Supreme Demon

Chapter 2798: Nangong is curious!

The first space battlefield.

Yan Xi did not fight with his opponent's hard steel, but relied on the arrogance to escape, exhausting all his strength to consume the opponent's power, until the opponent's weakness, he found a brick, facing the other side of the head is a blow, almost Let the other party concussion.

It is true that the normal movement is not the same. It is really not easy for the normal true **** to match the speed of Yan Xi. As the first battle against the gods, the strength of the other party is not weak, but it is a pity to encounter a superb character.

He doesn't fight! He will run! When you are tired, if you can't hold on, he will be back on a brick.

Yan Xi will play a dazzling, shameless, sneak attack, etc., completely without the temperament of the gods, which makes many people face black, that is, the cold is quite speechless.

"Too boring!"

"Is this person really against the gods?

He won't be smearing against God? ”

“Can you be a little more awkward?”

People are quite uncomfortable with Yan Xi, and the first game of the war against the wind is unprecedented disappointment.

Normally, the first battle is very important. Many forces use this battle to open the prelude and passion of the entire battlefield, ignite people's enthusiasm, and see the courtesy and style of this battlefield.

However, people have not seen it.

"It’s important to win!"

Yan Xi said with pride. "I know that I can't beat hard steel. It's a brave man, not a true hero."


People turn their eyes straight, can this Yan Xi be even more shameless?

Such a victory is so arrogant that he claims to be a hero?

"If you can just win, who wants to be like me."

Yan Xi’s next sentence puts people in the place to death.

Think carefully, Yan Xi said that it makes sense. If they can defeat their opponents, who would be willing to do this undecisive thing?

Who is not willing to look down on the sentient beings, show the master style, and swipe the other side?


They don't have such strength, they can only squat, like a viper, waiting for the moment of the blow.

People scorned and stopped, and they didn't care. Everyone's life is not easy. No one is qualified to criticize anyone.

"Miss sister, I know you."

A young man dressed in a white cloak, looking at the beautiful woman in front of her face with a smile, said: "I am one of the five gods against the gods. It is necessary to be splendid in this battle against the wind. You know I can't lose anything at all."

"One of the five gods?"

The gods around were immediately shocked, and could not help but look up, but they were disappointed in an instant.

"Who is this person?

Pretending to be the **** of the gods? ”

"I want to marry our goddess of Chaoshan Mountain at this level?"

"Ah, let's play with the mud."

The true gods of Chaoshan Mountain can't stand up first. They don't know where the children come from and want to soak their goddess.

"When are you an idiot?"

The goddess of Chaoshan Mountain turned over and rolled his eyes, saying, "Is it enough to qualify for the Five Gods?"

"Enough is enough."

Nangong’s curiosity is that he did not hear the irony between the faint words. He said with a smile: "I am."

"" I feel that she is talking about an idiot with an idiot.

"Five gods I am serious."

Nangong said curiously.


There was a buzz around, and I really didn't put Nangong curiosity in my eyes.

"Well, the second child is a joke, the next one is yours."

People did not notice when Yan Xi appeared here.


When Yan Xi called Nangong curiosity to be the "second child", the buzz around it was even bigger.

"Boss, don't you come here to humiliate me?"

Nangong said with a look of helplessness.


"it is good !"

Nangong was very curious and afraid of this "boss", and he rolled on the spot because the next battle belonged to him.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly said: "Remember my name, Nangong is curious, because this will be the name of the person you will care about in your life!"


Nangong curious went to the second battlefield.

The faint sigh of pouting, where can the "second child" mixed with Yan Xizhen be strong?

Against the gods of the five gods?

Ha ha.

In fact.

Nangong curiosity has really got the attention of the gods. People want to know the strength of the guy who is still bragging.

There is no doubt that it is the same pit.

Nangong’s curious opponent is not strong, but he still makes Nangong curious and stretched, relying on the speed and strength of his life, he blasted his opponent into the space battlefield.

He won! But is this the strength of the five gods?


This is the cries of people who are curious about Nangong.

"Next, you will see what is the real **** of the gods!"

Someone sneered, because there is really a **** of anti-God to play, it is the character who had been born before.

"The Yan Xi and Nan Gong are curious."

The old Taoist stared at the guy and said for a long time. "Although the combat power is not strong enough, the control is top-notch, and every step is well grasped."

"If such a character is promoted, it will be an extremely terrible opponent."

