Supreme Demon

Chapter 2771: Battle against the wind!

The momentum is huge.

The banquet in front of Tianfu was placed far away, and Gao Peng was full, and all the powerful forces in the universe came to witness the sensation of the sensation.

Burning the Supreme, the Lord and the two characters sit on the altar and smile.

Ling Feng red eyes, I feel that the rest of my life is really bad.

Although burning the Supreme is also persuaded, but at least it is a side blow, Ling Feng can pretend not to understand, but the old man of the Lord may be too much directly.

He used the actual action to let Ling Feng appreciate the tragic loss of "marriage."


"Ling Feng, this kid is not less angry with you?"

"Grandpa is the master of you!"

The old man of the Lord smashed the three knives of Lingfeng, and the knife was more fierce than the one knife. He also regarded several fairy-like figures on the scene as "sun-wife" and did not give Lingfeng any chance to refute, and did not accept any refutation.

Strong, fierce!

This is the other side of the old man's head.

"Yes, Grandpa!"

Even if the leaf witches feel blushing, an ugly wife sees the feeling of the parents, the old man is completely different from the old man, and he is more like a grandfather of Lingfeng.

He does not care about the gods.

He only cares about Ling Feng.

I hope that Lingfeng can have incense to stay.

Ling Qing, Du Gu Yu Yue and so on also heart mad, this feeling is more stressful than the face of the wind and rain, unconsciously, they have a cold sweat.


They are warm in their hearts, especially those such as Du Gu Yuyue and Yun Xi. They have no grandfather. Most of their loved ones have died in Shenwu. Now they are their home, and at this moment they have found a close relative.

Warm and caring.

Every breath is a concern.

They don't want much, just that.

Ling Feng’s face is black. This old man is completely ignoring his feelings. He feels that he is not as good as a dog.

Do not!

He is a dog.

Single dog!


Shen Lie is behind Nuo Ling, this child is really happy, he can't suppress this enchanting, and now someone can finally.

"what did you say?"

Ling Feng cold Sensen asked.

"It's nothing."

The sorrow immediately breathed, and he was not the few women, and there was no old man to be the Lord.

He blinked and blinked for a moment. "Boss, do you really understand the meaning of the words of the Lord?"

"What do you mean?" Ling Feng's eyes burst into cold.

"That is... persuaded you to marry soon!"


The gods flew, and he didn't want to be killed by Ling Feng, but he was able to stimulate Ling Feng, and his heart was still very cool.

On the force, he did not do the wind.

However, the emotional wind is still a tender dish.

To know.

He talked about the world from the ages, and talked about the whole age, and what is there in the world?

Ling Feng is really trying to succumb to death, but he is currently in a grand event. He must always be scrupulous in his image. Even if he is shameless, he must face his face.

"Wait until the end!"

Ling Feng sneered at the direction of Shen Lie’s departure.

The process of recognition is not complicated, but more symbolic.

The old man of the Lord

Just alive, the body is in vain, this is only a moment of hard work, then cold sweats fall, so they have to enter the Tianfu nursed back to health, and the burning of the Supreme has not much to wait, this occasion is meaningless to him.


Ling Feng did not let everyone in the room leave, not far away, always need wine and meat to entertain, not to mention this is a grand event against the gods, the major forces have given the face, and the gods must open the feast.

Ren Wang personally presided over.

Toasting with a glass of wine does not neglect any force, even if it is the roster of death, the ruin of heaven, and even the two characters of the Mozu, Ling Feng does not despise his drink.

The visitor is a guest.

“Thank you for coming from all over the world!”

Ling Feng said with a wine glass and a red face. "I made this cup first, you are free!"

When you are finished, you will drink it.

People naturally can't lag behind, and there is no need to say anything against the gods, and the roster of death and so on are equally drunk, and the king can talk about it, but they must be serious, otherwise...

"Grandpa is not feeling well, and the Master must be submerged. This event will be done by me."

"I hope you have to wrong everyone!"

"No, no!"

"The king is too polite!"

The major forces have laughed, they do not care about the Lord, and they do not care about the attitude of the Supreme God, so the main character is in front of them.

"Today, in addition to my recognition of this matter, I want to announce one thing."

People have a cold glimpse. They really thought that Ling Feng only wanted to recognize their relatives, but now they find that this person is not only going to recognize relatives, but also has more important purposes.

In their view, what Ling Feng will say next is the point.

"Please ask the king."

Everyone opened his mouth and his face became serious.


Ling Feng opened at this time, and it was the presence of all of them. It proved that the next thing was about them, and what they were most worried about was the anti-god to make a moth, which was not good for them.

