Supreme Demon

Chapter 2833: The massacre is addictive!

Clean and neat! The owner of Tianyin Mausoleum is a soil duck in front of Ling Feng. Even if he stepped into the heavenly level, he still has no chance of winning the upper Lingfeng. He was patted cleanly and lying on the ground.

"A dead duck in the district is dare to make trouble?

act recklessly! ”

Shen Lie rolled his eyes and despised the duck. This is because Ling Feng didn't want to expose his true strength. Otherwise, it was just a breath that was enough for this duck.

"The massacre!"

Ling Feng waved, as the same handle knife smashed down.


At this time, don't say other creatures, that is, cold and a few days will be horrified by Ling Feng, the Tang Huangchun Tiandao creature, was actually killed by one hand.

What strength is this?

At least the king level?

Cold secludedly felt that it was a wise move to invest in the embrace of Ling Feng. I really want to be on the wind, I am afraid that it is even worse than this one.

next moment.

It rushed into the Tianyin Mausoleum with a million yin soldiers. Although the creatures of Tianyin Mausoleum were more elite, the moment when the Yinling Lord lay down, many creatures did not have fighting spirit.

Under the powerful power of Ling Feng, there is no power at all to suppress their footsteps.

Really killing the city! Of course, it is not enough to look at the cold and a few days. It is mainly the merits of the gods and the dragons. The strength they display is also the desperation of the Tianyin Mausoleum.

It was cold and a few days, and they were all horrified by the terrible power of the gods and dragons.

That is simply a humanoid sickle, and the entire heavenly mausoleum is their wheat field.

The one brushed down and the blood of Huangquan flowed into the river. No creature could withstand a sharp knife, and no Huangquan creature could hold the big pliers of Xiaolong.

A lobster must go against the sky! This is the intuitive feeling of these creatures.

The entire massacre lasted only five hours, and when they were cold and tired, they all filled their faces with joy.

Things that I couldn’t imagine in the past happened to them.

They have done it! Slaughtered a whole mausoleum! To know.

Previously, the 12th Tomb of the West was an inviolable sacred place. The cold and quiet and other heavens were also fascinated. Unfortunately, they could not stand the jurisdiction and bondage, and thus they occupied the mountain as the king.


Now they are the masters of this mausoleum.

"Check resources!"

Ling Feng is not looking at the Tianyin Mausoleum. Such a mausoleum has no resources worthy of his attention. If he finds an important fairy treasure, he would be very happy.


A few days of cold and quiet will be full of passion in this respect, because Lingfeng is not cheap, very generous, and will allocate resources to them.

Not to constrain them.

At just one hour, the important resources of Tianyiling are placed in front of Lingfeng, one does not fall.

They are very clear that any cover is looking for death. With the ability of the wind, it is easy to see them, and Ling Feng does not care about these resources.

In the understanding of several celestials such as Leng You, Ling Feng is more concerned about the high-level resources, this low-level resources have no effect on their characters.

"I will give meritorious people!"

Ling Feng was the forehead and was very satisfied with the attitude of several quiet angels.

"Cold and secluded, be a treasure!"

Ling Feng will be extremely willing to give a few treasures to the cold and quiet, so that these creatures can be upgraded as soon as possible, because they are of great use in the back.

He just used Huangquan resources to create Huangquan's fierce blade! "Thank you for my Lord's gift!"

A cold and sincere and respectful dagger, because the gems it gets are not imaginable before, and it is too important to be able to advance in a short time.


Ling Feng also rewarded several other bio-treasures and won the cheers and love of many Huangquan creatures.

In their eyes, Ling Feng is a generous king.

It is also a master of the world.

With such a monarch, they are more promising, but they do not know that in this battle of the massacre, they killed and injured nearly half, and only more than 600,000 creatures survived.

of course.

Huang Quan creatures don't care about this, they can see too little.

The resources of Tianyin Mausoleum are really quite a lot. It’s so much that the cold and quiet are exclaimed. Ling Feng rewarded him for half a day before he gave all the resources.

And this is only an important resource, and other resources are more numerous.

This means that not only a few top days will be resourced, but other creatures will also get resources. Every sinister has it, and there are still many, they seem to have built a Baoshan.

The real impact is only the beginning of the next day.

Due to the large number of resources, each of them was assigned resources. On that night, many sinisters used resources to explode their extremely potential and advanced in a short period of time.

Not one or two.

But more than 100,000! This number is really terrible.

The momentum of the promotion will illuminate the night sky of the entire Tianyiling Mausoleum. The momentum is like a tide, and the endless yin and dead air will cover up the entire sky.

The sun and the moon are dull.

The mountain river is eclipsed.

