Supreme Demon

Chapter 2801: Starry Garden reappears!

Battle against the wind! Yan Xi is the sixth matchup. Originally, he was not a optimistic figure. People only know that this guy is selling medicinal herbs, books, etc. It is even more convincing that this guy is very embarrassed and can not rely on rapid speed.


When Nangong curiously stood up and pushed the opponent against the strong, the strength of Yan Xi was unquestionable.

Yan Xi’s opponent is a bloodthirsty demon.

One is a strong true **** from the anti-God, and the other is from the first true demon of the Mozu, which should be a very fierce battlefield.


When Yan Xi stood in the space battlefield, the entire battlefield was his.

Because the anti-God needs a real battle, then Yan Xi gave a battle against the gods.

The bloodthirsty is strong, but it is also limited to strong.

In the case of its full strength, Yan Xi arrogantly nine days, just the gas field suppression makes the bloodthirsty magic cold sweat, step by step backwards, and when Yan Xi pulled out the sword, the whole world is bright.

After a glare, the bloodthirsty devil took the endless regret and fell into the space battlefield.

At the moment, you don't need too much speech.

Yan Xi proved to the whole universe with powerful strength that the anti-God is still against the gods, and is the giant mountain that other forces will never want to cross.

"Yan Xi, Yan Xi!"

People broke out with enthusiasm and finally realized that the anti-God is not as weak as imagined, but to the extent that it is so suffocating.

They want to make the battle against the wind more interesting, so they have not broken out of real strength, otherwise other forces are afraid that not many people are willing to participate in the war.

In the evening, the quarter-finals were born.

Only the first true God of the Void Road enters the quarter-finals, and the rest are all against the gods.

Needless to say.

Under the pressure of the seven true gods, the first true God of the Void Road could not stop it. The battle entered the anti-God civil war from now on. The first true God of the Void Road is a supporting role. He has not yet been able to incite the gods.

In the end, the first true God of the Void Road stopped the quarterfinals and missed the semi-finals.

The semi-finals are completely against the world of God.

Unexpectedly, it was unexpected.

In fact, the various forces in the universe have already died. The first true God who entered the quarters is not enough to fight against the old five of the gods. The strength is not a level at all. What is the meaning.

They hope that the team battle can bring a little hope, but even if the gods are distracted, it is not something that other forces can shake.

When the team battle entered the quarterfinals by the 64th, the other forces' teams were already out.

Whether it is the individual quarters or the team quarters, it is completely against the world of God.

This is the end.

The war against the wind has ended for other forces, and only the anti-God is still concerned, they want to know who is the king of the stars.

This is the glory of the gods! Ling Feng successfully detonated the universe with the battle against the wind, and used the anti-God and the Five Gods to bombard the entire universe, letting people truly appreciate the terrible of the gods.

Even if the characters such as Ling Feng and Ye Witch are old, the new generation of anti-God can still be pushed across the world.

They are strong, but not only strong! star map.

Ling Feng, Ye Witch, etc. are squatting, heavy face, although they have a blue charm in the third star map, the strength is further, but it is in this heavy they have sensed the blue charm more A touch of dead air.

Dead! This should not exist in this prosperous star map, but it seems to have emerged like this.

What does it mean?

People are very clear.

"The headless body is guarding the door?"

Ling Feng looked at the leaf witch.


The two looked at each other and saw unprecedented pressure in each other's eyes. Qin used to guard against the door of God. What is the door without a head?

What kind of door can make the headless corpse guard the door?

They thought of a place and felt deeply shocked. Is it really strong enough to need the supreme to guard the door?

“Is it related to the last days?”

Ling Qing asked, the characters on the scene were extremely clever, and it was easy to think of the reason.

after all.

They are all from the first star map, they are very clear about what is in the star map.

"It seems to be clear."

Ling Feng binocular bursting out of killing, people have been thinking about what the end of the world is?

Is it just exhausted?

Even so, they are not killed. Even if they are natural disasters, they have the ability to dodge in the past. It is impossible to fall completely. Moreover, the ancient books have been destroyed. This is very abnormal.

If it is not a natural disaster, it is a man-made disaster.

In the ancient times, the kingdom of heaven was swaying, and there was no strong force to suppress the heavens. No force dared to provoke the kingdom of heaven, and it was even less likely that a cosmic war would occur. Therefore, this man-made disaster, or natural disasters and man-made disasters, could not come from within the universe.

That is the outside! What is outside the starry sky?

People have been searching for answers. There are also demons outside the Terran universe. However, the ability of the Mozu is limited. It is a joke to want to ruin the ancient heavens and even the whole universe.

Moreover, the Mozu is the victim, and their universe has a fault.


