Supreme Demon

Chapter 2827: Eighteen layers of yellow spring!

Huang Quan! This is an alternative space full of dead and yin, a little bit of the meaning of the Yellow Spring universe.


It is just a force living on the back of Shenwu, or a different force, with a terrible demon. In this respect, the Mozu is not as good as Huang Quan, because the Mozu is only bloodthirsty and easy to be crazy, but it is not full of death.

Since entering Huangquan.

Ling Feng, Shen Lie and Xiao Long did not delay, lightning forward, in the "spasm" of Huang Quan, tears opened a gap, those Huang Quan creatures are not opponents of Ling Feng and others, they will fly away in a short time .

in fact.

At the beginning, Shenlie and Xiaolong were in a heavy mood. They felt that there were too many creatures in Huangquan. I was afraid that once they entered Huangquan, they would face a more terrible situation.


When they really came in, they found that it was not the case.

The fact that Huang Quanli is full of dead air and yin has not changed. They are in a completely isolated world, which is not good for them, just as they are in the Mozu world.

There is no star air rhyme. Once the power is consumed too much, it can only be restored by the remedy. There is no other way.

Dead air and yin are not suitable for them, and they have corrosive strength. Once they enter the body, they should be expelled as soon as possible, otherwise it will leave hidden dangers and affect the essence.

In this case, the danger is self-evident.


They have brought a lot of remedies, but it is not so easy to fight out from Huangquan.


Huang Quan is not what they imagined. It is full of destructive momentum. Many Huangquan creatures fly to prevent them from living.

Huang Quan has its own order.

When they tore a crack in the Huangquan creature, those Huangquan creatures made a sorrow, only because the Huangquan cave entrance was banned, they could not pass, they could only stay here.

They turned back and killed Ling Feng.


The characters such as Ling Feng and Shen Lie are too strong. They push Huang Quan creatures in an invincible manner, bathe in the heavy rancid blood, and make Huang Quan creatures feel sorrowful. In the end, they don’t need them to do it. Huang Quan’s creatures disappeared in front of Ling Feng and others.

In fact, Huang Quan creatures are also afraid of fear.

Two days later.

Ling Feng, Shen Lie and so on rely on the medicinal herbs to recover, the body's dead air, yin and so on have been driven out, but face the vastness of the yellow spring is not as good as the starry sky, they still feel the power of their own small.

One person and two beasts deal with the whole universe! This is the situation of Ling Feng and others.

"The first thing we have to solve is how to restore strength!"

Ling Feng said heavily, he has no cynical gesture here, otherwise he will be played by himself.

They only have three, and any one mistake is fatal.

They are wrong.

Every step must be correct.

"At present, I can only rely on immortality!"

Shen Lie said with some headaches. "I knew I should bring a little more."

"This is why I let you polish in the star map."

Ling Feng said with a smile.. "The fourth star map, you should get a lot of red charm creatures?

These can be used, the golden rhyme on Hongqiao, I believe that you will not let it go, should you leave some? ”

"You know this as well?"

God smiled sternly, and he did get a lot of things in the two-star map.

In fact.

The five stars of the star map are the places where he made a fortune.

However, those gems are too important, he is a bit reluctant to waste in Huang Quanzhong.

"Being alive has hope, not to be stingy."


"Dan medicine, qi, qi, and gongs."

Ling Feng said with a deep sigh. "These can make us heal and break out of the full force, at least we can go through longer."

"I have thunder and yin and yang in my body. The ancient trees of the universe should be able to last longer and play a more important role at important moments."

"I know this!"

Shen Lie is very uncomfortable, saying, "Would you like, the ancient tree of the universe is borrowed?"

He is very excited.

Ling Feng is not just as simple as saying "stay longer."

Light is the ancient tree of the universe can provide him with vast energy, so vast ancient trees, even the characters like Ling Feng are enough to fill a few?

If it falls in his hands, it will be strong.

of course.

Once in the hands of the gods, the ancient trees of the universe do not want to go back.

"You think too much!"

Ling Feng said with a grin. "The ancient tree of the universe is the confession of the Lord.


The gods grinned, he was very dissatisfied, and he did not believe in the words of Ling Feng. With the strength of Ling Feng, it is not difficult to send out the ancient trees of the universe.

It’s just that this guy is dead.

If you fall into the hands of Ling Feng, you don't want to come out again. This is very similar to himself.


It’s one thing to be awkward, and others are another thing to him.

I am very fulfilled by myself, and others are very upset.

"The ancient trees of the universe are full of energy, but it is a little different. Once you lose too much power, it will affect its life."

Ling Feng said: "So, if you can, I don't want to use their power."

"..." Why is God not so convinced?

