Supreme Demon

Chapter 2837: Death driving

Sitting on a vast dynasty! This is the horror of Ling Feng’s completion in Huang Quan. I don’t know how many creatures are panicked by the style of Ling Feng. Who can imagine the desolate place that is not valued, and can actually produce such characters?

It took a whole dynasty to be slaughtered, and it was quite a shocking thing to put it in the world.

Strength, courage, perseverance.

And Huang Quan’s loyalty and fear of life and death.

If there is any problem in any of these steps, Ling Feng has no current record.

Ling Feng is a wise man. Although he has been fighting for two months, he is tempted by endless resources and conquered with powerful force. He has more powerful strength to defeat his opponent.

A field victory.

Massive resources.

There is also a sense of promotion.

It completely ignited the courage and perseverance of Huang Quan's creatures. Even if it is cold and quiet, these creatures are now honed out of the blood, becoming extremely bloodthirsty and full of war. Ling Feng has turned the sheep into a wolf with a strong hand.

They are eager to win! They are more eager for resources! In this situation, Ling Feng's elite soldiers are the edge of the bamboo.

of course.

Such a fierce battle is actually problematic. Everything that Ling Feng gives is based on victory. This means that as long as there is a fiasco, the dynasty that Ling Feng has worked hard to build up will collapse.

The Ling Dynasty time is too short.

There is no precipitation of massive time, not enough loyalty, and strong figures with distinct levels.

Ling Feng, Shen Lie, and Xiao Long are the shields of the Ling Dynasty. If this shield is smashed, the Ling Dynasty will collapse in an instant.

Victory! Ling Feng can only win! With this step, they can't stop.

The night sky is faint.

The coldness brought by the suffocating suffocation, slowly smashing through the body of Ling Feng, so that the thin body is even thinner.

"After entering Huangquan, it will kill you forever!"

Ling Feng looked at the distant sky and said faintly. "It is as deep as the sea. We just opened the corner of the West."

God is so boring.

Since they stepped into Huangquan, they have been learning about this magical land, but it has become more difficult because of the increased understanding.

The extreme west should be the most desolate area on the first floor of Huangquan. The dead yin is weak, and it is extremely difficult to produce a heavenly level creature, and Huang Quan asks, it is even harder than the starry sky.

In this extreme case, the birth of the heavenly creatures is extraordinary.

not to mention.

The reason for the ridiculousness here is that the yin is dead and thin. Once it reaches the region where the breath is prosperous, the creatures born are not these grades.

Although it is not difficult for them to kill a dynasty, at the moment they are only touching the tip of the iceberg of Huang Quan.

It’s so majestic! So powerful! Such a yellow spring, how to prevent Ling Feng from being full of pressure?

The strength of a person is small, even if it is a dragon, a god, they are still a drop in the ocean.

In the vast ocean of Huangquan, they are easily washed away.

"I don't know how they are."

Ling Feng looked fascinated, he took everyone into the Yellow Spring, I am afraid that the moment they know the truth, be crazy?

Thinking of Ye Xinran and Ling Qing’s angry face, Ling Feng grinned.

There is personal concern in the world, and that feeling is warm.

"You didn't think about it, what did they look like when they saw you again?"

God smiled coldly.

"" Ling Feng is very upset, I feel that the gods are destroying anger.

Good beauty, what does he say about this?


Think carefully, with the character of Ye Witch, Ling Qing and other women, I am afraid that the first thing to meet is to violently beat him.

“Hey durian?”

God laughs and measures the smile.. "But your skin is thick, it seems to be useless."

"" Ling Feng suddenly lost the interest in speaking.

"So, are you ready?"

Ling Feng laughed.

The injured are not only Ye Witch, Ling Qing and other women, but also Tian Qi.

God is eager to speak and stop.

"What do you want to say?"

Ling Feng asked curiously.

God stunned for a moment, until he got up and sighed in the sky. "I am still a place!"

Ling Feng wants to laugh and wants to laugh.

Yes, he still didn't laugh because he found that he and God were actually essentially the same.

Fortunately, the gods are from the ages, and this time is much longer.

Fifty steps to laugh a hundred steps, it is about Ling Feng.

The dynasty is easy to change.

This kind of change has sensationalized the land of Huangquan, and Huangquan creatures have been thundered by Lingfeng. Who can think that this character is so powerful to this extent, crazy to this extent?

Was it because the dynasty did not agree with the Ling Dynasty?

Was it because the dynasty did not participate in the dynasty of the Ling Dynasty?

What about them?

The land of the extreme west is boiling, and in a short period of time, it will not calm down. All the major dynasties are preparing for war, preventing the crazy Ling Wang from lifting the butcher knife toward them.


They actively communicated with the Ling Dynasty, sent out an identity letter, and expressed their wish to participate in the Ling Dynasty dynasty.

"There is only one time, so why bother."

Ling Feng laughed and refused, and said that he is a gentle person.