In particular, the list of death gods and the wild days are most worried.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng cleared his throat and said with aloud: "Reverse God wants to hold a grand event, the time is set to five months."

“What is the event? What is the event?”

People curiously ask, the anti-God has never held a grand event before.

"The Battle of the Wind!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "At present, it is in the late autumn of the universe. It is too dull. I think it is time to give them some motivation, not because they become depressed and pessimistic in late autumn."

People look a little.

To be honest, since the late autumn, there have been pessimistic situations among the major powers. Some people have been ruined because it is too difficult to raise in the late autumn, and it will not be a step in the past ten years or even a hundred years. What's the point?

They really need a little motivation.

"What is the battle against the wind?"

"The cosmic battle, the starry sky confrontation, I mean to divide the battle against the wind into two aspects."

Ling Feng said with a deep heart. "One is a personal battlefield, the other is a team battlefield, five people are a team, and three games are winning."

There is no buzz in all major forces.

They feel that this kind of fighting is not good for them.

Surprisingly, the characters who are killed and wounded in the war of the heavens by the major forces alone, they have no ability to confront the gods.

The gods, heavens, and heavenly characters are degraded.

"I mean to set the level at the level of Valkyrie and true God."

People’s eyes flashed, and this level was much more reasonable. Time has been rushing for decades, and the great gods and true gods of all major forces have grown up, and many of them have many leaders.


People feel that there is not much genius on the level of the true **** and the **** of war. Like the battle of the general trend of fifty years ago, no one figure came out.

How sad?

Unfortunately, they did not take advantage of it, and they were pressured by Ye Kong, but Ye Kong was not a rebellious figure.


After several decades, most of Ye Kong’s characters have entered the realm of the gods, and thus will not affect this world.

People still hesitate because they are not clear about the intentions of God.

Like the character of Ling Feng, you said that he has no intention at all. He simply wants to hold a battle against the wind?

Do people believe?

What about cheating ghosts?

"In the late autumn of the universe, we don't have much time. I only hope that in the last time, they can do their best, not the will."

Ling Feng said sadly. "Reverse God is willing to come up with two winds and rains, rewarding the first place on the individual list, and the first place on the team list, four blood counts, rewarding the second and third people and the team, asking Dao to reward top ten."

“I hope that you will be able to get involved and provide some resources to make the battle against the wind more passionate.”

"What do we need to provide?"

The major forces have become very vigilant, and they have reason to suspect that the anti-God wants to use this confrontation to **** their treasure.

"Some heavenly artifacts, as well as some heavenly resources, or heavenly artifacts, gods and herbs, etc., are not aimed at the resources, but to let the true **** or the **** of war shoot the passion."

People couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and Ling Feng did not open the door to price.

Just heavenly artifacts, etc., they are completely acceptable.

“Just nothing?”

"That's it!"

"Where is the battlefield set?"

"Just here, just in Tianfu!"

Ling Feng’s voice is getting cold and excited. “I want to make this place become a godland. This year we will be here in the battle of superstars. After 50 years, we will hold the second battle against the wind here, every time. In the past 50 years, the battle against the wind will be held as scheduled."

This is a great dream.

There are six top-level battlefields in the universe, which are held every ten years, and there are battlefields in the major forces of Shenwu.

However, there is no anti-God.

They must have it!

This is not just a pay, it is a manifestation.

They want to turn the anti-God into a sign and become a standard, and Tianfu will become a holy place for the characters. At the same time, Ling Feng will also gather the most talented characters of the whole universe, let the anti-God polish, let them know that there are people outside the world, not Too proud and complacent.

Of course, Ling Feng has a more important purpose.

"Would the King of Man really want to come up with two winds and rains?" asked a character from the roster of death.


Ling Feng smiled and said: "If you have the strength, you can get it."

"Well, my death list is willing to participate!"


There is very little to pay, but if it succeeds, but get a storm, the value of the city, can make the Supreme healing, even if it is desperate to get.

"The wilderness is willing!"

The ancestors of the wilderness said that their eyes were red.

"The empty road is willing to participate!"

"Buddha is willing!"

"Guanghan Palace is willing!"


All major forces have expressed their views. This kind of event, regardless of the purpose of the anti-God, is to participate, because the wind and rain are really important.


People also want to see what extraordinary characters are in the contemporary anti-God.

"Master will sit in person, but the position of the host, I want to leave to the Xuankong Tianzun, do not know Tianzun can be willing?" Ling Feng asked Xuantian smile.

"I am duty-bound!"

(End of this chapter)

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