Supreme Demon

Chapter 2821: Invisible loading is the most deadly!

The gold shines and the breath is immortal!

The fourth star map is red and bloody, and the holy sun is ignited into Yin Hong. The blood and the fog are moving between the heavens and the earth, and the beauty is beautiful.

but. The fifth star map is even more different. The golden light rain is more magnificent. The raindrops do not fall on the people's body. Instead, they smash and dissipate at the moment of touching the body, and emit a light golden fog. From afar, Ling Feng , Shen Lie and Xiao Long are more like

It is a three-group golden fog.

Temperament is like rain, ancient and mysterious.

The feeling of Ling Feng is different. Those golden raindrops are a little bit integrated into the body. Although the strength is weak, they still benefit him.


The role of raindrops is limited. Since the early days, the role of raindrops is just raindrops. They are like rain, but the raindrops have not wet them, but they have formed a set of guards and arches to make them become extraordinary.

That's it!

This is different from Lingfeng's imagination, but it can be understood that the fourth weight is different and needs to be discovered by the heart, let alone the fifth star map?

This level of gold and light rain, if the power is only this point, it is really disappointing, Ling Feng and others do not believe that the fifth star map does not have "gems", just need to find the "gem" of the eye.

"looking around."

Ling Feng looked around and wanted to find a difference in the golden light and rain, and found the "qiyun creature."

Shenlie and Xiaolong are more active. Only because, in the fourth heavy rhyme, these two demon statues get more, the rhyme creatures are integrated into the body, let them make great progress, if they are deliberately suppressing the rhythm, I am afraid that now the gods have already stepped into the fourth demon The peak of the dragon

Will step into the top of the fifth-class Tianzun.

Especially the dragon.

Most of its previous cultivation was to make every effort to advance, but it has changed a lot since entering the anti-God.

A blind improvement is not a good thing. Only by suppressing the rhythm, withstanding the pressure, and tempering enough, can we have stronger strength.

Against the celestial wind, the spirit of fighting across the level.

All let him fascinated and craving, hoping that one day they will be able to step into their ranks.


Xiaolong’s suppression is even more ambiguous, and he simply does not give himself the opportunity to advance. It has already stepped toward the fourth-class demon, and he was suppressed by his life to the primary fifth-class demon, but the suppression did not lead to his weakening. It is becoming more intense.


This makes the dragon more active, and the face is shining with red light, which means that it can go further and be stronger in the fifth-class demon statue. When it asks the sky, it is not ordinary to ask the characters to match. .

This is a stunning place against God.

Perhaps the impact of this repression is small, but when it comes to accumulating in one realm, it is quite scary.

To know.

Those who are against the gods are suppressed from the martial arts. After entering the Tianzun, this suppression has not stopped. This requires extraordinary courage, but also the temptation brought about by the promotion.

It is not accidental that they can fight across levels. It is not accidental that they can stand proud of the universe.

But the strength is!

Efforts are left to yourself, and time is proof of how hard you work.

previously. Asking the sky is something that Xiaolong can't think about, but since he entered the anti-God, he found that asking the sky is not the ultimate goal of rebelling against God. They have to go further, like the human main wind, the opposite main leaf, and the other. The **** of the gods in front of me, I’m afraid that the day is just him.

We are looking for a threshold on the road.

Before the burning of the Supreme, there was a main wind.

Every **** of arrogance is full of vitality. They have top talents, they have a record of the world, they have more power to ask.

Although Ling Feng did not say it, it knows that asking the sky is also the threshold for finding it on the road.

Under the influence of so many Tianzun characters, Xiaolong is full of pressure and full of motivation.

It is eager to have a day to be able to ask for success.

now. The fifth star map shines with golden light, and the breath ignites them, making them wander like golden fog. It is really not easy to find the difference between golden rain and light, because the golden fog is extraordinary and can deceive the gods. They can "see

"It's just a matter of five hundred miles."


They can only move forward and discover different "beauties" step by step.

Time is in a hurry.

Ling Feng, they have been in the fifth star map for a whole month, but they still have not found any difference. This makes Shen Lie and Xiao Long have some headaches and urgency. Their time is limited. It is impossible to stay here, sooner or later. That piece of death.

Previously, if there was no progress, it was quite dangerous.

"what happened?"

The gods frowned, the situation was a bit tricky.

"Hey, don't worry!"

Ling Feng said elegantly, no hurry, Daowang looked around, Xianli poured out, feeling the changes around the golden rain.

“Well? What did you find?” Shen Li’s eyes are bright. Normally, Ling Feng is much smarter and more sensitive than them.

They can't find it, it doesn't mean that Ling Feng didn't find it.

"not yet!"

