Supreme Demon

Chapter 2737: Bathing dragon blood!


The war is raging, and the gods are fighting and killing each other. Every step has blood and death, and the demon domain is also bleeding, and the death and injury are extremely serious.

after all.

The anti-God invasion of the Mozu is an elite figure, just take the butterfly, the true God, this is not the magic domain can do.


At this moment, the whole day is the **** of the gods and the dragon.

One side is the top creature of the reverse god. It used to be the brother of Lingfeng, and it has a strong fighting power, while the other side is the beast of the Mozu, which has been in the Mozu for many years.

Needless to say.

This fierce battle is very important for the anti-God and the Mozu.

If the **** of the gods defeats the dragon, it means that there will be one more **** of the gods, and if the gods are fallen, the demon will have one more demon.

Not only about this moment, but also about the future.

Goddess s magic dragon!

"I will eat you raw!"

The roar of the dragon is really suffocated by the gods, and I have never seen such a god.

"Reassured, I am more civilized than you, I will cook you, fry fried, etc. If I don't feel bad, I can improve!" Tianshen said with a smile.


"Come on, let me see if the family of the gods has been abolished!"

The dragon does not want to talk nonsense with the gods, fearing that he is really mad at life, that is now he feels that his heart is smoking.

"I am not in a hurry, we can discuss the discussion!"

The **** god is very shameless. "I heard that the dragon is very used to glowing things, if not adding some pearls inside?"


The dragon can no longer resist, and directly hit the gods, to make it fall.

"Is this not enough?"

Tianshen screamed and said. "Then fight!"

"Let you know what a dragon warrior is!"


He smashed the phoenix knife, the speed was like lightning, and the phoenix knife in his hand became a horrible phoenix flame than lightning. This was born after he stepped into the Taoist emperor and further awakened his potential.


The roaring dragon roared, and the dragon rushed and fell, like the burning flame, burning the whole world.


He did not come to the proud bird, but to go against the gods.

Even if it is fighting, the dragon does not want to let the gods live.

"Exit the battlefield!"

The arrogant bird shouted, and the phoenix knife formed a flame. It circled a circle in midair. It was this circle that suppressed the dragon's breath and let the anti-God have the opportunity to withdraw from the battlefield.

"As far as you think about it, the deity is really watching you!"

Tianshen said very disdainfully.


His phoenix flashed and slammed directly into the Devils.

The bang was loud.

This is exactly what the Devil did not expect. This is a big tone. Who knows that the heart is very small, and it is black and soft to the magic field, and it is quite clean and neat.

"Do you want to face?"

The dragon anger asked.

"What is the face?" Tianshen said with a smile.


The demon dragon is too lazy to use the top-notch combat skills with the arrogant bird. He has clawed his head and caught the arrogant bird. At the same time, he has four knives in his claws, and there is a space under each knife.

Space rules!

Four spaces, this is the source of his own source.


He didn't want to die with the Tsundere bird. The current situation in the demon domain is not optimistic. The order he received was to open the situation as soon as possible and find out the whereabouts of the character.

"Then fight!"

The proud bird flew up and turned into a bird and five birds.


His body was ignited, forming a flame of five colors, which was overwhelming and horrible.

at the same time.

It formed a storm in both eyes, and it was also ignited.

That is the double space!


His other eyelids also flashed, and there was a second space.

Black hole space!


This is not the only space, it can enter the level of the Tao Emperor, the Tsundere bird has at least three spaces, so there is a third space between the space and the black hole space.

Tenjin space!

It is a space filled with gods and gods. There are real dragons, dragons, and more. There are also headless gods and bones, flowing with endless gods and blood, as if it were the end of the world.

This is the third most extraordinary space that the Tsundere bird understands in the black hole space and the double-story space.

Although it is the name of the god, it is definitely a terrible rule that top heavens must bow.

It is a **** god.

Therefore, any top level must be called the god!


The goddess carries the triple space and dive down, and the flame that is ignited by itself is its original source space. Although it is not as large as the triple space, blessing on it can also erupt the distinctive Tianwei.


A storm began.

The flame first confronts the dragon's dragon-shaped space, causing the space of the dragon to be ignited.


The space of the double scorpion burned, and the hurricane flew out from the nine days. It was terrible to imagine, and it smashed everything.


Once the proud bird is crazy, he is afraid of himself.


The dragon in the heart of the dragon is shaking. When the gods of the world are different, they are extraordinary and have unimaginable Tianwei. Especially the third space, it is really necessary to burn the dragon.

"The Wrath of the Dragon!"

