Supreme Demon

Chapter 2777: There is no solution to the reverse!

Ask the fairy, cast fairy, and lean!

These three top consortiums of the universe used the financial resources and resources of the Quartet to suppress the three forces on the Sky Star. In just a few days, the situation of the Shenzhou Shenguo’s painstaking efforts for two thousand years was smashed and the door was even more unbearable. hit.

Qi Zong persisted for a little longer, and his life was tenacious, but only one day.

When the financial deficit and resource overdraft, the three forces will either collapse or they will only resist and go to extremes.


They also hope that the forces behind them can start to support them in terms of financial resources, resources and force. Unfortunately, even if the forces behind them do their best, it will not help.

To know.

At this time, the three consortiums against the gods have not done their best, but the surrounding financial resources are coming in. Xianting and Buddhism can't stand the financial resources, let alone the fairy stars.

"Find out the culprit, fight a broken net!"

The snow kingdom of the kingdom is still not dead, to be still color.

Just on the day.

The snowy country of God and the power of theft have all been born, and the culprit has been thoroughly investigated, but the truth has made them scare the soul.

In fact, without their thorough investigation, the anti-God initiative awakened the whole universe. The news of the former fairy star was sealed, so they could not get any useful news. There is no need to block it.

"Reverse God!"

The snow gods and gods are pale and cold, and they never imagined that they were against God.

Pour the fairy road.

Xianting was killed.

Buddhism bowed.

The Supreme Force of the Universe is not an opponent against God. At this moment, the anti-God is a cosmic force. There are no adjectives such as "Supreme" and "God". Because they do not need any adjectives, they are the first.

Such forces have to deal with them?


Because they want to get rid of that little boy?


They got more news, so that the stolen door and the snowy gods of the gods were the ones who had stolen the door and turned theft. They turned out to be against the gods, against the Lord’s purse, and even to steal the villain. The dagger and the bead of the Lord.


They also got the news that the anti-God figure appeared on the day, forcing the snow king to come over and apologize, but unfortunately the stolen characters pressed down and they had to deal with the woman.

Time has been delayed.

It’s too late when they react.


Fighting to die?

The whole universe has not killed the gods, just rely on them?

I am afraid that it will not be enough to put the power of the snow country, the stolen door, and the gas sect into it.


The snowy emperor is a rather simple figure. When he surrenders for the first time, the idiot will pull the whole country of God to rebel against God. There is no way to live.

The stolen door also surrendered to the anti-God, and the ordinary face of Jiang Shengsheng was bet against the gods in order to obtain a disobedience.

"Reverse God has given you the opportunity!"

The wind and the cold opened, the arrogance of the body sprang out completely, and the momentum of the heavenly level made Jiang Sheng pale, and they actually attacked a heavenly figure.

"Jiang Sheng this **** did not inform us, but suppressed the source!"

The thief door angered Jiang Sheng and said that he did not know.

"Yeah, we don't know!"

The snowy emperor cold sweat DC, whoever faces such a female emperor must be trembled.

"Respected female emperor, please forgive me!"

The owner of the stolen door said sincerely.

"Oh, steal the door..."

The wind was cold and he threw a small book in his hand. "See clearly!"

The booklet fell to the ground, and the owner of the door did not have any dissatisfaction. Instead, he hurriedly picked up the booklet. When the contents of the booklet appeared in front of him, his face suddenly changed and his body could not help but squat, just because of the small The book details the evils that have been stolen in these years.

Piles are in the column.

Words are bloody.


What surprised him even more is that there are still a few more concealed things, that is, the stolen door is not recorded in the book, but it appears in the book of the reverse god, which makes the thief door master further realize the terrible of the anti-God.

"These evils, you have done too much, it hurts the world, how do you let me forgive you?"

The wind and the face are stunned. If the stolen door is just a generation of cockroaches and thieves, there is no such thing as committing a sinister sin. The anti-God does not want to pursue it too deeply, but the stolen door is actually the Mozu minions, and commits a great evil, poisoning human life, and its heart. punish.

"Respected female emperor, I don't know those things!"

The owner of the stolen door blinked, still do not want to admit, want to cross the sea, in order to survive.

"Don't give up?"

The wind laughed, and the laugh was extremely cold.

"The warrant is here!"

A hand in the hands of Fengyun flew to the door of the stolen door, which has the unique mark of the stolen door, and is more imprinted with the murder of the thief.


The emptiness of the void, the thief door master knows that he can't hold it, and he wants to escape the first time. At this moment, he has already determined that he will not let him go. If he still doesn't leave, he can only wait for death.

"Improved IQ!"

