Supreme Demon

Chapter 2804: Part of the truth!

The most vicious force in the rivers and lakes is to pick up the soul! Just because.

There are too many secrets in the human soul. Once the soul is picked, the secret in the soul will be completely exposed to another person, become another secret, be ridiculed and used, sometimes it is not terrible to die, terrible It is to be insulted and used after death.


Ling Feng is picking up the soul.

He let the **** of death take the initiative to attack, and the soul slaughter is fully released. Once this power is suppressed and detained, it will be annihilated in a short time.

Then, the **** of death has no extra power to disintegrate its soul. Even if the door that seals it becomes weak, in this case, Lingfeng can do more.

For example, picking up the soul! When Xian Lisheng was released, the tyrannical force on the spot would seal the seal on the soul of the **** of death, let the soul of the **** of death completely expose itself to the face, and when the **** of death reacted, it could only mourn. sound.

It does not want Ling Feng to know the secrets in his soul.

Because that is important to the gates of hell, it is also important to itself.


When this matter came to this step, it was already indestructible. The soul of Lingfeng was too strong. It directly pressed the past and opened up all obstacles with the pressure of Mount Tai, appearing in front of the soul of death.

At this time, the soul of the **** of death is like a child, and the soul of Ling Feng is a butcher knife.

"Do you think you can stop it?"

Ling Feng is cold and smiling, and Xian Li does not hesitate to hit the soul of death, to pick up the secret inside.

"Don't think about it!"

Death is making a sound, bloodthirsty sneer. "Then you will only pay a terrible price!"

"Is it?"

Ling Feng sneered at the nose, did not put the **** of death in the eyes, the fat has been reached, there is no reason to spit it out.

next moment.

His soul directly invades the soul of the **** of death and begins to take away the secrets inside, especially the part about the gates of hell.

"You will die more than me!"

The **** of death smiled coldly. At the moment the soul was invaded, it weakened, the soul was gray, and there was a kind of meaning to be smouldering.

"Unfortunately, you can't see it!"

Ling Feng smiled colder.

"I can see it!"

The **** of death whispered. "Because it is coming!"

At this moment, the wind in the sky bursts, cold and biting, immersed in the human bone marrow, it is not because of the yin wind, but the feeling of gloomy.

A cloud of dark clouds, from which the gray lightning flies, wants to annihilate the wind.


Behind the lightning, there is a winged creature that is looking at it all coldly.

"You are going to die!"

The last curse of death, its voice has not been able to come out.

"Then kill a few ghosts!"

Ling Feng is like a mountain, coldly looking at the void, banned from the Yin in the dark clouds.

call! The flames burned the celestial rushing through the sky, carrying the Tianwei of the immortal, and will come out. Under such power, don't say the yin wind, that is, the dark clouds are broken up.


Ling Feng let go of the death, directly hit the void, and brought the flames to the fairy, and launched the sunset.

Hey! Its daybreak! What Yin, what demon and ghosts, in front of the real fairy flames are chickens, even if the punishment is full of fear of the flames of the wind, not to mention the spirit.

"How can this be?"

The death of the gods was amazed, and I did not think that the power of Ling Feng was so strong.

Is this a rebirth?

Otherwise, how can it be so powerful?

Obviously, the **** of death can only think silently, because the next moment, the wind hits the void, the vast force pushes the road, the flames burned into the dark clouds, let the creatures in the cloud scream, it is not a level. .

Xian Liben will restrain the Yin, not to mention the flames burning.

For a moment, the creature was gone.

"Is this the disaster you said?"

Ling Feng flew down and looked down on the **** of death.

"You" Death opened his mouth and did not know how to open it. The person in front of it was simply a fairy.


It’s nervous and laughed and said, “Even if it’s a fairy, you’re dying, no one can live!”

"You all have to die!"

Death is dead! The death of the gray smoke! It does not have the opportunity to go to hell, Ling Feng will not give it this opportunity.


Ling Feng has learned a part of the secret. The yin wind and the dark clouds, and even the Yin Ling origins are extraordinary. I am afraid that it may not be the door of hell.

"Day, do you really think that I can't break it?"

Ling Feng coldly looked at the sky, and the yin test said: "If you want to be a law enforcement certificate, then I will be a villain."

Tianqing is cloudless.

The yin and dead air around them are all gone.

Ling Feng stunned the sky, and there was a touch of haze in his eyes.

The situation is more complicated than he thought, although he only has a small amount of truth, but it is enough to make them feel helpless.

How many people in the end of the universe can hold back?

"Ling Feng, what is the situation?"

The gods flew and asked.

