Supreme Demon

Chapter 2796: Gatekeeper!

The gold is like rain, and the rhyme is ambiguous.

In the depths of the Tianlang Mausoleum, a banned scorpion scorpion, vast and unparalleled, lit up the entire mausoleum, there is really no Sirius, but there are tens of thousands of Sirius's shadow, flying on the prohibition.

The entire ban is so mysterious that it is invisible and full of embarrassing atmosphere.

For Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others, it is the power of the world, even if they are far apart to suppress them, but Ling Feng feels kind, it is like the call of the mother, it is like the home is calling.

The third ban is actually here.

in fact.

When Ling Feng got the second ban, he had already made it clear that the problem was banned in the past, and he was divided into several ways. One of them was obtained by him. His spirituality was not much, but when it was merged with the second prohibition, spirituality As soon as it gets more, Ling Feng can get some information from it.

One of them is about the ban.

When it enters the star map, this feeling is even stronger, because the five fields above the star map are different in color, but there is a feeling that echoes the prohibition of his soul.

He sensed two things.

That means there are three bans! Today, in the Tianlang Mausoleum, he found a third ban.

The light rain that lingers on this ban is somewhat different from that in the Lingfeng spirit sea, but it is essentially the same, with extraordinary power, just a ban, and still not fully immersed, it is already strong. The extent of this kind of horror can be imagined, when it is fully populated, and even when the five major prohibitions form the ultimate prohibition.

"What is this ban?"

The gods are screaming, although it is known that there is a ban in Lingfeng, but it is not clear what role it has.

"do not know!"

The leaf witch shook his head and the others did not know.

In fact, it is Ling Feng who is not clear about himself.

People look at the headless corpse, and they are afraid that only the headless corpse will know some.


The headless corpse did not explain it. It was so indifferent to the prohibition that it “looks straight ahead” and waits for the result of Lingfeng.

Hey! At this moment, Ling Feng soul sea shines, a ban is made to fly out, releasing a massive momentum and strength, filling the entire Tianlang Ling, and the third prohibition is the same, two vast days Wei rushed in the void and rushed to the sky.

that moment.

The whole world is bowing.

that moment.

Wandao is sorrowful.

The wind is fierce, and Ling Feng stands in the two forces, arrogant, unaffected, stepping into the third-class Tianzun, and controlling the flames burning the fairy, Ling Feng’s vision has long been not limited to a ban, but The entire universe.

No matter how the ban is changed, it is only in his control.

This is a strong one.

"The three bans are not far from the ultimate form."

Yeh Witch smiled and said: "When Yokohama, the ancient ban, this ban will finally be revealed in the world."

She has confidence in Ling Feng, and things that others can't do, Ling Feng can certainly do it.

"At that time, we will know what the origins are and what the prohibition is."

Shen Li said with a smile, there is a feeling to uncover the truth of the ages.

"It's different!"

The headless corpse is pronounced, not looking at Ye Witch, Shenlie and others, but slowly talking. "From the ancient times, in the ages, and in the world, it has always been different."

"What do you mean?"

The leaf witch asked frowning.

"It's not the same!"


The leaf witch blinked and sank for a moment before asking. "The predecessors mean that because of the different people who control the ban, the power and nature of the ban will be different."


"Is there a control in Xiangu?"


"At that time, did this prohibition show the ultimate form?"


The headless corpse said with meditation: "There are four bans!"

"What about the ages?"

"No, there are three bans!"

The leaf witch was shocked. Xiangu Wangu did not let it show the ultimate form. At most, there were only four bans, and the last ban was not found from beginning to end. This is somewhat the same as the ancient road.

"Is it not complete?"

God asked.

"It should have been."

The headless corpse said with a sinking voice: "In ancient times, it was complete, but unfortunately it was finally broken."

People took a sigh of relief, what characters are there in the world, and what forces can break through these prohibitions?


“Nobody has seen its ultimate form, why is it not fixed?”

Ling Qing asked.

"Because it is made by controlling the power of the people. As for the ultimate form, the people I have met are not in the world, and it is only passed down from ancient times."

The headless corpse explained enough.

People didn't ask again, they wanted to wait for Ling Feng to complete the integration.

In the void, the world is smashing, and the two prohibitions are too strong. If they are not in conflict with each other, how many days do you know how to smash?

Even so.

That horrible repression has also caused nine days to sink.

People are amazed, because this level of prohibition has reached the supreme level, and this is only the power of the prohibition itself. If Lingfeng uses the flames to burn the immortals, and even the setting sun, the day will be even more unpredictable.