"Who wants to raise the butcher knife?"

Ling Feng sighed. "You don't care."

If it wasn’t for the cold, I would like to go to the Wu Dynasty, I’m afraid it will be believed.

Just let it not think that Ling Feng is more arrogant.

Ling Feng did not personally lead, just let the gods headed, led the millions of Huangquan creatures to the Wu Dynasty.

Is he not afraid of the entire collapse?

of course.

Really crazy is still behind, not only the gods led a million soldiers to attack the Wu Dynasty, Xiaolong also led thousands of soldiers to fly to the ancient smoked dynasty, and Ling Feng was the pro-rate of thousands of soldiers to the Feiquan Dynasty.

The soldiers are divided into three ways.

This is really too risky.

This is really crazy! This is simply something that non-talent people can do.

Ling Feng did it! As it turns out, Ling Feng has succeeded.

Not to mention the Feiquan dynasty attacked by Lingfeng, the attacking power of Shenlie and Xiaolong is really too brave. It is like a broken bamboo. It fights for war and gains the essence of Lingfeng. Within two months, it will complete the Kewu Dynasty and Ancient smoked dynasty.

Ling Feng did not need to say much, the Feiquan dynasty did not return, and was weakened by Ling Feng.

Feiquan Wang was captured on the spot.

Under the suppression of Lingfeng, Feiquan Wang bowed and became the next member of Lingfeng.

The gods and heroes captured the king of Wu, and the dragon captured the ancient smoked king, but the results were different.

The ancient smoked king wants to be a lot of violent, not to be suppressed and insulted by a lobster like a dragon, and finally blew himself to death, and Wu Wang surrendered.

This is the same.

Ling Feng has two more brave men.

of course.

If there is only such a little gain, it is too small and too windy.

They got a lot of resources from Huangquan.

They are sitting in three dynasties.

They have hundreds of millions of soldiers.

At this time, the Ling Dynasty had really stood up in the far west, and no dynasty dared to take a nap.

Because Ling Wang is a good and good man.

Who is not afraid of the dynasty?

The dynasties that had not participated in the Ling Dynasty dynasty and insulted the Ling dynasty were trembled, and the next moment they were attacked by Ling Wang.

What makes them more wrong and sad is that Ling Wang is a dead liar.

Say he is a gentle person?

Say good to make them feel at ease?


This time Ling Feng did not stop the pace of conquest, he took tens of millions of soldiers.

Tu Tu Dynasty! And it is three! On the other hand, the gods and the dragons are not weak, and they form a sickle shape with Ling Feng, and they are rapidly moving forward, which kicks off the prelude of their slaughter.

Half a year.

They are spent in the slaughter. Don't say that the soldiers are cold, and the kings of Wuwang are a bit too much to eat, but the massive resources and the heavenly power make them excited.

The record is great! Within six months, they laid down ten dynasties.

Created a thousand feats! Created a myth! The Ling Dynasty is destined to be engraved in the most dazzling history of history.

The whole land of the extreme west was beaten down. The wind blew thirteen dynasties, and the territorial soil was shocked. The first sacred creatures that followed him were not much left, but all of them were extraordinary. Take the cold and quiet, only one step away from the heavens.

"Congratulations to me, Wang Yitong is extremely western!"

The first one of the cold secluded to the front, such a grand event belongs to the ages.

"My king is mighty!"

Wu Wang said with respect and humility.

"Where is my king next?"

Feiquan Wang patted his chest, his eyes shining, followed by Ling Wang.

In the past six months, he has received resources and progress that he has never had in his life.

Because Ling Feng will occasionally give pointers to them later, although Ling Feng is not a Huang Quan creature, but in the martial arts is essentially the same.

"You have worked hard for half a year."

Ling Feng said with a smile. "First take a break, let's talk about it after you ask and advance."

Ling Feng did not say much.

With such a big movement in the West, will those creatures sit and watch?

Even if the West is not attractive to those creatures, should you always be attractive?

He wants to wait.


Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the slaughter of half a year was really not easy for them.

Now they do need some time to adjust and heal.

It is that Shen Lie and Xiao Long feel that they are hugely consumed, and it takes a time to consolidate, and the next thing to move is not the place of the West.

Just a few days later.

The news came from afar, and a **** of death came across the sky, holding a dark book, arrogant and arrogant.

It is a snakehead creature with scales on it and a stench in the body.

It flew into the scope of the Ling Dynasty, and because of the gloomy token on his body, no creature could dare to block it.

Death is a law enforcer in Huangquan, and it is a taboo.

"Is it finally here?"

Ling Feng looked at the front and slowly flew up.

"Which is Ling Wang, come out quickly!"

The snake head flies, with a giant sickle behind it.

The attitude is extremely cold and arrogant, and there is a strong and intuitive view of the blessings of heaven.

As if, in the next moment, it will be able to see the incomparable Ling Wang come out and worship it.


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