Supreme Demon

Chapter 2745: Xiangu Medicine Park!

"I know this is the result!"

Shen Li is very uncomfortable, but in terms of strength, he is indeed not a rival.

Just now.

He has already made a defense, but the power is still disintegrated, even if it is the law of stepping into the heavens, it is still vulnerable to the wind.

The confinement space disintegrates everything.

This is the extraordinary of Ling Feng.

Falling rain, the leaf witch smiled at the side, and did not mean to help.


They have long been watching this bird very unhappy, all day with Tian Qi sprinkle dog food, watching like a hit!

just now.

Ling Feng gave them a bad breath.


Ling Feng waved to the gods.

"You can't think about it!"

God grinned his teeth and said, "You still want to hit me!"

"I won't beat you!"

"I believe you a ghost, you bad old man is very bad!" Shen Li said without giving in.

"I really don't hit you!"


No matter what Ling Feng said, the gods are not coming, always guarding, because Ling Feng really has no place to trust.

"You are a million-year single dog!"

God scorned Ling Feng, unceremonious irony.

Although Lingfeng and Ye Witch have a long relationship, they have never broken this relationship. Moreover, Ling Qing, Du Gu Yu Yue, Ling Qing and other characters need not say that sometimes Shen Li also has some envy of Ling Feng.


At present he has Tianqi, this is the most beautiful time.


Ling Fengqi has to bite his teeth, I really want to give Shenre a few more punches.

"Okay, we should leave!"

Ye witch went to the front and did not care. She knew that Ling Feng was not easy. Some things could not be forced. She was willing to wait.

not to mention.

The current situation is more complicated and they have more things to do.


Ling Feng glanced at the gods, and the eyes made the gods tremble, knowing that Ling Feng would not let him go. These few fists were first recorded. He still misses Tian Qi at this time.


The four characters of Ling Feng, Burning Heaven Supreme, Ye Witch, and Shen Lie set off and banned from flying toward the medicine garden on Tianzhu.

at the same time.

A few of the vain roads were born and flew to the medicine garden.

The Guanghan Palace Tianzun was born and flew to the medicine garden.

The medicinal gardens are too important for the ancestors, the ancestors, the devils, the devils, and even the Chaos Supreme.

Golden grasshoppers, oriental raindrops, etc. have also been born.

The whole starry sky is eye-catching.

Although many people don't know the value of this pharmacy, they don't know what the pharmacy is foretelling, but the things in the pharmacy are too precious, as long as they can get it, the future can be expected.

In the prosperous age.

Who said that the anti-God has been able to continue to prosper?

A medicine garden like this is enough to change it all.

The sky boat is empty.

The four characters, such as the Burning Supreme and Ling Feng, were quite fast. In just three days, they flew to the front of the medicine garden. At this time, the ancestors and the ancestors had arrived.

They are closer to the medicine garden and can intuitively feel the extraordinaryness of the medicine garden.


What they are ecstatic about is that the medicinal garden did not fly away as before, but stayed here.


There were terrible prohibitions around the medicine garden. The two ancestors and the ancestors of the ruins had tried it. Even in the case of using the Heavenly Palace, there was no prohibition around the medicine garden.


This is a prohibition of the supreme level.

They did not leave, although they could not open the ban, but it does not mean that the pharmacy is really inextricable.

The four characters of Burning Supreme, Oriental Rain, Chaos Supreme, and Mozu Supreme have their strengths. At that time, they can always drink a little soup?


The medicinal garden is extraordinary, and the herbs inside make up for the precious, but no one can think of inciting the position of the anti-God, and against the strong anti-God, they did not end well.


They must maintain the situation against the gods and not touch the bottom line, otherwise the consequences will be serious.


In a short time, the Chaos Supreme flew down, his face was gloomy, and he did not fly in this direction. He was quite jealous of burning the Supreme. After all, he almost died in the hands of the Burning Supreme.

Shortly after.

The Mozu Supreme flies to the same level as Chaos Supreme, and keeps enough distance from the anti-God to be alert to each other.

The Lord of the Lord looked at the wind and looked cold in the distance.

Twenty years.

The breath on his body became more concealed, and his eyes were deeper. This made Ling Feng feel the pressure. Obviously, the Lord's progress is not small.

The last one to fly is the rain in the east.

He is different from the three supreme beings who need to provide power, and whether he can heal or not, he needs to help.

And this medicine garden is an opportunity.


Ling Feng is not only a powerful Tianzun, but also a powerful alchemy teacher. He can refine the top Dao Dan a few decades ago. As long as he gives him enough herbs and time, Ling Feng can refine the Tianzun level. The remedy.

By then, his injury is not a problem.

"It's late!"

The Oriental Rain smiled apologetically.

"It's not too late, it's the time!"

Burning Heaven Supreme smiled and nodded.

"This prohibition is not easy!"

