was they who did not care about life and death, forbidden to ask the sky, to cast that picture, and to attract major forces.


It was because of the war of the day that they ended their tragedy. Even if they survived, the injuries in the body were very serious. I was afraid that they could not live for a few years.


They have no regrets, they are willing to pay for the gods, they are willing to die.


They suddenly received a call, saying that people mainly saw them, although they did not understand it, but they still came.


When Ling Feng appeared, the anti-blood corps showed an excited and crazy look, and this person was carrying too much pressure and legend.

It is because of this character that the anti-God has the extraordinary of today.

They respect the people who are willing to die for such people.

This is the charm of Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng respects your contribution!"

Ling Feng eyes wet, facing the heavy blood of the Legion, so that many people in the blood group will tremble, they must escape.

"Don't dodge, this is what you deserve!"

Ling Feng indicated that the anti-blood army should not dodge, just a worship, a thousand people in the blood regiment, but now there are only more than 300 people left, and it is hard to imagine that if they had withstood the Emperor Legion, I am afraid that the situation will be even more fierce.

At that time, the gods would have to pay a hundred times the price.

"You have paid a lot, but today I want to do my best and try my best to get you back, let you once again let out the heat!"

Ling Feng solemnly said: "Reverse God can't live without you!"


Everyone in the anti-blood army is wet. At the end of the battle, they will not be able to rebel against it. They will die here.

The martial arts dream of the past was also ruined at this moment.

They are disheartened.

They are cold and unmatched.


At this time, the man said a word that people mainly let them live and open a new chapter in life.

"I want to recast the blood army!"

The man said with a voice: "Let you go further!"

"Heaven is not the end, and Heaven is not!"

Ling Feng straightened up and said loudly. "Now, please take your seat!"


Although the Anti-Blood Legion does not know what people do, but everyone is excited, only because they know that the Lord will not be untargeted. If he says it, then he can do it.

They all sat down.


Lingfeng Daofei flew, Xianli lightning flew out, formed a terrible forbidden soil, and then hit more than 300 characters present. As for Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc., lightning broke out of the battlefield.

"The process will be a little painful, but you must hold back!"

Ling Feng said solemnly.

"Despite the practice of the Lord, I waited for the battlefield of life and death to come over, a little pain, not enough to make us crazy!" said the leader of the Blood Legion.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng’s forehead, Xianli Lightning launched, directly fell on everyone, the power of the frenzy, on the spot will suffocate the **** legion.

It is really painful to sting deep into the bone marrow.

But everyone can stand it down, only because they are very clear, as long as they can come over, they can open a new chapter in life. They are not limited to the realm of heaven, they can go further.


Xianli detonated the frenzy, and soon drowned the characters of the anti-blood army. In the frenzy, the blood-striking army smashed blood one by one.

Xianli penetrated into their bodies, combing their damaged flesh and bones, expelling the magical powers and other impurities in their bodies, smashing the strength and **** of their flesh and bones and the essence of life, letting their flesh and blood glow differently. .

Time disappeared little by little.

Everyone in the blood group feels very painful and hurts into the bone marrow. Some infirm people feel that they are going to faint, but they still bite their teeth, and they survived. The brothers of the Blood Legion are dead. They are dead. How can you let these people down?

If you can't even breathe a little pain, how can you deserve the word blood?

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