Supreme Demon

Chapter 2819: Supreme Unicorn!

The fourth star map! The redness of the red blood fills the whole space. Although the Holy Spirit of the Fairy Road has been caught by Lingfeng, there are still many creatures such as Zhenlong and Zhenhuang. Although it can't make the change of Lingfeng Xianli, it can make him recover in a short time. .


These creatures are very important for the anti-God.

In the late autumn of the universe, the value of medicinal herbs doubled. These creatures are much more precious than medicinal herbs, so Lingfeng can live without catching it.

Even the unwanted creatures can reward the gods.

However, there are only a limited number of creatures in the red-colored genre. Only a thousand miles away can the creatures of the sacred beast be born. It is only a million miles away that there are real dragons and phoenix-level creatures. How easy is it to learn?

Ling Feng did not think about it.

Sooner or later, you have to set foot here, leaving a part, it’s more interesting to catch them.

Two days later.

Ling Feng appeared in front of the arrow.

"I am pulling out the arrow!"

Ling Feng flew up to the sky and seized the rusted Tianjian. Xianli and the flames burned together and pulled out.

In an instant.

The stalk of the heavenly arrow made a sound of Jin Ge, and the rust on it was peeling off, revealing the golden side, and the ban was shining with Qimen to stop the wind.


Xianli is different from the flame burning incense, and Lingfeng is in the second-class heavenly level, without any scruples, pulling out the arrow of the handle.

When the arrow flew off the top of the mountain, the whole mountain was shaking, and then the lightning broke, and a creature flew out of it.


There is a one-horn on the top of the head, and the half-face is covered by the armor. The scales can be seen on the armor, not like a person, more like an animal.

"A unicorn?"

Shen Lie said in the distance.


The unicorn is so arrogant that it is more terrible than the nine princes, but at least the supreme level. Even though the ancient unicorns have not weakened too much, but remain in second-class heaven. degree.


It is far more fierce than the nine princes. It has just been released, and it has erupted fiercely. It is staring at the wind, and there are flames in both eyes.

"Human, die!"

His voice is cold and there is a metal vibrato.

"The tone is really big!"

Shen Li said with a sigh of relief.

"Ten gods family?"

The unicorn said bloodthirsty: "Isn't that battle that has not exhausted your family?"

"what did you say?"

The eyes of the gods suddenly became cold, only because the unicorn mentioned the life and death showdown, and mentioned the family of the gods.

Come from Xiangu.

It is only one or two in each of the world's gods, and in the end it is a tragedy. There is hardly a **** of the gods to live to the next world. Because the ancient books are annihilated in the long river of history, the gods can not find the truth.

If the gods of the gods have a soul inheritance, they are afraid that there is no **** today.

He cares about the gods of the gods! He wants to know where his parents and brothers, as well as the ancestors of the family, have gone.

at this time.

The unicorn even mentioned the family of the gods, and he had to pay attention to him.


The unicorn said that he did not exhaust the family at the beginning, which made him even more angry. He could imagine that the ancestor of the gods had experienced a **** battle and finally fell into a pool of blood.

What does this have to do with the unicorn?

What is the relationship with hell?

"Oh, the gods and gods are nothing more than squatting, even if they ran to the front of the deity, then send you back to the West!"

The unicorn is very strong, and there is no such thing in the eyes.

"What happened in the past?"

God took a step forward and asked for persecution.

"Oh, the taste of the gods is not bad."

The unicorn licked his mouth and said, "Unfortunately, I only ate one wing!"

"What happened in the past?"

Shen Lie forced himself to move forward again. The flames on his body had already burned up. His eyes were upside down and the killing of the unintentional escape came out.

"The **** of the gods actually offends me and waits, naturally it will be slaughtered!"

The unicorn said coldly, rather than explaining it, it is better to stimulate the gods.


Shen Lie had tears in his eyes, and he did not want to live. He did not expect that such a thing happened that year.

The gods and the moths are usually thrown here and finally fall.

What a tragic battlefield?


Why do gods and gods do?

What are they doing?

"Hell is the end of the sky?"

Ling Feng frowned and his face was ugly, only because he was involved in the battle, not only the gods, but also the kingdom of heaven.

The unicorn blinked and became alert.

It did not respond and became extremely taboo.

Because the truth of the fall of Xiangu Wangu can't be seen in the world, don't say that it is only supreme, that is, higher-level characters will die once they uncover the truth.


It is also not clear about the truth about the destruction of the ancients.

"So, you are not sure?"

Ling Feng sighed, and the immortality of the ancients was still confusing.

"You dare to marry my ancestor, you must have blood in your sky today!"

The voice of God is sorrowful and hoarse, and the cold and heavy killing is coming out. He raises the phoenix knife and rushes to the unicorn.


