Supreme Demon

Chapter 2854: The fourth ban!

The earth is flying.

The momentum is turbulent.

The three characters of Lingfeng were drowned in the lightning. The endless momentum was pushed forward, and the five masters frowned, because the momentum inside was terrible, and even if they were far apart, they felt tremble.

"Too miserable!"

"Too cruel!"

The five lords laughed in the distance. Lingfeng, Shenlie, and Xiaolong were turning into three groups of gray airflows. The miserable voices inside were weakened. It was foreseeable that the three characters were becoming weak and they could not hold on.


The five lords did not leave immediately, but waited at the side. The power of Ling Feng was somewhat different. No one could guarantee that he would not survive.

If Ling Feng really withstood the pressure?

Then it is troublesome.


They are here, there is only one exit in the territory, and as long as they wait a few days, they will be able to leave with peace of mind until Lingfeng and others have no hope of living.

of course.

Looking at the tragedy of Ling Feng, they also have sighs in their hearts. If Ling Feng’s body can stay, it will be more perfect.

"You said, how long can they last?"

The bloodthirsty lord asked with a smile.

"I guess I can't hold on for two days!"

A sovereign said with a smile.

"Hey, they are already deep inside, I am afraid that they will not be able to support them in one day."

Another lord said with a sneer.

"The King of Ling is very, maybe he can stay longer!"

The third sect was very sincere and saw more.

"Indeed, but the land is the forbidden zone where the Supreme Creatures are going to die. They don't have the truth to survive!"

The bloodthirsty lord smiled and said, "We will wait for the first time. If the five days are not enough, then wait for ten days!"

"it is good!"

The four lords of the forehead agreed with the words of the bloodthirsty lords, and they wanted to kill Ling Feng and others alive.


On the fifth day, there was a light in the Ertu, and it quickly flew toward them. Although the flesh and blood were blurred, the miserable people could not bear to see it, but the five masters recognized the figure for the first time.

Ling Wang! "Oh, really not dead, want to wait until we leave?"

"Is whimsical, really when we are idiots?"

The five lords did not show their strength, but stared far away. As soon as the wind and the wind entered their attack range, they immediately killed.

They are more coveted by the windy body.


Ling Feng stopped at the edge of their attack range, looked around with vigilance, and then screamed.

"You are really poisonous!"

"Five days, I have not left yet!"


He turned away and rushed to the earth again.

"I am really vigilant, I am stunned!"

The five masters appeared, some headaches, Ling Feng was too vigilant, and his gods were able to find them.

"Hey, Ling Wang, you can't hold on for a long time, let's accept it."

"Come out immediately, although you will die, but your body will stay!"


Ling Feng angered, "Even if it is a smog, I will not let you insult my body!"

After a moment, he disappeared into the earth, and it was covered by the red light of the earth.

"It's quite a bit of a bone, it's useless!"

The bloodthirsty lord sneered and said, "He is very embarrassed and can persist for five days. I don't think it is enough for ten days. We will wait a few more days."

"it is good!"

The other four lords also feel dangerous, and this character of Ling Feng is really bad.


The real threat of the Ling Dynasty was the three characters of Ling Wang. Others were not careful. Even without them, other creatures were enough to drink a pot of Ling Dynasty.

A few days later.

The earth and the light and rain were scattered, and there was a big wave. The red gold rain was swaying in this direction, but unfortunately, the lightning returned.

"Not dead yet?"

The bloodthirsty lord is ashamed, and thinks that the character of Ling Wang is too evil.

Being able to persist for ten days is not something that ordinary creatures can do, even if they are very dangerous.

"He still wants to escape, it's ridiculous!"

"I want to wait here for you for a year!"

The bloodthirsty lord and Ling Feng dried up, even if they don't get the body of Ling Feng, they have to live here to kill the wind.

"The grass does not remove the roots, and the endless troubles, we can't let him go!"

It is this time.

The five lords have not felt that the gods and the dragons can survive, because only the wind is rushing out.

... the earth.

This is a magical forbidden soil, where the light rains like a shuttle, which is like a meteor, and it is dotted with a distinctive scorpio.

Those light rains are red, much like the original fourth star map.

Endless momentum comes from afar, carrying a terrible frenzy, turbulent in the red.

Step into the earth.

The yin and dead air in Ling Feng's body are dispelled, and the power of red light and rain is terrible. Even if Ling Feng wants to suppress it is not realistic.

not to mention.

Ling Feng has already learned that it belongs to the ruins of Xian ancient. Non-star people have to kill themselves when they set foot here. The starry sky is very terrible, but as long as it is a star creature, it will be unaffected and sheltered.


The starry sky Tianwei fell down, Lingfeng did not confront each other, but actively dispelled the yin and death of the body, letting himself become more and more pure, confined space, Xianli and other dazzling light rain.

