Supreme Demon

Chapter 2845: Please enter the 瓮

Ling Dynasty.

On the first floor of Huangquan, there is no force that does not know this dynasty. It comes from the west, and it is strong and unparalleled. It is gradually formed by this scale.

The dynasty bowed to the head.

The tragedy of the dynasty.

It was the sea dynasty that was dying in an instant.

The current territory of the Ling Dynasty is too broad. Let's not say the dynasty of the Sui Dynasty and the Feiquan Dynasty. The two dynasties, the dynasty and the dynasty, have made their territory astounding.

In simple terms.

Today's Ling Dynasty can rival a galaxy.

In this star river, most of the creatures are not level of the gods, there are not many heavenly creatures, and the heavenly creatures are still inside the ghosts, then the dynasty is really dangerous.

After Ling Feng left, Leng You, Fei Quan Wang, Wu Wang, etc. acted as the facade and dealt with some things.

Unfortunately, they are not in a good shape, far from the ability to control a super dynasty, and they have been burned in a short period of time, and creatures like them are not qualified to mobilize Kings and Sea Kings.

Kings and Neptune are happy because they are more conducive to their "activity."

At present, Ling Feng has left the Ling Dynasty for three months, even if the king and the sea king are idiots, this time also found the problem, that is, Ling Feng is not in the Ling Dynasty.

"good chance!"

The eyes of the king and the sea king are bright. They have been hiding the "activity" before, that is, they are worried about the discovery of Ling Feng.

You must know that Ling Feng is not a creature such as Leng You and Fei Quan Wang. It is a terrible figure, and he will sacrifice the knife.

Cold blood and ruthless.

In the face of Ling Feng, both the king and the sea king have passed.

Ling Feng's deep unfathomable has already lived in Haiwang and Yuwang, so that they could not easily dare to sacrifice the knife to the Ling Dynasty.


Ling Feng was not in the Ling Dynasty, and the situation changed immediately.

As long as they can get down the Ling Dynasty in a short time, when the wind returns, they can only cry.

Don't do it at this time, when will it be?

"Let the Yintianmen start, and then they will not be able to benefit them." Haiwang said excitedly.

"Although half a dynasty dynasty made me feel a little sad, but it is better than nothing." Wang Yin said with a sullen face.

The next day.

The Ling Dynasty was in trouble and it was a big trouble.

In the direction of the west, suddenly there was a soldier, who was born by the gods, and destroyed the power of the Ling Dynasty one by one, along the direction of Ling Feng who first laid the dynasty, and came to the king city.

Eight days of hard work, the dynasty and other dynasties will fall.

After a month of hard work, the forces that Ling Feng established in the extreme west collapsed.

When the power came to attack from the scope of the king city, the cold and the flying springs did their best. They did not have no strength, and they also mobilized the soldiers to suppress them. But the strength was too strong, and they only hit them with one contact. The ash flies out.


They also got the news, and it was the cloudy gate, which was a far more unfathomable force than the dynasty and the sea dynasty.

In the face of such forces, they are as fragile as a blank piece of paper.

"How to do?"

Feiquan Wang and Wu Wang are all numb claws. I don't know how to deal with such a situation.

"We have to wait until Ling Wang is back."

Cold and quiet is a bit of confidence, although it does not know the whereabouts of Ling Feng, but the heart is stubbornly convinced.

They are different from the kings and sea kings. They have no longer retired, and they can only die with Lingfeng.

"Then stick to it!"

Wu Wangsen said coldly, "I always think that this is the king of the king and the sea king. Without them, the cloudy gate will not be black to my dynasty."

"Unfortunately, Ling Wang is so kind, and he does not control the king and the sea king. This is a big mistake."

Feiquan Wang said with a headache and sadness.

Previously, they all persuaded Ling Feng, concealing the point that the king and the sea king are unreliable, but Ling Feng seems to be incomprehensible, letting the king and sea king, regardless of whether.

Today, the two bio-knifes, Huo Huo, have to slaughter the fertile pigs of the Ling Dynasty.

"Let the soldiers of the dynasty dynasty, first of all, suppress some time."

The three creatures made the decision together, and the tough command of the dynasty's elite soldiers, but they did not respond, their strength is still too weak, and the soldiers of the dynasty dynasty simply did not look at them.


There have been orders from the king of the king, let them stand still and wait for the cloudy gate to attack the city.

"We can't stop the soldiers without the dynasty."

Wu Wang frowned, the situation became tricky, they want to go out to ask the king, only this character can mobilize the king.

Unfortunately, it was rejected by the king.

The king of the king and the king of the sea are there, laughing and looking at the play.

"According to this speed, the cloudy sky wants to hit the Ling Dynasty, it will not take long." Wang Wang said with a smile.

