Supreme Demon

Chapter 2774: Stealing the door!

Full city fireworks.

A splendid bloom in the void.

Ye Witch is like a cute child, innocently looking at Ling Feng, telling a vivid story in the city fireworks, a sad love story.

She said.

He understands!

Some feelings should not wait. Once they are deeply loved, they cherish each other. Any **** and obstruction is not a problem. The **** missed the time and could only wait for the deep love to grow old, but she did not want to miss it.

She loves so deep.

Her love is so warm.

How did he live up to her deep affection?

So, Ling Feng holding the leaf witch's delicate and delicate jade, forced to kiss on the thin jade lips, cold and hot, they completely forget, in the most splendid moments of fireworks.

Today is the Valentine's Day of the fairy star.

It is also their Valentine's Day.

It’s not just the Lingfeng and Yew Witches who kiss under the fireworks, but also the people on the fairy sky and other lovers who have flown from all over the universe.

This is a romantic event.


Under this event, there are still some big things about the scenery.

Just when Ling Feng and Ye Witch were kissing, a figure flashed from their side, their hands were sharp, and the purse between Lingfeng and Yew's waist was taken off directly, and then the lightning disappeared into the crowd.

Ling Feng and Ye Witch frowned, but did not stop the person, just because no one wants to destroy the beauty of the moment.

Fireworks in the sky.

Ground feelings.

This is a sentimental eruption after a hundred years.

If the thief turned this romance into a big landscape, I am afraid that they will not forgive themselves.


This romance has not lasted for a long time.

"Stolen, catch a thief!"

Someone shouted, apparently found someone who was holding a kiss and then stealing. In the warm feelings, people really did not notice that someone would do this kind of thing.

The artistic conception was destroyed, and Lingfeng and the leaf witch were somewhat reluctantly separated.

"It's too much!"

Ling Feng said with a sigh of relief.

Ye Witch did not speak, but there was a suffocation between the eyebrows. She waited for a hundred years, but she could only have this moment of work, but someone was looking for something.

She is very angry!

Very serious consequences.

"Big brother……"

At this moment, a weak voice sounded, pulling the clothes of Ling Feng and said: "Your money bag has been stolen."

Ling Feng could not help but bow.

I saw a little boy who was weak and thin, even in the cold autumn winds, still single, gray-faced, about eight years old, carrying a bamboo basket filled with flowers.

"What's your name?"

Ling Feng squatted down, curiously looked at the little boy and said with a smile. "You saw it?"

"My name is Bai Xue!"

The little boy said awkwardly. "I saw it, but there are too many people."

"Bai Xue, very good name."

Ling Feng said with a smile. "There are too many people, so you are not crowded?"


"There are too many people, I don't have time to remind one by one, and I am afraid..." The little boy is obviously very vigilant. He is just a child, once he is stolen.

If the thief hates it, it is very dangerous.

"You are very honest and very kind."

Ling Feng patted Bai Xue’s head and said, “Why just tell us, didn’t tell them?”


The little boy was a little shameful and opened his mouth but did not say it.

"Because I feel that my big brother is very close to the big sister?"

"Yes, but not all."

"What else?" Ling Feng asked.

"And... I think the big brother and the big sister are really beautiful when they kiss." The little boy said with his head down.


The beauty smiles and the world moves.

The leaf witch who has been squinting at this time finally can't help but she is defeated by the innocent of this little boy. Whether it is a woman or a goddess, she actually likes romance and prefers that beautiful feeling.


The words of the little boy made the leaf witch feel it.

"Bai Xue, my sister wants a bunch of flowers." Ye Witch said with a smile.

Bai Xue raised her head and felt that her big brother and big sister were not angry. This gave me the courage to look at Ling Feng.

"You are a sensible child." Ling Feng's impression of Bai Xue is very good. This little boy has a mature temperament that is completely different from his face.

The leaf witch wants to spend.

He did not look to the leaf witch, but Ling Feng.

This means that this bunch of flowers should be bought by Ling Feng.

"My brother's money was stolen." Ling Feng said with some helplessness, he was looking through the spirit beads to see if something was right to take it out.

"it's OK."

The little boy grinned. "I can give a big brother a flower."


He will take a flower from the bamboo basket behind him.

"But my brother wants a bunch of flowers."

Ling Feng shook his head, he could see that the little boy's family is very bad, otherwise such a big child does not need to wear such a thin dress to sell flowers on such a cold day.

"This..." The little boy became hesitant and frowned slightly.


The price of a bunch of flowers is too high.

"My brother used a dagger to change it with you?" Ling Feng asked, and found a dagger.

"I don't want to behead." The little boy shook his head.

He has no use for beheading, and that can't be eaten.