Even if there is no head corpse, even the burning of the Supreme is afraid to bow down.

of course.

With the current strength of Ling Feng, I still can't move this prohibition. If I use it violently, I am afraid that it has not been completely sacrificed, and his power has been overdrawn.

It must be said that this prohibition is a weapon, and it is a river pond that is desperate.


In the process of integration, the power of Lingfeng is pouring into it, which makes him more aware of some problems of prohibition. They are acknowledging the Lord, but they are nurturing themselves, but the process is very subtle, because they are enough Strong, the power that can be drawn from Ling Feng is minimal.

If Ling Feng is supreme at the moment, the situation will be completely different.

There is no immutable prohibition, only a ban that changes due to different owners.


Its ultimate form has always been different.

Ling Feng slightly closed his eyes and carefully understood the changes. He knew that one day he would collect all the bans, and the changes in the ban would affect his strength and control.

He must not be careful.

"Predecessors, have you been guarding this ban?"

The leaf witch turned and asked.


The headless corpse was silent for a long time, only to say calmly. "It is them!"

The leaf witch is a glimpse, and the eyes are wet in an instant. The original ban was buried in the Tianlang Mausoleum. This prohibition is also to be guarded.

"What about the Sirius?"

Asked the leaf witch.

"do not know!"

The headless corpse sighed. "Maybe they will return one day!"

"What do you mean?"

The headless body is silent and does not want to talk about this issue.

"Now the ban is blended, and the seniors are willing to go with us to go against God?"

Ye Wong then asked, this is the supreme creature. If you get a headless corpse, the two supremes sit in the town. Who dares to touch the gods?

"I can't go."

The headless corpse is silent for a longer time.


The leaf witch is inexplicable, and the ban has fallen into the hands of Ling Feng. There is no point in the headless body here.

"Go to the head, against the blood, just to keep one!"

The headless corpse said faintly, the body became pale and gradually disappeared into the wolf's tomb. It was not an entity.

"what happened?"

Shen Lie and Ling Qing are shocked. It is not clear where the headless body is going.

If the Witch is thoughtful, she looks at the direction in which Ling Feng is, and looks back, saying nothing.

A few days later.

The prohibition blends and becomes more eye-catching. Even the Yew Witch and others can't look directly. It has become smaller. There are stars, rivers, beasts, etc., shining with immortal breath and light rain, and then they have lost into Ling. The soul of the wind.

Ling Feng did not fly back, but rushed into the lower part of the Tianlang Mausoleum, using the setting sun to break through a heavy weight, and finally seized the blue source species to fly out.

"Is it left?"

Ling Feng did not have much surprise, but asked with a sigh.

"Yes, one sentence, some strange."

Ling Qing frowned.


Ling Feng nodded and said with a deep sigh. "Xian Gu Wan Gu, one can be kept, it is a respectable old man."

"What do you mean?"

God asked inexplicably, and always felt that there was something ulterior secret to Ling Feng and the headless body.

"You will know later."

After getting a third ban, Ling Feng also understood some things, especially the emergence of headless corpses, which made him guess more.

“Shu Shu, this cyan source is for you!”

Ling Feng handed over the cyan source and was caught in the hands of Liu Shushu.

"Ling Feng, what do you mean?

Can't you go with me? ”

The gods grinned, the white source did not belong to it, and it was no problem. The blue source did not belong to him.

What do you mean?

"The source of the cyan source is passionate and passionate, and the youthful atmosphere is sprouting. You really don't fit. Liu Shushu is more suitable."

"I am only eighteen this year!"


"it is good !"

The gods were full of grievances, but under the powerful power of Ling Feng, he left the fart.

"Do we want to move on?"

Asked the leaf witch.


"When I got to this step, I didn't think about going back!"

Ling Feng said heavily. "Some truths are always to be uncovered."

"Reverse God is not ready yet."

"I know."

Ling Feng nodded. "So, it’s just us."

"We have to be careful later, first get the source."


Everyone left the Tianlang Mausoleum and began to go to the third place of the star map. Unlike the blue temperament, the third is the blue temperament, the blue is like the sky, and the unique light is flowing.

Ling Feng took the lead.

After a short stay in the cyan layer, people flew to the blue layer, not only to find the blue source, but also to know what is different here.

The ancient layer of the universe has appeared in the universe.

A third ban and a headless corpse appeared in the cyan layer.

What about the blue layer?

What will be born?

Just as they entered the blue temperament layer, the battle against the wind was completely raging. The major forces gathered in Tianfu, and the most genius of the gods was also born on this day.


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