The natural disasters and man-made disasters are not only for the Terran universe, but also for the Mozu universe, which means that there is civilization outside the stars.

of course.

This civilization can be an extremely advanced civilization, or it may be an ancient purgatory.

For the time being, it is no accident that the star map has changed drastically. There should be a truth that people cannot solve.

"Xian" Ling Feng meditated, he got one of the eight-character mantras in the stars of one of the last eight stars, that is the word "xian".

But this is a rather complicated issue.

There is no fairy in the world, but the truth is related to the fairy.

Is this going to tell him that only by asking the immortal can he uncover the truth?

The mystery that Wangu can't uncover, there is no way to Lingfeng's current strength, but if it really has something to do with it, maybe they can do something.

"Be careful!"

Ling Feng reminded everyone that there is a dead air here, although it is very thin, but like a heavenly person, if you do not find it early, let it enter the body, for a long time, I am afraid that there will be problems.

However, they are unaffected by Ling Feng, and they can completely disperse the thin air and make the blue charm more pure.

"I feel weird here."

The dragons are all open, their senses are different from everyone else, but they are more sensitive to the dead and decaying atmosphere.

"The previous few creatures made me feel wonder, my mind is almost degenerate, only the remaining consciousness is only, my eyes are sluggish, I am afraid that it is caused by death."

Shen Li said.

"I am afraid that this is not too flat!"

Ling Feng looked into the distance, and there was a smog on his face.

These days.

Ling Feng broke into the third star map and killed three souls. Although those creatures are somewhat intelligent, they are very heavy. There is no ancient tree in the universe. The thunder and yin and yang fish are so smart, which makes the worry in Ling Feng’s heart more serious. .

"If it is against God, can only one Supreme be able to keep it?"

Suddenly Ling Feng asked.


"Well, yes, no!"

People’s hearts sank, and the problem of Ling Feng was fatal, reminding them of the horrible picture.


They move forward quickly, and even if they can threaten the creatures of Heaven, they have nothing to worry about.

Two days later.

They appear in a wasteland, where the trees are lush, the old trees are like mountains, the lychee is forested, and the picture is quite spectacular.

The blue rhyme is like a blue sky, and a layer of pale blue brilliance is scattered on the vegetation, making this wilderness more beautiful.


Suddenly, Ling Feng’s eyes were condensed and could not help but look to the front.

"what happened?"

Asked the leaf witch.

"There is something!"


Asked everyone.

Ling Feng did not answer immediately, but quickly moved forward. This was what he could see with Xianli, and Ye Witch and others were still a little bit worse. They didn't see far from the blue rhyme.


Ling Feng’s cold opening, although still far from the end, he can already see clearly.


Everyone was shocked, and Xiaolong and Shenlie were ecstatic.

"what's the situation?"

Ye Witch is not as ecstatic as the gods, but frowning at Lingfeng, Lingfeng is so cautious, I am afraid that the problem is not as simple as a medicine garden.

"Starry Garden!"

The sound of Ling Feng has become much colder, that is, the sacred spirits and the dragons in the ecstasy can hear different tastes, not to mention other people.

"What do you mean?"

"In the beginning, it disappeared in the universe, but now it appears here."


! ”

Everyone was shocked, and Ling Feng said that it was the medicine garden.

At the same time, they meditated. Is this the empty void of the ages?

The original character hid the medicine garden in the folding space of Shenwu mainland?

What about the rest?

Is the Xiangu Xinghai also in the folding space?

If it is, then what is the Shenwu continent?

In the era of Xiangu Wangu, and even in the ages, what are the purposes for those who have made the world seal here?

Everything has become confusing again.

"Let's see it later."

Ling Feng did not want to go to the conclusion too early, but to fly forward.

Without an hour, people approached the medicine garden. Not only did the wind look clear, but the leaf witches also saw it clearly. This was the original starry garden.

It appears here! At this moment, the starry sky garden did not float in the air, but fell to the ground, surrounded by a few large stars arched, with a shackle on it, surrounded by a strong and strong atmosphere.

The scene here is different from the original.

"This is the truth of Starry Garden?"

The gods are stunned.

"We can only open six weapons in the Star Garden. There are still inside. If you can open them all, you may also see the unknown truth."

Ling Feng said.

"Are you crazy?"

God was shocked.

It is the burning of the Supreme God who dare not touch, they do not want to take risks.

"Of course I am not talking about it now!"

Ling Feng smiled and said. "First look at whether you can move here. If I can, I feel that there is still a back garden missing."

"The people looked at Ling Feng with a sly look. Suddenly they felt that their previous "dreams" were too small and they were embarrassed to say them.


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