Ling Feng is silent.

"Is there a door to hell?"

Asked the leaf witch.


Ling Feng took the lead and said: "This medicine garden can't move, it suppresses this entrance."

Everyone was shocked. I didn't think that Ling Feng gave such an answer.

"The death **** just now" was released by us personally."

Ling Feng sighed.

"There are no people who know what to say."

“Someone has a big hand here?”

The leaf witch is sinking.

Ling Feng did not respond. He looked forward and said: "We will find the source of blue gas as soon as possible, and then immediately exit the star map!"

"Don't you enter the red temperament layer?"

Shen Lie asked some unwillingly.

"Can't enter!"

Ling Feng did not explain too much. Some people are here to make a game. The Starry Medicine Park is suppressed here. The headless corpse is the gatekeeper. How many layouts are there?

They almost collapsed the door to hell.

Is this going to kick off the end of the world in advance?

Is the end of the world detonated by hell?

These are the truths that Lingfeng wants to find out. Before there is any clue, the star map should try not to touch it.


Even if they can now uncover some of the truth, can they face it in today's universe?

There is still a distance from the God of Heaven, and the Mozu is not the Van Gogh. The forces of the universe are even more fragile. They need more power.

"it is good!"

Everyone has a forehead, and there is not much questioning. When it is said, Ling Feng will naturally tell them.

In fact.

Ling Feng is very clear, the cosmic pressure is stronger, and there are vague eyes in the dark that are peeping at him. Is this because of the birth of the setting sun?

Or is he getting some truth?

Heaven does not allow! He didn't want others to take risks, and some of his strengths only allowed him to survive.

The end of the headless corpse made him feel that the truth of the world is not to be revealed.


They went on, and after five thousand miles, they came to a void.

It is a ruin-like city. The buildings are mostly decayed. Only a few buildings are complete, but they have already been buried by the grass and there is no life.

Ling Feng they went directly to the center of the city, because the atmosphere here is too rich.

Blu-ray, cover everything.

"In the well!"

Soon, Ling Feng found the source of blue qi, in an ancient well, this ancient well was locked by a large chain, can not see the depths.

Lingfeng did not delay, and directly entered the ancient well, and the flames burned the immortal to block everything.

What people can hear is just a deafening dragon, as if there really is a living dragon inside.


Only two hours later, the dragon squatted and stopped. Ling Feng flew out of the ancient well, covered with scars, and the momentum was weak, but it was still scary, and the sunset was endless.

There are two pieces in his hand.

One of them is the blue source species, which he gave to Ling Qing. This source species is suitable for Ling Qing.

"you do this delibrately."

The gods and eyes are red, but that is the source.

"You have gotten enough, three kinds of temperament blessings, and it is not a problem for you to step into the fourth class."

Ling Feng grinned.

"But I don't have a source."

God is crying.

"this is for you!"

Ling Feng gave the scales in the other hand to the gods.



Ling Feng explained: "The hardest piece of scale on the real dragon has the power of retrograde, very precious, and should be useful to your family."

"Is there really a dragon inside?"

God shouted.


Ling Feng’s face is gray and dark.. “If it’s a real dragon, I’m afraid I can’t live now.”

"Supreme Dragon Scale?"

Yeh Witch said with surprise.

Because the dragon scales in the hands of the gods are too bright, and the eyes are unremarkable, the whole starry sky is lit, and there are a few strange gates flowing in it. There is an imaginary dragon in each of the strange gates swimming, which is not like It is a dragon scale.

More like a dragon palace.

“Is it better to give a candle dragon sister?”

Liu Shushu asked.

"You are jealous, are you yourself?"

Shen Lie immediately took the dragon scales up, and looked sad and angry at Liu Shushu. He finally got an extraordinary dragon scale. Does this person want to let himself be sent?

There are no doors.


Ling Feng thought for a moment and said, "I have some regrets."

"" "Are you my brother?"

God grievances crying.

"Not really!"

Ling Feng looked awkward, who would like to be a brother with the bird.

"" Shen Lie felt that he was isolated, but in any case, the dragon scales are impossible to let go, because he feels that he can use this dragon scale to step into the third-class demon.

"Let's go, go back first!"

"Is it really bad?"

There is some disappointment in the spirit, because the red layer is not far from them.

Wouldn't it be better to be able to get a red source?

"I think I have a relationship with the red source."

Shen Li said seriously and sincerely.

"is it?"

Ling Feng thought for a moment and said: "Then you hand over the dragon scales first."

"Hey, this person is too boring."

God shook his footsteps and sighed. "Let's go back, I think the deity can advance!"


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