Supreme Demon

Chapter 2857: Ghost!

Before the earth.

Ling Feng, Shen Lie and other miserable times, one by one, the flesh and blood are vague, if they were the five lords personally forced into it, I am afraid that the five lords could not recognize it.

At least, the sound of Ling Feng, they are divided.


The three characters of Lingfeng who surprised them even persisted for two months. In the terrible light and rain of the earth, there was no soul flying, which was incredible.

of course.

At this time, it is not that they think about how the three characters such as Ling Feng survived. What really makes them happy is the return of people like Ling Feng. It is only because such a person died in the earth, it is really violent.

Three characters such as Ling Feng will be theirs.

Uh... The speed of the five sovereigns is like lightning. They quickly fly to the back of Lingfeng and the surrounding directions. They surround Lingfeng and Shenlie, and they are not allowed to break through and enter the territory.

Otherwise, they will be worthless after waiting for these two months.

"You are really poisonous!"

Ling Feng looked around and his face was covered with frost, as if he was surprised that the five lords had been waiting for the rabbit for two months.


The bloodthirsty lord said with a smile, "I want to wait for you for a year, and I think you can't hold on and ran out."

“Is this a self-investment?”

Another lord said with a smile.

"Ling Wang is now like us, how do we leave you a whole body?"

The bloodthirsty lord smiled and smiled.

"What if I don't want to?"

Ling Feng calmed down, and his face was overflowing with a light smile. "Are you going to divide us?"

"Oh, it's quite hard!"

A lord smiled and said, "Ling Wang is letting us look at it."

"Yeah, you should look at it!"

Ling Feng smiled, the difference is that the previous laughter is a low voice, but at this moment it is a crazy laugh.

The five lords are also laughing, laughing at the idiots, laughing at their last madness.

"You really shouldn't..." God suppressed his head and said in a whisper.


The bloodthirsty lord said with a smile, as if watching three grasshoppers dying and struggling "Don't you wait here for you?"

"Don't you be forced to die?"


The five lords think that the three characters, such as Ling Feng, are the grasshoppers after the fall, and it will not last long.

"Don't let us step into the land!"

At that moment, the gods raised their heads, and the **** color between the eyes dissipated. A vast expanse of Tianwei was erupting from his body, and the yin of the surrounding air was rushing into the sea and rushing into his body. .

"Today, no one wants to leave alive!"

This is the voice of Xiaolong. They have been stunned for too long, and their hearts are extremely depressed. They don’t want to suppress at the moment.

At this point, they have to be thorny.

At this point, they have to pierce the sky.

The second-class demon statue of Tianwei exudes, and the smoldering smoldering swells into the body, and it is blended into different colors with the speed of lightning.

"what's the situation?"

The laughter of the five lords came to an abrupt end, and they were dumbfounded. The two creatures that were not seen by them in the past actually changed dramatically at this moment. They took a step and the gods stepped into the third-class demon. And Xiaolong is stepping into the second-class demon.

If the deep Tianwei is flying away, they really can't believe it.

"I want this piece of yellow spring!"

Ling Feng looked at everything, looking to the sky, with a deep sigh, there was no sudden change in his body, but this voice, that is, this sigh, but let the audience tremble.

It is a sigh that overlooks the living beings.

That is a kind of arrogance.


The five lords know that they can't wait, and the wounds on Shenlie and Xiaolong are recovering from lightning, as if they have not been injured. This state is extremely wrong.

They are worried about long night dreams and quick decisions.


The gods and the dragons did not have blood, but the lightning flew away. At the same time, they attacked one direction and met a sovereign. As for the other four sovereigns, they did not care.

Because they knew that the four sovereigns belonged to Ling Feng.

Only that metamorphosis can force! The bloodthirsty lord and another lord are fighting for Ling Feng. The most worrying thing is the Ling Feng. As long as the Ling Feng is done, the Shen Lie and the Xiao Long are not a problem.


Among the three celestial creatures, only Lingfeng has not changed dramatically, and the injury has not healed. It should be the easiest one to deal with.

"Ling Wang, let's die!"

The bloodthirsty sergeant with a sneer, appeared in front of the Lingfeng, the **** space and the bloodthirsty space, and the Tianwei of the universe's flood level, the momentum and strength of Tianzunfang, really want to crush earth.

What's more, there is also a sovereign near the bloodthirsty lord, who also played the first-class Regal.

In such a power, it is not that Lingfeng can face it.


Faced with two first-class Tianzun creatures, Ling Feng just smiled.

next moment.