The wind and cold glanced coldly at the door of the thief, and there was no intention to chase it.


The owner of the stolen door has not yet flown five miles, and he was shot by a sharp arrow and passed through his body.

"Theft of the door is a wicked, sinister poison, when you are!"

The wind waved and the anti-God army immediately flew to the stolen door, and the tyrannical airflow swayed.


The anti-God will not let such forces survive, and the power of this fish and meat people will never be soft.

"The snowy emperor, you build a stolen door, even more abominable."

The wind and cold said coldly. "You should have been an emperor who made a difference. Unfortunately, the road is wrong, too radical. Now your hands are covered with blood. You said you shouldn't die?"

The snowy emperor's face was gray and white, and the situation was far more terrible than he had imagined.

The anti-God is simply a detail control. Before the punishment, they will be thoroughly examined. They are not allowed to make any sophistry. The stolen door is supported by him. How many evils he has done, he knows better.

"It is me who does evil, not a snow country, I am guilty but the snow country is not guilty!"

The emperor of the snowy area is not as ruthless as the thief, but looks calmly at the wind.

"We will check it out!"

Fengyun said: "Everyone who shares with you can't escape a death, but the snow country is not the one who is like you!"

"At the same time, you have the suspicion of the Dark Lord!"

The emperor of the snowy field stunned and his face was grayer. He did not think of such a hidden thing, and he could find it against the gods.

"You do it yourself!"

The wind is too lazy to talk nonsense with the snowy emperors.

"You don't want to know about the Mozu?"

"Ha ha!"

The emperor of the snowy area stunned and only woke up after a while. It is true that he is an idiot. Many things do not need to be asked, because what they get from the emperor’s mouth is not necessarily the truth, but they have thoroughly checked through them. It is the truth.

They can find it, so don't ask more?

This is also the reason for the sneer.

"If I die, how would you deal with the snowy gods?" The snowy emperor asked, faintly, like a dead man.

"But all the demons are dying, and they are dying and sinful. As for other characters, we will not ask."

"it is good!"

The snow kings nodded and rebelled against the gods. They did not make mistakes because of some characters such as the snow kings, they slaughtered the whole country.


Rebellion is a different force, and they are unquestionable in terms of integrity.

At last.

The snowy emperor ended his life with a sharp knife. Only when he died can he preserve the kingdom of God. If he lives, the entire kingdom of God will be buried for him.

The next day.

The smuggling of the door was over, and under the pressure of the anti-God, they did not even have a little resistance.


The anti-God flew to the Qizong, without attacking, but let the three forces of Asking Immortal, Casting Immortal, and Yixian suppress it bit by bit, eroding its financial resources and resources, and consuming it clean.

In this case, the patriarch of the Qizong had to surrender.

"We don't accept surrender!"

The cold and cold opening of the wind, the air is different from the snow country, the stolen door, this is a real contact with the Mozu, the anti-God can not let go of this power.

"Do you really want to kill the net?" asked the sect of the sect.

"The fish is dead? Are you worthy?"

The wind is still the same, the words are full of arrogance, even Xianting are killed by their lives, Qi Zong counts a hair?


The Qizong lords did not have the courage to lead the gods to fight against the gods. It was not only the moths, but also the sins and the sins, not the entire qizong.

The patriarch of the Qizong still wants to leave a little incense.

at dusk.

The Qizong gods died, only some people who did not know the truth survived, and the anti-God did not start with the Qizong, only because the resources of the Qizong were exhausted, this is a worthless sect.

"Do they think this way can break the connection?" Fengyun said with a cold smile.

Because any clues are abruptly stopped here, the forces behind it are taboo, and I don't want to let the anti-God find it.


They are moving too late.

"The Mozu side seems to be interested in opening up a new battlefield." Zhou Ying said with a smile.

"Under the pressure of the three major consortia, no forces are enough to see, the Mozu do not want to empty those two forces, and therefore want to force us to open up new battlefields." Feng Yun said.

"You come to be the master."

Several other figures are gearing up. To be honest, they have always wanted to force the true magical power, but the Lord is too vigilant.


Just as they were disappointed, the Magic Blade took the initiative to send it to the door.

"The magic blade leader is a demon statue, and our strength is not enough." Feng Yun said: "The person, the Lord is not suitable for the shot, otherwise it will give them a face, so we must invite a Tianzun."

"Well, this is the truth."

"So who do you think is more appropriate?" The crowd asked, this is actually a tricky issue.

"Don't dig for me."

Fengyun whispered.. "I think any Tianzun is suitable, but these questions should not be considered by us. Should there be a goddess born on the face of the gods?"

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