Supreme Demon

Chapter 2831: Heavenly Mausoleum!

The wind is very heavy.

The dead is very quiet.

Here is the secluded, more in the dead, yin, more conducive to Huangquan biological cultivation.

After the cold and quiet, this place became the dojo of Lingfeng. Although the **** is the first one to be beaten down, but Ling Feng did not care about it at all, and did not mean to create his own "dongfu". He just attacked Yinshan with 100,000 sinister soldiers, and then With 200,000 Yin soldiers laid down



Even Huang Quan, a secluded land, is also not allowed to be seen by Ling Feng.

"Have a day off, then we will fight in the Quartet!"

Ling Feng threw the next sentence and disappeared. As for the 300,000 yin soldiers, they gave it to the cold solitude to rectify. This is the time for the reaction. If it is cold, this thing can’t be done. It doesn’t mean anything. It is.


Leng You also understood this point. After Ling Feng left, he immediately reorganized 300,000 Yin soldiers and prevented Ling Feng from finding any excuses.

This is going to be dead.

The next day.

What Ling Feng saw was no longer the sinister army of the scattered sand, but rather a "little blade" of the whole. It must be said that the cold and quiet in rectifying the military power is really not to be underestimated.

At least, he has more doorways than the gods and the yin mountains.

"Today, we have to be divided into three directions."

Ling Feng said simply. "I led a hundred thousand sinister soldiers and walked along the south. There are five giant cockroaches on this road. We have to fight down in a short time."


Even if it is cold and secluded, I can't help but take a sigh of coolness. This is simply a demon.

There are five giant cymbals to fight up. How many people have been there since ancient times?

but. The strength of Ling Feng is unfathomable. With the cold eyes, it is completely invisible. I don’t know where the monks came from. It’s the king who was born in this extremely western place. It’s really not too dare. Believe, the only possibility is that this is extremely

The pattern of the land has angered some powerful people, and Ling Feng is the sharp blade in the hands of these powerful people.

The three giant cockroaches are all in their hands.

Is this kind of thing afraid that it has already broken through the sky? There is no death to come out, to say that without the permission of those powerful people, how does it believe?

in fact. This is completely a cold and personal misunderstanding. The three giant cockroaches are extremely vast in its eyes. It is equivalent to smashing the sky. In other banned soils, such three giant cockroaches are really not worth mentioning. It’s a big deal for cold and quiet, right

For those creatures, it is a small matter.

No one will pay attention to such a barren little.


Even if such a thing is discovered, how can death come?

Ling Feng will care?

He was going to break the sky.


However, the gods and twelve yin will not be questioned, they are convinced that Lingfeng can do it.

"In the north, he led a hundred thousand sinister soldiers to attack the city!"

When Ling Feng raised his hand, the sinister bird flew out at this moment. The eye became gray, flowing with the flames of the sinister spirit. The powerful momentum was so arrogant that the cold and secluded could not help but want to kneel.

At this time, the strength of the gods is absolutely heavenly.

"Cold and quiet, you will accompany him along with the thorns, there are six giant plaques in the north, we will meet in the Xuan Yin Mausoleum."


Cold secluded only feels fried hair, it is still unclear from where the Lingfeng got from such a creature, the gods spread out, the sky is falling apart, the yin wind, the dead air is like a frenzy, even if it has a species The feeling of drowning.

More importantly, Ling Feng asked them to attack six giant cockroaches.

That is six seats!

There is no such thing as Ling Feng, and it is really a panic.


Shen Lie did not consider the feeling of coldness at all, and led the life on the spot, and said who dared to retreat and immediately killed.

When the cold and empty eyes of the gods looked down, the cold and violently shuddered, this is a silent warning. If it dares to escape, I am afraid that it will be killed by this **** bird in the first time.

"The third side, that is, the east side, is led by it to lead 100,000 sages to conquer!"


The huge body of Xiaolong jumped out and came out of nowhere, carrying the heavy weight of the mountains and seas, causing the nine heavens to collapse, and the wind and the dead air drowned.

In a short time, there are not many creatures that can see the appearance of Xiaolong.

The feeling of coldness is more intuitive, and that is the strength that Heavenly Creature can have.

Three heavenly creatures!

No wonder Lingfeng has such confidence, not to mention the three giant plaques in the district, that is, Tianyin Mausoleum can be shaken.


The twelve yin of Yinshan will lead the life, and they have all been cast to Lingfeng. Under their strong pressure, they can only fight forward.

"set off!"


300,000 yin soldiers passed by, the road was whistling, and the air was gushing. The whole picture was filled with the cold killing and magic.

For this slaughter, Ling Feng has nothing to worry about. If the creatures such as Xiaolong and Shenlie can't beat a few giant dragonflies, then they can end this trip.