There was a hollow in his head, no color, no trace, but the fluctuations made every creature in the presence feel, as if a fairy was on the top of Ling Feng.

"Sin... oh..." Ling Feng’s whispering, like mourning, is like reminiscing.

In the void, the hollow suddenly flew down from the top of the Lingfeng, and in the process, the hollow changed color, and the inside was filled with glory, a thin shadow appeared, surrounded by cranes and flying, and the gods and beasts were guarded.

That is a fairy.


When the fairy scorpion touched the empty moment, but suddenly the blood was smashed, the whole person had to be hollow and swayed, and the blood of the fairy swayed, igniting the billions of miles.

thump! The bloodthirsty lord and another lord flew in front of Ling Feng on the spot, and the body trembled as if they were damn. They had never seen such terrible power.

Can't see through.

More guess.

But the power is crushed like this, killing thousands of miles, what yin, what is dead, what Xianli is a chicken and dog at this moment.

Only immortality is eternal! "Today's ghosts!"

Ling Fengsheng sounded bright, and the latter knife flew out of the hollow, and the two thorns carried the head of the bloodthirsty lord and another lord from his neck.

at the same time.

More sinister power broke out in the hollow, and the soul was full of power, forming a day of punishment, destroying the souls of the two sovereigns on the spot.

The whole scene was completely quieted by the appearance of space.

This is what the five lords did not think about, and it is even more difficult for God and the dragon to imagine.

This metamorphosis is more perverted.

Above Xianli, there is still power! But what power does that belong to?

I am afraid that only Ling Feng can answer it?

"You really shouldn't let us enter the earth!"

Ling Feng’s eyes were red, and it was the dojo of the immortal figures. It was the fallen place of the immortal figures. He was sad for those characters, and he had to avenge those characters.

"You all **** it!"

Ling Feng’s voice was hoarse, his hands were lifted hard, and the hollow on the top of his head suddenly flew out, carrying endless Tianwei, when the air fell.


Turbulent, the hollow formed a burst, the endless days were collapsed, the stars fell, and the road collapsed.

The other two masters have not figured out what happened, and they were involved in the violent storm. In the stormy waves, they were a leafy boat and they were overturned.


"What power is this?"

The two lords screamed with sorrow, and they never thought that they would end like this.

Waiting for the rabbit, two months.

Have you been observing such a tragedy?

In the past two months, what has changed in the Middle East?

Don't say that the five lords, that is, the gods and the dragons, all want to know, what did Lingfeng do in the land?

What has changed dramatically in his body?

What metamorphosis power is there in the hollow that was born?

They stumbled and did not attack.


The last lord also did not attack, it was scared straight, two battles, the eyeballs must protrude.

Only because of Ling Feng's performance is the power of the world.

The first-class Tianzun is only qualified to kneel in front of him, and the four lords of the bloodthirsty lord will be wiped out in a short time. What strength is this?

What kind of person is this?

Although it is not weak, it is really not enough to look at Ling Feng.

At this moment, it was born to retreat, only to escape can live.


It thinks that Ling Feng is too simple. In terms of speed, he is also crushed.

At the time when the lord had just stepped back, Ling Feng had already appeared behind it.

"I said that today, no one wants to escape!"

He looked at him with a double eye, looking at the lord as if he saw a ghost.

"Ling Wang, if I say that all this is a misunderstanding, I am instructed by them, do you believe?"

The lord breathed a lot, and under the strong pressure of Ling Feng, it felt like he was about to suffocate.

"Do you think I am an idiot?"

Ling Feng blinked coldly.

"..." "Death!"

Ling Feng with a sigh, whispered, "Only if you die, they can rest in peace!"


The hollow slammed into the air, and the inside of the world rushed out of the world, drowning the lord... everything was fixed.

The lord was full of heart and refused to disappear into the hollow. From the beginning to the end, the gods and the dragons were all onlookers and there was no chance to do so.

Not only were the five lords surprised, they were equally astonished.

The strength of Ling Feng shows that they are full of pressure. If they don’t know that Ling Feng is a first-class god, they must doubt that Ling Feng’s success is successful.

It can be said.

At this time, Ling Feng was really invincible, even if the original Burning Tianzun was not enough to see in front of him.

"Let's go, we still have things to solve."

Ling Feng looked at the earth, slightly forehead, and then flew into the distance.

Although the five lords are Fuxi, the five forces have not let go of the Ling Dynasty. In two months, I thought that the Ling Dynasty had already fallen into the hands of the five major forces.


Ling Feng believes that he can also play the Ling Dynasty in a short time.

of course.

The five major masters have been solved, and the only thing that has really hindered him is the place.


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