Supreme Demon

Chapter 2825: Huangquan Cave!


Huangquan entrance.

Lingfeng eyes shine with endless cold rainbow, and there are flashes of gold in the faint shackles in the double shackles, causing the surrounding space to become turbulent.

He became very determined.

Huang Quan Hell is indeed very dangerous. Since ancient times, no character has been able to come back alive. There are terrible creatures inside. It is not difficult to see that there is such information in the soul of death and the soul of the unicorn.

of course.

The most notable of these is the unicorn and the pride of the heart of death, the pride of the soul, the same as the anti-God.

They are the first in the sky!

They are qualified to be proud!

So, where does the confidence and pride of Huang Quan’s **** come from?

From strength!

The ancients of the ancient times have fallen, the endless stars and the characters are dying in the yellow springs. They are like generations of kings. They look down on the degeneration and fall of the people. If this is not qualified, then what else can they be proud of?

At least on the supreme level, Huang Quan is far from the starry universe.

It is the burning of the Supreme Supreme Step into the Yellow Spring, I am afraid that it will fall, not to mention the Tianzun of this level of Lingfeng, then there is no way to live.


Ling Feng had reasons to enter Huangquan Hell.

If he didn't understand the truth of Huang Quan, then it would be too bad to go against God.

"I still enter."

Burning the Supreme Supreme said, Ling Feng is really important for the anti-God. Once the wind is falling, the whole anti-God will have problems.

"No!" Ling Feng refused. "Master is a **** of the sea. As long as you are there, other forces will not dare to attack the gods. I am not happy, but also the solitary rain, the candle dragon, and the sky. Seniors, as long as the Eastern Rain falls to the seniors,

There is no big problem. ”


What else to say when burning the Supreme.

"it is me!"

Ling Feng said categorically. "It is only suitable if I enter."

"it is good!"

Burning the Supreme Supreme naturally knows the pros and cons, and his current importance to the anti-God is more than that of Ling Feng. A supreme deputy is completely different.

Then. Burning the Supreme Supreme has to sit down against the gods, and once you enter the Yellow Spring, you have to face the danger of life and death. Even if there is not much that can be overcome by the anti-God, the Shenlie and Lingqing are very strong, but in the normal range, Ye Witch, The candle dragon is very dazzling, but the environment

The world is still too low.

Only Ling Feng is suitable.

Second-class Tianzun, surpassing the world's giants.

Everything that Xiangu Wangu could not do had happened to Ling Feng.

He is like a miracle.

If anyone can succeed in bombing from Huang Quan, I am afraid that only Ling Feng has this ability.

Either they will not enter Huangquan, or they will only be able to enter Huangquan.

"I am with you!"

God said with a big head, although he usually wants to suppress the wind, but at the moment of life and death, he must be the **** bird that can stand in front of the wind.

This is the brother!

"Or, don't you enter?" Ling Feng said.

"What do you mean?"

Shen Lie blinked on the spot and said uncomfortably. "Do you think I am worse than you?"

"It's almost the same thing."

Ling Feng pouted.


"If it is not for you to be my brother's share, I will violently attack you now!" Shen Lie is very upset, although he said that he would violently attack Ling Feng and bear the emotional card, but he really did not have the courage to start with Ling Feng.

Because... he is afraid of you!

“Really to enter?”

Ling Feng said seriously. "I am more confident when I enter alone."

"you have not!"

Shen Li said coldly. "Without me being by your side, how can you bring out how good you are?"

"Without me by your side, who will witness your strength and record?"

"Without me, you really can't!"

This time, the gods are very serious, more like warnings.

"So, you finally admit that you are not as good as me?"

Ling Feng thief smiled.. "I am a sun, you are a star? I am a big tree, are you a grass?"


Shen Lie was described by Ling Feng as a direct smoke. He really wanted to beat people. He just wanted to lower himself and let him enter Huangquan smoothly. However, he did not expect that Ling Feng would climb up the pole and be even more shameless.

What is even more shameful is that he is actually a metaphor for the sun and the big tree.

Compare yourself to stars and grass.

Can he still be more vivid?


Ling Feng’s move is really poisonous. If he refutes, then Ling Feng can refuse him to enter Huang Quan. If he accepts it, it is equivalent to approval.

This is for the gods who care about the face of the image, really want to beat the Lingfeng dozens of tons.


God indulged in a good moment, in fact, he was grinding his teeth, full of grief and indignation, feeling that he had sacrificed too much for the brother of Ling Feng.

"Okay, I agree!"

Ling Feng accepted it.

"However, I decided to enter alone!"


The slap of the slap in the face of the slap in the face of Ling Feng, the scorpion of the gods have sacrificed so much, and even want to marry the **** bird?

There are no doors.

"I decided that the **** bird will crush your record in Huangquan!"

God is quite domineering, and does not put Ling Feng in his eyes.