Short time.

He couldn’t feel the starry sky, but he had the feeling of going home.

The injuries in his body are rapidly recovering, and the exhausted strength is being filled by endless temperament. Ling Feng is full of people and is full of momentum.


He did not let himself heal. In just a few days, he flew to the distance and rushed to the exit. He wanted to hold down the five sovereigns to prevent them from leaving and to attack the Ling Dynasty.

Now the situation of the Ling Dynasty is that Ling Feng has worked hard and he does not want to dissipate like this.


The five masters had different understandings and did not want to leave, but instead stared at the wind and prevented them from surviving.

Even so.

A few days later, Ling Feng staged the same plot, letting the five masters know that he is still alive and living very miserable.

The gods and the dragons flew to the center of Ertu, where there were extraordinary gods, earth-filled charms, and the foundations of Xianu.

If it is not in Huangquan, I am afraid that these two guys will retreat here.

Just because.

The charm and resources of this piece of earth are from Xiangu, which can be possessed by the non-world, and is too useful for them.

That's not just about recovering from injuries, but also asking them to ask for resources in a short time.

"The deity wants to ask here!"

The gods threw this sentence and rushed to the depths of the earth.

"I also want to ask respect!"

Xiaolong did not laugh, and like the gods, flew to the center of the earth.

The two demon statues are very depressed in this life-and-death confrontation. For the top five lords, they are slag, which is not what they want.

They want to go further! They have to ask to be honored! Ling Feng did not disturb the two demon statues. Gu Zifei went to the Ertu. At this time, he did not care about the five lords. Because there were two rushing gates, the five lords could not leave in a short time.

They have enough time to get the resources here.

Lingfeng flew forward, and the Taoist dynasty became cold. This is different from the sacred earth. There are too many bones buried in the mountains, and the mountains are everywhere.

There was a shocking life and death battle here, and a super power fell here.

Their will.

Their resources! Their power is integrated here.

Here, you can open up the world of the world of Huang Quan.

They are worthy of respect.

Because, for the sake of their dreams, for the sake of hope, they threw their heads and sprinkled blood, and created the myth of the stars.

Their unyielding soul will always sing here.

Ling Feng took this piece of earth with a cherished heart, breathing the ancient charm, and sensing the will of the immortal. He suddenly burst into tears. Does the world really have to follow the footsteps of Xiangu Wangu?

Ye Witch, Ling Qing, Han Ruyue... Are you going to fall into Huangquan?

"But I don't agree!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng’s will collapsed and glared at Tianzhu.

"You can't do it, then let me do it!"

"Xiangu, immortal, you are not afraid of life and death, the world is not afraid of life and death, only war!"

When Ling Feng said this sentence, he calmed down, without blood and tears, only a firm will and an invincible war.

He is in the direction of rebellion.

Anti-God is his direction! One day, the anti-God will conquer Huang Quan! Hey! Suddenly, the void trembled, and the red mist and rain slowly dispersed at this time, forming a strange mountain, extending upwards, like a ladder.

In fact, it is the ladder.

Every mountain is extremely vast. It is not like a mountain, but more like a star. When the smoke and rain are exhausted, it is a galaxy in front of the wind.

The quantity is like the sea, and you can't see the end.

It seems to be the endless place leading to the universe.

Moreover, there is a lot of starry rain inside, even if the eyesight of Lingfeng can't see the end, the gods can't touch it.


Just as the smoke and rain were exhausted, there was a trembling in the Lingfeng Soul Sea. The three prohibitions all pointed to the end of the Galaxy.

That feeling is basically the same as the two two bans that Ling Feng found.

"Forbidden Tianwei, affecting the soul."

Ling Feng immediately understood that the fourth prohibition is different from the first three, with a stronger spirituality, and even the soul, it actively affects the wind, deliberately creates a pessimistic picture, so that Ling Feng is deeply involved, only fighting spirit An affluent, unyielding soul is qualified to receive it.


It was just a test.

Ling Feng passed the test, and the red smoke and rain spread out, showing the fourth prohibition.

The fourth prohibition is the real secret of this piece of earth, and some core treasures and inheritance are in it.

"Looking for you, finally found you!"

Lingfeng's eyes are bright, and the prohibition in his soul is too important. It is an important treasure for restraining Huangquan creatures. There is no fifth prohibition in ancient and modern times, and the four prohibitions are the strongest.

As long as you get it, you can be afraid even if you are supreme.


Ling Feng felt that this piece of Ertu was very beneficial to him. Perhaps here, he would ask to be respectful and step into the realm of heaven.

"Five masters, this game has just begun, and the next will be more exciting!"

Lingxiao evil charm smiled, flew up to the Qishan, began to climb.


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