"Hey, this God has finally advanced!"

The cold screams a long shout, full of carnival, because it advances, and directly into the fourth-level god, two levels higher than the previous two-level god.

Unprecedented! Several other days will also be promoted.

In fact, what these creatures really lack is resources. They have been suppressed for a long time in the shackles. Now is the time to make great strides.

Moreover, the war has accelerated this process.

Cool! Super cool! This time, unlike the past, Ling Feng did not rush to attack the city, but calmed for a few days.

It is these days that the atmosphere of the entire Yinling Mountain is different. It used to be lifeless and now full of vitality. The eyes of every creature are different.

Hot, passionate, fierce! Because they get too much resources and make too much progress, they make people expect to get more resources.

Where does the resource come from?

Slaughter city! The general 冢 can have no such resources, only the other eleven tombs, as long as they are attacked, they can make major strides.

"When will my master kill the city?"

"Which is our next tomb?"

It was cold and quiet that began to pay attention. In the past, it felt that Ling Feng was talking empty. It was too difficult to kill the city, but now it is ambitious.

The massacre is just that.

"We can make a plan, step by step to kill the city!"


After the massacre ended, Huang Quan Bio could be more enthusiastic about the massacre than Ling Feng. The strong ones were solved by the characters Ling Feng and Shen Lie, while they were responsible for some lower creatures.

so easy.

The income is too rich.

It can be said that every creature has tasted the sweetness of the massacre.

"Take the 12th tomb, we have a dynasty!"

Cold and cool, said cool.


"I used to be a bird before."

People look forward to seeing, waiting for Lingfeng to order.

The order can be delayed, and the wind becomes very calm. In fact, several of them are strengthening the strength, making the yin and dead air more intense and preventing accidents in the massacre.


They are also spying on the reaction of Huang Quan’s superiors.


For the entire five days, Huang Quan’s superiors did not react.

"This is a bit interesting!"

Ling Feng smiled and didn't even have a warning. It was someone who deliberately ignored the news and indulged them.

He does not believe that Huang Quan’s characters have such good intentions.

These creatures may have additional abacus.

However, this situation is what Ling Feng is happy to see.

"Then it will be even more crazy!"

Ling Feng smiled very gloomy, revealing the fangs.

"The massacre!"

That night, Ling Feng took a million yin soldiers, of which hundreds of thousands of sinister soldiers belonged to the Tianyin Mausoleum. They saw the changes of the sinister soldiers who followed the Lingfeng, and also eager to kill the city.

Two days later, they reached the next tomb.

Slaughter! Just this word! The million yin soldiers did not disappoint Ling Feng and completed this great record in less than one day.

In the past, cold solitude was buddha, but now it is wolf.

Whether it is a person or a Huang Quan creature, as long as they give them some hope, they will be able to release different brilliance.

The second tomb! Now that Lingfeng has been sitting on two mausoleums, it has forced the entire land of the West to fight, and people realize that the wolf is coming.

of course.

It wasn't Ling Feng, but the Yin soldiers. When they got the resources in the tomb, they changed dramatically, and they were promoted one by one. Some of them were directly cross-level, and progress was unprecedented.

And cold quiet again advanced.

"The massacre!"

The sinisters are all red, and they get endless resources while enjoying bloodthirsty madness.

Cool and explosive! A few days will take the lead, and many Yin will be guarded. The Huangquan creature under the sway of Ling Feng is like a sharp edge, and it is strong and powerful.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng agreed.

Then the third tomb was slaughtered.

Cold and other Huangquan creatures have made great strides, and they are getting stronger and stronger. Everyone sniffs the taste of blood and is crazy.

This is because they are too easy to win, and they get too many resources.

The pay is not directly proportional to the gain, Huang Quan will inevitably be crazy.

“The massacre is addictive!”

Ling Feng has a little smile on his face, which is exactly what he wants, and he feels that his underarms are getting stronger and his appetite is getting bigger.

His territory is definitely not limited to this.

He wants to lay the whole yellow spring! This is Ling Feng's wild vision! He is a wise man, but unlike the creatures of Xiangu Wangu, they are not incompatible with Huangquan. They cannot coexist. Therefore, they want to slaughter after they come in, and they have not thought of step by step.

I don't even see Huang Quan creatures.

But the wind is different, he is rooted in grasshoppers, killing the king.

Is Huang Quan’s superior person very powerful?

As he became stronger step by step, the territory became bigger step by step, and the superiors bowed to him and waited until his wings were full.

Who can be sure that Huang Quan will not be the next "reverse god".

of course.

Huangquan creatures are bloodthirsty, they can't be like the gods, so Lingfeng has no plans to build them, everything depends on them.

Death is eternal!

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