"If we want to solve this problem, we must find the unique resources of Huangquan."

"What resources?"

God asked.

"The ancient kingdom!"

"Xiangu Power!"

Ling Feng said coldly. "In the beginning of the tragedy, the ancient heavens were buried in it, there should be many resources."


God's forehead, Ling Feng's words are not straightforward, but the intention is obvious, that is to get the resources and treasures of the ancient heavens, but for the gods and gods is the resources and treasures of the gods.

Use the power of Huang Quan to deal with Huang Quan creatures.

This is very important, as long as they have enough supplements, it will be able to give Huang Quan a heavy blow.


Once the battlefields of the ancient heavens and the celestial forces are found, they may be able to uncover the truth of their fall.

of course.

Ling Feng also has a purpose to figure out the truth of Huang Quan.

"Let's go, our trip to Huangquan is open."

Ling Feng looked at the gods and looked at Xiaolong. The smile on his face was a little bit like a **** rose.

next moment.

A cockroach-like creature flew out of the air and landed in front of Ling Feng and others.


The eyes of the **** of death are slightly trembled, and they can directly feel the power of the universe like the power of the universe, and this is not only a mass, but also a kind of understanding of the body, and he has already taken the road of the ancients.

This is an unparalleled Tianwei.

This made him surrender, and there was no rebellious mind.

"Go, do what you should do!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "But don't forget, it is your home to reverse God!"


The head of death, knowing the meaning of Ling Feng, although Ling Feng is laughing, but it is warning him, don't think about rebelling against God.

This step is crucial for the anti-god, this is the inverse scale.

Once the **** of death is betrayed, the situation against the gods will be very fierce.

Ling Feng does not allow such a thing to happen. If the **** of death dares to betray, then the **** of rebellion will kill it at all costs.

It is this purpose that Ling Feng just concealed it.

next moment.

The **** of death flew to the distance and disappeared in front of everyone.

"He... will there be a problem?"

Shen Shen asked incessantly, putting the life and death of the **** against the **** of death, and here is the cultivation of the **** of death, this is a great adventure.

"I believe in him!"

Ling Feng’s eyes are full of haze, he knows how serious the situation is, and death is a sharp knife.

He will use this knife.

They can provoke terrible waves in Huangquan, but the real effect is still on death.


God looked at Ling Feng with a glance, no words.

He knows what kind of character Lingfeng is. The anti-God is built by the old master. No one can shake it, otherwise he will do his best.


At this time, Ling Feng only flew to the distance, and Shen Lie and Xiao Long followed closely.

Huang Quan.

It is not what they imagined. Although the pattern here is different from the starry sky, it is different from the Mozu. It is an alternative pattern.

Huang Quan is a king system with a stricter rank.

There are hundreds of scorpions in Huangquan, scattered in the dead land of the 100-seat death of Huangquan. There are still a lot of dead and yin in the air. It is Huangquan Zhibao, which has a strong appeal to the characters of Huangquan.


The pattern of Huangquan is formed by a hundred dead and forbidden soils. The powerful and talented Huangquan creatures live around the soil of death. Only when they can't live, the insufficiency will be crowded at the mouth of Huangquan.

Huang Quanzhong's powerful creatures have no time to sit around the Huangquan Cave.

of course.

Huangquan Dongkou is not just this one. Like the Starry Medicine Park, it is a small, hole-opening. There are not many Huangquan creatures that can enter and exit, and there is a prohibition inside. Even if Huangquan Supreme wants to open it, it will cost a very fierce price. .


This kind of hole does not make much sense for Huang Quan.

Because, only in the last days, when the heavens are suppressed, the heavens will be gray and dissipated. The suppression and influence of Huangquan creatures is minimal. Otherwise, they are like Lingfeng. They are now entering Huangquan. Once the power is consumed, they are crispy.

Unbearable! Non-large-scale Huangquan creatures have come out, there is no pressure on the universe, and it is easy to let the secrets of Huangquan be discovered in the sky, but once the end of the world appears, Huangquan is the knife of the starry sky.

Ling Feng is in a heavy mood.

Because he found such information in the soul of the **** of death, hundreds of deaths and forbidden soils, all of them are Huangquan supreme, and the periphery is better, there are only one or two, but close to the center, each Huangquan is more than one or two Huang Quan is supreme.


Huangquan is also divided into eighteen layers, each of which is different.

As for whether hundreds of deaths and forbidden soils are distributed on the 18th floor, or only one layer, this is not what the death **** can know.


One thing worthy of recognition is that Huang Quanzhong has a lot of supreme, no less than one hundred, but the entire starry sky is only a few.

Isn't this gap enough to make people feel chilly?

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