One person and one bird are roaring and incompatible with each other.

As I was at the beginning, that time.


Ling Feng agreed, he said heavily. "However, if you are in danger, don't be impulsive!"

"it is good!"

Shen Lie laughed and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. "Brothers are united, how about Huang Quan?"

of course.

Poor is a dragon, it did not want to enter Huangquan, but Lingfeng, Shenlie did not express its consent, it was forced to enter Huangquan.

"God, you don't have to enter."

Burning the Supreme is still persuading, Lingfeng's strength can be self-protected, even if it is not as good as Huangquan Supreme, but Huangquan Supreme creature wants to be more difficult.

God is different.

The strength is weak, the advantage is not obvious, once it is trapped, there is basically no way to live.

"Yeah!" "When we had so many bumps and bumps, the district Huangquan only, can you scare off the deity?" Shen Lie is not afraid, maybe he is indeed weak, but the charm is growing vigorously in his body, to It will not be long before he can

Ling Feng stood side by side.

Huang Quan is a kind of honing!


He believes that Lingfeng can open up Huangquan, and the gold hole has come out. What other forces can curb Lingfeng?

Burning the sky is supreme and sighing. When the world is really different from the ancient world, these people are not afraid of life and death, even if they face Huang Quan, others will move forward.

This is courage and more passion.

"Please open the entrance to the Supreme Cave!"

Ling Feng said respectfully to the headless body.

"it is good!"

The headless corpse was touched by the courage of Ling Feng and Shen Li. Since the ancient times, there is not much sincerity in this kind of courage, and he knows that Ling Feng has a world-famous force in his body. Maybe he can make a difference from Huang Quanzhong. The way to come.

"Once you enter, pay attention to concealment!"

"it is good!"


In the next moment, the headless corpse flew up and carried the super power. A giant light door appeared on the top of the head, and there was a beast and a handle.

Endless gold.

Wandao charm!

They all appear in the giant light door, and the entire light door is ignited by the temperament, emitting a transparent flame and burning inside.

The headless corpse is calm and calm, and although it has no head, it gives an intuitive feeling of looking directly at the giant light gate of Tianzhu.

at the same time.

His blood coat flew, and a spurt flew out of the corner, rushed to the sky, into the giant light door, releasing nine days of power, pushing the giant light door to fly to the Huangquan hole.


There was a big wave in the void, and the airflow from all directions flew out in all directions and flocked to the mouth of Huangquan.

For example, the Tianzhou pushed the water waves, and the heavy waves swayed. The transparent gates in front of the Huangquan caves appeared, and were ignited by the momentum in the giant light gates.

The terrible air waves are empty.

Even if the gods are struggling, there is a force that is pushing him away from the Huangquan cave.


The gods are very angry, because the wind is not affected, like a pillar, firmly nailed to the ground, there is no movement, and the dragon is on the spot by this force to fly out, away from the Huangquan hole.

This is not a matter of genius, but a question of strength.

Xiaolong was pushed away, because the strength was too weak, and Lingfeng was strong and suffocating.


The gods were not weak, but they withstood the pressure and firmly settled, but his half body was like soil.

"You are a pervert!"

When the **** looked at Ling Feng, he felt very hurt, because Ling Feng's feet were not as soil, and there was a feeling of floating in the air, and there was a little light around the body.

It is this power that has withstood the terrible power.

Simply non-human!

"do not panic."

Ling Feng said with a positive face. "Everything is due to strength."


Shen Lie felt that he was slashed by the wind, and he did not know how to respect the brothers.

Is there anything you can do with your witch?

Can you be able to resist you?

Do you dare to dare?

Suddenly, the gods smirked and laughed.

of course.

Ling Feng and others have no way to understand the evil side of the gods and spirits. They are seriously looking at the changes in the ban of Huang Quandong. After many years, they do not know whether the headless corpse can ban the ban.


The sound of the sky blew and the sound was so loud.

The temperament of the sky was broken and opened, and the ground burst on the spot, but such power did not affect the characters such as Ling Feng and Burning Supreme.

Two days later.

The storm subsided, and the headless corpse became weaker, but the giant light gate was like a broken bamboo, which opened the ban on the entrance of Huangquan.

"The ban can only maintain a fragrant time, you have to seize the opportunity!"

The headless corpse said dull.

"Is this still used?"

The gods grinned. "The opening of the Huangquan cave, I can wait to enter at any time."

The headless corpse is silent, and there is no attitude, but the burning of the Supreme is frowning. If things are really so simple, I am afraid that they will not have to pay attention to the headless body.

"We will try our best!"

Ling Feng was the forehead, and only he knew the meaning of the headless body.


"Hey!" At the time when the gods were going to refute, the entrance of Huangquan made a loud snoring, and the savage scalp numb, and the horrible feeling of horror was to make the gods chill.

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