"The idiot is playing too fast, and there is no heart to sort out the major dynasties. This is the situation that has emerged. The outside is strong, and we are rushing in. This is the time." Haiwang said.

"I want to know what expression the idiot came back when he came back."

Wang Wang’s smile.

The Ling dynasty that Ling Feng worked hard to fight down took a long time, and the result was pushed by people. When Ling Feng came back, it was necessary to face the encirclement of multiple forces.

There is no Ling Dynasty.

There are no endless sinister soldiers.

Is it only the strength of Ling Feng?

The cloudy gate is not weak. There are three people in the sky, and it is easy to deal with Lingfeng.

"The city head changes the king flag, we wait for him to come back!"

On this day, Haiwang moved to a chair and sat in the head of the city, watching the city suffocate, and looked at the mighty momentum in the distance.

The elite of the Ling Dynasty still lost.

Miserable and back.

They no longer have the power to defend, cold, Wu Wang, Feiquan Wang looked into the distance, only a deep sigh, they tried their best.

"It is them."

Their eyes fell on the head of the sea, the king of the sea, the king of the king, and a glimmer of light in the eyes.

These two creatures are simply waiting for the soldiers to fight in the cloudy sky.

of course.

Yu Wang and Hai Wang are famous for their defense.

Half a month later, the power of the cloudy gate approached, and the distant scrolls filled the sky, such as the same dragon slamming into the king city.

"You wait for the speed defense, I will hold the gate!"

"Don't worry, I will suppress the ban."

The king and the sea king cooperated quite well, but Feiquan Wang and others were speechless because they knew that the prohibition and the city gate had fallen, but who can stop these two creatures at this time?


When the soldiers in the cloudy gate appeared under the king of the king, the prohibition on the king's city suddenly collapsed, and the back gate was also bombarded with a big hole.

"Oh, the power is out of control, and the city gate has been smashed."

Yu Wang’s “stunned” said that “it’s really unbearable, but now is not the time to say this, let’s deal with the situation at hand.”


"I wanted to suppress the enemy, but who knows that it broke the ban."

Neptune’s face was “surprised” and said, “It’s okay, even if the ban is broken, we can suppress the opponent like the Ling Dynasty.”


Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang are indifferent and feel like being an idiot.

Do they have such an idiot?

However, it is useless to pursue the responsibility of the two creatures. When the gates and the prohibition are broken, there is nothing to say. They have not attacked. At this time, the attack is to find death.

They still don't want to die for the Ling Dynasty.


Just then, a sound suddenly blew in the void.

"Hey, the king of the king, the beauty of the sea king, this strategy came into effect, and the Yintianmen will be brought in, and the king will reward you."

The illusion of light, when Huang Quan creature raised his head, one can not help but shudder.

The difference is that the cold, the Feiquan Wang, the Wuwang are excited and trembling, while the king and the sea king are scared.

The nightmare character came back at this time.


Ling Feng, Shen Lie, and Xiao Long came back, floating in the air, staring ecstatically at the Jingmen Gate.

It doesn't feel like it's being attacked, it's like asking for it.


The creature headed by the Yintianmen is a humanoid creature, but the ears are huge and look a little different.

It stared straight at Neptune and Feiquan Wang, and his eyes were full of questions.

These two creatures secretly activities, find a cloudy gate, want to rejuvenate the country, and in order to express sincerity, they are willing to pay the territory and power of half a dynasty, and then become a vassal of the cloudy gate.

What does that mean now?

Please come in?

"Good job, no flaws can be found."

Ling Feng flew over and fell to the side of the king. He smiled and patted the shoulder of the king. He said, "Reassure, as long as they come over, then don't think about going back. You don't have to worry about the revenge of the cloudy gate and other forces. Everything has us."

"And after today, they will all fall."

"Hey King, Neptune, are you going to explain?" The other side asked coldly, this is really awkward, I am afraid that their end is a bit miserable.

To tell the truth, Yin Wang is not very convinced. It is not necessary for King and Sea King to do this.

However, such a situation cannot be thought of.


Poor King of the Kings and Sea King have already been suppressed by the winds of Ling Feng's monks. They can't move, they almost squat, where can they speak?

They can only stand side by side with Ling Feng, with a smile on their faces.

"Oh, an idiot."

Ling Feng said with a smile, "Hey, King of the Seas must worry, we will go together, kill the Yin King, and then attack the Yintian Gate."


His gas field transpiration, concealed, and led the king of the king, the sea king flew to the yin king.

As far as the picture is concerned, the king and the sea king are like attacking the yin king, the momentum becomes strong, and the smile on the face becomes smashed.

That is caused by the sea king and the king of the king who want to suppress the power of the wind.

"The sea king, the king of the king, you two things that are outside the food, really when I can't kill you in the cloudy sky?"

The Yin King is completely angry. It does not know the power of Ling Feng, and the instinct feels dangerous.

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