Supreme Demon

Chapter 2783: Ancient trees of the universe!

Thunder yin and yang fish.

They make the Supreme People covet and mad.


Because of the different ways of getting thunder and yin and yang fish, the results are different. Like the previous sacred spirits, they want to catch the Thunder yin and yang fish and take it directly. Let the Thunder and the temperament blend into the body, so that they can immunize part of the Thunder and get a lot of charm. My own way is refined.

Ling Feng is another way.

He did not take the Thunder yin and yang fish, but let the Thunder yin and yang fish enter the blood, turn themselves into a fish pond, and let the yin and yang fish become stronger in it. This is a mutually beneficial process.


The early Thunder yin and yang fish did not make the Lingfeng change too much. It was not obvious and overbearing. However, the time advantage, the advantage of the “fish pond” was revealed, not limited to immune thunder, and the mass of rhyme was more important. It is the yin and yang fish that will become the help of Lingfeng after getting the fragrance of Xianli.


Once the Thunder yin and yang fish ask the sky, the ability to immunize the thunder, and the scent that is released is not comparable to the current take.

When you look farther, you can know what kind of creation Lingfeng got today.


Shen Lie was very sad. He paid so much. He was beaten with bruises and eyes. He was reluctant to kill the yin and yang fish. He did not expect the Thunder and Yin Yang to not see him.

How hurt?

Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc., take it for granted. If the Thunder and Yin Yang fish choose the gods, they feel strange, do not want the gods in Xianli?


Thunder and yin and yang fish are not idiots, so surrendering to Xianli is a very normal thing.

"We haven't found the source of the charm, there are creatures behind!"

Ling Feng smiled and comforted the gods, but the smug face always made the gods want to violence.

"You don't have to be so innocent to laugh, this deity must get better creatures than the Thunder and Yin Yang!"

Shen Li said quite uncomfortably.

They stepped into the star map.

I saw a lot of possibilities.

Who said that in the late autumn of the universe, you can't make great strides?

It is not easy in other places, but in the star map, this is realistic.

Rhyme creature! The source of the charm! God is full of fighting spirit, as long as you get enough temperament creatures, he will make progress faster, then you don't have to look at Ling Feng's face.

In fact.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. are full of fighting spirit, how can they miss this opportunity?


This is not the center of the star map, only because the charm is still emitted from the inside, and the Thunder and Yin Yang fish prove it all, there are more terrible creatures in front.

They mention "biological"! It is the supreme species that evolved from the rhyme, and the body is full of temperament, and it is the top temperament that has been honoured.

"Go, let's go in and see!"

Ling Feng smiled forward, and the gods were more active. Some things could not make Ling Feng specialize in the front, otherwise he could not get the slag.

To know.

Every character present is extremely excellent, especially the two characters, Ling Feng and Ye Witch. If the creature is like a Thunder and Yin Yang fish?

He didn't even drink fish soup.


God is rushing ahead, to get the beneficial creatures in the first place.

Hey! His speed is like electricity, and he disappears in front of people in the blink of an eye.

"What is ahead?"

The leaf witch went forward and asked.

"Thunder and yin and yang fish are not very clear, but the creatures that can make it jealous should not be simple."

Ling Feng said seriously.

"Will the gods be in danger?"

Ling Qing asked.

"It will be some, but it will not hurt your life."

Ling Feng pinched his nose, he did not remind himself of this "brother", but the spirit is different from the previous, the strength is terrible, the average creature wants to hurt him easily, but it is not easy to kill him.

not to mention.

They are behind, what is the situation, there is full strength to face.

"God is really pitiful."

Liu Shushu grinned, and the gods were greedy for creatures, but at the moment they became their pathfinder.

"What if he really got it?"

Duo Yuyue smiled.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy."

Ling Feng frowned. "Thunder and yin and yang fish are taboo, and so far there is no courage to set foot on the territory of that creature."

"So, are we going to be careful?"

Everyone frowned. The strength of the Thunder yin and yang fish is not weak. It can make the gods eat the scorpion, and the creatures in front of them are forcing the thunder and yin and yang fish to dare to move forward. What does this mean?

"Don't worry."

Ling Feng confidently smiled. "The creatures born from the rhyme are indeed not weak, but there are too many restrictions, there is no endless rhyme blessing, they are quickly weakened, and I found Xianli, confined space to restrain the rhyme."

"That's good!"

Everyone has the forehead and is relieved.

Just because the charm is not a true celestial being, there is no heaven, no war skills, no strength and momentum, can mobilize the charm of the surrounding to fight, but once the surrounding charm is isolated?

Then they must be weakened, so it is not so difficult to deal with.


At this moment, the hurricane between the heavens and the earth was cold, and it was turbulent in the star map. It was like a huge water wave swooping down, and it broke open with endless charm and formed a large black hole.