The Taoist priests are extremely curious about Yan Xi and Nan Gong.

"Yeah, they are really in control."

Wen Xizhu looked at two cynical guys, I really don't know what to say.

If she didn't see it with her own eyes, she really couldn't imagine it.

"Unfortunately, they still don't realize the problem."

The old Taoist sighed.

"You can't see it."

Wen Xizhu said with a smile. "Some people will return when they have enough!"


"Wait, then!"

Wen Xizhu did not say much, and the war against the wind was attached to the whole universe. Only a few figures were cynical.


She is looking forward to their return, just as in the restricted area.

"I don't care about this in the preliminary round, but if they are finals, they will make them look like this, I will make them very miserable!"

Cold as the moon said coldly.

The anti-God does not ask the preliminary game, because the anti-God has the strength to enter the preliminary round.

To know.

In the battle against the wind, there are a total of fifty people participating in the war. In addition to the free battlefield and the battle of the team, the fifty gods form exactly ten teams. For the anti-God, they do not need too many people.

The number of other forces is much higher. There are 20 teams like the empty road, and one of them has a top-level team of true gods.

The Guanghan Palace also has a top-level team of true gods! It can be said that all major forces are actively preparing for the war. The standard of anti-God five gods can only be qualified to become the top team of true gods.

of course.

The team battle has not yet been opened, and the specific arrangement will have to wait until later.

One of the third anti-God five gods, Kaoru Kaoru, is a beautiful god, very temperament, even if there is a stop where there is endless pressure.

The battle of Yan Xun is different from that of Yan Xi and Nan Gong. It looks extremely gorgeous. A sleeve of the arrow pierces the sky, and then flies down from the sky, and the opponent is in the middle of the battlefield. The whole process is not as strong as the mountain. One person and one arrow shot the nine heavens.

She is calm! She is strong! She is the real **** of the gods! In the field, the true gods are all stunned by the powerful momentum of the scent, and each one is pale. This is the strength that the five gods should have. The non-Yan Xi and Nan Gong curiosity can be comparable.

It’s just that this momentum is beyond the reach of people.

"Look, this is the real **** of the gods, and the Nangong curiosity is a big liar."

"You can't believe the liar's words?"

The faint face is black, and some depressed look to the brothers, she wants to say that she looks so like an idiot?


I am a liar? ”

Nangong was curious with his hands and walked coldly. "When you are a faint idiot?"

"" The secluded and the Lanling are aphasia, and the people who come up with this goods can't speak.

"She naturally has her own ability to distinguish."

Nangong curiously said: "Isn't it a scent?

The man will be defeated. ”


Nangong was curious and screaming at the thief. He was afraid that this time he would kill him and beat him.


Lan Ling sneered and said: "I see you only use the faint sister as an idiot."

"No, she just looks delicious."

Nangong curiously grinned.

"" The faint began to grind your teeth, and your cockroaches are delicious.

Of course, no one will believe that Nangong is curious, he really wants to suppress the scent, and the five gods that are against the gods are not the scent of the scent, and the image of the curiosity of Nangong just now, people do not believe.

"Sister Miss You, is there any space tonight?

Please go see the meteor shower together? ”

"No time."

The secluded Nunu mouth, she really does not like the guy who is full of human beings.

"That can be tomorrow."

"I have a look."

"I can carry you back."

"Men and women give and receive."

"Nothing, I can treat."

Nangong curiously said: "I am ruined by the gods, whether you are eyelids or amputations, even if you cut the upper body, you can cure it."

"" Of course, if you don't want to see, we can go eat. If you are not hungry, we can go to see the scenery." Nangong is not curious, hehe, and the logic is very strong, and all the words that can be rejected are sealed.

Oh, even if you amputated, you can save it back.

"I" stunned and opened his mouth, but could not find a reason to refuse, and she was also stunned by the words of Nangong.

"The second child, don't make trouble, three days later the team battle will start, there is a task on the other side."

Yan Xi’s face is coming in a positive color, although there is no previous cynical image, but the feeling is not uncomfortable.

"Boss, it’s really time for you to come."

Nangong was curious and black, and some helpless and swaying hands, said, "Miss sister, come back to you next time."

After that, I left with Yan Xi.

Looking at the direction of Nangong’s curious departure, the heart secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just when she looked directly at Nangong’s curiosity, there was a kind of pressure.


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