Supreme Demon

Chapter 2842: Remains!

Xian ancient remains! When Ling Feng got the news, his eyes were bright, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In the past few years in Huangquan, they consumed too much, so that the two third-class Tianzun squatted and suppressed it. The power consumed was Massive, if there is an ancient tree in his body, Ling Feng really can't do this.


Even the ancient trees of the universe are consumed, and his medicinal herbs have been separated as much as possible. After all, the gods and dragons have no cosmic trees, and their fierce battles are more.

Today, their medicinal herbs are running low and there is an urgent need for other resources to fill them.

The only thing that can be filled is the ruins of Xiangu.

This is an increasingly difficult problem. If you can't find the ruins of Xianu, Ling Feng and so on are only afraid to hide first, because once they start, they will be exposed to Huang Quan's creatures, and then they will face the entire Huangquan cofferdam. .

With their understanding of Huang Quan, there is really no chance of winning the whole pair of Huangquan.

It is more advantageous to use Huang Quan’s power to deal with Huang Quan.


It is a pity that they have created such a vast dynasty.


They don't want to be exposed unless they have to.

What's more, they are more able to cover the death of God when they are playing here.

Nowadays, the remains of Xiangu have finally been found. As long as they get the resources inside, they can recover in a short time, and they have no scruples.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "You did a very good job, this king will give you a king city!"


The cold and secluded, I have to know that the place that can be called the king city is not a single one. It is a vast territory.

It can get a lot of resources in it, and it is even more able to use it to jump into the gantry.

How can it not be excited?


These creatures have long been seen, Ling Feng's intention is great, the dynasty is only a screw on its layout.

"Let the Ling Dynasty crouch down first, the king has something to do!"

Ling Feng was very simple to explain, and flew out of the Ling Dynasty with Shen Lie, Xiao Long, etc., and walked toward the ruins, and he let the cold quiet remain silent, not letting it tell the truth.

of course.

Ling Feng, they left in a low-key, did not let Yu Wang and Hai Wang know, but such a thing can not last long, to the wisdom of the king, the sea king, sooner or later can understand.

Shortly after Ling Feng and Shen Lie left, Kings and Sea Kings were discussing how to contact other forces.

Can they be willing to bow down?

Always have to do something.

Ling Feng didn't care. At this time, the relics were more important. Even if the king and the sea kings overturned the entire Ling Dynasty, it would be useless. As long as they got the resources in the relics, they could be taken back.

Thousands of miles.

Ling Feng has already flown out of the scope of the dynasty, and even flew out of the West, because the ruins are not here, or they have already been discovered.

A full month.

They are all spending speed, even if they are so powerful, they feel a little hard.

Eight days later.

They penetrated hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, flew over several great dynasties and Zongmen and other forces, and appeared in a desolate territory. The atmosphere of Huangquan here became weak, and there was a whirlwind of Qidi.

"Just ahead!"

Lingfeng eyes are bright, here is the land of cold and quiet.

The strength of the cold is not found here, it just got the news.

Because the earth is a taboo place in Huangquan, it is a deadly danger to Huangquan creatures, and the yellow springs here are thin, which will limit the yellow spring creatures. Therefore, the Huangquan creatures here are extremely rare, and after a while, the place is even more desolate. There are no yellow spring creatures.


Lingfeng's eyes became brighter, because they felt the sacred breath, just in front.

This is the unique atmosphere of the stars! This is their breath! "Low-key, once you encounter Huangquan creature, kill it immediately!"

Ling Feng became vigilant. It is a godland, no less than the original starry sky. Although it is not as good as the times, it is no less than before the prosperous times.

And this is only the edge of the gods. Once you step into the depths, you are afraid that it will be comparable to the flourishing world.


Shenlie and Xiaolong have become vigilant. They are coming to incite the gods, and such news is passed back to Huang Quanzhong. It is a shocking wave. As long as it is not an idiot, they can guess that they are from the stars.

call out! call out! They are like three lightning bolts that pierce the center of the earth.

The golden light and rain are falling, the stars are shining, and the sky is shining.

The big stars are carved on the scorpio, and the surrounding yellow springs are completely exhausted. Only the ancient atmosphere of the stars, the atmosphere here is different from the starry sky.

“From Xiangu?”

Ling Feng murmured, the atmosphere here is more solid, stronger than the world, not from Xiangu, it is from the ages.

This means that there was a tragic battle here, and the characters of Xiangu and Wangu were dying.


Ling Feng appeared in front of a tomb. There is a monument on it, which is engraved with a name. It is very old, because it is covered with sword marks. These sword marks are not left behind in the world.