The rain in the east looked at the prohibition around the medicine garden. Although he came from the ages, he appeared in the end, so he knew very little about this medicine garden.

"The Quartet bans that we need four people to work together!"

Burning the Supreme Supreme said: "Indispensable!"

"How do the herbs in the distribution be distributed?" Chaos Supreme said, he did not want to make a wedding dress, and the strength of Chaoshan Mountain could not stop the god.

The Mozu Supreme is silent.


He also avoids burning the Supreme, this character is somewhat different, from the ancient heavens, the ancient martial law is pushing everything.

"The pharmacy is different."

Burning the Supreme Supreme for a moment, said: "You can get a few weights and you can get a few weights."

“There is a vast ocean, and we are not affected by each other!”

"it is good!"

The Mozu Supreme Chief, he is more aware of the herb situation inside, but the ancient heavens were too strong, and directly seized the medicine garden, other forces simply did not have the opportunity to intervene.

"I'm OK!"

Chaos supreme forehead.

"I have no problem!"

The Oriental Rain said with a smile, he deserves the precious herbs inside, but these herbs will be handed over to Ling Feng, who will refine the Tianzun class.

That is what he is craving.

of course.

If you have a supreme level of herbs, you can make him heal.

"Let's get started!"

The burning of the Supreme Nod nodded and said: "The ban is banned in the pharmacy, otherwise we will not show mercy."

"it is good!"

All major forces nodded.


They are eager to do so, especially the forces such as the ruins of the heavens, the magic roads, and the roster of death. They must really move their hands. They are not the opponents who have the power of the Supreme People.

As long as they don't do it, they are not jealous.


Burning the Supreme said several points, let the three Supremes go to the ban in three directions, and they are attacked by the main direction.

The law of time is flowing.

The law of space is turbulent.

The four stocks of violent power surged out, overwhelming, so that the major forces were shocked.


The ban broke out of the imposing manner, and smashed the power of the world, but it was like being curbed by the throat, unable to make a top-level power, and could only be extinguished bit by bit.


Not much time.

The ban was grayed out, and there was a blue light rain that slowly fell.


In the end, there was a tremor in the ban, and it collapsed.


A character couldn't help but rush to the medicine garden.


He just stepped into it and turned into a **** fog.


The Mozu Supreme Cold-blooded said: "This is the first ban!"

All the major powers are a glimpse of the hair, and they are upside down. Just now they also have the impulse to step into it and get more resources.

The ghost knows that there is a ban.

You have not said it clearly.

But they dare not ask.

after all.

It is a great gift that the four Supremes are responsible for the ban and allowing them to pick the herbs.


Burning the heavens to the forefront, and the three supremes rushed to the second ban.

The tyrannical force will break the second ban in a short time.

"There is one last!"

Burning the Supreme Court opened the door and hit the last ban.


This ban was even more fierce. It made a roar of the earth. At the moment of disintegration, it formed a violent storm, radiating to the surrounding, if not the four supreme suppression, I am afraid that some weak Tianzun will be killed on the spot.

All three bans have been opened.

An ancient medicinal garden is presented to the people.

There is endless fog, and it has extraordinary power to cover up the supreme vision, and the more it goes, the more serious it is affected.

It is only Ling Feng can only see the part.

He wants to thoroughly see through, directly bursting out of Xianli, but the next moment is very stinging, and there is a great force in it that can stop Xianli's snooping.

"The world is not just a fairy!"

Ling Feng sighed and said.


He knew from the Burning Heaven Supreme, and asked that there was a dark force in the sky that almost collapsed his soul sea, which should come from that place.

Now, Ling Feng feels different strengths.

"Go in!"

Burning the Supreme is the first to fly, the first to fly into the medicinal garden, Ling Feng, Ye Witch, Shen Li naturally follow closely, they are very convinced that burning the Supreme.

Burning the Supreme said that there is no danger, then it is really no danger.

Lightnings such as the Mozu Supreme and the Chaos Supreme entered the medicine garden, and they even surpassed the burning of the Supreme.


They have to get the big medicine in the medicine garden faster.

Burning the Supreme is not in a hurry. He knows very well that this pharmacy is not the one who first enters, and everything depends on strength.

People entered the medicine garden.

Ling Feng, Ye Witch, and Shen Lie only felt that they had entered another universe. It was peaceful and unparalleled. It was far more vast than the one seen outside. It was about to cross the ten stars, and it was beautiful and beautiful. It is from the picture.


There is a ban on each mountain.

"The big medicine is in the mountains, and you can get a few mountains and you can get the herbs!"

Burning the Supreme to explain, with Ling Feng, Ye Witch, and Shen Lie to a hill not far away, the prohibition here is not very strong, it should be at the level of heaven.

“One Heavenly Medicine Garden!”

Burning Tianzun said, "There are some herbs inside, but the real ones are behind!"

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