Supreme Demon

Chapter 2840: To be the owner of Huang Quan

Landing flying! The scene once reached the extreme! Previously, the king of the king threatened to confront the Ling Feng, and he was divided into life and death. But this was only a rush, and was it convinced by Ling Feng?

He flew down from the king city, but he was born in front of Ling Feng.

Its image collapsed in an instant.

The soldiers of the Ling Dynasty stunned, and they couldn’t react for a while. They didn’t know what it meant by the king. The soldiers of the dynasty dynasty were black and their hearts were all stunned.

Why is the king of the church so embarrassed?

Still shameless?

Shen Lie looked sneer, he already knew that this is the result. With the urinary nature of Ling Feng, it is a problem to prevent the king from squatting.

This person is quite vengeful.

Above the flames burning the celestial, there is more terrible space, it is the dusk of the gods.

Although Lingfeng’s power attribute has problems, unlike Huang Quan, in the confinement space, once the hidden power emerges, there is no living thing that can be suppressed.

It is said that this is the fourth-class Tianzun of the King of the King. Even if it is the same as the dragon, it is a bit embarrassing to burn the heavens. Does the ghost know that the gods have no effect on the supreme dusk?

What if there is?

For more than a year, Huang Quan’s power was infiltrated, and the confined space of Ling Feng had already been filled with suffocating yin, while Xian Li was hidden in the confined space, and it was dead and yin, although separated by Xianli, Even Huang Quantian's characters want to see through is not easy.

At that moment, Ling Feng used the gods at dusk.

He wants to smash the king! So, the king of the king is really embarrassed.

The image collapsed in an instant, and he was full of anger. He felt that he had just had a soft leg and imposed guilt on the few pink plaques last night.


When he wanted to stand up, he found himself carrying a heavy mountain, and the whole body was suppressed underneath.

It was not until this time that he discovered that the problem was wrong. The heavy giant power was not a real giant mountain, but a giant force.

Looking at the Ling Wang who smiled very well, but was staring at him, he felt terrified.

Has this person been strong enough?

What kind of stupid thing did the snakehead death do at the beginning?

He knew that the dynasty was over.

For such a horrible opponent, he can't do anything, can only lie in front of Ling Wang, what other characters?

Who can shake such an opponent?

"Yu Wang, although we have different positions, it is a big surprise for you to be so gifted when you are on the court."

Ling Feng said with a smile, but there is no such thing as a frightened look.

"The king" has a hard time saying that he wants to tell the truth, he is not voluntary.


At that time, the problem will be more serious. Do you have the courage to know the truth of the king?

Can the soldiers who know the truth be able to sell for him?

After learning the truth, is Ling Wang angry and mad?

He saw it, it was a kind of persecution.

Either bow down on your own or kill yourself.

"Hey, do you want to represent the dynasty to the king's arms?"

Ling Feng is still smiling, and there is a strong threat between words.

"The king" has a feeling of eating a dead fly.

He is about to be bullied and crying.

"Don't dare to humiliate my king?"

At this time, the characters under the king of the king saw that they were wrong. Although they did not know why the king refused to stand up, they were even more reluctant to sit down and watch the king stay on the ground.

That pair of dynasties, and even they are very detrimental.

next moment.

The two heavenly-level creatures flew down from the void, banned from the wind, and the wild powers smashed the way, to smash the wind.

"court death!"

When the gods and the dragons are angry, and Lingfeng wants to form such a situation, it must happen.

At the same time as the two celestial creatures flew out, they flew out of the lightning, and the space power suddenly burst, forming a frenzy and rushing to the two creatures.

boom! Boom! The two creatures came very quickly and disappeared faster.

For creatures such as Shangshen Lie and Xiaolong, they have no chance of winning. Only one face is collapsed, and the big mouth spurts blood, almost disappearing.

When they were lying on the ground, there was no movement.

The two top warriors of the King of the Kings are so fragile?

Don't say that the dynasty dynasty creatures were shocked. The creatures of the Ling dynasty were taken aback. They knew that the dragons and the gods were very powerful, but to what extent they had no intuitive understanding until this time.

This is the reason why Ling Feng dared to face the dynasty.

It’s too embarrassing for the two creatures! "Hey, is this not willing to throw in my arms?"

Ling Feng smiled, but his eyes were not on the king of the king, but on the body of a **** in the dynasty.

"The king" 殒王's face is pale, he wants to get rid of the suppression of Lingfeng, but he can't move, even if it uses the top space, it still does not help.


The strength of Ling Feng is not comparable to him, it is a sea of ​​unfathomable.

"It ran!"

Ling Feng said with a smile.

The king looked over Ling Feng's gaze and found that the snakeheads were screaming at them and fleeing the city.