Wan Gu Tian Guo Yi Ye Qing! The ancient world is in the dust! When Ling Feng saw the last words, his eyes instantly became red, because these two characters were the supreme of the ancient world, but did not expect to fall to the end.


There are still many characters in the upstairs, but they are all blurred. Ling Feng does not know much about Xiangu, and he does not know its origins.

"They have been here."

Ling Feng’s eyes are sad. He knows that the characters of the ancient heavens did not step into Huang Quan before the end of the day, that is, after the end.

Since they stepped in, they never returned.

"Yeah, they have been here!"

The sorrowful eyes and sorrows, the words and words that shed blood, represent the fighting state of the ancient world, and they are destined to fall.

Ling Feng flew down the monument and stepped forward.

God and the dragon follow.

thump! Ling Feng beheaded in front of the monument, his eyes were already wet. Although he had never seen the characters of the ancient heavens and the ancients, he respected such people because they paid their lives for the stars.

For the stars, they are not afraid of death.

Shenlie and Xiaolong can also beheaded.


At the moment of their beheading, the Scorpio suddenly changed, and a gray butcher knife fell from the void, and the vast Tianwei crushed everything.

"court death!"

Ling Feng eyes cold, without any hesitation, on the spot, they sacrificed the dusk of the gods and the fairy cold, and the world of light and rain broke through the sky.

The bangs are like the sea, and the gods are dusk at dusk.

When they dive up, when they play the power of the heavens, when the wind sighs at the moment of the scorpio, what kind of heavenly lord, what the butcher knife will be smouldering at this moment.

collapse! Although the handle knife is terrible, it comes from an extraordinary creature in Huangquan, but it has been wiped out by the years. There is no such thing as the supernatural power. Although there is still the power of the supreme level, it is also necessary for the gods at dusk.

A tremor! It was inserted in front of Ling Feng, and it was really embarrassing.

This is not limited to characters, creatures, but even weapons.

"Set a ban, kill me, you are damn!"

Lingfeng's eyes are blushing. Although it is a restricted area of ​​Huangquan, it does not mean that there is no creature in the world. Because of the prevention of starry people coming in, the creature has set this prohibition. Once there is star power, Or someone beheaded, and immediately sacrificed and slaughtered the stars.

Looking at the decaying cockroaches around the monument, can Ling Feng be angry?

The burning road, the blade of lightning, flew out, and the spurt slammed the stalk of the knives and let them fly away.

it's here.


He has no taboos! "The next one is you!"

Ling Feng looked at the distance, murderous, and Huang Quan would have to be beaten by him sooner or later, because he did not copy the characters of Xian Gu Wan Gu, but to take a different way.

Use the power of Huangquan to kill Huangquan! "Let's go in!"

Ling Feng moved forward, but they quickly found the problem.

The atmosphere is very strong, but the mountains and rivers remain unchanged. They have been swimming around the monument and it is difficult to get in.

"This monument has a problem!"

Ling Feng looked back and looked at the monument. This monument is disturbing their sense of consciousness and formed a ban. Although there is no Tianwei, it is like a fascination, so that you have no way.

This kind of monument is the most terrible.

I want to come to Huangquan Supreme, no?

Being able to restrain the monument does not mean that you can break through the ecstasy, because you can't find it.

"This is the masterpiece of the ancient fairy!"

God’s forehead, although they fell here, does not mean that Huang Quansheng can insult them.

"We are afraid that we can't get in!"

Xiaolong sighed, if Lingfeng stepped into the supreme realm, there is still hope, but now I am afraid that there is no chance.

"No hurry!"

Ling Feng did not think much. If the ancient characters did not set up a ban here, then it was really strange.


Huang Quan Supreme has no way to do things, that is not the strength can be solved, but this does not mean that the head can not be solved.

Ling Feng laid down Qimen and experimented around the monument.

Half awkward.

He stopped, his eyes were heavy and he was a little sigh.

"There is a test here!"

Ling Feng said with a deep sigh. "There is only a seal that is shocking to the world, or the inheritance of Xiangu. It is the thing that the great man of the ancient times will stay."

"What test?"

A sigh of anger, I can't help but ask.

"A very special test" Ling Feng then tempted until the final decision.

"Say it."

Both Shen Lie and Xiao Long are somewhat curious.

"Background, origin, strength, strength" Ling Feng said a lot, basically said, and the strength, potential, strength, etc. are emphasized.

"How to test?"

God is a little excited, which means that once passed the test, can you get the resources of Xiangu Wangu, or inheritance?

"Giving strength and blasting to the monument!"

Ling Feng looked ahead and his eyes sighed.


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