The dragon screamed and shook, and this force was blessed in four spaces, causing it to form a blowout.


The world is shaking, and a frenzy comes from afar, and it hits the gods.



The wrath of the dragon smashed into the space, and the two were completely mad. The road rushed out of the sky, smashing large spaces and forming more black holes.

"Black hole space!"

The goddess carries a phoenix knife and the black hole space is down with a different frenzy.


The space of the dragon has not caught this kind of Tianwei, and it has been torn apart by the students, but this has little effect on the dragon, and it has the third space.

"Candle days!"

The demon dragon arrogantly empties, his eyes open, one eyelid is ignited, forming a white picture, while the other eye is lit to form a night picture.

This is the candlelight!

The candlelight of the candle dragon!

When day and night are eternal!

The dragon played this last blow!

The whole world was dispelled, forming a picture of white and dark nights, and it was not only the anti-god, but also the demon domain.


Against the horror of the gods, the sorrowful screams of sorrow were wiped out by the horrible scene.


The characters in the demon domain also screamed with resentment, and they could not stand the power and annihilate in a short time.

"Unfortunately, you are not a candle dragon!"

The **** of the gods licks the mouth, this goods actually played the Tianwei of the candle dragon, but the same is the **** of the beast, the dragon of the dragon is too far to the candle dragon.

If the candle dragon is hit, the gods are afraid of blood.

However, the dragon is not enough to watch.

"God space, million roads!"

The gods and gods are solemn, and a mighty force hits the sky, carrying the thunder of Tianwei and pushing it to the dragon.


The phoenix knife formed a flame, and blessed it in the space of the gods, letting it really explode the tens of thousands of peers.

The phoenix knife and the space of the gods blew together.

Everything in the world is bowed!

In that process, the lightning of the Tenjin space turned into a bird.

Five birds!


In its mouth, there is a phoenix knife.

Dragon phoenix knife!


The gods and the gods show their claws, the lightning tears the white and the night, this kind of power, it is too familiar, so there is already a restraint method, but that method does not have much effect on the candle dragon, but against the dragon enough.


The sky is splitting, and the first thing that is freed from the day is the anti-god.


Five birds are like bamboo, and they are banned from suicide in front of the dragon.

next moment.

It flew up to the body of the dragon, the claws tore open the dragon's dragon, and the phoenix in the mouth squatted in the dragon's head.


The first knife fell, the heavy force, let the dragon's head dizzy, and made a painful roar.

It swings the giant tail and wants to sweep the five birds down, but it doesn't help.


The second knife was on the head of the dragon, and the dragon armor was split.


The third road fell, the dragon made a miserable sorrow, its dragon armor was broken, flesh and blood flew, leaving a shocking wound.

in fact.

By this time there has been no suspense.

When the gods of the world are more terrible than the gods of the ancient times, and affected by the wind, the power of the proud birds is stronger.

He is not just!

He is awkward!


When it is really desperate, it is extremely fierce.

In terms of space rules, the gods are better, and the dragon is too arrogant. It lacks understanding of the gods. If it knows that there is a candle in the reverse, I am afraid that there is no such madness.

The third heavy space rule was restrained, and it was not saved.

"I said, today, let you witness the moment of the Dragon!"

The proud bird is full of faces, and this moment has finally arrived.

next moment.

He flew up the body of the dragon, the claws directly removed the dragon arm, tearing the flesh, and the five birds were responsible for killing the dragon's head.

With their division of labor, the dragon will soon be unable to hold on.

Directly falling from the void, endless blood spewed out from the wound, spilled on the body of the proud bird, a faint blood fog.

Bathing dragon blood!

"It tastes too bad!"

Tsundere bird is very uncomfortable to say, but said that he began to tear open the flesh and blood of the dragon, directly into the body of the dragon.

He took off the heart of the dragon.

Taste the heart of the real dragon.

He pinched the bones of the dragon and tasted bone marrow blood.


The dragon made the last unwillingness, but it did not help.

"What is it called?"

The proud bird flew out and yelled. "I haven't seen your fearful dragon, but is it delicious?"


Everyone was conquered by the shameless spirit of the proud bird.

of course.

The gods are happy, and the magic field is screaming.

Their kings, their demons, were so vulnerable to the defeat of God.

And the **** of the gods has bathed the dragon's blood, and soon I am afraid to ask.

"Almost a little!"

The proud bird flies into the soul sea of ​​the dragon, and it is necessary to complete the final extreme.


The dragon is violent, and the bones are taken up by the proud birds, and they will be made delicious. He said that they must do it.

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