Ling Feng said indifferently. "The charm here is not quite right. I always feel that there is something we ignore."


God frowned, he did not feel that he had neglected anything, and Jin Jinyu was the one that he combed.

A full 50 million miles.

Unfortunately, every drop of gold and light rain is mostly the same, and there is no strange place.

"miss you!"

Ling Feng indulged for a moment, slowly said: "The fifth star map is golden and rainy, which means it is more difficult to find, as long as it is found, it may be different."


Ling Feng said so, Shen Lie and Xiao Long had to look for it.


Still nothing.

"I feel like I'm going to be decadent!" The gods stunned on the ground, and there was no motivation.

He thinks that the fifth star map is just an empty shell.

In fact, Xiaolong is almost the same, looking tired and lacking energy.

They hope that Ling Feng can find a difference.

Ling Feng did not respond, still maintain that position, as if it was shocked by the beauty of the wind and rain.

Shen Lie did not disturb the wind, because he felt that the state of Ling Feng was very wrong, I was afraid of what I really found.

Ling Feng did not keep this position for a long time, and he flew into the sky the next time.

He landed on the Hongqiao in the sky, and there was a moment of stagnation. Then he sat down and the whole person entered a wonderful state.


Shen Lie and Xiao Long were shocked at the same time. They sat up from the ground and looked at Ling Feng with surprise.

They flew out of the lightning and landed on two Hongqiaos.


There was a thin, invisible golden mist around their bodies, which drowned them in an instant, and then a clear inspiration appeared in their hearts...

Time is in a hurry.

The entire fifth star map has calmed down, and only the vibrato that falls in the golden light and rain is not too big or too slow.

Eternal eternal!

I don't know when the dragon flew down from the air. It woke up from meditation and sighed with some annoyance.

It looked at the two rock-like characters in the void, full of power.

in fact.

That Hongqiao is the truth of the fifth star map. It is different from the previous four-star map. There are huge "treasures" in it. It needs to be picked up by talents. It is the first one to be knocked down, which means that it is talented. On the top, it is still less than the wind and the gods.


Xiaolong did not feel discouraged, but flew to the second Hongqiao and sat down on it.

A week later, the gods were beaten down.

He was frowning first, some inexplicable, and then he understood it. What makes people feel guilty is that they are much earlier than Lingfeng. Although they are better than Xiaolong, they are not happy at all.

Because he is better than Xiaolong.

He is a **** god, the world is rare, the **** phoenix bows, how can it be less than a human race?

Does this make the **** gods have no dignity?

Who, did he consider the feelings of the gods?

There is such an impulse in the body of God, and I want to turn it down.

His mouth rose and he showed a ghostly smile.


Before he had waited for all his actions, the Ling Feng on the Hongqiao opened his eyes and sighed.

"Hey, are we waking up?"

"Would you like to be beaten?"

Gods and sorrows and sorrows, I feel that although they are not as good as the wind, but the difference in talent is not much, and after getting the "gems" of Hongqiao, wait until the "gems" are digested and integrated into the body, sooner or later will exceed the wind.


Why is Ling Feng still not hit?

This is not like the style of Hongqiao.


Suddenly, a golden light rain flashed from the void, igniting the back of the Ling Feng, forming a set back and setting off, making Ling Feng more mysterious.


The Hongqiao slowly dissipated.

"what's the situation?"

The **** was shocked, stunned, and completely ignorant of what happened.

The golden light rain is so beautiful, it makes people worry, and there is everything in it, and there are also gods.

"a little slow!"

Ling Feng sighed, like feelings, but Shen Lie always felt that it was not the case.

Is this goods showing off?

"Hongqiao dissipated." Ling Feng sighed again.


"Ling Feng, what do you mean?"

God feels that the hair is being blown, and an extremely dangerous feeling is coming.

“There are too few treasures in Hongqiao, not to be happy!”

Ling Feng smiled and flew to the second Hongqiao.

He did not force it!

However, Shen Li felt that Ling Feng was loading and he could not find evidence.

This invisible load is the most deadly.

The smile on the face of the gods was broken and turned into a sad face. He felt that he was not far from the wind, but he found that there was still a long way to go.

Ling Feng has few words.

Shen Lie can understand the kind of hearty mania.

He did not get all the "gems" of Hongqiao, and Ling Feng actually felt too slow, and the treasures were too few.

The last Hongqiao was shocked and slowly dispersed. This is the dramatic change that Hongqiao Treasures fell into the body of Lingfeng.

How big is this gap?

I am afraid that only Ling Feng knows it.

"Hurry up!" Shen Lie became anxious. The fifth star map has only nine Hongqiaos. Now it has been consumed four times. If you wait any longer, I am afraid that Hongqiao will be scattered by Lingfeng.

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