The king of the king broke his mouth and really wanted to kill the **** of death.

Nowadays, he knows that he can choose not much, at least he feels that he still does not want to die.

"This king is sincere!"

The king lowered his proud head and his eyes were deep. He said, "Please don't give up Ling Wang!"


how could be? ”

Ling Feng said with a smile. "The king of the king can be missing the elite of the king!"


He stepped forward and helped the king of the king, and this was the repression of the scent of the king, but the king did not attack, but he was shuddering.

Only because of the close distance is more able to sense the terrorist power in the Lingfeng body like a dragon.

In front of him, he really is like a boat, and Ling Feng is the sea of ​​the sea.

"Wang Wang casts the heart, this king is naturally welcome, but" Ling Feng looked at Yu Wangcheng, where there are many creatures still holding up the butcher knife.

"I will immediately drop the weapon and vote with the king."

The king hurriedly shouted, with the strength of Ling Feng, and the terrible Tianwei of the two creatures, the district king city could not stop the Ling Dynasty.

Yu Wang is a simple character.

Once you cast your heart and let go of your dignity, there is no need to worry about it.


Some creatures in the King City are still not very willing, but they do not dare to disobey the king, and this is the trend of the times, there is no power to suppress the Ling Dynasty.

"Dare to swindle and kill immediately!"

Ling Feng eyes suddenly cold, and told Shen Shen and Xiao Long.

"Give it to us!"

God laughs and measures the smile: "No one can get away with the bottom of the eyelids!"


The two creatures led the elite of the Ling Dynasty into the king city, but all the creatures with swindlers were immediately destroyed by them. The blood flowed into the river for a time. Although the blood was not bright red, but gray, it was still cast. A sultry picture.

One day, the king of the dynasty changed hands.

This made the dynasty, Zongmen, etc., who were waiting for the results, stunned. The little dynasty that came from the land of the West actually captured the dynasty.

Is this a monster?

"Maybe the king is weak, and the dynasty is not a grand event."

Many monarchs laughed.

They still don't think that a small dynasty can get rid of the dynasty.


This is an undeniable fact.

The resources in the city of Yuwang were all moved out, and the wind was given to the active creatures. This made the king’s meat hurt, but there was no way.

After Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang got a lot of resources, they closed in the city of Yuwang.

Some creatures such as Leng You led the soldiers to take care of the dynasty. They were completely crazy. From the beginning of the small lord, it became the dynasty and the whole place of the West. This is simply against the sky.

They are very fortunate to have been sincere.

Ling Wang is an awkward figure.

They now have the resources, status, and pink enamel that dreams can't imagine.

Emperor's hegemony! Male blood! They all realized it again.

The Ling Dynasty calmed down, Ling Wang did not look for the next target, and became a bit dull, but the first layer of Huang Quan was not calm at all. Because of the fall of the dynasty, the first floor was all over the sky.

Huang Quan, who was a bit messy, became more chaotic after that.

"Ling Wang, I have been a little bit wrong recently."

Feiquan Wang reported to Ling Feng.

These days, the king of the king is not depressed, but he has no enthusiasm for honesty. He becomes extremely vigilant and will disappear from time to time.

Although Feiquan Wang always pays attention, he can still let the king escape from sight.

"He still doesn't give up!"

Ling Feng sneered and said: "You don't have to be too tight, let him know."

"What does Ling Wang mean?"

Feiquan Wang is puzzled. Ling Wangxin is not a king, but he does not have imprisonment, but let his freedom be free. This is somewhat confusing.

"The dynasty dynasty is a piece of fat. I don't know how many forces are staring. We are from the West, but it was just a small dynasty. How many forces will be in our eyes?"

Ling Feng said with a smile: "The king does not give up, the **** of death does not give up, and we are the fat in their eyes."

"Wang Wang is plotting us?"

The sound of Feiquan Wang has become colder, and now they are proud of their glory with Lingfeng.

"Let them plot to plot."

Ling Feng said with a smile. "Can Huangquan chaos, and finally we have the final say!"

"If they don't do it, I can't find any reason."

Ling Feng arrogantly said in the air, said wildly. "The dynasty is too small and too small, I want this layer to be quiet!"

Feiquan Wang’s eyes are deep and deep, and this moment finally understands the intent of Ling Feng.

What he wants is not the dynasty, but the first layer of Huangquan.

How much benefit does this have to touch?

How many battles does this have to be?


If they succeeded?

Then they are the first layer of the owner of Huang Quan, sitting in Huangquan, letting the endless forces bow down. In the past, Feiquan Wang would be scared to death, but now it will not.

It slowly withdrew from the room and the eyes shone.


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