Five hundred miles are boiling and the ground is trembled.

A loud noise.

There was a fierce battle there, and one side was a sacred spirit. People could sense his breath and strength, that is, the knives were born.


The other side is even more horrible, and the momentum is swallowing up. The hard steel with the gods does not fall into the wind, and the power is endless. The temperament within 50,000 miles has been mobilized, and the tyrannical mess.

"Fast in to help, this thing is too strong."

Shen Lie shouted in the star map, some rush, apparently encountered a tricky creature.

"How is this so interesting?"

Ling Feng did not fly slowly, and said: "You are not going to get more fertile creatures than Thunder and Yin Yang?"

Now that we have found it, is it not the influence of your prestige if we take it? ”

"" God's angry mouth pumping, I really want to fight with Ling Feng.

"Let's say cool words, this thing is different from the Thunder yin and yang fish, very powerful."

"What is it?"

Several people smiled a little, and the gods did not reach the point of blood stasis. At this time, there was still leisure, indicating that he had not reached the point of desperation, and people naturally did not worry.

"An old tree!"

Shen Lie shouted in the distance. "Some familiar."

"Tong Tian Shen Shu?"

Ling Feng is amazed.


Several characters were shocked at the scene, only because this tree appeared in the star map, and was controlled by several major forces. After Ling Feng used IQ, he got a lot, but after the star map changed, the major influencers They all quit the star map, and they don't even know what the tree has changed.

Who ever thought that it was psychic, and really lived.


It is the **** of heaven that confronts the gods.

"It should be said that it is an ancient tree of the universe!"

Ling Feng's face became serious. When they set foot on the tree, they didn't know the origin of the tree, but the polishing and experience of these years made him know more.

This may really be an ancient tree of the universe.

From the distant starry sky.

From the innocent universe.

It is naturally rooted in some mysterious land, devours the essence of the heavens and earth, and evolves into a prototype of the universe, with extraordinary ability.

It is mysterious.

It is even more powerful.

To know.

At the beginning, many seeds were born on this ancient tree of the universe, so that the characters such as the true **** and the **** of war have been transformed, that is, Zhou Tian and other characters are eager for it, so this tree has made Ling Feng and others pay more attention to it.

"After a hundred years, we met again."

Ling Feng flew down and appeared on a vast expanse of earth. At this time, the gods were grayed out a lot, because the ancient trees of the universe grew up, even more towering, and opened up a small universe, boundlessly, across a constellation.

A branch is equivalent to an asteroid.

The spectacular picture really shocked people.

It can be said that the old tree in the original is a doll in front of this ancient tree.


This ancient tree "woke up", gave birth to the ingenuity, and with the entity, it became a creature.

Its branches are sturdy, and it can be stretched for a whole day. The ordinary Tianzun-level forces can't move, which is why the gods eat.


This ancient tree has not been able to climb, surrounded by a faint mist, forming a ban, can defend against the Tianzun level of the characters, tried God, and finally failed.

The star map has changed dramatically for many years.

This ancient tree has been awake for many years, with a top-notch moisturizing, fruit on it, very attractive, but more attractive is this old tree.

"Really lived!"

The leaf witch said with amazement. "At the beginning, some of the old trees had yellow leaves. I thought it was going to die, but I didn't expect to live."

"The ancient tree evolved, and the seeds above should have evolved."

The sacred waters will flow down. Anyone knows that this ancient tree is a treasure. Any one of the above fruits can be shocked by the world.

If all these fruits fall into his pocket?

He wants to eat the fruit of Tianzun as a jelly bean.

That is how magnificent the birds are.

"It's no wonder that even the Thunder and the Yin and Yang fish are jealous. The feelings are this ancient tree of the universe."

Ling Feng sighed and said, as far as he can see, this ancient tree is at least equivalent to the second-class Tianzun, and even stronger, each fruit is more like a ban.

The Thunder and Yin Yang fish are really not enough to look at in front of them.

"I want to talk to you!"

Ling Feng said with a smile.


The ancient trees of the universe have no meaning to talk about, and they directly hit the branches and leaves, and there are as many as five, covering the sky, and in the middle of their swings, the heavens and the earth are cracked, and the temperament of the square is mobilized.

The sky was smashed! "Don't make such a big move!"

Ling Feng's face changed, and 50,000 miles fluctuated. Once it was smashed, it is necessary to surprise the 10,000 roads. At that time, don't say that some parts of the Shenwu mainland, that is, the characters on the earth's stars can find this wave.

This is not good for them.


Lingfeng's eyes suddenly became sharp, and Xianli was like a spring water, and the lightning rushed out, forming a space of 50,000 miles and directly suppressing it.


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