"That sister used a bead for a bunch of flowers?" Ye Witch took a bead from her head and smiled and placed it in the little boy's hand.


The little boy was shocked. Even if he didn't know the quality of Zhuyu, he could see the pearls in his hand.

no doubt.

This bead flower is very precious, and it can definitely be exchanged for a lot of money in the common customs. Of course, it is difficult to see the difference of this bead flower with the eyes of the little boy, because there is no such thing as the leaf witch, and one pearl flower is enough for one. Ancient city.

"It's too expensive." The little boy's eyes sparkled, he was eager, eager for this bead to solve the problem.


This bead is too expensive, he dare not want it.

"Hold it, this is what my sister gave you." Ye Witch said that she would put the beads in the hands of Bai Xue.

"Is it too..." Ling Feng was also a little surprised. The value of this bead is extraordinary.

It belongs to the heavenly artifact, and it infiltrates the breath of the leaf witch, and its quality must step into the heavenly level.

"There is no more beading." Ye witch looked at Lingfeng with twinkling eyes.

"To understanding!"

Ling Feng immediately laughed and said, "This will be arranged for adults!"

"And, today is Valentine's Day, always do something nice." Ye Witch said with a smile. "He is sincere and courageous, I am willing to change his life, it is a personal testimony of our love."

"It makes sense!"

Ling Feng nodded and placed the dagger in his hand in the hands of the little boy and said, "If one day you need it, pull it out."


However, before he could wait for his voice to fall, he found that the bamboo basket was light, and a bunch of flowers disappeared. The two characters in front of him disappeared together.

"Big brother, big sister... Are they gods in the mortal world?"

The little boy was a little dazed, and the power that disappeared in a moment made him fascinated.


Just as he was blaspheming, the jade and dagger in his hands suddenly disappeared.

"Ah, there are thieves!"

The little boy was in a hurry, because he saw the former thief who had stolen the wind and the leaf witch, and the beaded flower and the dagger in his hand were taken away by the thief.

"I still have a bead, and I am beheading."

The little boy went crazy to the thief, because the bead flower is so beautiful, it can be changed to a very good price, enough for his family to solve many problems.

"Dare to break my business, do you want to die?"

The thief stopped in the crowd, glanced at the cypress snow coldly, and pulled out the dagger, threatening. "Be careful, I cut your tongue and head."

Bai Xue couldn't help but tremble and stopped.

He is very afraid.

But more sad.


He couldn't keep the stolen figure, and he could only watch as he fled with the beaded flower and the dagger.

He couldn't help but fall to the ground and whispered.

There is no qualification for crying in this world.


The stolen character went faster, came back faster, like a lightning bolt, and directly retreated to Bai Xue.

"Let's put things down, you can leave!"

Ling Feng appeared in the crowd, and looked coldly at the ordinary stolen figure.

"Do you know where I am from?" asked the tyrannical character.

"Stealing the door!"

"As long as you know!"

The thief’s eyes were cold, and he threw the beaded flower and the dagger in front of Bai Xue, and quickly regressed, then said coldly. “You will regret what you have done today.”


His lightning disappeared into the crowd.

"Big brother, big sister, you..."

Bai Xue looked at the beaded flowers and daggers that fell on the ground. The small face first bloomed with a happy color, which instantly became pale.


The leaves of the witches came face with a smile, and picked up the beads and daggers on the ground, they must be placed in the hands of Bai Xue.

Bai Xue escaped.

He looked scared.

"Are you afraid?" asked the Witch.


Bai Xue was silent for a moment,

Still seriously nodded.. "They are from stealing."

"so what?"

"You are not their opponent, hurry and leave." Bai Xue said sadly. "I have to leave here too."

"The stolen door is very powerful?"

Ling Feng squatted down and shouldered with Bai Xue.

"The snowy country is not chaotic, and the stolen door says it." Bai Xue sighed. "If we don't leave, I'm afraid I can't live."

"That said, this stolen door is not easy." Ling Feng's face is getting cold. If the stolen door is not even let go of a child, then it is really looking for death.

You can make money, you can’t steal it.

"Hold it, they are more useful than you think." Ling Feng took the dagger and the bead from the leaf witch, put it in the hands of Bai Xue, and said, "You have to leave, I will not stop you, After all, because of us."

"it is good!"

Bai Xue did not hesitate, grabbed the beaded flower, dagger to Lingfeng forehead, and then quickly disappeared into the crowd.

He must inform his family as soon as possible and stay away from it.

“Would the poor be deceived?”

The leaf witch's face became cold and said, "I want to change his life!"

"it is good!"

Ling Feng smiled at the forehead and firmly held the hand of the leaf witch. "He is the witness of our love, so he wants to live, and he wants to live very well!"

End of this chapter) (

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