Ling Feng stopped in front of the gods and did not let him take risks. The unicorn is not easy to deal with. The gods are only four heavens, and there is no way to live on the unicorn.

"Don't stop me!"

God said painfully.

"This is not your own thing!"

Ling Feng said coldly and faintly. "If you want to get it, sooner or later, the truth will be revealed, and it will be handed over to me, leaving you a life!"

God is blasphemy.

He didn't want Ling Feng to shoot, but he had to say that he is not the opponent of the unicorn.

"it is good!"

Hesitated for a moment, the gods forehead.

"Hey, do the people of the district dare to yell in front of me?"

The unicorn said very much that I didn’t know how to live and die. "At the beginning, I was waiting for the ancient world, are you still in the womb?"

"Look, now I have more reasons."

Ling Feng looked at the gods and laughed, but the smile made the gods and sorrows shudder.

cold! Cold to the cold in the bones! This kind of smile only appeared when it was against the sorrow of the gods, and now Lingfeng once again showed this smile.


Shen Li did not feel the cold, but felt very happy.

They do not know whether the gate of **** is the culprit causing the fall of the entire starry sky, but the fall of the kingdom of heaven and the **** of the gods should have an inseparable relationship with hell.

that's enough! "Hey ants, are you coming to give me food?"

The unicorn chilled the wind, because Lingfeng did not release the momentum, it felt that Lingfeng is the fish in its mouth.


It just flew out of the arrow of the sky, and there was a kind of pride in the presence of pride. It used to be the supreme, why did you care about Tianzun?

"Unfortunately, you have already stinky, otherwise I really don't mind eating a meal!"

Ling Feng is in the opposite direction, and the unicorn is not in the eye.

next moment.

At the opening of the unicorn, the momentum of Ling Feng finally flew out. The vastness is like the Bohai Sea. The first thing that appears is the confinement space. Then there is the forbidden soil of the immortal, the flame burning the immortal. Under the wrath, he has no hiding. Xian Han also came out at this time.

Heaven and earth are shocked! The power of the three immortals is that the sky can be broken.

That strong has been suffocating.

The unicorn stunned, rubbing his eyes hard, and there was a kind of incredible dreaming. What kind of ghost?


Burning the flames of the fairy?

What is the ice crystal?

It is full of doubts in his heart, even in Xiangu, he has never encountered such characters.

Casting Xianli at the Tianzun level is extremely terrible. If you cast a triple fairy power?

What level of talent is that?

At least the unicorn can't imagine it.

“Is the idea of ​​those people come true?”

He couldn't help but mutter.

In the Xiangu Wangu period, people always wanted to cast Xianli to create a stronger force, but unfortunately they did not succeed.

And someone in the world actually did.

What is the situation?

"Oh, it’s just a prototype, it’s still very fragile."

The unicorn sipped coldly.. "In front of the deity, you are still a dregs!"


Its power is released, and the endless Tianwei appears at this moment. The law of space and the law of time are trembled. It is much stronger than the nine princes. When it is pushed to Lingfeng, it can see the emptiness of the void, and the **** rain and the rain time.

Light rain is everywhere, it is forbidden! Time is flowing and is pushing for three hundred years.

Once hit by this law, Ling Feng was afraid to return to that weak moment.


At that time, Ling Feng flew into the forbidden soil, and a guzheng appeared in the emptiness of the sky. The flowers fluttered and the water was flowing. When he put his hands on the guzheng, the gods flew with the dragons and lightnings.


When Ling Feng of the fourth-class Tianzun period used this power, he almost took the devil to the second, and now Lingfeng is in the second-class Tianzun realm. How strong is this power?

Ling Feng gave the answer.

叮 咚 咚 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

It is like a streamer, forming a rain curtain in front of the wind.

The rain curtain is moving forward and is like a broken bamboo.

When Xianli, the flames burned the immortals, and the fairy cold merged in, the nine heavens and the roads bowed.

What law power! What time power! In front of the sigh of the fairy is flying ash! The time rule of the unicorn was blocked, and the law of space was **** by the second. The sigh of the fairy sighed with a deep fairy voice and swept from the front of the unicorn.

Everything is frozen at this moment! The only thing that didn't freeze was Ling Feng. He rushed to the unicorn like a flash of lightning. The soul cast by Xianli hit the soul of the unicorn at a faster speed.

"Do not!"

The unicorn made the last anger, and then he closed his eyes.

It is not reconciled.

It is even more unimaginable.

It is more worried about being picked up by Ling Feng.


It does not have any ability to turn the tide. In the face of the sigh of the immortal, don't say second-class Tianzun, that is, the first-class Tianzun is not enough to see, its only reliance is the supreme realm, but unfortunately experienced the ancient times of Xiangu, its power has long been polished by the years. Consumption, there is not much left.

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