When entering the entrance of Huangquan, the headless body did not say when to open again, which means that everyone is very clear.

I entered Huangquan and destroyed my life!

The entrance to Huangquan is only external, not right. They can't come back through the Huangquan Cave. It can only be done in other ways.

For example, the hole in the Starry Medicine Park.

For example, the land of the immortality of the immortality of the ancients, there may be a strange door to the world.

Unable to fight!

They didn't think that they could go back alive.

The mighty 300,000 yin soldiers flew in three directions and opened up the battlefield of Ling Feng in Huangquan. Unlike the style of fighting in Ling Feng, the gods were much more poisonous.

He first let Leng You lead the 100,000 squadrons to fight a wave of charges, and then Shi Shiran appeared, to solve the head of the leader.

Let the 100,000 sinister soldiers and the cold secluded are not idle, but also demonstrate their strength.

After this war, he instantly established a tall image in the hearts of the 100,000 Yin soldiers.

of course.

The 100,000 Yin soldiers sacrificed 20,000 for this purpose, but after the death of the Lord, Shen Shen also compiled nearly 100,000 Yin soldiers.

In this way, they are strong overall, with 180,000 sinister soldiers.

They didn't take a break, but flew directly to the next giant cockroach. Anyway, they didn't die, they didn't care.



On this day, the sinisters finally realized the spirit of the gods. Under their leadership, they did not fail, all the way forward, tyrannical and invincible.

Even the cold and quiet are shocked by the gods.

Within a day, even five giant cockroaches, this is even more terrible than the master, and it also took a look at the cold-blooded side of the gods, he did not accept surrender, and even less with those swearing nonsense When you come up, you will be slaughtered.

This makes the cold heart beat wildly. Fortunately, it was facing Lingfeng, not the master. Otherwise, it is a luxury.

The next day.

Shen Lie took more than 300,000 sinister soldiers and prepared to break through the last giant scorpion.


What he didn't think of was that the lord ran over and walked away, personally beheaded the gods, expressed loyalty, and offered a giant embarrassment.

This is still not to be seen by God, and it has also heard the sigh of God.

It seems like how sad it is to surrender.

This is the end.

The six giant cockroaches fell into the hands of the gods, and more than half a million sinister soldiers were listed in the ranks, forming a powerful power, led by the two celestial beings of cold and cool.

The elite of God will be extremely impressive.

He sat in front of Tianyin Mausoleum, waiting for Lingfeng and Xiaolong to come over.


Although Xiaolong is not as fascinating as the gods, it is not slow, but it is slightly weaker in terms of suppression and can only slow down the momentum.


Xiaolong is the gentlest of them. It accepts surrender, but it is also cold-blooded. Once the surrender is found to be impure, it will be killed immediately.

It is not fast, but it is the most stable one.


That is only relatively speaking. It took only two days for Xiaolong to push five giant cymbals.

Lingfeng is different.

He is sometimes gentle, sometimes cold, sometimes crazy, and you never want to see such a person.


He is also the kind of supreme. It is different from the fierce attack of the gods. It is more different from the dragon's calm and forward. This is a kind of singer who has made the slaughter as an art, leisurely, and a gentle slaughter in the gentle and elegant. force.

This is a smile that makes people and animals harmless, but once they move, they are like tigers and wolves.

Five giant dragonflies.

Under the pressure of Ling Feng, it was so lightly annihilated, and even a blisters did not come out, and this horizontal push even made the hundreds of thousands of sinisters who followed him without feeling.

Without feeling, they will win.

Without feeling, they came here.

Not even feeling, they are sitting on five giant dragonflies.

There are five giant plaques facing south, five giant plaques facing the east, and six giant plaques facing the north.

Plus the three giant cockroaches that they had previously hit.

Now, Ling Feng has already occupied 19 giant cymbals, and its "territory" is called vast, but it is still scattered, and no creature can manage it.

Will Lingfeng’s ingenuity not see the problem?

However, what he wants is that Huang Quan is more scattered, not to teach Huang Quan how to manage a dynasty.

The next day.

They met at Tianyin Mausoleum.

"Are you too tempered?" Shen Li said with a sigh of relief.

"You are too fast!"

Ling Feng smiled and looked at the front and said. "Is that one still not there?"


Shen Mou nodded and said: "After self-appearance, Tianyin Mausole entered a state of intense preparations. I think the one inside should be quite unwilling."

"After all, here is the place to the west, one of the twelve tombs, far from being a giant 冢."

The statue is like a **** city, and the tomb is like a small dynasty.

It is not a level in terms of level and scale.

and. There are many scorpion-level creatures and sacred creatures in Tianyin Mausoleum. It is a **** and a heavenly creature. Although it is not necessarily strong, it is quite rare in this extremely western region.

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